Victorian Research Class 2004 - Bibliographies (2025)


[ ]. “A new novelist [Hall Caine].” The Westminster Review 128(1887): 840-849.[ ]. “Biographical sketch of L.E.L. [Letitia E. Landon].” Bentley's Miscellany 23(1848): 532-534.[ ]. “Browning’s Men and Women.” Bentley's Miscellany 39(1856): 64-70.[ ]. “The Caxtons [by Bulwer Lytton, and Charlotte Bronte’s Shirley.” The Westminster Review 52(1850): 407-419.[ ]. “Charles and Mary Lamb: their editors and biographers.” The Westminster Review 102(1874): 419-439.[ ]. “Charles Reade’s It Is Never Too Late to Mend.” Bentley's Miscellany 40(1856): 292-296.[ ]. “Chaucer, his position, life and influence.” The Westminster Review 86(1866): 184-200.[ ]. “English character and manners as portrayed by Anthony Trollope.” The Westminster Review 123(1885): 53-100.[ ]. “Geoffrey, Chaucer.” The Westminster Review 96(1871): 381-398.[ ]. “George Eliot [as depicted by J.W. Cross].” The Westminster Review 124(1885): 161-208.[ ]. “George Eliot as a moral teacher.” The Westminster Review 117(1882): 65-81.[ ]. “Goethe and Mill: a contrast.” The Westminster Review 102(1874): 38-70.[ ]. “Harriet Martineau.” The Westminster Review 108(1877): 65-101.[ ]. “Lady [Sydney] Morgan.” The Westminster Review 79(1863): 471-502.[ ]. “Lord Ravensworth’s Latin Poems.” Bentley's Miscellany 57(1865): 522-525.[ ]. “Lord Tennyson.” The Westminster Review 138(1892): 589-596.[ ]. “Miss [Catherine] Sinclair’s Beatrice.” Bentley's Miscellany 32(1852): 567-568.[ ]. “Miss Costello’s Lay of the Stork.” Bentley's Miscellany 39(1856): 515-518.[ ]. “Modern Ballad writers [Aytoun, Tennyson, E.A. Freeman].” The Westminster Review 55(1851): 1-48.[ ]. “Modern novelists: Charles Dickens.” The Westminster Review 82(1864): 414-441.[ ]. “Modern novelists: Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton.” The Westminster Review 83(1865): 468-503.[ ]. “Mrs. [Frances] Trollope’s Uncle Walter.” Bentley's Miscellany 32(1852): 568-570.[ ]. “Mr. Stanley’s new book [In Darkest Africa].” The Westminster Review 134(1890): 117-127.[ ]. “Mr. Thornbury’s Every Man His Own Trumpet.” Bentley's Miscellany 44(1858): 531-534.[ ]. “Ouida’s novels.” The Westminster Review 105(1876): 360-386.[ ]. “P.J. Bailey’s Mystic and Other Poems.” Bentley's Miscellany 38(1855): 609-614.[ ]. “Recent poetry: Thornbury, Wilberforce, and Blanchard.” Bentley's Miscellany 43(1858): 530-534.[ ]. “Richardson’s Clarissa.” The Westminster Review 91(1869):48-75.[ ]. “Robert Southey and Charles Lamb.” Bentley's Miscellany 36(1854): 603-609.[ ]. “Rocks Ahead: or, the Warnings of Cassandra [by W.R. Greg].” The Westminster Review 103(1875): 65-84.[ ]. “Shakspeareana: Collier and Coleridge.” Bentley's Miscellany 41(1857): 90-95.[ ]. “Tennyson’s Idylls of the King.” The Westminster Review 72(1859): 503-526.[ ]. “Tennyson’s Maud.” Bentley's Miscellany 38(1855): 262-265.[ ]. “The Angel World [poem by P.J. Bailey].” The Westminster Review 54(1851): 335-352.[ ]. “The genius and character of Charles Lamb.” The Westminster Review 126(1886): 16-28.[ ]. “The poetry of Mrs. E.B. Browning.” The Westminster Review 118(1882): 373-392.[ ]. “The Sonnets of Shakespeare.” The Westminster Review 68(1857): 116-137.[ ]. “The writings of Mary Wollstonecraft.” The Westminster Review 133(1890): 10-23.[ ]. “Thomas Hood.” The Westminster Review 95(1871): 337-354.[ ]. “Thomas More [the Irish poet].” Bentley's Miscellany 31(1851): 423-437.[ ]. “Trelawny’s Recollections of Shelley and Byron.” The Westminster Review 69(1858): 350-369.This article is “mainly on Byron’s poetry.”[ ]. “ ‘Whatever is, is right,’ [a criticism of William Smith’s Gravenhurst].” The Westminster Review 83(1865): 195-217.[Adams]. “Life and works of John Keats.” The Westminster Review 50(1849): 349-371.[Adams]. “Poems of Alfred Tennyson.” The Westminster Review 51(1849): 265-290.[Adams]. “Poems of Ebenezer Elliott.” The Westminster Review 53(1850): 115-127.[Adams]. “Tennyson’s In Memoriam.” The Westminster Review 54(1850): 85-103.[Adams, Sarah Flower]. “Poems, by Elizabeth Barrett.” The Westminster Review 42(1844): 381-392.[Agar-Ellis, George J.W.]. “Horace Walpole and Strawberry Hill.” Bentley's Miscellany 11(1842): 552-564.Aitken, George A. “John Gay.” The Westminster Review 140(1893): 386-403.{Allingham, William}. “Gilchrist’s Life of William Blake.” The Westminster Review 81(1864): 101-118.[Amos, Sheldon]. “Mr. Tennyson’s new poems.” The Westminster Review 82(1864): 396-414.Arnold, Arthur. “Some questions suggested by Helbeck of Bannisdale [by Mrs. Humphrey Ward].” The Westminster Review 150(1898): 493-497.[Bell, Robert]. “A Chartist novel [Alton Locke by Charles Kingsley].” Bentley's Miscellany 28(1850): 560-561.[Bell, Robert]. “A gossip about Oliver Goldsmith.” Bentley's Miscellany 24(1848): 193-198.[Bell, Robert]. “Robert Southey.” Bentley's Miscellany 29(1851): 115-130.[Bell, Robert]. “The Fairfax manuscripts.” Bentley's Miscellany 24(1848): 498-504.[Blind, Mathilde]. “Shelley [Works ed. W.M. Rossetti].” The Westminster Review 94(1870): 75-97.Bradfield, Thomas. “Ethical tendency of Matthew Arnold’s poetry.” The Westminster Review 142(1894): 650-665.Bradfield, Thomas. “The ethical impulse of Mrs.. Browning’s poetry.” The Westminster Review 146(1896):174-184.Bradfield, Thomas. “The ethical problems raised in the works of Mr.Hall Caine.” The Westminster Review 150 (1898): 194-198.[Bright, Henry A.]. “Thomas De Quincey and his works.” The Westminster Review 61(1854):519-537.[Browne, J.H.B.]. “Charlotte Bronte.” The Westminster Review 109(1878): 34-56.[Browne, J.H.B.]. “George Eliot as a novelist.” The Westminster Review 110(1878): 105-135.Browne, J.H.B. “Theophrastus Such [by George Eliot].” The Westminster Review 185-196.Browne, J.H.B. “White Conquest [by W.H. Dixon].” The Westminster Review 105(1876): 42-61.{Busk, Mary Margaret}. “Literature of Childhood.” The Westminster Review 33(1839): 137-162.[Cabot, James Elliot]. “The Carlyle-Emerson correspondence.” The Westminster Review 119(1883): 451-493.[Call, W.M.W.]. “George Eliot: her life and writings.” The Westminster Review 116(1881): 154-198.[Call, W.M.W.]. “Shelley: his friends and critis.” The Westminster Review 119(1883): 1-54.[Call, W.M.W.]. “Thomas Carlyle: His life and writings.” The Westminster Review 115(1881): 457-493.[Call, W.M.W.]. “Unpublished letters written by Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Part I).” The Westminster Review 93(1870): 341-364.[Call, W.M.W.]. “Unpublished letters written by Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Part II, concl.).”The Westminster Review 94(1870): 1-24.[Challis, H.W.]. “All’s Well that ends well (not Shakspeare’s).” Bentley's Miscellany 3(1838): 72-77.[Chapman, John]. “Adam Bede [by George Eliot].” The Westminster Review 71(1859): 486-512.{Chapman, John}. “The Mill on the Floss [by George Eliot].” The Westminster Review 74(1860): 24-33.[Chorley, Henry F.]. “A contrast [Amymone by Eliza Lynn Linton and Vanity Fair by Thackeray].” Bentley's Miscellany 24(1848): 248-255.[Chorley, Henry F.]. “Maria Edgeworth.” Bentley's Miscellany 24(1848): 477-483.[Coleridge, Edith]. “The supernatural element in Shakespeare.” The Westminster Review 108(1877): 375-387.Columbine, W.B. “The poems of Thomas Hardy.” The Westminster Review 152(1899): 180-184.[Colvin, Sidney]. “The poetical writings of Mr. Dante Gabriel Rossetti.” The Westminster Review 95(1871): 55-92.[Conway. Moncure D.]. “William Godwin.” The Westminster Review 106(1876): 365-389. [Cowell, E.B.] “Makamat.” The Westminster Review 54(1851): 323-355.[Creasy, E.S.]. “Francis Jeffrey.” Bentley's Miscellany 32(1852): 127-131.Davies, Joseph J. “Tennyson’s Lincolnshire farmers: a retrospect.” The Westminster Review 136(1891): 132-137.Davies, Joseph J. “Tennyson’s turncoat [in “The Churchwarden and the Curate”].” The Westminster Review 142(1894):558-566.[Deacon, W.F.]. “Memoirs of Sheridan.” Bentley's Miscellany 1(1837): 419-427.[Donne, W.B.]. “Dryden and his times.” The Westminster Review 63(1855): 336-367.[Ellis, Havelock]. “Thomas Ashe’s poems.” The Westminster Review 125(1886): 416-429.[Ellis, Havelock]. “Thomas Hardy’s novels.” The Westminster Review 119(1883): 334-364.[Ellis, William and Mary Turner Ellis]. “Mary Barton [by Mrs. Gaskell].” The Westminster Review 51(1849): 48-63. [Eliot, George]. “Mackay’s Progress of the Intellect.” The Westminster Review 54(1851): 353-368.Fairburn, Evelina. “Laurence Oliphant.” The Westminster Review 137(1892): 498-512.[Floreat]. “John Leach and William Makepeace Thackeray.” Bentley's Miscellany 57(1865): 47-48.{Forster, John}. “The admirable Crichton [rev. of W.H. Ainsworth’s Crichton.” Bentley's Miscellany 1(137): 416-418.Franklyn, Cecil W. “William Shakespeare, gentleman.” The Westminster Review 132(1889): 348-361.[Froude, J.A.]. “Arnold’s poems.” The Westminster Review 61(1854):146-159.Gore, Catherine. [s. C.F. Gore]. “The authorship of “And Ye Shall Walk in Silk Attire.” Bentley's Miscellany 24(1848): 236.Grahame, James. “Sheridan.” The Westminster Review 147(1897): 515-523.[Greg, W.R.] “Sybil [by Disraeli].” The Westminster Review 44(1845): 141-152.Griswold, Rufus Wilmot. “Memoir of James Fenimore Cooper.” Bentley's Miscellany 21(1847): 533-540.Hannigan, D.F. “Lord Houghton [Monckton Milnes].” The Westminster Review 135(1891): 147-157.Hannigan, D.F. “Matthew Arnold’s Letters.” The Westminster Review 145(1896): 40-42.Hannigan, D.F. “Mr Thomas Hardy’s latest novel [Jude the Obscure].” The Westminster Review 145(1896):136-139.Hannigan, D.F. “Mr. William Watson’s poetry.” The Westminster Review 139(1893): 265-268.Hannigan, D.F. “The Literary Evolution of Man [by Charles Letourneau].” The Westminster Review 141(1894): 400-404.Hannigan, D.F. “The new poet laureate [Alfred Austin].” The Westminster Review 145(1896): 251-254.Hannigan, D.F. “Robert Burns: a note on the occasion of his anniversary.” The Westminster Review 142(1894): 319-322.Hannigan, D.H. “The Waverly novels—after sixty years.” The Westminster Review 144(1895): 17-21.Hannigan, D.F. “Thomas Lovell Beddoes: a forgotten Oxford poet.” The Westminster Review 149(1898): 484-492.Hannigan, D.F. “William Morris, poet and revolutionist.” The Westminster Review 147(1897): 117-119.Harper, Janet. “Dante Gabriel Rossetti, artist and poet.” The Westminster Review 146(1896): 312-321.Harper, Janet. “The renascence of Jane Austen.” The Westminster Review 153(1900): 442-446.[Hart, G.]. “Edmund Spenser.” The Westminster Review 87(1867): 133-150.{Hickson, W.E.}. “Coningsby [by D’Israeli].” The Westminster Review 42(1844): 80-105.[Hickson, W.E.]. “Dickens’s American Notes.” The Westminster Review 39(1843): 146-160.{Hickson, W.E.} “The Child of the Islands [by Mrs. Norton].” The Westminster Review 43(1845): 460-472.{Hickson, W.E.}. “The province of tragedy—Bulwer and Dickens.” The Westminster Review 47(1847): 1-11.Holmes, T. Rice. “Mr. Froude and his critics.” The Westminster Review 138(1892): 174-189.Hook, Theodore. “George Colman.” Bentley's Miscellany 1(1837): 7-16.Hopkins, J. Castell. “Mr. Goldwin Smith in literature and politics.” The Westminster Review 141(1894): 539-552.Hughes, M.C. “William Watson.” The Westminster Review 147(1897): 293-308.Husband, Mary Gilliland. “Trilby [by Du Maurier].” The Westminster Review 146(1896): 446-458Pgs. 446-454 develop an aesthetic philosophyHusband, Thomas F. “The Story of an African Farm [by Olive Schreiner]: a reflection [plea for Equal role of women].” The Westminster Review 141(1894): 631-642.Jacox, Francis. “About a little candle’s far-thrown beams: a cue from Shakspeare (No. XXXI).” Bentley's Miscellany 61(1867): 385-396.Jacox, Francis. “About Bardolph’s bond and Dumbleton’s demur: a cue …(No. XXIII).” Bentley's Miscellany 59(1866): 619-629.Jacox, Francis. “About certain eligible cases of mutual extermination: a cue … (No. XIV).” Bentley's Miscellany 57(1865): 484-491.Jacox, Francis. “About coming to believe one’s own lie: a cue … (No. XVIII).” Bentley's Miscellany 58(1865): 272-281.Jacox, Francis. “About finding one’s occupation gone: a cue … (No. XXXIV).”Bentley's Miscellany 62(1867): 378-389.Jacox, Francis. “About fortune coming single-handed: a cue … (No. XXXIII).” Bentley's Miscellany 62(1867): 290-301.Jacox, Francis. “About great griefs as a medicine to less: a cue … (No. XXVII).” Bentley's Miscellany 60(1866): 388-393.Jacox, Francis. “About having the law on one’s side: a cue … (No. XXX).” Bentley's Miscellany 61(1867): 290-299.Jacox, Francis. “About sage friends who ‘always told you so’: a cue … (No. XX).” Bentley's Miscellany 58(1865): 535-542.Jacox, Francis. “About sleeping partnership in crime: a cue … (No. XXII).” Bentley's Miscellany 59(1866): 287-295.Jacox, Francis. “About taking the tide at the flood: a cue … (No. XXVIII).” Bentley's Miscellany 60(1866): 502-513.Jacox, Francis. “About the sea-coast of Bohemia: a vexed question in Shakspearean geography.” Bentley's Miscellany 61(1867): 205-212.Jacox, Francis. “About the white hairs that come of care of terror: a cue … (No XXXII).”Bentley's Miscellany 61(1867): 472-482.Jacox, Francis. “About things being to us as we think them: a cue … (No. XXV).” Bentley's Miscellany 60(1866): 172-180.Jacox, Francis. “All the world’s a stage: a cue … (No. IV).” Bentley's Miscellany 55(1864): 512-520.Jacox, Francis. “Ben Jonson’s Morose [in The Silent Woman]: typically considered.” Bentley's Miscellany 56(1864): 16-24.Jacox, Francis. [Monkshood]. “Edmund Waller.” Bentley's Miscellany 37(1855): 35-47.Jacox, Francis. “Handy-dandy, justice and thief: a cue … (No. III).” Bentley's Miscellany 55(1864): 281-392.Jacox, Francis. [Monkshood]. “Harold Skimpole: typically considered.” Bentley's Miscellany 54(1863): 48-56.Jacox, Francis. “Iago cloven-footed?—a cue … (No. XV).” Bentley's Miscellany 57(1865): 38-46.Jacox, Francis. “James Boswell’s Letters.” Bentley's Miscellany 41(1857): 204-209.Jacox. Francis. “Lear’s fivefold never: a cue … (No. II).” Bentley's Miscellany 55(1864): 193-201.Jacox, Francis. “Little Talbot the Great: a cue … (No. XXVI).” Bentley's Miscellany 60(1866): 287-296.Jacox, Francis. “Mr. Gradgrind: typically considered.” Bentley's Miscellany 60(1866): 613-621.Jacox, Francis. [Monkshood]. “Mr. Micawber: typically considered.” Bentley's Miscellany 55(1864): 286-291.Jacox, Francis. [Monkshood]. “Oliver in Arden: typically considered.” Bentley's Miscellany 54(1863): 638-644.Jacox, Francis. “Our little life, dream-fraught, sleep-rounded: a cue … (No. VIII).” Bentley's Miscellany 56(1864): 429-440.Jacox, Francis. “Parson Adams: typically considered.” Bentley's Miscellany 59(1866): 369-376.Jacox, Francis. “Philosopher with the toothache: a cue … (no. XI).” Bentley's Miscellany 57(1865): 71-80.Jacox, Francis. “Polonius on polemics: a cue … (No. XIX).” Bentley's Miscellany 58(1865): 368-378.Jacox, Francis. “Postprandial placability: a cue … (No. XII).” Bentley's Miscellany 57(1865): 171-180.Jacox, Francis. “Sunshine out of season: a cue … (No. XIII).” Bentley's Miscellany 57(1865):412-422.Jacox, Francis. [Monkshood]. “The logic of Smith the weaver: a cue ...” Bentley's Miscellany 55(1864): 74-83.Jacox, Francis. “The unwelcome news-bringer: a cue … (No. X).” Bentley's Miscellany 56(1864): 637-646.Jacox, Francis. “Things doing, things done: a cue … (No. XVII).” Bentley's Miscellany 58(1865): 179-188.Jacox, Francis. [Monkshood]. “Thomas de Quincey.” Bentley's Miscellany 37(1855): 251-266.Jacox, Francis. “To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow: a cue … (No. VI).” Bentley's Miscellany 56(1864):139-147.Jacox, Francis. “Too strange for fiction, not too strange to be true: a cue … (No. XXIX).” Bentley's Miscellany 61(1867): 83-93.Jacox, Francis. “What’s in a name?—a cue … (No. V).” Bentley's Miscellany 55(1864): 609-625.[Jaff, A.H.]. “Lessing: his life and writings.” The Westminster Review 109(1878): 91-139.Jesse, Edward. “Characteristics of the poet Gray.” Bentley's Miscellany 23(1848): 133-135. [ Kaye, J.W.]. “Esmond [by Thackeray] andBasil [by Wilkie Collins].” Bentley's Miscellany 32(1852): 576-586.Kegan Paul, C. “Charles Kingsley.” The Westminster Review 107(1877): 383-393.[K.G.H.]. “The Queen as editor.” The Westminster Review 147(1897): 656-657.[Kenney, Charles Lamb]. “Memoir of Albert Smith.” Bentley's Miscellany 18(1845): 620-621.Law, Alice. “A forerunner of Keats [Henry K. White].” The Westminster Review 142(1894): 276-292.Law, Alice. “The poetry of Christina G. Rossetti.” The Westminster Review 143(1895): 444-453.Lee, Randolph. “The Shakespeare-Bacon controversy.” The Westminster Review 131(1889): 522-536. Leigh, G.A. “The rival poet in Shakespeare’s sonnets.” The Westminster Review 147(1897): 173-187.[Leigh, Percival]. “A disinterested review [of the author’s own The Comic English Grammar].” Bentley's Miscellany 8(1840): 611-617.[Lewes, G.H.]. “Historical romance: The Foster Brothers and Whitehall.” The Westminster Review 45(1846): 34-55.[Lewes, G.H.]. “Memoir of Sir E. Bulwer Lytton, Bart.” Bentley's Miscellany 24(1848): 1-10.[Lewes, George H.]. “Percy Bysshe Shelley.” The Westminster Review 35(1841):303-344.[Lewes, G.H.]. “Poems of Alexander Smith.” The Westminster Review 59(1853): 522-534.[Lewes, G.H.]. “Ruth [by Mrs Gaskell] and Villette [by Charlotte Bronte].” The Westminster Review 59(1853): 474-491.[Lewes, G.H.]. “The lady novelists [including reviews of Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre and Mrs. Gaskell’s Mary Barton].” The Westminster Review 58(1852):129-141.[Lewes, G.H.]. “Shakespeare and his editors.” The Westminster Review 43(1845): 40-77.[Lewes, G.H.]. “Shelley and the letters of poets.” The Westminster Review 57(1852): 502-511.[Lindley, Caroline]. “Robert Nicoll.” The Westminster Review 38(1842): 429-437.Lloyd, Francis. [s. A Warwickshire Man]. “Hoax of the Shakspeare birth-house—and relic trade at Stratford-on-Avon.” Bentley's Miscellany 23(1848): 279-288.Lockhart, Robert M. “Mr. [W.E.] Henley and Highland Mary.” The Westminster Review 149(1898): 332-336.MacCulloch, J.A. “R.L. Stevenson: characteristics.” The Westminster Review 149(1898): 631-647.[McCarthy, Justin]. “Novels with a purpose [largely on George Meredith].” The Westminster Review 82(1864): 24-49.{McCarthy, Justin}. “Romola [by George Eliot].” The Westminster Review 80(1863): 344-352.Mackay, Angus M. “A crop of Bronte myths.” The Westminster Review 144(1895): 424-437.Mackay, Angus M. “On the interpretation of Emily Bronte.” The Westminster Review 150(1898): 203-218.[Maginn, William]. “Literary portraits: William Hamilton Maxwell.” Bentley's Miscellany 7(1840): 331-332.[Maginn, William]. “Shakspeare papers (No. I): Sir John Falstaff.” Bentley's Miscellany 1(1837): 494-508.[Maginn, William]. “Shakspeare papers (No. II): Jaques.” Bentley's Miscellany 1(1837): 550-560.[Maginn, William]. “Shakspeare papers (No. III): Romeo.” Bentley's Miscellany 2(1837): 57-67.[Maginn, William]. “Shakspeare papers (No. IV): Midsummer Night’s Dream Bottom, the weaver.” Bentley's Miscellany 2(1837): 370-380.[Maginn, William]. “Shakspeare papers (No. V): his ladies-1. Lady Macbeth.” Bentley's Miscellany 1(1837): 550-567.[Maginn, William]. “Shakspeare papers (No. VI): Timon of Athens.” Bentley's Miscellany 3(1838): 225-241.[Maginn, William]. “Shakespeare papers (No. VII): Polonius.” Bentley's Miscellany 3(1838): 470-479.[Maginn, William]. “Shakspeare papers (No. VIII, concl.): Iago.” Bentley's Miscellany 5(1839): 43-50.Manson, Edward. “Elizabeth Inchbald.” The Westminster Review 148(1897): 336-347.[Martin, Theodore]. “Thackeray’s works.” The Westminster Review 59(1853): 363-388.Mercer, Elizabeth. “Carlyle and the “Blumine” of Sartor Resartus; what Blumine herself said on the subject.” The Westminster Review 142(1894): 164-165.[Mill, J.S.]. “Coleridge.” The Westminster Review 33(1840): 257-302.[Milnes, Richard Monckton]. “Tennyson’s Poems.” The Westminster Review 38(1842): 371-390. [Mitford, John]. “Horace Walpole and the literary world of the eighteenth century.” Bentley's Miscellany 29(1851): 567-584.Moran, E. Raleigh. “Contrasts in the life of a poet [Shakespeare].” Bentley's Miscellany 8(1840): 201-204.Newton-Robinson, Janetta. “A study of Mr. F. Marion Crawford.” The Westminster Review 379-393.Newton Robinson, Janetta. “A study of Mr. Thomas Hardy.” The Westminster Review 137(1892): 153-164.Newton-Robinson, Janetta. “Some aspects of the work of Mr. Robert Louis Stevenson.” The Westminster Review 139(1893): 601-609.[Nichol, John]. “Aurora Leigh [by Mrs. Browning].” The Westminster Review 68(1857): 399-415.Oakeshott, B.N. “Hamlet from a student’s notebook.” The Westminster Review 147(1897): 669-678.[O’Brien, Constance]. “Shakespeare’s young men.” The Westminster Review 106(1876): 452-466.Ollier, Charles. “A gossip with some old English poets.” Bentley's Miscellany 1(1837): 98-101.[Palgrave, F.T.]. “W.M. Thackeray as novelist and photographer.” The Westminster Review 74(1860): 500-523.[Pater, Walter]. “Coleridge’s writings.” The Westminster Review 85(1866): 106-132.[Pater, Walter]. “Poems by William Morris.” The Westminster Review 90(1868): 300-312.[Pattison, Mark]. “Mackay’s Tubingen School.” The Westminster Review 80(1863): 510-531.[Rae, W.F.]. “The critical theory and writings of H. Taine.” The Westminster Review 76(1861): 55-90.Rawlings, Henry. “The transfigured theology of Paradise Lost.” The Westminster Review 153(1900): 32-41.Revell, William F. “George Meredith’s nature poetry.” The Westminster Review 142(1894): 506-523.[Robertson, John]. “Poems, by William Thom.” The Westminster Review 40(1843): 312-334. [Robertson, John]. “Sir Lytton Bulwer.” The Westminster Review 39(1843): 33-69.[Sidgwick, Henry]. “The Poems and Prose Remains of Arthur Hugh Clough.” The Westminster Review 92(1869): 363-387.[Sillard, P.A. “Clarence Mangan and his poetry.” The Westminster Review 149(1898): 648-654.Sillard, P.A. “The novels of the Rev. William Barry, D.D..” The Westminster Review 152(1899): 172-179.Slater, Gertrude. “Mrs. Oliphant as a realist.” The Westminster Review 148(1897): 682-690.Spender, A. Edmund. “The centenary of Cowper.” The Westminster Review 153(1900): 532-545.Spender, A.E. “The tercentenary of Edmund Spenser.” The Westminster Review 151(1899): 85-92.Sterling, John]. “Carlyle’s Works.” The Westminster Review 33(1839): 1-68. Stevens, Austin M. “The warrior bard, ancient and modern.” The Westminster Review 153(1900): 257-260.[Symons, Arthur]. “George Meredith’s poetry.” The Westminster Review 128(1887): 693-697.[Symonds, J.A.]. “Mr.Swinburne’s poetry.” The Westminster Review 87(1867): 450-471.[Taylor, W.C.]. “Poets, places, and pensions: a gossip with William Howitt.” Bentley's Miscellany 21(1847): 106-112.Taylor, W.C. “The late Issac D’Israeli, Esq., and the genius of Judaism.” Bentley's Miscellany 23(1848): 219-225.[Taylor, W.C.]. “Thomas Ingoldsby [R.H. Barham].” Bentley's Miscellany 21(1847): 103-104.Taylor, W.C. “Sir Thomas Overbury and his murderers.” Bentley's Miscellany 20(1846): 627-633.Thirlmere, Rowland. “The poetry of Madame Negreponte.” The Westminster Review 140(1893): 62-71.Thomson, Clara. “A note on Fielding’s Amelia.” The Westminster Review 152(1899): 579-588.Tregear, Edward. “A flitting ghost [on Froude’s Oceana].” The Westminster Review 128(1887): 404-413.Waterer, Clarence. “The note-books of Samuel Taylor Coleridge.” The Westminster Review 145(1896): 526-538.Whitehead, Charles. “The literary career of William Ellery Channing.” Bentley's Miscellany 25(1849): 88-90.[Whitehurst, E.C.]. “Anthony Trollope.” The Westminster Review 121(1884):83-115.[Whitehurst, E.C.]. “Dr. Johnson: his biographers and critics.” The Westminster Review 11(1879): 1-39.Whitehurst, E.C. “Sir John Bowring.” The Westminster Review 108(1877): 387-426.Whitehurst, E.C. “The brothers Henry and Thomas Erskine.” The Westminster Review 119(1883): 120-155.[Whitehurst, E.C.]. “The Letters of Charles Dickens.” The Westminster Review 113(1880): 423-448.[Whitehurst, E.C.]. “The Queen’s latest book [More Leaves from the Journal of a Life in the Highlands].” The Westminster Review 121(1884): 420-429.Whiting, Marion Bradford. “George Eliot as a character artist.” The Westminster Review 138(1892): 406-415.[Wise, John R.]. “The Spanish Gipsy [by George Eliot].” The Westminster Review 90(1868): 183-192.[Wise, J.R.]. “Felix Holt—the Radical [by George Elior].” The Westminster Review 86(1866): 200-207. [Wise, J.R.]. “Shelley.” The Westminster Review 69(1858): 97-131.General Criticism[ ]. “Exhibition novels [novels worthy of having been exhibited in the Crystal Palace].” Bentley's Miscellany 30(1851): 329-333.[ ]. “Men’s women [i.e., women as depicted by men] in fiction.” The Westminster Review 149(1898): 571-577.[ ]. “Representation and misrepresentation.” The Westminster Review 121(1884): 392-420.[ ]. “The English Spelling reform.” The Westminster Review 51(1849): 63-92.[ ]. “The Gay Science [by E.S. Dallas]—the science of criticism.” Bentley's Miscellany 61(1867): 187-195.[ ]. “The literature of dreams.” Bentley's Miscellany 59(1866): 267-271.[ ]. “The profession of literature.” The Westminster Review 58(1852): 507-531. [ ]. “The progress of fiction as an art.” The Westminster Review 60(1853): 342-374.[ ]. “Wit and Humor.” The Westminster Review 80(1863):435-467.[A.C.]. “Crime in current literature.” The Westminster Review 147(1897):429-438.[Bain, Alexander]. “Wit and Humor [by Leigh Hunt].” The Westminster Review 48(1847): 24-59.Barham, C.N. “The relation of language to thought.” The Westminster Review 143(1895): 437-443.[Bell, Robert]. “A literary gossip with Miss Mitford.” Bentley's Miscellany 31(1852): 165-172.[Bell, Robert]. “Joanna Baillie.” Bentley's Miscellany 29(1851): 453-457.[Bell, Robert]. “Literary men of the lasy half century.” Bentley's Miscellany 29(1851): 343-354.[Billson, Cahrles James. “The English novel [its history].” The Westminster Review 138(1892): 602-620.Bowen, H.H. “Religion in novels: the existence of this characteristic in stories of New England Life.” The Westminster Review 151(1899): 558-564.Bradfield, Thomas. “A dominant note of some recent fiction.” The Westminster Review 142(1894): 536-545.Bradfield, Thomas. “Intimations of a new poetical dawn.” The Westminster Review 143(1895): 652-659.Bradfield, Thomas. “Suggestive features of our last sixty years’ literature.” The Westminster Review 148(1897): 435-438.Chambers, E.K. “Poetry and pessimism.” The Westminster Review 138(1892): 366-376.[Chapman, John]. “The commerce of literature.” The Westminster Review 57(1852): 511-554.[Cowell, E.B.]. “Spanish literature [by George Ticknor and G.H. Lewes].” The Westminster Review 54(1851): 281-323.{Cowper, J. Meadows}. “Early English literature.” The Westminster Review 96(1871): 156-183.{Cox, G.W.}. “The Science of Language [by F. Max Muller].” The Westminster Review 83(1865): 35-64.[Crow, Eyre E.]. “Society and letters in 1853.” Bentley's Miscellany 33(1853): 72-85.Dickens, Charles. “Stray chapters (No. 1): the pantomime of life.” Bentley's Miscellany 1(1837): 291-297.Dixon, W. Macneile. “Finality in literary judgment.” The Westminster Review 143(1895): 401-412.[Eliot, George]. “Worldliness and other worldliness:the poet Young.” The Westminster Review 67(1857): 1-42.[Eliot, George]. “Silly novels by lady novelists.” The Westminster Review 66(1856): 442-461.[Forrester, A.H.]. “Romancing [lying], by A. Fibb.” Bentley's Miscellany 19(1846): 597-602.[Forrester, C.R.]. “The philosophy of oratory.” Bentley's Miscellany 12(1842): 202-209.[Forrester, C.R.]. “The philosophy of punning.” Bentley's Miscellany 12(1842): 316-324.{Goadby, Edwin}. “Celebrated literary friendships.” The Westminster Review 78(1862): 140-170.Halliwell, J.O. “Old jest-books.” Bentley's Miscellany 20(1846): 594-598.Hannan, Thomas. “Religion and popular literature.” The Westminster Review 142(1894): 608-617.[Hannay, James]. “Literature and society.” The Westminster Review 67(1857): 504-525.[Hannay, James]. “The poetry of the Anti-Jacobin.” The Westminster Review 58(1852): 459-479.Hannigan, D.F. “Mr. Swinburn as a critic.” The Westminster Review 142(1894): 142-145.Hannigan, D.F. “Prospective transformation of the novel.” The Westminster Review 140(1893): 256-260.Hannigan, D.F. “Sex in fiction.” The Westminster Review 143(1895): 616-625.Hannigan, D.F. “The artificiality of English novels.” The Westminster Review 133(1890): 254-264.Hannigan, D.F. “The decline of romance.” The Westminster Review 141(1894): 33-36.Hannigan, D.F. “The latest development of English fiction.” The Westminster Review 138(1892): 655-659.Hannigan, D.F. “The twentieth-century novel: a critical dialogue.” The Westminster Review 153(1900): 528-531.Hannigan, D.F. “The tyranny of the modern novel.” The Westminster Review 143(1895): 303-306.Hannigan, D.F. “The Victorian era of literature and its critics.” The Westminster Review 145(1896): 519-525.[Hardy, Robert Burns]. “A chapter on some very celebrated authors [anonymous authorsof fables].” Bentley's Miscellany 3(1838): 414-416.Hopkins, T.M. “A protest against low works of fiction.” The Westminster Review 149(1898): 99-102.Hudson, John. “Dogs in poetry (No.I).” The Westminster Review 289-319.Hudson, John. “A few more words on dogs 9No. II, concl.).” The Westminster Review 150(1898): 309-322.Ingram, E.V. “Art literature.” The Westminster Review 142(1894): 392-402.[Jerdan, William]. “The legacies of intellect: a philosophical vagary.” Bentley's Miscellany 5(1839): 632-640.Jervis, Lionel. “Similitudes: their use by the early poets of the nineteenth century.” The Westminster Review 154(1900): 334-344.Johns, Richard. “The wit in spite of himself.” Bentley's Miscellany 2(1837): 521-526.Johnstone, H.T. “The development of criticism.” The Westminster Review 153(1900): 73-84.{Keightley, Thomas}. “Fairy mythology [review of Thomas Wright’s Literature].” The Westminster Review 45(1846): 454-462.[King, William]. “Literature of the Middle Ages [by Francois Villemain].” The Westminster Review 51(1849): 334-355.Lee, Randolph. “Literary societies and culture.” The Westminster Review 134(1890): 311-319.[Lewes, G.H.]. “Errors and abuses of English criticism.” The Westminster Review 38(1842): 466-486.[Lewes, G.H.] “Suicide in life and literature.” The Westminster Review 68(1857): 52-78.Lloyd, R.J. “Can the English tongue be preserved?” The Westminster Review 147(1897): 286-292.Manson, Edward. “The art of rhetoric.” The Westminster Review 148(1897): 630-644.[Martineau, Harriet]. “Literary Lionism.” The Westminster Review 32(1839): 261-281.[Milnes, Richard Monckton]. “Emerson.” The Westminster Review 33(1840): 345-372.Page, G.H. “Personality in art.” The Westminster Review 139(1893): 646-653{Payn, James}. “Parody.” The Westminster Review 62(1854): 95-115.[Pele-Mele]. “Imagination and fancy (Part I).” Bentley's Miscellany 40(1856): 180-184.[Pele-Mele]. “Imagination and fancy (Part II).” Bentley's Miscellany 40(1856): 297-301.[Pele-Mele]. “Imagination and fancy (Part III, concl.).” Bentley's Miscellany 40(1856): 499-502.[Rae, W.F.]. “Taine’s History of English Literature.” The Westminster Review 81(1864): 473-512.[Rae, W.F.] “Taine’s History of English Literature:Contemporary Writers.” The Westminster Review 83(1865):1-34.[Reynolds, J.H.]. “A critical gossip with Lady Mary Wortley Montagu.” Bentley's Miscellany 1(1837): 138-150.[Reynolds, S.H.]. “The critical character.” 80(1863): 468-482{Robertson, John}. “Irish Humour and Pathos.” The Westminster Review 32(1839): 405-425.[Robertson, John]. “Criticism on Women.” The Westminster Review 32(1839): 454-475.Rowbotham, J. F. “Modern troubadours.” The Westminster Review 144(1895):562-566.Sheehan, John, Edward S. Creasy and Robert G. Latham. “Tipperary Hall (No. I).” Bentley's Miscellany 19(1846):186-203.A “series of six papers in dialogue on art, literature and social questions.”Sheehan, John, Edward S. Creasy and Robert G. Latham. “Tipperary Hall (No. II).”Bentley's Miscellany 19(1846):297-315.Sheehan, John, Edward S. Creasy and Robert G. Latham. “Tipperary Hall (No. III).”Bentley's Miscellany 19(1846): 413-428.Sheehan, John, Edward S. Creasy and Robert G. Latham. “Tipperary Hall (No. IV).”Bentley's Miscellany 19(1846): 520-540.Sheehan, John, Edward S. Creasy and Robert G. Latham. “Tipperary Hall (No. V).”Bentley's Miscellany 19(1846):626-641.Sheehan, John, Edward S. Creasy and Robert G. Latham.“Tipperary Hall (No. VI, concl.).”Bentley's Miscellany 20(1846): 92-108.[Shore, Arabella]. “Modern English novels.” The Westminster Review 134(1890): 143-158.Sillard, Robert M. “Some curiosities of literature.” The Westminster Review 151(1899): 647-662.[Spencer, Herbert]. “The philosophy of style.” The Westminster Review 58(1852): 435-459.Sturdee, Robert J. “Wasted genius.” The Westminster Review 150(1898): 573-575.Thomson, Katharine. [s. A Middle-Aged Man]. “Literary retrospect of the departed great (No. 1).”Bentley's Miscellany 17(1845): 83-88.Thomson, Katharine. [s. A Middle-Aged Man]. “Memorials of the departed great [Letitia Elizabeth Landon] (No. II).” Bentley's Miscellany 17(1845): 182-191.Thomson, Katharine. [s. A Middle-Aged Man]. “Memorials of the departed great [Dr. Parr and Rev. John Bartlam] (No. III).” Bentley's Miscellany 17(1845): 289-304.Thomson, Katharine. [s. A Middle-Aged Man]. “Literary retrospect of the departed great [Thomas Lawrence, David Wilkie, Sir Francis Legatt Chantrey] (No. IV).” Bentley's Miscellany 17(1845): 361-377.Thomson, Katharine [s. A Middle-Aged Man]. “Literary retrospect (No. V): Allan Cunningham.” Bentley's Miscellany 17(1845): 557-564.Thomson, Katharine. [s. A Middle-Aged Man]. “A literary retrospect (No. VI): Thomas Campbell.” Bentley's Miscellany 18(1845): 17-28.Thomson, Katharine. [s. A Middle-Aged Man]. “A literary retrospect (No. VII): John Galt.” Bentley's Miscellany 18(1845): 285-292.Thomason, Katharine. [s. A Middle-Aged Man]. “Literary retrospect of the departed (No. IX, Concl.).” Bentley's Miscellany 20(1846): 351-358.[Wade, Joseph Augustine]. “Critiques on critics; or a word to the would-be such.” Bentley's Miscellany 3(1838): 396-400.Watson, E.H. Lacon. “The essay considered from an artistic point of view.” The Westminster Review 141(1894): 559-565.Watson, E.H. Lacon. “Pastorals.” The Westminster Review 142(1894): 440-445.Wheelwright, E.G. “A claim for the art of fiction.” The Westminster Review 146(1896): 205-212.[Whitehurst, E.C.]. “What and how to read.” The Westminster Review 126(1886): 99-118.Witt, Robert C. “The imaginative faculty.” The Westminster Review 154(1900):217-222.Journalism and Copyright[ ]. “An equitable international copyright law.” The Westminster Review 129(1888): 405-425.[ ]. “The copyright question.” The Westminster Review 116(1881): 392-403.[ ]. “The late Robert Blackwood, Esq.” Bentley's Miscellany 31(1852): 333.[ ]. “The London daily press.” The Westminster Review 64(1855): 492-521.[ ]. “The newspaper in France.” Bentley's Miscellany 40(1856): 457-469.[Bell, Robert]. “The history of newspapers.” Bentley's Miscellany 27(1850): 596-597.[Boissier, G.R.]. “The press of 1850.” Bentley's Miscellany 29(1851): 107-109.Bowran, Thomas. “John Morley.” The Westminster Review 154(1900): 117-132.[Chamier, Daniel]. “The ethics of copyright.” The Westminster Review 135(1891): 124-133.[E] “The philosophy of Punch, Vols. I-II.” The Westminster Review 38(1842): 265-318.[Forrester, A.H.] “Memoir of Alfred Crowquill.” Bentley's Miscellany 19(1846): 99-100.Gaspey, Thomas. [s. John Jones]. “Grub-street news.” Bentley's Miscellany 2(1837): 425-428.Jacox, Francis. [Monkshood]. “John Gibson Lockhart.” Bentley's Miscellany 37(1855): 27-31.Lockhart, Robert Murray. “A notable publisher [William Blackwood].” The Westminster Review 148(1897): 665-671.Shansfield, W.N. “Journalism as a profession: a rejoinder.” The Westminster Review 146(1896): 686-688.Responds to Wilson’s article from the Oct. issue (same volume and year).[Sinclair, Catherine]. “An universal newspaper to suit all tastes and opinions: The Whig and Tory composed by steam.” Bentley's Miscellany 15(1844): 590-595.[White, Z.L.]. “A decade of American journalism.” 128(1887):850-862.Wilson, Fred. “Journalism as a profession.” The Westminster Review 146(1896): 437-438.American Literature[ ]. “American literary celebrities.” Bentley's Miscellany 33(1853): 633-642.[ ]. “American Literature.” The Westminster Review 94(1870): 263-294.[ ]. “American novelists: Theodore Winthrop.” The Westminster Review 84(1865): 163-185.[ ]. “Memoir of Alfred B. Street.” Bentley's Miscellany 25(1849): 563-566.[ ]. “Ralph Waldo Emerson.” The Westminster Review 128(1887): 985-997.[ ]. “Washington Irving.” Bentley's Miscellany 19(1846): 622-623.Bradfield, Thomas. “Characteristics of America’s chief poets.” The Westminster Review 142(1894): 48-57.Braddfield. “The romances of Nathaniel Hawthorne.” The Westminster Review 142(1894): 203-214.Bradfield, Thomas. “William Cullen Bryant.” The Westminster Review 143(1895): 84-91.[Dowden, Edward]. “The poetry of democracy: Walt Whitman.” The Westminster Review 96(1871): 33-68.MacCulloch, J.A. “Walt Whitman: the poet of brotherhood.” The Westminster Review 152(1899): 548-564.Negreponte, Mary. “John Greenleaf Whittier.” The Westminster Review 139(1893): 7-11.[Roberston, John M.]. “Mr. Howells’ novels.” The Westminster Review 122(1884): 347-375.Smith, George. “On three contemporary poets [Longfellow, Bryant, Tennyson].” Bentley's Miscellany 64(1867): 61-69.[Wallen, G.M.]. “The works of Bret Harte.” The Westminster Review 125(1886): 71-83.Ancient and Continental Literature[ ]. “Alfred de Musset.” The Westminster Review 91(1869): 410-429.[ ]. “A national contrast [between contemporary French and English literature].” The Westminster Review 142(1894): 571-582.[ ]. “Autobiography og Alexandre Dumas [pere].” Bentley's Miscellany 32(1852): 471-478.[ ]. “Count Tolstoi’s life and works.” The Westminster Review 130(1888): 278-293.[ ]. “Eugene Sue: his life and works.” Bentley's Miscellany 44(1858): 54-66.[ ] “Gertrude Toussaint, the Dutch novelist.” The Westminster Review 40(1843):142-149.[ ]. “Gustave Aimard.” Bentley's Miscellany 49(1861): 100-104.[ ]. “Henrik Ibsen: his men and women.” The Westminster Review 131(1889): 626-649.[ ]. “Ireland’s position in literature [on Young Irelanders].” The Westminster Review 141(1894): 289-296.[ ]. “Les Mysteres du Peuple [Eugene Sue].” The Westminster Review 54(1850): 207-218.[ ]. “Naturalism [largely on Zola].” The Westminster Review 132(1889): 185-189.[ ]. “Poems and Ballads of Goethe.” Bentley's Miscellany 45(1859): 401-405.[ ]. “Racine.” The Westminster Review 121(1884): 42-63.[ ]. “The French press.” The Westminster Review 74(1860): 193-224.[ ]. “The Little Fadette [by George Sand].” The Westminster Review 52(1850): 566-579.[ ]. “The novel in Germany.” Bentley's Miscellany 46(1859): 399-406.[ ]. “The Troubadours [by Francis Hueffer].” The Westminster Review 110(1878): 397-417.[ ]. “Victor Hugo’s diary [Choses Vues]. The Westminster Review 128(1887): 674-683. Armstrong, Richard A. “Ibsen’s Brand.” The Westminster Review 135(1891): 409-428.[Bell, Robert]. “The genius of George Sand: the comdey of Francois le Champi.” Bentley's Miscellany 27(1850): 506-513.Burton, R.G. “An appreciation of Russian fictional literature.” The Westminster Review 144(1895): 539-544.[Clarke, Ellen Mary]. “Later novels of Berthold Auerbach.” The Westminster Review 110(1878): 348-373.[Costello, Louisa]. “Popular French authoresses of the seventeenth century (No. I).” Bentley's Miscellany 31(1852): 565-571.[Costello, Louisa]. “Popular French authoresses of the seventeenth century (No. II).” Bentley's Miscellany31(1852): 705-709.[Costello, Louisa]. “Popular French authoresses of the seventeenth century (No. III): Madame Dunoyer.” Bentley's Miscellany 32(1852): 273-280.[Cowell, E.B.]. “Indian epic poetry.” The Westminster Review 50(1848): 34-62.[Cowell, E.B.]. “Persian poetry.” The Westminster Review 47(1847):273-308.[Curwen, Henry]. “Andre Chenier: poet and political martyr.” The Westminster Review 98(1872): 124-165.[de Pontes, Margaret Davesies]. “Modern poets and poetry of Italy.” The Westminster Review 72(1859): 427-456.[Donne, W.B.]. “Athenian comedy.” The Westminster Review 65(1856): 188-205.[Edwards, Henry Sutherland]. “Balzac and his writings.” The Westminster Review 60(1853):199-214.[Eliot, George]. “German wit: Heinrich Heine.” The Westminster Review 65(1856): 1-33.[Ellis, Havelock]. “Diderot.” The Westminster Review 132(1889): 231-246.Fitzgerald, J. “Some aspects of the work of Pierre Loti. The Westminster Review 140(1893): 31-45.FitzGerald, J. “The novels of Ossip Schubin.” The Westminster Review 140(1893): 653-661.[Ford, Richard]. “Lockhart’s [translation of] Spanish Ballads.” The Westminster Review 33(1840): 302-324.[G.H.E.]. “Wallenstein [by Schiller, trans. by Coleridge].” The Westminster Review 53(1850): 349-365.Gleadell, W.H. “Zola and his work.” The Westminster Review 140(1893): 614-626.[Goldstrucker, Theodor]. “Hindu epic poetry: The Mahabharata.” The Westminster Review 89(1868): 380-420.Hannigan, D.F. “Gustave Flaubert.” The Westminster Review 144(1895): 383-392.Hogarth, George. “French literary ladies.” Bentley's Miscellany 3(1838): 17-29.[Hunt, Leigh]. “New translations of the Arabian Nights.” The Westminster Review 33(1839): 101-137.[Jeffrey, John]. “The dramatic poetry of Oehlenschlager.” The Westminster Review 77(1862): 31-60.Lang, Andrew. “The Chanson de Roland.” The Westminster Review 100(1873): 32-44.[Leeds, William Henry]. “Russian literary biography.” The Westminster Review 36(1841): 35-57.[Lester, J.D.]. “Gotthold Ephraim Lessing.” The Westminster Review 96(1871): 442-470.[Lewes, G.H.]. “George Sand’s new novel.” The Westminster Review 38(1842): 487-493.[Lewes, G.H.]. “Realism in art: recent German fiction.” The Westminster Review 70(1858): 488-518.[McCarthy, Justin]. “Les Miserables, by Victor Hugo.” The Westminster Review 79(1863): 77-114.[McCarthy, Justin]. “The literature of Bohemia [largely on Henri Murger].” The Westminster Review 79(1863): 32-56.{McCarthy, Justin}. “The Rival Races, by Eugene Sue.” The Westminster Review 80(1863): 35-44.{McCarthy, Justin}. “Victor Hugo.” The Westminster Review 80(1863): 483-510.[McCarthy, Justin]. “Voltaire’s romances and their moral.” The Westminster Review 75(1861): 363-380.Mackay, Charles. “On popular and national poetry (No. 1): France.” Bentley's Miscellany 3(1838): 251-259.Mackay, Charles. “On popular and national poetry (No. II, concl.): Switzerland.” Bentley's Miscellany 3(1838): 485-493.[Morfill, W.R.]. “Alexander Poushkin.” The Westminster Review 119(1883): 420-451.[Morfill, W.R.]. “Bulgarian literature.” The Westminster Review 110(1878): 374-396.[Morfill, W.R.]. “Polish literature.” The Westminster Review 111(1879): 359-386.[Morfill W.R.]. “Russian Literature.” The Westminster Review 108(1877): 446-465. [Morfill, W.R.]. “The latest Bohemian literature.” The Westminster Review 116(1881): 392-403.[Morfill, W.R.]. “The literature of the Servians and Croats.” The Westminster Review 109(1878): 303-327.[Morfill, W.R.]. “The peasant-poets of Russia.” The Westminster Review 114(1880): 63-93.{Mure, William}. “Homer’s Iliad [on translations]. The Westminster Review 43(1845): 331-372.[Noel, Robert R.]. “Spielhagen’s novels.” The Westminster Review 90(1868): 334-373.Patmore, P.G. “Early life of De Lamartine, Victor Hugo, and Jules Janin.” Bentley's Miscellany 25(1849): 596-602.Platt, Oscar. “Moliere the poet.” The Westminster Review 152(1899): 301-304.[Prescott, W.H.]. “History of Spanish literature [on George Ticknor’s Lectures].” Bentley's Miscellany 27(1850): 385-387.[Reynolds, S.H.]. “On translating Homer [mainly on Arnold’s Lectures].” The Westminster Review 77(1862): Robertson, John G. “The beginnings of the German novel.” The Westminster Review 142(1894): 183-195.[Ross, Thomasina]. “Biographical sketch of Cervantes.” Bentley's Miscellany 24(1848): 626-627.Simons, Leo. “Ibsen as an artist.” The Westminster Review 140(1893): 506-513.[Simpson, J.P.]. “The republican newspapers of Paris.” Bentley's Miscellany 24(1848): 147-154.[Sinnett, Jane]. “French literature and literary men since the February Revolution.” Bentley's Miscellany 24(1848):11-14.[Stigand, William]. “Victor Hugo and his writings.” The Westminster Review 63(1855): 424-449.Swinny, S.H. “Zola’s Paris.” The Westminster Review 150(1898): 47-50.[Taylor, W.C.] “Sketch of the life of Hans Christian Andersen.” Bentley's Miscellany 20(1846): 311-314.Taylor, W.C. “The bards of Brittany.” Bentley's Miscellany 22(1847): 193-200.[Thompson, T.P.]. “French writers on French policy.” The Westminster Review 59(1853): 451-473.Tiddeman, L.E. “Maurice de Guerin: an appreciation.” The Westminster Review 152(1899): 199-210.Todhunter, Maurice. “Ivan Turgenev.” The Westminster Review 146(1896): 141-149.Todhunter, Maurice. “Paul Bourget: novelist, poet, and critic.” The Westminster Review 144(1895): 597-604.Townshend, E.C. “Towards the appreciation of Emile Zola.” The Westminster Review 143(1895): 57-65.Wallace, Oswald. “La Bruyere: his life and works.” The Westminster Review 88(1867): 459-478.150-168.{Watts, Henry Edward}. “Don Quixote [by Cervantes].” The Westminster Review 89(1868): 299-327.Whitehead, Charles. “Schiller and his contemporaries.” Bentley's Miscellany 25(1849): 193-196.Whitehead, Charles. “Swedish novelists [Frederika Bremer and Emilie Carlen].” Bentley's Miscellany 30(1851): 212-214.[Wraxall, Lascelles]. “A romance of the old school [L’Homme de Neige by George Sand].” Bentley's Miscellany 46(1859): 573-579.[Wraxall, Lascelles]. “Dumas the younger.”Bentley's Miscellany 41(1857): 347-357.[Wraxall, Lascelles]. “Honore de Balzac.” Bentley's Miscellany 46(1859): 148-156.[Wraxall, Lascelles]. “Romance and reality [on Elle et Lui by George Sand].” Bentley's Miscellany 46(1859): 78-87.[Wraxall, Lascelles]. “Un Pere Prodigue [by A. Dumas, fils].” Bentley's Miscellany 47(1860): 29-35.Serialized novelsAinsworth, William Harrison. “Cardinal Pole; or, The days of Philip and Mary: an historical romance.” Bentley's Miscellany 52(1862): 551-576.Ainsworth, W. Harrison. “Guy Fawkes: an historical romance.” Bentley's Miscellany 7(1840): 1-10.Ainsworth, William Harrison. “Myddleton Pomfret.” Bentley's Miscellany 62(1867): 1-29.Ainsworth, William Harrison. “The Constable do Bourbon.” Bentley's Miscellany 58(1865): 441-482.Ainsworth, William Harrison. “The house of seven chimney’s: a tale of Madrid.” Bentley's Miscellany 56(1864). Novel published as The Spanish Match.Ainsworth, W. Harrison. “The spendthrift: a tale of the last century.” Bentley's Miscellany 37(1855): 7-26.Brooks, Shirley. “Aspen Court, and who lost and who won it: a story of our own time.” Bentley's Miscellany 33(1853): 3-20.Cockton, Henry. “Stanley Thorn.” Bentley's Miscellany 7(1840): 59-79.Cooper, James Fenimore. “Captain Spike; or, the islets of the gulf.” Bentley's Miscellany 20(1846): 429-446.Costello, Dudley. “Faint heart never won fair lady: a modern story.” Bentley's Miscellany 42(1858): 5-23.Costello, Dudley. “The millionaire of Mincing-Lane: a tale of the times.” Bentley's Miscellany 41(1857): 5-20.Dickinson, Mrs. Frances. “Adventures of a first season.” Bentley's Miscellany 32(1852): 609-618.Dickenson, William. “Vincent Eden; or, The Oxonian.” Bentley's Miscellany 5(1839): 313-326.Hooten, Charles. “Colin Clink, containing the contentions, dissensions, loves, hatreds, jealousies, hypocrisies, and vicissitudes, incident to his chequered life.” Bentley's Miscellany 5(1839): 427-446.Lover, Samuel. “Handy Andy.” Bentley's Miscellany 1(1837): 20-29.Maxwell, William Hamilton. “Brian O’Linn; or, Luck is everything.” Bentley's Miscellany 18(1845): 479-488.Smith, Albert. “The fortunes of the Scattergood family.” Bentley's Miscellany 15(1844): 1-16.Smith, Albert. “The Marchioness of Brinvilliers, the poisoner of the seventeenth century: a Romance of old Paris.” Bentley's Miscellany 17(1845): 1-20.Whitehead, Charles. “Richard Savage: a romance of real life, edited with occasional notes.” Bentley's Miscellany 10(1841): 20-32.Art and Architecture[ ]. “A group of French painters.” Bentley's Miscellany 56(1864): 646-652.[ ]. “Ary Scheffer [memoir].” The Westminster Review 74(1860): 84-94.[ ]. “Bearings of modern science on art.” The Westminster Review 96(1871): 398-405.[ ]. “Decorative art in England.” Bentley's Miscellany 39(1856): 406-407.[ ]. “Louis David [the French painter].” Bentley's Miscellany 59(1866): 321-330.[ ]. “Mrs Delany [her Autobiography].” The Westminster Review 77(1862): 374-399.[ ]. “New pictorial publications [The Picturesque Antiquities of Spain and others].” Bentley's Miscellany 19(1846): 204-210.[ ]. “Raphael’s portrait painted by himself; from the Italian of Giovan Battista Zappi.” Bentley's Miscellany 29(1851): 277.[ ]. “The Duke [of Wellington] and his portraits.” Bentley's Miscellany 19(1846): 101-104.[ ]. “The Royal Academy.” The Westminster Review 55(1851): 394-429.[ ]. “The Life of J.M.W.Turner.” The Westminster Review 77(1862):417-445.[ ]. “Women artists.” The Westminster Review 70(1858): 163-185.[*?] “Progress of art[and architecture.” The Westminster Review 41(1844): 73-109.{Adams, W.B.} “Architecture: adaptation of iron.” The Westminster Review 51(1849): 104-145.{Ainsworth, W.H.}. “Exhibition of fine arts in Paris for 1859.” Bentley's Miscellany 46(1859): 406-413.Ainsworth, W.H. “The Royal Academy exhibition for 1856.” Bentley's Miscellany 39(1856): 487-494.Ainsworth, W.H. “The Royal Academy exhibition.” Bentley's Miscellany 41(1857): 441-450.[Ainsworth, W.H.]. “The Royal Academy exhibition.” Bentley's Miscellany 43(1858): 441-448.[Bain, Alexander]. “Electrotype and daguerreotype.” The Westminster Review 34(1840): 434-460.[Barham, R.H.]. “The late Thomas Hill, Esq.” Bentley's Miscellany 9(1841): 86-90.[Bell, Robert]. “A glance at the Royal Academy.” Bentley's Miscellany 27(1850): 640-644.Bishop, Henry. “The art of Rembrandt.” The Westminster Review 154(1900): 73-85Boulton, Oscar. “Art and other matters.” The Westminster Review 152(1899): 305-323.[Browne, J.H.B.]. “Artistic copyright.” The Westminster Review 113(1880): 355-365.[Clarkson, Edward]. “Biblical illustrations from Egyptian anaglyphs.” The Westminster Review 37(1842):368-394.[Cole, Henry]. “Prespects of the fine arts: decoration of the Westminster Palace.” The Westminster Review 38(1842): 168-193.[Collins, W.Wilkie]. “The exhibition of the Royal Academy.” Bentley's Miscellany 29(1851): 617-627.[Collins, W.Wilkie]. “The picture-galleries of England (No. I): the Earl of Ellesmere’s collection.” Bentley's Miscellany 30(1851): 78-87.[Collins, W.Wilkie]. “The picture-galleries of England (No. II): Northumberland House and Syon House.” Bentley's Miscellany 30(1851): 163-173.[Collins, W.Wilkie]. “[The picture-galleries of England 9No. III, concl.):] The Dulwich Gallery.” Bentley's Miscellany 30(1851): 344-352.{Cook, Edward Dutton}. “English artists in Rome.” Bentley's Miscellany 21(1847): 319-324.Cunningham, Peter. [s. Abraham Vanderdoort]. “Pictures and painters.” Bentley's Miscellany 24(1848): 53-62.Dewey, Stoddard. “A new phase of art [on Arnold Bocklin].” The Westminster Review 138(1892): 258-269.Elwes, Katherine W. “The art of the brothers Van Eyck.” The Westminster Review 154(1900): 561-570.Feree, Barr. “Gothic architecture.” The Westminster Review 136(1891) 404-416.[Gibson, William S.]. “Art treasures at South Kensington.” Bentley's Miscellany 52(1862): 349-354.{Godwin, George}. “The art-unions.” The Westminster Review 41(1844): 515-521.[Hickson, W.E.]. “Parks and Pleasure Grounds.” The Westminster Review 35(1841): 418-456.[I.P.] “Fresco painting.” The Westminster Review 44(1845): 108-141.Johnson, Edwin. “Gothic and Saracen architecture.” The Westminster Review 136(1891): 643-649.Keene, H.G. “What is art?” The Westminster Review 151(1899): 443-446.Kelly, Edmond. “Mr. Whistler’s Ten o’Clock.” The Westminster Review 130(1888): 202-209.{Kohl, J.G.}. “Germans in America [on Anton in America by Reinhold Solger].” Bentley's Miscellany 53(1863): 244-247.{Leeds, William Henry}. “Architectural competition: the new Royal Exchange.” The Westminster Review 35(1841): 24-52.[Leeds, W.H.]. “Architecture of shop fronts.” The Westminster Review 36(1841): 436-455.[Leeds, W.H.]. “Architectural study and records.” The Westminster Review 46(1846): 60-118.[Leeds, W.H. and W.E. Hickson]. “Metropolitan improvements.” The Westminster Review 36(1841): 404-435. [Leeds, W.H.] “The basilica style of architecture.” The Westminster Review 41(1844): 109-118.[Linton, W.J.]. “Illustrative art.” The Westminster Review 51(1849): 92-104.[Martineau, Harriet]. “The Crystal Palace.” The Westminster Review 62(1854): 534-440.[Mazzini, Joseph]. “Modern Italian painters: Hayez, Migliara, Azoglio, &c.” The Westminster Review 35(1841): 363-390.Michelsen, E.H. “Tintoretto.” Bentley's Miscellany 54(1863): 493-502.[Pater, Walter]. “Winckelmann.” The Westminster Review 87(1867): 80-110.{Pattison, Emilia F.S.}. “Art and morality.” The Westminster Review 91(1869): 148-184.{Pattison, Emilia F.S.}. “The use of looking at pictures.” The Westminster Review 100(1873): 425-423.Pitman, Arthur J. “State-aided instruction in art.” The Westminster Review 141(1894): 533-538.[Rae, W.F.]. “H. Taine on art and Italy.” The Westminster Review 85(1866): 482-509.Rippingille, E.V. “The late B.R. Haydon, historical painter.” Bentley's Miscellany 10(1846): 212-216.[Rippingille, E.V.]. “Pre-Raphaelitism; of Obsoletism in art.” Bentley's Miscellany 31(1852): 598-609.[Rippingille, E.V.]. “Wanderings of a painter in Italy (No. I).” Bentley's Miscellany 10(1841): 595-608.[Rippingille, E.V.]. “Wanderings of a painter in Italy (No. II).” Bentley's Miscellany 11(1842): 1-16.[Rippingille, E.V.]. “Wanderings of a painter in Italy (No. III).” Bentley's Miscellany 11(1842): 406-420.[Rippingille, E.V.]. “Wanderings of a painter in Italy (No. IV).” Bentley's Miscellany 12(1842): 157-178.Smith, Mary Campbell. “Picturesque village homes.” The Westminster Review 141(1894): 243-248.Strong, Henry Melancthon. “Aubrey Beardsley.” The Westminster Review 154(1900): 86-94.Symonds, J.A. “Venetian painting.” The Westminster Review 99(1873): 389-403.{Tagart, Edward}. “Lord Jeffrey’s theory of beauty [Francis Jeffrey, Contributions to the Edinburgh Review].” The Westminster Review 53(1850): 1-38.[Thackeray, W.M.]. “Parisian caricatures.” The Westminster Review 32(1839): 282-305.[Theckeray, W.M.]. “George Cruikshank.” The Westminster Review 34(1840): 1-60.[Vizetelly, James T.]. “Wood engraving among female artists.” The Westminster Review 38(1842): 215-218.Waagen, G.F. “Artists and works of art in England.” Bentley's Miscellany 3(1838): 173-181.Wadw, Joseph Augustine. “Charles Dibdin, and national song.” Bentley's Miscellany 4(1838): 626-628.Wedmore, Frederick. “Antoine Watteau.” Bentley's Miscellany 57(1865): 304-307.Wedmore, Frederick. “The Royal Academy’s exhibition.” Bentley's Miscellany 60(1866): 28-32.Whitehead, Charles. “Caricature and caricaturists.” Bentley's Miscellany 24(1848): 419-426.Whitling, H.J. “The architect in search of the picturesque in Norway.” Bentley's Miscellany 27(1850): 457-464.Williams, Neil Wynn. “Some thoughts on landscape.” The Westminster Review 144(1895):409-416.Music[ ]. “A mis-spent life [of Wilhelmine Schroder, a dramatic singer].” Bentley's Miscellany 53(1863): 269-278.[ ]. “A musician’s [J.C. Lobe] note-book.” Bentley's Miscellany 46(1859): 423-429.[ ]. “Brinley Richards [Welsh composer].” Bentley's Miscellany 29(1851): 221-223.[ ]. “Contemporary music and musical literature.” The Westminster Review 87(1867): 384-400.[ ]. “Delle Sedie’s Art of Singing.” The Westminster Review 128(1887): 462-466.[ ]. “Johann-Sebastian Bach; adapted from the wroks of Forkel, Bitter and others (Part I).” Bentley's Miscellany 62(1867): 74-82.[ ]. “Johann-Sebastian Bach; adapted from the wroks of Forkel, Bitter and others (Part II).” Bentley's Miscellany 62(1867): 177-188.[ ]. “Johann-Sebastian Bach; adapted from the wroks of Forkel, Bitter and others (Part III).” Bentley's Miscellany 62(1867): 317-330.[ ]. “Music in the provinces.” The Westminster Review 152(1899): 211-213.[ ]. “Notes for gold [on musicians who followed the gold rush to California and Australia].” Bentley's Miscellany 45(1859): 392-400.[ ]. “Seven years of the opera.” Bentley's Miscellany 56(1864): 277-283.[ ]. “Teresa Bandettini, the improvisatrice.” Bentley's Miscellany 36(1854): 484-494.[ ]. “The Don Giovanni centenary {Mozart’s opera].” The Westminster Review 128(1887): 965-974.[ ]. “The laws of musical expression.” The Westminster Review 105(1876): 210-218.[Ainsworth, W.H.] “The opera and the bouffes Parisiends.” Bentley's Miscellany 41(1857): 600-603.[Bell, Robert]. “La Tempesta [by Eugene Scribe]: a glance at the opera.” Bentley's Miscellany 28(1850):94-97.Bradford, Jacob. “Musical criticism and critics.” The Westminster Review 142(1894): 530-536.[Chorley, H.F.]. “Gaetano Donizetti.” Bentley's Miscellany 23(1848): 537-541.[Chorley, H.F.]. “Madame Viardot [nee] Garcia: a glance at the Iralian opera.” Bentley's Miscellany 24(1848):35-40.[Chorley, H.F.]. “Musical traits and memorials: Frederic Chopin.” Bentley's Miscellany 27(1850): 185-191.[Chorley, H.F.]. “The Pianoforte.” The Westminster Review 32(1839): 305-356.[Dalton, John S.]. “Irish songs.” Bentley's Miscellany 14(1843): 307-314.Donovan, John. “Origin of music.” The Westminster Review 292-303.[Gibson, William S.]. “The story of Richard Savage, dramatist and poet.” Bentley's Miscellany 52(1862): 495-500.Pryce, Jennet. “Wagner and lagends of the Grail.” The Westminster Review 154(1900): 571-582.[Hickson, W.E.]. “Greek and modern notation of music.” The Westminster Review 50(1849): 462-490.[Hickson, W.E.]. “Music, and the Committee of Council for Education.” The Westminster Review 37(1842): 1-43.[Hickson, W.E.]. “Part singing: the C clef.” The Westminster Review 38(1842): 153-167.[Lewes, Agnes J. and G.H. Lewes]. “Beaumarchais and Sophie Arnould.” The Westminster Review 42(1844): 146-160.Mayne, Thomas. “Science in song.” The Westminster Review 141(1894): 669-674.[Moseley, M.S.]. “Lyric feuds [between composers of operas].” The Westminster Review 88(1867): 119-160.Ross, Thomasina. “Memoir of Beethoven.” Bentley's Miscellany 23(1848): 115-120.Ross, Thomasina. “Some account of the life and compositions of the late Dr. Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy.” Bentley's Miscellany 22(1847): 521-526.Sheran, William Henry. “Anglo-Saxon music.” The Westminster Review 147(1897): 567-569.Smeaton, Oliphant. “A gallery of Australasian singers.” The Westminster Review 144(1895): 477-503.[Wraxall, F.C.L.]. “The opera in Paris during the last thiry years.” Bentley's Miscellany 30(1851): 231-240.Theater[ ]. “A glance at the drama.” Bentley's Miscellany 17(1845): 421-423.[ ]. “Anecdotes of the Parisian theatres.” Bentley's Miscellany 41(1857): 21-36.[ ]. “At the play.” Bentley's Miscellany 282-285.[ ]. “Bogumil Dawison [German actor].” Bentley's Miscellany 43(1858): 524-529.[ ]. “Charles Kemble.” Bentley's Miscellany 36(1854): 623-630.[ ]. “Diderot and the art of acting.” The Westminster Review 127(1887): 44-64.[ ]. “Dogma in masquerade [Natural Law in the Spiritual World by Henry Drummond].” The Westminster Review 124(1885): 118-135.[ ]. “French comedy and comedians.” Bentley's Miscellany 47(1860): 368-376.[ ]. “Her Majesty’s Theatre, 1851.” Bentley's Miscellany 29(1851): 337-338.[ ]. “Life and letters of Mary Granville (Mrs. Delany).” Bentley's Miscellany 49(1861): 436-443.[ ]. “Mrs. Butler [Fanny Kemble], A Year of Consolation.” The Westminster Review 47(1847):399-411.[ ] “Recent English Tragedy [by Joanna Baillie].” The Westminster Review 33(1840): 401-424.[ ]. “The Hindu drama.” The Westminster Review 67(1857): 364-392.[ ]. “The Tragedy of King Richard the Second [as acted by Charles Kean].” Bentley's Miscellany 41(1857): 467-470.[Archer, William]. “The censorship of the stage.” The Westminster Review 121(1884): 328-354.Beckett, Arthur W. “Dancers, dances, and dancing: by a disciple of Terpsichore.” The Westminster Review 143(1895):675-677.[Bell, Robert]. “Her Majesty’s theatre.” Bentley's Miscellany 27(1850): 528-531.[Bell, Robert]. “The stage as it is in 1850.” Bentley's Miscellany 27(1850): 298-303.[Browne, J.H.B.]. “The art of acting.” The Westminster Review 119(1883): 190-205.[Carlyle, Thomas]. “Baillie, the Covenanter.” The Westminster Review 37(1842): 43-71.[Cole, J.W.]. “The father of the English drama [Shakespeare].” Bentley's Miscellany 32(1852): 645-654.[Cole, J.W.]. “The father of the French drama [Corneille].” Bentley's Miscellany 32(1852): 89-98.[Cowell, E.B.]. “Hindu drama.” The Westminster Review 54(1850): 1-37.[Deacon, W.F.]. “Modern English dramatists: Mr. Serjeant Talfourd.” Bentley's Miscellany 9(1841): 301-304.De Ternant, Andrew. “The courtesan on the French stage.” The Westminster Review 154(1900): 671-684.Dewey, Stoddard. “The drama in England.” The Westminster Review 147(1897): 151-155. Dillon, Arthur. “Shakespeare and a municipal theatre.” The Westminster Review 143(1895): 418-425.Dillon, Arthur. “The staging of Shakespeare: a rejoinder [to modern critics].” The Westminster Review 154(1900): 427-431.[D.M.J.]. “Maurice Maeterlinck: mystic and dramatist.” The Westminster Review 151(1899): 409-416.[Dubourg, George]. “The masquerade.” Bentley's Miscellany 17(1845): 549-552.[E.M.R.]. “Mr. Beerbohm Tree’s Mark Antony.” The Westminster Review 150(1898): 163-167.[Fletcher, George]. “Macbeth: Shakespearian criticism and acting.” The Westminster Review 41(1844):1-72.[Fletcher, George]. “Shakespearian criticism and acting: Romeo and Juliet.” The Westminster Review 44(1845): 1-78.Forrester, A.H. [s. Alfred Crowquill]. “Grimaldi.” Bentley's Miscellany 19(1846): 160-161.Grinsted, T.P. “Gallery of theatrical portraits (No. I): William Farren.” Bentley's Miscellany 41(1857): 80-90.Grinsted, T.P. “Gallery of theatrical portraits (No. II): Mrs. Glover.” Bentley's Miscellany 41(1857): 210-220.Grinsted, T.P. “Gallery of theatrical portraits (No. III): William Dowton.” Bentley's Miscellany 41(1857): 318-330.Grinsted, T.P. “Gallery of theatrical portraits (No. IV): Mrs. Jordan.” Bentley's Miscellany 41(1857): 408-418.Grinsted, T.P. “Gallery of theatrical portraits (No. V): William Charles Macready.” Bentley's Miscellany 41(1857): 539-550.Grinsted, T.P. “Gallery of theatrical portraits (No. VI): Miss O’Neill.” Bentley's Miscellany 41(1857): 642-652.Grinsted, T.P. “Gallery of theatrical portraits (No. VII): John Bannister.” Bentley's Miscellany 42(1857): 63-74.Grinsted, T.P. “Gallery of theatrical portraits (No. VIII): Charles Kean.” Bentley's Miscellany 42(1857): 209-220.Grinsted, T.P. “Gallery of theatrical portraits (No. IX): Mrs. Fitzwilliam.” Bentley's Miscellany 42(1857): 320-330.Grinsted, T.P. “Gallery of theatrical portraits (No. X, concl.): the young Roscius.” Bentley's Miscellany 42(1857): 410-414.Grinsted, T.P. “Madame Vestris.” Bentley's Miscellany 40(1856): 255-261.Grinsted, T.P. “Old actors: a reverie at the Garrick club.” Bentley's Miscellany 40(1856): 95-104.Grinsted, T.P. “The theatres of London: their history, past and present (Part I).” Bentley's Miscellany 35(1854): 489-495.Grinsted, T.P. “The theatres of London (PartII).” Bentley's Miscellany 35(1854): 541-545.Grinsted, T.P. “The theatres of London (Part III): the Whitefriars theatre.” Bentley's Miscellany 36(1854): 89-95.Grinsted, T.P. “The theatres of London (Part IV): Drury Lane Theatre.” Bentley's Miscellany 36(1854): 135-138.Grinsted, T.P. “The theatres of London (Part V): their history, past and present (No. I).” Bentley's Miscellany 36(1854): 276-281.Grinsted, T.P. “The theatres of London (Part VI, concl): their history, past and present (No. II).” Bentley's Miscellany 36(1854): 371-378.[Hickson, Samuel]. “The Two Noble Kinsmen [re Shakespeare’s authorship].” The Westminster Review 47(1847): 59-88.[Hippisley, J.H.]. “The drama in Paris.” The Westminster Review 71(1859):416-443.Hogarth, George. “Moliere and his wife.” Bentley's Miscellany 4(1838): 451-457.Hogarth, George. “The claqueur system [use of clacks at the theatre].” Bentley's Miscellany 4(1838): 591-600.Hudson, John. “Shakespeare’s ghosts.” The Westminster Review 153(1900): 447-454.[Jacox, Francis]. “Ben Jonson.” Bentley's Miscellany 40(1856): 157-166.Jacox, Francis. [s. Monkshood]. “Stage emotion.” Bentley's Miscellany 51(1862): 45-55.Jones, Dora M. “The plays of Hermann Sudermann.” The Westminster Review 154(1900): 553-560.Laidlaw, Allan. “The actor’s value.” The Westminster Review 154(1900): 543-548.Laidlaw, Allan. “Drama on the downward grade.” The Westminster Review 153(1900): 317-323.Laidlaw, Allan. “What are immoral plays?” The Westminster Review 154(1900): 212-216.Lawrence, W.J. “Realism on the stage: how far permissible?” The Westminster Review 135(1891): 273-288.Leigh, Percival. [s. Solomon Swift]. “Some account of a great singer.” Bentley's Miscellany 11(1842): 196-199.[Lewes, G.H.]. “Authors and managers: regeneration of the drama.” 37(1842): 71-97.[Lewes, G.H.]. “French Drama [Racine and Hugo].” The Westminster Review 34(1840): 287-324.[Lewes, G.H.]. “Strafford [by John Sterling], and the historical drama.” The Westminster Review 41(1844):119-128.Matthews, Anne. “Ennobled actresses (Part I): the Duchess of Bolton.” Bentley's Miscellany 17(1845): 594-603.Matthews, Anne. “Ennobled actresses (Part II): the Countess of Derby.” Bentley's Miscellany 18(1845): 54-61.Matthews, Anne. “Ennobled actresses (Part III): the Countess of Craven, Lady Thurlow.” Bentley's Miscellany 18(1845): 249-255.Matthews, Anne. “Ennobled actresses (Part IV): the Duchess of St. Albans.” Bentley's Miscellany 18(1845): 601-612.[Maudsley, Henry]. “Hamlet.” The Westminster Review 83(1865): 65-94.{Pigott, Edward F.S.}. “The English stage.” The Westminster Review 59(1853): 89-125.Rede, William Lemen. [s. D.Canter]. “Outpourings [on drama] (Nos. I and II).” Bentley's Miscellany 17(1845): 505-513.Rede, William Lemen. [s. D.Canter]. “Outpourings (No. III).” Bentley's Miscellany 18(1845): 30-36.Rede, William Lemen. [s. D.Canter]. “Outpourings (No. IV).” Bentley's Miscellany 18(1845): 126-142.Rede, William Lemen. [s. D.Canter]. “Outpourings (No. V and VI).” Bentley's Miscellany 18(1845):272-284.Rede, William Lemen. [s. D.Canter]. “Outpourings (No. VII).” Bentley's Miscellany 18(1845): 376-385.Rede, William Lemen. [s. D.Canter]. “Outpourings (No. VIII).” Bentley's Miscellany 18(1845): 447-454.Rede, William Lemen. [s. D.Canter]. “Outpourings (No. IX).” Bentley's Miscellany 19(1846): 69-77.Rede, William Lemen. [s. D.Canter]. “Outpourings (No. X).” Bentley's Miscellany 19(1846): 180-185.Rede, William Lemen. [s. D.Canter]. “Outpourings (No. XI).” Bentley's Miscellany 19(1846): 257-260.{Rede, William Lemen}. “Samuel [Thomas] Russell [an actor].” Bentley's Miscellany 18(1845): 523-524.Sillard, R.M. “Concerning theatrical criticism.” The Westminster Review 150(1898): 634-640.Sinclair, Catherine. “Jeopardy; or, The drowning dragoon: a melodramatic opera in three acts, as to be performed amid thunders of applause at the Theatre-Royal, April 1, 1844.” Bentley's Miscellany 15(1844): 302-305.Smeaton, Oliphant. “A new view of the good regent; Sir Thomas Grainger Steward’s chronicle play.” The Westminster Review 151(1899): 310-317.Strong, Henry Melancthon. “Sarah Bernhardt; a monogram.” The Westminster Review 150(1898): 301-304.[Thomson, Richard]. “Family dramaticals.” Bentley's Miscellany 3(1838): 83-90.Twiss, Horace. “Memoir of Mrs. [Anne] Matthews [actress].” Bentley's Miscellany 22(1847): 93-98.Walton, J.P. “The stage as an educator.” The Westminster Review 142(1894): 567-570.[West, William]. “[John] Liston.” Bentley's Miscellany 19(1846): 509-511.[Wilson, H. Schutz]. “Wallenstein in the drama.” The Westminster Review 120(1883): 172-189.[Wraxall, Lascelle]. “An illegitimate drama [Le Fils Naturel by Alexandre Dumas, fils].” Bentley's Miscellany 43(1858): 299-306.Wright, Thomas. “On the history of the drama in the middle ages.” Bentley's Miscellany 38(1855): 298-309.Education[ ]. “Public school teaching.” The Westminster Review 95(1871): 383-404.[ ]. “Should university degrees be given to women?” The Westminster Review 115(1881): 493-505.[W.] “The English Universities.” The Westminster Review 43(1845): 431-445.[Cornwallis, Caroline Frances]. “Self-education.” The Westminster Review 64(1855): 73-94.[Ellis, William]. “Classical education.” The Westminster Review 53(1850): 393-409.Greenstreet, W.J. “The true aim of education.” The Westminster Review 137(1892): 394-400.[Greg, W.R.]. “Dr. [Thomas] Arnold.” The Westminster Review 39(1843): 1-33.{Hickson, W.E.}. “Education of the people.” The Westminster Review 46(1846): 182-219.[Hodgson, W.B.] “The school claims of languages, ancient and modern.” The Westminster Review 60(1853): 450-498.Leftwich, R.W. “Reading at sight for illiterates.” The Westminster Review 149(1898): 379-384.[Spencer, Herbert]. “What knowledge is of most worth.” The Westminster Review 72(1859): 1-41.[Sutherland, James]. “Middle class schools.” The Westminster Review 90(1868): 486-506.Unwin, M.L. Hermione. “Plastic art in education.” The Westminster Review 147(1897): 446-455.Miscellaneous Topics[ ]. “A French view of the Irish question.” The Westminster Review 132(1889): 138-147.[ ]. “Astrology and Magic.” The Westminster Review 81(1864): 30-48.[ ]. “Madame de Krudener: woman of the world, author, pietist and illuminist.” Bentley's Miscellany 50(1861): 249-261.[ ]. “Occupations of the people.” The Westminster Review 48(1848): 374-396.[ ]. “Recent cases of witchcraft.” The Westminster Review 71(1859): 209-249.[ ]. “Spiritualism and its evidences.” The Westminster Review 97(1872): 461-468.[ ]. “Sunday in Great Britain.” The Westminster Review 65(1856): 426-456.[ ]. “Table turning and spirit rapping.” Bentley's Miscellany 48(1860): 568-578.[ ]. “The apple and the ego of woman.” The Westminster Review 131(1889): 374-382.[ ]. “The Imperial Library of Paris.” The Westminster Review 93(1870): 429-460.[ ]. “The literature of diabolism and witchcraft.” The Westminster Review 95(1871): 1-41.[ ]. “The origin of language.” The Westminster Review 86(1866): 88-122.[ ]. “The origin of language.” The Westminster Review 102(1874): 381-418.[Amos, Sheldon]. “The Intellectual Development of Europe [by J.W.Draper].” The Westminster Review 83(1865): 94-142.[Austin, W.S.]. “The reading-room of the British Museum.” Bentley's Miscellany 32(1852): 527-531.Browne, R.G.M. “The origin, perpetuation and decadence or supernaturalism.” The Westminster Review 140(1893):115-125.[Cole, Henry]. “Popular legends [collected by] Roby and Lauder.” The Westminster Review 36(1841):133-150.Davis, James W. “The Sunday opening of public libraries, art galleries, and museums.” The Westminster Review 134(1890): 9-18.[Deacon, W.F.]. “Selwyn, Walpole, and Brummell; with a portrait of George Brummell from an original miniature.” Bentley's Miscellany 16(1844): 288-299.Donalson, J. Hunter. “Paris Exhibition.” The Westminster Review 131(1889): 91-95.[Donne, W.B.]. “Popular amusements.” The Westminster Review 66(1856): 163-188.[Eliot, George]. “Woman in France: Madame de Sable.” The Westminster Review 62(1854): 448-473.Eyton, R.H. “The aesthetics of physicism.” The Westminster Review 98(1872): 444-460.F.J.F. “Book-making considered as one of the fine arts.” Bentley's Miscellany 3(1838): 465-468.[Gallichan, Walter Matthew]. “The Intellectual cowardice of woman.” The Westminster Review 134(1890): 504-508.Hannigan, D.F. “Genius and moral responsibility.” The Westminster Review 134(1890): 72-75.[Hanson, James]. “Free public libraries.” The Westminster Review 98(1872): 333-377.Hollander, Bernard. “Herbert Spencer as a phrenologist.” The Westminster Review 139(1893): 142-154.[Joyce, Thomas]. “College life at Cambridge.” The Westminster Review 35(1841):456-481.Leftwich, R.W. “English as the international language.” The Westminster Review 148(1897): 283-290.[Lewes, G.H.]. “Julia von Krudener, as coquette and mystic.” The Westminster Review 57(1852): 161-182.[Lewes, G.H.]. “The life of a conjuror [Robert Houdin].” The Westminster Review 72(1859): 91-111.[Lewes, G.H.]. “The prize comedy [Quid Pro Quo] and the prize committee.” The Westminster Review 42(1844):105-116.Macfie, Matthew. “Cultured colonization.” The Westminster Review 142(1894): 650-665.Marshall, Frederick. “The French language.” Bentley's Miscellany 54(1863): 168-174.Oakeley, H.D. “On some French appreciations of the Anglo-Saxon genius.” The Westminster Review 151(1899):73-82.Ritchie, David G. “The logic of a ghost’s advocate.” The Westminster Review 137(1892): 1-7.Schooling, William. “Fairy tales and science.” 165-176.[Stanley, Edward Henry]. “French opinions of the English.” The Westminster Review 85(1866): 390-402.Starr, Laura B. “ Superstitions of the opal.” The Westminster Review 141(1894): 685-689.Taylor, Ernest George. “Intellectual liberty and blasphemy laws.” The Westminster Review 143(1895): 117-139.Taylor, Phillip Meadows. “Irish superstitions.” Bentley's Miscellany 9(1841): 188-196.Thomson, St. Clair. “The dangers of hypnotism.” The Westminster Review 134(1890): 624-631.Ackland, Joseph. “Elementary Education and the Decay of Literature.” The Nineteenth Century 35 (March 1894): 412-23.Acton, J. D. “George Eliot’s Life.” The Nineteenth Century 17 (March 1885): 464-85.Adams, George. “The Chinese Dram.” The Nineteenth Century 37 (March 1895): 497-515.Aïdé, Hamilton. “A New Stage Doctrine.” The Nineteenth Century 34 (September 1893): 452-7.---. “A School of Dramatic Art: a Dilaogue Between Millbrook and His Friend Haughton.” The Nineteenth Century 11 (April 1882): 567-71.---. “Was I Hypnotised.” The Nineteenth Century 27 (April 1890): 576-81.Aitken, George A. “Defoe’s Apparition of Mrs. Veal.” The Nineteenth Century 37 (January 1895): 95-100.Archer, William. “The Duties of Dramatic Critics.” The Nineteenth Century 17 (February 1885): 249-62.Armstrong, Walter. “The ‘Nineteenth Century School’ in Art.” The Nineteenth Century 21 (April 1887): 585-95.Arnold, Matthew. “The French Play in London.” The Nineteenth Century 6 (August 1879): 228-43.---. “A Guide to English Literature.” The Nineteenth Century 2 (December 1877): 843-53.---. “Literature and Science.” The Nineteenth Century 12 (August 1882): 216-30.---. “Shelley.” The Nineteenth Century 23 (January 1888): 23-39.Atkinson, J. Beavington. “The Art Treasures of Prussia.” The Nineteenth Century 16 (October 1884): 624-9.Barrington, Emilie Isabel. “The Painted Poetry of Watts and Rosetti.” The Nineteenth Century 13 (June 1883): 950-70.Beckett, Edmund. “Architecture: an Art Or Nothing.” The Nineteenth Century 33 (April 1893): 631-4.Benson, E. F. “Plagiarism.” The Nineteenth Century 46 (December 1899): 974-81.---. “A Question of Taste [Aesthetic Theories].” The Nineteenth Century 34 (September 1893): 458-69.Besant, Walter. “The Literary Agent.” The Nineteenth Century 38 (December 1895): 979-86.Birchenough, Mabel C. “Wanted–a New War Poet: a Handful of Crimean War Poems.” The Nineteenth Century 48 (October 1900): 639-47.Blackburn, Henry. “The Illustration of Books and Newspapers.” The Nineteenth Century 27 (February 1890): 213-24.Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen. “Lord Lytton’s Rank in Literature.” The Nineteenth Century 31 (April 1892): 566-76.Brodrick, George C. “A Nation of Amateurs.” The Nineteenth Century 48 (October 1900): 521-35.Brown, Gerard Baldwin. “Modern French Art.” The Nineteenth Century 8 (July 1880): 56-66.Burnand, F. C. “A School for Dramatic Art.” The Nineteenth Century 11 (May 1882): 753-7.Capes, Florence M. “The Poetry of the Early Mysteries.” The Nineteenth Century 14 (October 1883): 654-73.Carlyle, Thomas, and Edward Dowden. “Carlyle’s Lectures on the Periods of European Culture: From Homer to Goethe.” The Nineteenth Century 9 (May 1881): 856-79.Cheyne, T. K. “Professer Sayce on ‘the Higher Criticism.’” The Nineteenth Century 35 (April 1894): 660-6.Choate, Joseph H. “Harmonic Literature.” The Nineteenth Century 47 (February 1900): 304-07.Church, Alfred J. “Criticism as a Trade: a Reply [to William A. Knight].” The Nineteenth Century 26 (November 1889): 833-9.Claire, Amélie. “Charles Baudelaire and Edgar Poe: a Literary Affinity.” The Nineteenth Century 34 (July 1893): 65-80.Clarke, Richard F. “A Catholic’s View of Helbeck of Bannisdale [by Mrs. Humphry Ward].” The Nineteenth Century 44 (September 1898): 455-67.Cockerell, S. P. “Lord Leighton’s Drawings.” The Nineteenth Century 40 (November 1896): 809-15.Collier, John. “Portrait-Painting in Its Historical Aspects.” The Nineteenth Century 39 (May 1896): 762-78.Collier, R. P. “Landscape Painting.” The Nineteenth Century 7 (June 1880): 1040-56.Collins, J. Churton. “Can English Literature be Taught.” The Nineteenth Century 22 (Nobember 1887): 667-79.---. “Language Versus Literature At Oxford.” The Nineteenth Century 37 (February 1895): 290-303.Colvin, Sydney. “Mr. Stephen Phillips’s Tragedy of Paolo and Francesca.” The Nineteenth Century 46 (December 1899): 915-33.---. “Old Masters At the Winter Exhibitions.” The Nineteenth Century 5 (February 1879): 300-18.Costelloe, Mary Whitall. “The New and the Old Art Criticism.” The Nineteenth Century 35 (May 1894): 828-37.Courthope, W. J. “Life in Poetry.” The Nineteenth Century 42 (July 1897): 124-41.---. “Life in Poetry (Part I): Poetical Conception.” The Nineteenth Century 40 (August 1896): 260-73.---. “Life in Poetry (Part II): Poetical Expression.” The Nineteenth Century 41 (February 1897): 270-84.Cowper, Katie. “Realism of to-Day.” The Nineteenth Century 35 (April 1894): 618-27.Crackanthorpe, Blanche A. “Sex in Modern Literature.” The Nineteenth Century 37 (April 1895): 607-16.Crawfurd, Oswald. “Nietzsche: an Appreciation.” The Nineteenth Century 48 (October 1900): 592-606.Creyke, Caroline. “Voice Culture.” The Nineteenth Century 48 (November 1900): 764-76.Crowe, J. A. “Continental and English Painting.” The Nineteenth Century 27 (April 1890): 582-91.---. “Fra Filippo Lippi.” The Nineteenth Century 40 (October 1896): 643-53.Davey, Richard. “The Decline of the Art of Singing.” The Nineteenth Century 45 (June 1899): Bury, Yetta Blaze. “The Théâtre Français and Its Sociétaires (Part I).” The Nineteenth Century 25 (June 1889): 795-811.---. “The Théâtre Français and Its Sociétaires (Part II, Concl.).” The Nineteenth Century 26 (July 1889): Callone, Alphonse. “The Romance of Leonardo Da Vinci.” The Nineteenth Century 38 (September 1895): la Ramée, Marie L. “The Italian Novels of Marion Crawford.” The Nineteenth Century 42 (November 1897): 719-33.De Vere, Aubrey. “Archbishop Trench’s Poems.” The Nineteenth Century 23 (May 1888): 858-80.Delille, Edward. “The American Newspaper Press.” The Nineteenth Century 32 (July 1892): 13-28.---. “French Authors on Each Other.” The Nineteenth Century 30 (November 1891): 783-98.---. “The French Newspaper Press.” The Nineteenth Century 31 (March 1892): 474-86.Dicey. “The ‘Arts and Crafts’ Exhibition At Westminster.” The Nineteenth Century 34 (July 1893): 1-9.Dillon, Frank. “Light and Water-Colors:a Reply.” The Nineteenth Century 20 (August 1886): 270-83.Dowden, Edward. “The English Masque.” The Nineteenth Century 46 (July 1899): 102-11.Doyle, A. Conan. “On the Geographical Distribution of British Intellect.” The Nineteenth Century 24 (August 1888): 184-95.Dziewicki, M. H. “‘Exorcizo Te’ [Exorcist Literature].” The Nineteenth Century 24 (October 1888): 579-94.Eastlake, Chales L. “Picture-Hanging At the National Gallery.” The Nineteenth Century 22 (December 1887): 817-26.---. “The Poldi-Pezzoli Collection At Milan.” The Nineteenth Century 33 (June 1893): 981-93.Fawkes, Edith Mary. “Mr. Ruskin At Farnley.” The Nineteenth Century 47 (April 1900): 617-23.Fearon, D. R. “Dante and Paganism.” The Nineteenth Century 43 (February 1898): 301-11.---. “Dante’s Ghosts.” The Nineteenth Century 46 (July 1899): 65-76.Fitch, J. G. “The Chautauqua Reading Circle.” The Nineteenth Century 24 (October 1888): 487-500.Giles, Herbert A. “Chinese Poetry in English Verse.” The Nineteenth Century 35 (January 1894): 115-25.Gladstone, W. E. “Sheridan.” The Nineteenth Century 39 (June 1896): 1037-42.Gosse, Edmund. “The French Society of Authors.” The Nineteenth Century 22 (December 1887): 844-9.Gurney, Edmund. “On Music and Musical Criticism (Part I).” The Nineteenth Century 4 (July 1878): 51-74.---. “On Music and Musical Criticism (Part II, Concl.).” The Nineteenth Century 5 (June 1879): 1060-78.---. “Wagner and Wagnerism.” The Nineteenth Century 13 (March 1883): 434-52.Hadden, J. Cuthbert. “The Change of Our Musical Pitch.” The Nineteenth Century 38 (November 1895): 828-37.---. “The Teaching of Music in Schools.” The Nineteenth Century 42 (July 1897): 142-50.---. “The Wagner Mania.” The Nineteenth Century 44 (July 1898): 125-31.Haden, Francis Seymour. “The Art of the Painter-Etcher.” The Nineteenth Century 27 (May 1890): 756-65.---. “The Royal Society of Painter Etchers.” The Nineteenth Century 29 (May 1891): 775-81.Hales, John W. “Milton’s Macbeth.” The Nineteenth Century 30 (December 1891): 919-32.Hardinge, William M. “French Verse in English.” The Nineteenth Century 9 (May 1881): 812-37.Harrison, Frederic. “A Few Words About the Eighteenth Century.” The Nineteenth Century 13 (March 1883): 385-403.---. “Matthew Arnold.” The Nineteenth Century 39 (March 1896): 433-47.---. “On Style in English Prose.” The Nineteenth Century 43 (June 1898): 932-42.---. “Ruskin as Master of Prose.” The Nineteenth Century 38 (October 1895): 561-75.---. “Unto This Last [by John Ruskin].” The Nineteenth Century 38 (December 1895): 958-74.Hart, Ernest. “Hypnotism and Humbug.” The Nineteenth Century 31 (January 1892): 24-37.---. “The Revival of Witchcraft.” The Nineteenth Century 33 (February 1893): 347-68.Hewlett, Henry G. “Forged Literature.” The Nineteenth Century 29 (February 1891): 318-38.---. “The Works of Sir Henry Taylor.” The Nineteenth Century 8 (November 1880): 810-23.Hill, Octavia. “Colour, Space, and Music for the People.” The Nineteenth Century 15 (May 1884): 741-52.Huggins, William. “Violins.” The Nineteenth Century 18 (August 1885): 218-33.Hughes, Margaret Watts. “A Glimpse Into the Art of Singing.” The Nineteenth Century 13 (May 1883): 862-71.Huish, Marcus B. “Ten Years of British Art.” The Nineteenth Century 27 (January 1890): 102-18.---. “Whence Comes This Great Multitude of Painters.” The Nineteenth Century 32 (November 1892): 720-32.Hulsh, Marcu B. “Is Japanese Art Extinct.” The Nineteenth Century 23 (March 1888): 354-69.R., Humphrey George. “The Reading of the Working Class.” The Nineteenth Century 33 (April 1893): 690-701.Hunt, A. W. “Modern English Landscape-Painting.” The Nineteenth Century 7 (May 1880): 778-94.---. “Turnerian Landscape: an Arrested Art.” The Nineteenth Century 29 (February 1891): 214-24.Irving, Henry. “Some Misconceptions About the Stage.” The Nineteenth Century 32 (October 1892): 670-6.Jackson, T. G. “Architecture: a Profession Or an Art.” The Nineteenth Century 33 (March 1893): 405-15.Jacobs, Joseph. “Some Recollections of Sir Edward Burne-Jones.” The Nineteenth Century 45 (January 1899): 126-31.Jex-Blake, Sophia. “Medical Women in Fiction.” The Nineteenth Century 33 (February 1893): 261-72.Jones, Henry Arthur. “The First-Night Judgment of Plays.” The Nineteenth Century 26 (July 1889): 43-59.---. “Dr. Pearson on the Modern Drama.” The Nineteenth Century 34 (October 1893): 543-50.---. “The Theatre and the Mob.” The Nineteenth Century 14 (September 1883): 441-56.Jusserand, J. J. “French Ignorance of English Literature.” The Nineteenth Century 43 (April 1898): 590-603.Kay, J. Taylor. “The Clssification of Literature.” The Nineteenth Century 16 (October 1884): 624-9.Kebbel, T. E. “Political Novels of Lord Beaconsfield.” The Nineteenth Century 6 (September 1879): 504-28.Kennard, Nina K. “Gustave Flaubert and George Sand.” The Nineteenth Century 20 (November 1886): 693-708.Kennedy, H. A. “A Dialogue on the Drama.” The Nineteenth Century 38 (August 1895): 322-37.---. “The Paintings At Pompeii.” The Nineteenth Century 37 (January 1895): 86-94.---. “Shakespeare, Falstaff, and Queen Elizabeth.” The Nineteenth Century 39 (February 1896): 316-27.Kingsbury, George C. “Hypnotism, Crime, and the Doctors.” The Nineteenth Century 29 (January 1891): 145-53.Knight, William A. “Criticism as Theft.” The Nineteenth Century 39 (February 1896): 257-66.---. “Criticism as a Trade.” The Nineteenth Century 26 (September 1889): 423-30.Knowles, James. “Aspects of Tennyson (No. II): a Personal Reminiscence.” The Nineteenth Century 33 (January 1893): 164-88.Knox, Alexander A. “About Voltaire.” The Nineteenth Century 12 (October 1882): 613-32.Lambert, Agnes. “Aspects of Tennyson (No. III): the Real Thomas Becket.” The Nineteenth Century 33 (February 1893): 273-92.Lang, Andrew. “The Comparative Study of Ghost Stories.” The Nineteenth Century 17 (April 1885): 623-32.Laurie, T. Werner. “Author, Agent, and Publisher: By One of ‘the Trade.’” The Nineteenth Century 38 (November 1895): 850-5.Layard, George Somes. “The Gentle Art of Book Lending: a Suggestion.” The Nineteenth Century 37 (June 1895): 1060-70.Lee, Sidney. “Shakespeare in France.” The Nineteenth Century 45 (June 1899): 930-7.---. “Shakespeare and the Modern Stage.” The Nineteenth Century 47 (January 1900): 146-56.Leveson-Gower, Edward Frederick. “Did Byron Write ‘Werner.’” The Nineteenth Century 46 (August 1899): 243-50.Lister, Reginald. “The Archaic Statures of the Acropolis Museum.” The Nineteenth Century 34 (October 1893): 560-9.Lister, T. Villiers. “The Exhibiting of Pictures.” The Nineteenth Century 9 (January 1881): 123-30.Lister, Thomas. “The Art of Conversation.” The Nineteenth Century 26 (August 1889): 273-9.Little, James Stanley. “The Future of Landscape Art.” The Nineteenth Century 30 (August 1891): 197-209.Lord, Walter Frewen. “Lord Beaconsfield’s Novels.” The Nineteenth Century 45 (February 1899): 245-60.---. “The Works of Henrik Ibsen.” The Nineteenth Century 26 (August 1889): 241-56.Lytton, Robert. “A New Love Poet [William Scawen Blunt].” The Nineteenth Century 10 (November 1881): 763-84.Macaulay, G. C. “Walt Whitman.” The Nineteenth Century 12 (December 1882): 903-18.MacDonagh, Michael. “A Night in the Reporters’ Gallery.” The Nineteenth Century 37 (March 1895): 516-26.Macfarren, G. A. “The Royal Academy of Music.” The Nineteenth Century 12 (August 1882): 256-69.Mackay, Charles. “English Songs, Ancient and Modern.” The Nineteenth Century 16 (December 1884): 965-83.---. “A Tangled Skein Unravelled; Or, the Mystery of Shakespeare’s Sonnets.” The Nineteenth Century 16 (August 1884): 238-62.Maitland, Fuller. “Wanted: an Opera.” The Nineteenth Century 43 (June 1898): 977-84.Mallock, W. H. “A Familiar Colloquy [on Fine Arts].” The Nineteenth Century 4 (July 1878): 289-302.Marriott, J. A. R. “The Imperial Note in Victorian Poetry.” The Nineteenth Century 48 (August 1900): 236-48.Marshall, Florence A. “Music and the People.” The Nineteenth Century December 1880 (December 1880): 921-32.Marshall, Florence A. “Music for the Masses.” The Nineteenth Century 32 (July 1892): 67-76.Maxwell, Herbert. “Are We Really a Nation of Amateurs.” The Nineteenth Century 48 (December 1900): 1051-63.---. “The Craving for Fiction.” The Nineteenth Century 33 (June 1893): 1046-61.Minto, William. “John Donne.” The Nineteenth Century 7 (May 1880): 845-63.---. “Wordsworth’s Great Failure.” The Nineteenth Century 26 (September 1889): 435-51.Mivart, George. “Another Catholic’s View of Helbeck of Bannisdale.” The Nineteenth Century 44 (October 1898): 641-55.---. “Is a Great School of Art Possible in the Present Day.” The Nineteenth Century 5 (April 1879): 714-32.Morley, Henry. “Recent Literature.” The Nineteenth Century 2 (August 1877): 124-43.---. “Recent Literature.” The Nineteenth Century 2 (November 1877): 692-712.---. “Recent Literature.” The Nineteenth Century 3 (February 1878): 380-97.---. “Recent Literature.” The Nineteenth Century 4 (September 1878): 528-42.---. “Matthew Arnold.” The Nineteenth Century 38 (December 1895): 1041-55.Morris, Martin. “The Philsophy of Poetry.” The Nineteenth Century 46 (September 1899): 504-13.Morris, William. “Westminster Abbey and Its Monuments.” The Nineteenth Century 25 (March 1889): 409-14.Müller, Friedrich Max. “Literature Before Letters.” The Nineteenth Century 46 (November 1899): 798-813.Mulock, Dinah Maria. “Merely Players [the Theatre and Morality].” The Nineteenth Century 20 (September 1886): 416-22.Murray, R. F. “An Impossible Correspondence [Satire of an Editor’s Rejections of Poems].” The Nineteenth Century 33 (June 1893): 966-9.Myers, Frederic W. H. “Archbishop Trench’s Poems.” The Nineteenth Century 2 (October 1877): 488-96.---. “George Sand.” The Nineteenth Century 1 (April 1877): 221-41.---. “Modern Poets and the Meaning of Life.” The Nineteenth Century 33 (January 1893): 93-111.Myers, W. H. “Tennyson as a Prophet.” The Nineteenth Century 25 (March 1889): 381-96.Myers, Frederic W. H. “Victor Hugo (Part I).” The Nineteenth Century 5 (May 1879): 773-87.---. “Victor Hugo (Part II, Concl.).” The Nineteenth Century 5 (June 1879): 955-70.Northcote, W. S. “A Chat About Jane Austen’s Novels.” The Nineteenth Century 47 (May 1900): 811-20.Paget, Violet. “The Tuscan Sculpture of the Renaissance.” The Nineteenth Century 31 (June 1892): 938-49.Palgrave, F. T. “Chaucer and the Italian Renaissance.” The Nineteenth Century 24 (September 1888): 340-59.---. “The Decline of Art.” The Nineteenth Century 23 (January 1888): 71-92.Paul, Herbert. “The Apotheosis of the Novel Under Queen Victoria.” The Nineteenth Century 41 (May 1897): 769-92.---. “Aspects of Tennyson (No. IV): the Classical Poems.” The Nineteenth Century March 1893 (March 1893): 436-53.---. “The Father of Letters [Cicero].” The Nineteenth Century 46 (September 1899): 432-44.---. “The Prince of Journalists [Jonathan Swift].” The Nineteenth Century 47 (January 1900): 73-87.---. “Sterne.” The Nineteenth Century 40 (December 1896): 995-1009.Payn, James. “The Literary Calling and Its Future.” The Nineteenth Century 6 (December 1879): 985-98.Payn, James. “Penny Fiction.” The Nineteenth Century 9 (January 1881): 145-54.Payn, James. “Sham Admiration in Literature.” The Nineteenth Century March 1880 (March 1880): 422-33.Pennell, Joseph. “Art and the Daily Paper.” The Nineteenth Century 42 (October 1897): 653-62.Perry, Walter Copland. “The Sirens in Ancient Literature and Art.” The Nineteenth Century 14 (July 1883): 109-30.Phillips, Claude. “The ‘Perseus and Andromeda’ of Titian.” The Nineteenth Century 47 (May 1900): 793-901.---. “The Salons.” The Nineteenth Century 44 (July 1898): 53-66.---. “The Van Dyck Exhibition At Antwerp.” The Nineteenth Century 46 (November 1899): 734-52.Plamer, E. Davidson. “The True Nature of ‘Falsetto.’” The Nineteenth Century 41 (February 1896): 216-23.Pollock, Juliet. “For and Against the Play: a Dialogue.” The Nineteenth Century 1 (June 1877): 611-22.Pollock, Walter Herries. “Alexandre Dumas.” The Nineteenth Century 8 (October 1880): 653-71.---. “Shakesperian Criticism.” The Nineteenth Century 11 (June 1882): 915-33.Pope-Hennessy, J. “What Do the Irish Read.” The Nineteenth Century 15 (June 1884): 920-32.Rae, W. Fraser. “More About Sheridan.” The Nineteenth Century 43 (February 1898): 256-65.---. “Play and Players on the Riviera.” The Nineteenth Century 27 (February 1890): 240-57.Ralston, W. R. S. “Count Leo Tolstoy’s Novels.” The Nineteenth Century 5 (April 1879): 650-69.Rawlinson, W. G. “Turner’s Drawings At the Royal Academy.” The Nineteenth Century 19 (March 1886): 396-406.Redford, George. “Art Sales and Christie’s.” The Nineteenth Century 22 (July 1887): 60-78.Reid, Arnot. “Twenty-Four Hours in a Newspaper Office.” The Nineteenth Century 21 (March 1887): 452-9.Richmond, W. B. “Lord Leighton and His Art: a Tribute.” The Nineteenth Century 39 (March 1896): 465-76.Richter, Jean Paul. “Art Studentship of the Early Italian Painters.” The Nineteenth Century 32 (August 1892): 271-84.---. “The Guilds of the Early Italian Painters.” The Nineteenth Century 28 (November 1890): 786-800.---. “Recent Criticism on Raphael.” The Nineteenth Century 22 (September 1887): 343-60.Roberts, William. “The Picture Sales of 1895.” The Nineteenth Century 38 (September 1895): 466-73.---. “Rare Books and Their Prices.” The Nineteenth Century 33 (June 1893): 932-51.---. “Some Pictures and Their Prices.” The Nineteenth Century 36 (August 1894): 286-300.Robinson, John Charles. “Art Connoisseurship in England: Mutation Or Decline.” The Nineteenth Century 38 (November 1895): 838-49.---. “English Art Connoisseurship.” The Nineteenth Century 36 (October 1894): 523-37.---. “Light and Water-Colours.” The Nineteenth Century 19 (June 1886): 849-60.---. “On Spurious Works of Art.” The Nineteenth Century 30 (November 1891): 677-98.---. “Our National Art Collections and Provincial Art Museums (Part I).” The Nineteenth Century 7 (June 1880): 979-94.---. “Our National Art Collections and Provincial Art Museums (Part II).” The Nineteenth Century 8 (August 1880): 249-65.---. “Our National Art Museums and Galleries.” The Nineteenth Century 32 (December 1892): 1021-34.---. “Our Public At Museums: a Retrospect.” The Nineteenth Century 42 (December 1897): 940-64.---. “Picture Conservation.” The Nineteenth Century 39 (April 1896): 608-23.---. “Rembrandt and Sir Joshua Reynolds: a Notice of Two Landscape Pictures.” The Nineteenth Century 37 (March 1895): 462-6.---. “The Reorganisation of Our National Art Museums.” The Nineteenth Century 44 (December 1898): 971-9.Rodd, Rennell. “The Poet of the Dlephts: Aristoles Valaoritis.” The Nineteenth Century 30 (July 1891): 130-44.Ross, Janet. “Michelangelo.” The Nineteenth Century 32 (November 1892): 818-30.Rothschild, Ferdinand. “French Eighteenth-Century Art in England.” The Nineteenth Century 31 (March 1892): 375-90.Ruskin, John. “Fiction: Fair and Foul (Part I).” The Nineteenth Century 7 (June 1880): 941-62.---. “Fiction: Fair and Foul (Part II).” The Nineteenth Century 8 (August 1880): 195-206.---. “Fiction: Fair and Foul (Part III).” The Nineteenth Century 8 (August 1880): 195-206.---. “Fiction: Fair and Foul (Part IV).” The Nineteenth Century 8 (November 1880): 748-60.---. “Fiction: Fair and Foul (Part V, Concl.).” The Nineteenth Century 10 (October 1881): 516-31.---. “The Three Colours of Pre-Raphaelitism (Part I).” The Nineteenth Century 4 (November 1878): 925-31.---. “The Three Colours of Pre-Raphaelitism (Part II, Concl.).” The Nineteenth Century 4 (December 1878): 1072-82.Salmon, Edward G. “Literature for the Little Ones.” The Nineteenth Century 22 (October 1887): 563-80.---. “What Girls Read.” The Nineteenth Century 20 (October 1886): 515-29.---. “What the Working Classes Read.” The Nineteenth Century 20 (July 1886): 108-17.Sandberg, Graham. “A Tibetan Poet and Mystic [Milaraspa].” The Nineteenth Century 46 (October 1899): 613-32.Schooling, William. “Colour-Music: a Suggestion of a New Art.” The Nineteenth Century 38 (July 1895): 125-34.Sharp, William. “The Art Treasures of America (Part I).” The Nineteenth Century 44 (September 1898): 359-72.---. “The Art Treasures of America (Part II).” The Nineteenth Century 44 (October 1898): 601-17.Shaylor, Joseph. “Booksellers and Bookselling.” The Nineteenth Century 45 (May 1899): 755-74.---. “On the Selling of Books.” The Nineteenth Century 40 (December 1896): 937-43.Shee, W. Archer. “Painters and Their Patrons.” The Nineteenth Century 14 (August 1883): 243-56.Simcox, Edith. “George Eliot.” The Nineteenth Century 9 (May 1881): 778-801.Smith, Laura Alexandrine. “The Music of Japan.” The Nineteenth Century 36 (December 1894): 900-18.---. “Workers’ Songs.” The Nineteenth Century 24 (August 1888): 238-50.Sparrow, Walter Shaw. “Goethe as a Stage Manager.” The Nineteenth Century 41 (April 1897): 628-38.Spielmann, Marion H. “Mr. G. F. Watts: His Art and His Mission.” The Nineteenth Century 41 (January 1897): 161-72.---. “The National Gallery in 1900, and Its Present Arrangements.” The Nineteenth Century 48 (July 1900): 54-74.Statham, Heathcote. “The Genius of Handel.” The Nineteenth Century 47 (June 1900): 1020-9.Stott, David. “The Decay of Bookselling.” The Nineteenth Century 36 (December 1894): 932-8.Strong, Eugénie Sellers. “The Art of Skopas and of Praxiteles in the British Museum.” The Nineteenth Century 37 (April 1895): 682-91.Swinburne, Algernon Charles. “Ben Jonson (Part I).” The Nineteenth Century 23 (April 1888): 603-16.---. “Ben Jonson (Part II, Concl.).” The Nineteenth Century 23 (May 1888): 693-715.---. “Charles Reade.” The Nineteenth Century 16 (October 1884): 550-67.---. “Dethroning Tennyson: a Contribution to the Tennyson-Darwin Controversy.” The Nineteenth Century 23 (January 1888): 127-9.---. “The Historical and Classical Plays of Thomas Heywood.” The Nineteenth Century 37 (April 1895): 646-56.---. “John Webster.” The Nineteenth Century 19 (June 1886): 861-81.---. “The Romantic and Contemporary Plays of Thomas Heywood.” The Nineteenth Century 2804 (September 1895): 397-410.---. “Victor Hugo (Part II, Concl.).” The Nineteenth Century 18 (August 1885): 294-311.---. “Victor Hugo, Toute La Lyre, Last Series.” The Nineteenth Century 34 (November 1893): 733-8.---. “Wordsworth and Byron (Part I).” The Nineteenth Century 15 (April 1884): 583-609.---. “Wordsworth and Byron (Part II, Concl.).” The Nineteenth Century 15 (May 1884): 764-90.---. “The Work of Victor Hugo (Part I).” The Nineteenth Century 18 (July 1885): 14-29.Taylor, Henry. “An Academy of Literature for Great Britain.” The Nineteenth Century 14 (November 1883): 779-93.---. “Carlyle’s Reminiscences.” The Nineteenth Century 9 (June 1881): 1009-25.---. “Four Centuries of English Letters.” The Nineteenth Century 10 (August 1881): 405-22.Tirard, Nestor. “Disease in Fiction.” The Nineteenth Century 20 (October 1886): 579-91.Traill, H. D. “About That Skeleton [Modern Drama].” The Nineteenth Century 36 (December 1894): 864-74.---. “The Anonymous Critic.” The Nineteenth Century 34 (December 1893): 932-43.---. “Aspects of Tennyson (No. I).” The Nineteenth Century 32 (December 1892): 952-66.---. “Aspects of Tennyson (No. VII): as a Signed Humorist.” The Nineteenth Century 35 (May 1894): 761-74.---. “Minor Poets–and Others.” The Nineteenth Century 31 (March 1892): 410-8.---. “The Novel of Manners.” The Nineteenth Century 18 (October 1885): 561-76.---. “Our Minor Poets.” The Nineteenth Century 31 (January 1892): 61-72.---. “The Politics of Literature: a Dialogue.” The Nineteenth Century 14 (October 1883): 610-21.Trollope, Anthony. “Novel-Reading: the Works of Charles Dickens; the Works of W. Makepeace Thackeray.” The Nineteenth Century 5 (January 1879): 24-43.Tuttiet, Mary G. “The Advantage of Fiction.” The Nineteenth Century 39 (January 1896): 123-31.Tyrwhitt, R. S. “Limits of Modern Art-Criticism.” The Nineteenth Century 4 (September 1878): 512-6.Wallis, Henry. “Ancient Egyptian Cermamic Art.” The Nineteenth Century 47 (February 1900): 308-20.Ward, Wilifrid. “Witnesses to the Unseen.” The Nineteenth Century 29 (June 1891): 979-97.Watts, G. F. “The Present Conditions of Art.” The Nineteenth Century 7 (January 1880): 235-55.Watts, Theodore. “Aspects of Tennyson (No. V): Tennyson as a Nature-Poet.” The Nineteenth Century 33 (May 1893): 836-56.---. “Aspects of Tennyson (No. VI).” The Nineteenth Century 34 (October 1893): 657-72.---. “Remiscences of Christina Rossetti.” The Nineteenth Century 37 (February 1895): 355-66.Watts, Theodore. “The Truth About Rossetti.” The Nineteenth Century 13 (March 1883): 404-23.Weale, W. H. James. “The Van Eycks.” The Nineteenth Century 48 (November 1900): 785-90.Wedmore, Frederick. “Mr. Whistler’s Theories and Mr. Whistler’s Art.” The Nineteenth Century 6 (August 1879): 334-43.---. “The Music-Halls.” The Nineteenth Century 40 (July 1896): 128-36.---. “The Poet’s End.” The Nineteenth Century 48 (December 1900): 984-92.---. “The Short Story.” The Nineteenth Century 43 (March 1898): 406-16.Wells, Henry T. “Government and the Artists.” The Nineteenth Century 6 (December 1879): 968-84.Whibley, Charles. “Art At the Salons.” The Nineteenth Century 35 (June 1894): 905-11.---. “Italian Art At the New Gallery.” The Nineteenth Century 35 (February 1894): 330-6.Wilde, Oscar. “The Decay of Lying: a Dialogue [on Art].” The Nineteenth Century 25 (january 1889): 35-56.---. “The True Function and Value of Criticism, With Some Remarks on the Importance of Doing Nothing: a Dialogue (Part I).” The Nineteenth Century 28 (July 1890): 123-47.---. “The True Function and Value of Criticism, With Some Remarks on the Importance of Doing Nothing: a Dialogue (Part II, Concl.).” The Nineteenth Century 28 (September 1890): 435-59.Witt, M. H. “Five New Pictures in the National Gallery.” The Nineteenth Century 48 (October 1900): 648-55.Wood, Henry Trueman. “Chicago and Its Exhibition.” The Nineteenth Century 31 (April 1892): 553-65.Wood, J. G. “The Dulness of Museums.” The Nineteenth Century 21 (March 1887): 384-96.Wood, Trueman H. “Exhibitions.” The Nineteenth Century 20 (November 1886): 633-47.Worsfold, W. Basil. “The Poetry of D. G. Rossetti.” The Nineteenth Century 34 (August 1893): 284-90.Wright, A. E. “Colour-Shadows.” The Nineteenth Century 37 (May 1895): 819-31.Wright, Thomas. “Concerning the Unknown Public.” The Nineteenth Century 13 (February 1883): 279-96.Young, Stanley. “Cyrano De Bergerac.” The Nineteenth Century 44 (July 1898): 102-15.Alison, Archibald. "Aeschylus, Shakespeare, and Schiller." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 69 (June 1851): 641- 660.---. "Ancient and Modern Eloquence." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 68 (December 1850): 645-70.---. "The British School of Painting." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 40 (July 1836): 74-85.---. "France in 1833 (No. II): Effects of the Revolution of the Barricades on Government, Religion, Morals, and Literature." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 34 (December 1833): 902-28.---. "The Greek and Romantic Drama." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 59 (January 1846): 54-73.---. "The Historical Romance." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 58 (September 1845): 341-56.---. "Homer, Dante, and Michael Angelo." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 57 (January 1845): 1-17.---. "Modern French Classics (No. I): Madame De Staël and Chateaubriand." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 41 (June 1837): 715-26.---. "Modern French Classics (No. II): Madame De Staël; Chateaubriand; Compared, as Philosophical Writers, With Bossuet and Fenelon." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 43 (January 1838): 33-45.---. "The Romantic Drama." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 60 (August 1846): 161-77.Allardyce, Alexander. "George Eliot." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 129 (February 1881): 255-68.---. "Rembrandt and the Dutch School." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 154 (November 1893): 675-92.---. "Whig Reviewers, as Painted By Themselves." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 126 (November 1879): 562-73.Anderson, Robert. "Daniel in the Critic's Den [on the Higher Criticism]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 157 (April 1895): 560-72.Atkinson, J.B. "Aesthetics Among the Alps." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 81 (March 1857): 265-82.---. "Art Politics and Proceedings." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 100 (August 1866): 169-88.---. "The Art-Student in Rome." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 90 (September 1861): 381-94.---. "The Arts in the Household; Or Decorative Art Applied to Domestic Uses." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 105 (March 1869): 361-78.---. "Classic Or Gothic: the Battle of the Styles." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 91 (March 1862): 283- 301.---. "Contemporary Art––poetic and Positive: Rossetti and Tadema––linnell and Lawson." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 133 (March 1883): 392-411.---. "The Decline of Art: Royal Academy and Grosvenor Gallery." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 138 (July 1885): 1-25.---. "The Diffusion of Taste Among All Classes a National Necessity." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 87 (January 1860): 151-61.---. "Exhibitions, Great and Small." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 92 (July 1862): 61-76.---. "The Fresco-Paintings of Italy––the Arundel Society." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 88 (October 1860): 458-71.---. "Historic Portraits." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 100 (November 1866): 571-84.---. "The London Art Season." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 94 (July 1863): 65-82.---. "The London Art-Season." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 96 (July 1864): 84-102.---. "The London Art-Season." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 98 (August 1865): 234-53.---. "The London Art-Season." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 106 (August 1869): 220-39.---. "London Exhibitions and London Critics." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 84 (August 1858): 181-200.---. "London Exhibitions––conflict of the Schools." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 86 (August 1859): 127- 142.---. "Manchester Exhibition of Art-Treasures (No. I)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 81 (June 1857): 758- 776.---. "Manchester Exhibition of Art-Treasures (No. II): the English School and Its Tendencies." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 82 (August 1857): 156-76.---. "Mr. Ruskin and His Theories -- Sublime and Ridiculous,." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 80 (November 1856): 503-27.---. "Munich, and Its School of Christian Art." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 87 (May 1860): 543-60.---. "The National Gallery––its Purpose and Management." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 86 (December 1859): 711- 725.---. "Pictures British and Foreign: International Exhibition." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 92 (September 1862): 353-71.---. "The Poetry of Christian Art [by a. T. Rio]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 80 (September 1856): 350-64.---. "Reynolds and the Portrait-Painters of the Past Century." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 102 (November 1867): 583-603.---. "The Royal Academy and Other Exhibitions." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 88 (July 1860): 65-84.---. "The Royal Academy and Other Exhibitions." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 102 (July 1867): 79-98.---. "The Royal Academy and the Watercolour Societies." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 90 (August 1861): 201- 221.---. "The Royal Academy Reformed." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 95 (February 1864): 153-71.---. "The State of Art in England." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 131 (May 1882): 609-22.---. "The State of Art in France." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 135 (April 1884): 427-51.---. "The Works and Genius of Michael Angelo." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 82 (December 1857): 693-710.Aytoun, W. E. "Poetic Aberrations." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 87 (April 1860): 490-4.---. "Rapping the Question; a Tale of Modern Magic." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 74 (December 1853): 711-25.---. "Ruskin on Architecture and Painting." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 75 (June 1854): 740-56.---. "The Glasgow Exhibitions to Oxford." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 75 (June 1854): 539-60.---. "Sir E. Bulwer Lytton's Poems." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 97 (March 1865): 291-307.---. "Spiritual Manifestations." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 73 (May 1853): 629-46.---. "The Royal Scottish Academy." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 77 (May 1855): 582-97.---. "Mesmeric Mountebanks." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 60 (August 1846): 223-37.---. "Longfellow's Golden Legend." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 71 (February 1852): 212-25.---. "Mrs. Barrett Browning -- Aurora Leigh." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 81 (January 1857): 23-41.---. "Poems and Ballads of Goethe (No. I)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 56 (July 1844): 54-68.---. "New Scottish Plays and Poems." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 60 (July 1846): 62-82.---. "Ancient and Modern Ballad Poetry." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 61 (May 1847): 622-44.---. "Advice to an Intending Serialist; a Letter to T. Smith, Esq., Scene-Painter and Tragedian At the Amphitheatre." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 60 (November 1846): 590-605.---. "Alton Locke, Tailor and Poet: an Autobiography [by Charles Kingsley]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 68 (November 1850): 592-610.---. "Poems and Ballads of Goethe (No. II)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 56 (October 1844): 417-32.---. "The Proposed Exhibition of 1851." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 68 (September 1850): 278-90.Bacon, Francis. "The Confessions of a Cantab (No. II)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 16 (November 1824): 571-9.Bailey, Joseph. "Demonology At Home and Abroad." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 99 (April 1866): 502-18.Bayne, Peter. "Shakespeare and George Eliot." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 133 (April 1883): 524-38.Bedford, W. K. R. "Samula Brandram, Master of Arts." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 153 (February 1893): 256-61.Blackie, J.S. "Traits and Tendencies of German Literature." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 50 (August 1841): 143-60.---. "Goethe's West-Eastern Divan." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 132 (December 1882): 742-56.Blair, Alexander. "Remarks Connected With the Criticism of Poetry." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 17 (January 1825): 74- 75.Brewster, Anne M. Hampton. "Hidden Treasures: Torlonia Museum." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 126 (July 1879): 70-87.Bristed, Charles A. "The Periodical Literature of America." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 63 (January 1848): 106-12.Brown, James Bucham. "Scepticism and Modern Poetry." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 115 (February 1874): 223-31.Bryce, Mary R. L. "Edward Burne-Jones: His Art and Influence." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 153 (June 1893): 861-4.Bulwer-Lytton, Edward. "[Introductory Note To] the Poems and Ballads of Schiller (No. I)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 52 (September 1842): 285-6.---. "[Introductory Note To] Poems and Ballads of Schiller (No. IX)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 54 (August 1843): 139-41.---. "Upon the Employment of Rhymed Verse in English Comedy." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 107 (February 1870): 264-6.Burton, J. H. "The Ballad Poetry of Scotland and of Ireland." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 84 (October 1858): 462-80.---. "The Literature of the Scottish Independence Question." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 102 (September 1867): 294-316.---. "The Scot Abroad (No. V): the Man of Art." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 80 (November 1856): 548-63.Busk, Mary Margaret. "French and German Belles Lettres." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 37 (March 1835): 513-22.---. "The New German School of Tragedy." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 18 (September 1825): 286-97.---. "Modern German School of Irony." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 38 (September 1835): 376-87.Campbell, W. A. "Horatian Lyrics: the Laird At Home." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 118 (September 1875): 336-43.Caw, James L. "The Romantic Movement in French Art." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 159 (February 1896): 240-8.---. "The Scottish School of Painting." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 157 (March 1895): 335-50.Coleridge, Hartley. "What is Poetical Description." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 45 (April 1839): 529-37.---. "Ignoramus on the Fine Arts (No. I)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 29 (February 1831, Part I): 214-23.---. "Ignoramus on the Fine Arts (No. II)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 29 (March 1831): 508-25.---. "Shakspeare a Tory, and a Gentleman." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 24 (November 1828): 570-83.---. "Ignoramus on the Fine Arts (No. III): Hogarth, Bewick, and Green." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 30 (October 1831): 655-68.--- [The Old Bachelor]. "On the Character of Hamlet." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 24 (November 1828): 585-92.Coleridge, S.T. "What is an English Sonnet." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 31 (June 1832): 956.Collins, W. E. W. "More Reflections of a Schoolmaster: Waverley and the Iliad." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 160 (September 1896): 374-85.Collins, W. Lucas. "Adam Bede [by George Eliot]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 85 (April 1895): 490-504.---. "Middlemarch [by George Eliot]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 112 (December 1872): 727-45.---. "Felix Holt, the Radical [by George Eliot]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 100 (July 1866): 94-109.---. "Mrs. Oliphant's Novels." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 113 (June 1873): 722-39.---. "The Mill on the Floss [by George Eliot]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 87 (May 1860): 611-23.---. "Clough's Poems." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 92 (November 1862): 586-98.---. "Autobiography of Anthony Trollope." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 134 (November 1883): 577-96.---. "A Plea for Shams [on Cynicism in Popular Literature]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 84 (October 1858): 430-9.Courtenay, Reginald. "Telepathy." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 150 (July 1891): 125-38.Cowell, Herbert. "Robers Elsmere [by Mrs. Humphry Ward] and Modern Oxford." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 144 (July 1888): 1-20.Croly, George. "The Drama." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 18 (August 1825): 240-6.---. "Political and Literary Biography." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 68 (August 1850): 199-216.---. "Sentiment." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 23 (February 1828): 194-5.---. "Lyrics [by Charles Morris]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 49 (January 1841): 47-55.---. "The Literature of the Eighteenth Century." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 59 (June 1846): 645- 664.Crowest, Frederick J. "Purcell and the Making of Musical England." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 158 (December 1895): 819-35.---. "An Estimate of Mozart." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 151 (January 1892): 37-49.---. "Handel: Man and Musician." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 155 (June 1894): 825-46.Dallas, E.S. "Currer Bell." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 82 (July 1857): 77-94.---. "Popular Literature––the Periodical Press (No. I)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 85 (January 1859): 96-112.---. "Popular Literature–the Periodical Press (No. II)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 85 (February 1859): 180-95.---. "Popular Literature––tracts." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 85 (May 1859): 515-32.---. "Popular Literature––prize Essays." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 86 (December 1859): 681-9.Danton, P. "On the Dramatic Powers of the Author of Waverley." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 19 (February 1826): 152- 160.---. "On Cant in Dramatic Criticism: Miss Kelly's Lady Teazle." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 19 (February 1826): 197-205.---. "Modern Comic Drama: Love's Victory; Or, the School for Pride." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 19 (January 1826): 46-54.---. "Prodigality of Words." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 19 (May 1826): 578-87.Davies, James. "Homer's Sea-Epic Rendered in Ballad-Measure." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 129 (March 1881): March 1881.Deacon, W.F. "The Picture Gallery (No. I)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 41 (June 1837): 795-812.---. "The Picture Gallery (No. I Cont'd)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 42 (July 1837): 20-38.---. "The Picture Gallery (No. II)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 42 (September 1837): 416-28.---. "The Picture Gallery (No. III)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 43 (March 1838): 331-54.---. "The Picture Gallery (No. IV)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 43 (June 1838): 769-83.---. "The Picture Gallery (No. V)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 44 (October 1838): 439-52.---. "The Picture Gallery (No. VI)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 45 (March 1839): 319-40.---. "The Picture Gallery (No. VII)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 45 (May 1839): 588-94.---. "The Picture Gallery (No. VIII)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 46 (July 1839): 46-55.DeQuincey, Thomas. "The English Language." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 45 (April 1839): 455-62.---. "Gillies's German Stories." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 20 (December 1826): 844-58.---. "Milton." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 46 (December 1839): 775-80.---. "Theory of Greek Tragedy." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 47 (February 1840): 145-53.---. "Style (No. IV)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 49 (February 1841): 214-28.---. "Postscript on Didactic Poetry." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 21 (January 1827): 21-4.---. "Style (Part I)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 47 (July 1840): 1-17.---. "Style (No. III)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 48 (October 1840): 508-21.---. "Style (No. II)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 48 (September 1840): 387-98.Doubleday, Thomas. "Music, a Satire." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 16 (August 1824): 183-9.---. "On the Use of Metaphors." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 18 (December 1825): 719-23.---. "The Causes of the Decline of the British Drama." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 23 (January 1828): 33- 39.---. "Minuets." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 17 (March 1825): 335-6.---. "On the Metaphysics of Music (No. II): the Musical Temperament." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 15 (May 1824): 587-92.---. "Fact and Fiction." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 20 (November 1826): 681-5.Doughty, H. M. "Witchcraft and Christianity." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 163 (March 1898): 378-7.Douglas, R. K. "The British Museum and the People Who Go There." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 144 (August 1888): 196-217.---. "The Pictorial Art of Japan." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 141 (February 1887): 281-90.Dunbar, George. "Critical Remarks on Some Passages in the Nubes of Aristophanes." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 18 (September 1825): 351-4.Eagles, John. "Ancient Practice of Painting." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 65 (April 1849): 436-52.---. "Art and Its Vehicles." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 48 (August 1840): 255-8.---. "Art -- Its Prospects: Cleghorn's Ancient and Modern Art." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 64 (August 1848): 145-58.---. "The Arts; Hints to Amateurs." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 40 (July 1836): 131-8.---. "Burnet's Landscape -- Painting in Oil." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 68 (August 1850): 185-98.---. "De Burtin on Pictures." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 58 (October 1845): 413-31.---. "Elton's Poems." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 38 (December 1835): 731-49.---. "The Exhibitions: British Institution for Promoting the Fine Arts in the United Kingdom, Etc, 1836." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 40 (September 1836): 543-56.---. "Exhibitions--the Royal Academy." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 42 (September 1837): 330-41.--- [An Amateur]. "Exhibitions--British Institution, &C." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 42 (October 1837): 493- 505.---. "Eastlake's Literature of the Fine Arts." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 64 (December 1848): 753-66.---. "Exhibitions -- Royal Academy and British Institutions." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 50 (September 1841): 340-51.---. "Exhibitions." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 52 (September 1842): 319-37.---. "Exhibitions -- Royal Academy." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 52 (July 1842): 23-34.---. "Exhibitions." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 54 (August 1843): 188-206.--- [Aquilius]. "A Few Words About Novels -- a Dialogue, in a Letter to Eusebius." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 64 (October 1848): 459-74.---. "The Fine Arts and the Public Taste in 1853." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 74 (August 1853): 89-104.---. "Historical Painting." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 40 (November 1836): 663-73.---. "Historical Painting: Report From the Select Committee on Arts, and Their Connexion With Manufactures." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 41 (February 1837): 183-99.---. "Historical Painting." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 41 (March 1837): 343-56.---. "Lectures At the Royal Academy [by] Henry Fuseli." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 54 (December 1843): 691- 708.---. "Materials for a History of Oil Painting [by C. L. Eastlake]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 62 (September 1847): 301-11.---. "Mérimée on Oil-Painting." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 45 (June 1839): 747-55.---. "Modern Painters [by Ruskin]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 54 (October 1843): 485-503.---. "The National Gallery." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 40 (August 1836): 207-18.---. "The National Gallery." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 42 (November 1837): 693-701.---. "National Gallery: Report of Parliamentary Commission." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 74 (December 1853): 643-62.---. "National Gallery: Report of Commission." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 75 (February 1854): 167-84.---. "National Gallery -- Exhibitions, Etc." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 48 (October 1840): 481-6.---. "The Natural in Art." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 51 (April 1842): 435-44.---. "New Discovery -- Engraving, and Burnet's Cartoons." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 45 (March 1839): 382- 391.---. "Picture Exhibitions: National Gallery; British Institution." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 46 (October 1839): 467-74.---. "Poems By John Kenyon." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 44 (December 1838): 779-94.---. "The Poetry of Sacred and Legendary Art [by Mrs. Jameson]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 65 (February 1849): 175-89.---. "Reflections on Punch -- Morals and Manners." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 45 (February 1839): 190- 200.---. "Report From the Select Committee on Fine Arts, June 1841." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 50 (November 1841): 585-95.---. "Reynolds's Discourses (Part II)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 53 (February 1843): 181-202.---. "Reynolds's Discourses (Part III)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 53 (May 1843): 589-602.---. "Royal Academy and Its Exhibition." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 46 (September 1839): 304-16.---. "Royal Academy Exhibition, &C." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 48 (September 1840): 374-86.---. "Royal Academy Exhibition, &C." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 48 (September 1840): 374-86.---. "Sir Joshua Reynold's Discourses, With Notes By John Burnet, F. R. S. (Part I)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 52 (December 1842): 767-82.---. "Sitting for a Portrait." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 55 (February 1844): 243-56.---. "Strong's Sonnets." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 38 (November 1835): 587-99.--- [Aquilius]. "Subjects for Pictures: a Letter to Eusebius." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 63 (February 1848): 176- 192.---. "Thackeray's Lectures: Swift." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 74 (October 1853): 494-518.---. "The Vicar of Wakefield, With Illustrations By William Mulready." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 53 (June 1843): 771-9.---. "Was Rubens a Colourist." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 62 (November 1847): 564-73.---. "What is Mesmerism." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 70 (July 1851): 70-83.Falkiner, M. "The French Academy." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 149 (February 1891): 250-66.Ferguson, Robert. "Horae Germanicae (No. Xviii): Lessing's Laocoon, Or, the Limits of Poetry and Painting." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 16 (September 1824): 312-6.Ferrier, James. "The Plagiarisms of S. T. Coleridge." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 47 (March 1840): 287-99.---. "Poems By Elizabeth B. Barrett." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 56 (November 1844): 621-39.---. "Poems By Coventry Patmore." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 56 (September 1844): 331-42.--- F. "New Readings in Shakespeare (No. I)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 74 (August 1853): 181-202.--- F. "New Readings in Shakespeare (No. III)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 74 (October 1853): 451-74.--- F. "New Readings in Shakespeare (No. II)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 74 (September 1853): 303-24.Galt, John. "Private Poetry [with a Review of Visions of Irish Story]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 19 (May 1826): 587-9.---. "Lord Byron's Conversations [by Thomas Medwin]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 16 (November 1824): 530- 535.Geddes, W. D. "George Macdonald as a Poet." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 149 (March 1891): 361-70.Gerard, James Emily. "A Polish Novelist––henryk Sienkiewicz." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 145 (April 1889): 514-31.---. "Some German Novels." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 158 (August 1895): 190-212.---. "Some German Novels." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 160 (August 1896): 226-43.---. "Recent German Fiction." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 153 (January 1893): 87-108.---. "Recent French Novels." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 159 (January 1896): 63-80.---. "Recent French Novels." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 150 (July 1891): 36-59.---. "Contemporary German Novelists." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 151 (June 1892): 802-27.---. "Recent German Fiction." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 155 (June 1894): 770-86.---. "Some French Novelists." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 156 (November 1894): 583-99.---. "Favourites in French Fiction." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 162 (October 1897): 531-49.---. "Recent French Novels." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 154 (September 1893): 378-96.Gillies, R. P., and J. G. Lockhart. "Horae Germanicae (No. Xvii): Schiller's Fiesko." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 16 (August 1824): 194-202.Gilly, William Stephen. "Lord Byron." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 15 (June 1824): 696-701.Gooch, Robert. "Nugae Literariae." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 19 (February 1826): 133-6.Gordon, Constance F. "‘Unfathomed Mysteries’ [on Spiritualism]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 133 (May 1883): 628-42.Gore, Catherine G.F. "The Monster-Misery of Literature [on Circulating Libraries]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 55 (May 1844): 556-60.--- [A Designing Devil]. "The New Art of Printing." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 55 (January 1844): 45-9.Grant, Francis [An Amateur]. "The Fine Arts." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 21 (April 1827): 401-7.Grant, Susan Ferrier [O.J.]. "My Novels." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 149 (May 1891): 630-8.Greenwood, Frederick. "A Tyranny of Sentiment." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 165 (June 1899): 1038-51.Gregg, Hilda C. "The Medical Woman in Fiction." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 164 (July 1898): 94-109.---. "Early Victorian Fiction." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 161 (May 1897): 636-52.Greig, G. R. "Rev. Charles Kingsley an Dr. Newman." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 96 (September 1864): 292-308.Greswell, William. "Poets and Geographers." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 156 (October 1894): 515-26.Grove, William. "Mesmerism." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 57 (February 1845): 219-41.Hamilton, Thomas. "Domestic Manners of the Americans [by Mrs. Trollope]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 31 (May 1832): 829-47.Hamley, E. B. "An Idle Hour in My Study." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 135 (April 1884): 469-85.---. "Kingsley's Andromeda." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 84 (August 1858): 217-25.---. "Carlyle." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 85 (February 1859): 127-54.---. "The Life and Letters of George Eliot." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 137 (February 1885): 155-76.---. "Lord Lytton's Comedy." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 107 (January 1870): 74-84.---. "Mr. Dusky's Opinions on Art." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 84 (July 1858): 122-6.---. "George Eliot's Spanish Gypsy." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 103 (June 1868): 760-71.---. "False Coin in Poetry." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 131 (June 1882): 727-40.---. "Alexander Smith's Poems." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 75 (March 1854): 345-51.---. "Poetry of the War, Reviewed Before Sebastopol." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 77 (May 1855): 531-5.---. "Hawthorne on England." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 94 (November 1863): 610-23.---. "[Anthony] Trollope's North America." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 92 (September 1862): 84-98.---. "Remonstrance With Dickens." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 81 (April 1857): 490-503.Hannay, David. "Smollett and the Old Sea-Dogs." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 164 (August 1898): 231-43.---. "The Ghost-Dance of the French [on Literary Criticism]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 166 (August 1899): 149-59.Hardman, Frederick. "A Modern French Comedy." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 73 (April 1853): 430-46.---. "Pictures From St. Petersburg." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 70 (August 1851): 154-72.---. "A Painter in Persia." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 75 (January 1854): 1-18.---. "Paris Theatricals." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 74 (July 1853): 78-89.---. "Under the Limes: the Pen-and-Ink Photographs From Berlin." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 94 (July 1863): 83-96.---. "Dumas in His Curricle." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 55 (March 1844): 347-61.---. "Satires and Caricatures of the Eighteenth Century." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 64 (November 1848): 543- 556.---. "The French Novels of 1849." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 66 (November 1849): 607-19.---. "Fictions for French Firesides." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 72 (November 1852): 545-53.Harness, William. "Celebrated Female Writers (No. I): Joanna Baillie." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 16 (August 1824): 162-78.---. "Celebrated Female Writers (No. I): Joanna Baillie." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 16 (August 1824): 162-78.--- [Harroviensis]. "To the Editor of Blackwood's Magazine [on Medwin's Memoir of Byron]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 16 (November 1824): 536-40.Hasell, Elizabeth J. "A Talk About Sonnets." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 128 (August 1880): 159-74.---. "Morris's Poems." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 106 (July 1869): 56-73.---. "Becket [by Tennyson." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 138 (July 1885): 57-66.---. "Dante in English Terza Rima." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 101 (June 1867): 736-55.---. "A Talk About Odes." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 129 (June 1881): 783-802.---. "The Idylls of the King." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 86 (November 1859): 608-27.---. "Ion [on the Legend as Treated By Euripides, Talfourd, and Swinburne]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 126 (October 1879): 419-34.---. "Newman's Poems." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 108 (September 1870): 285-301.---. "Tennyson's Queen Mary." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 118 (September 1875): 322-35.Haultain, Arnold. "How to Read." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 159 (February 1896): 249-65.---. "Mayfair and the Muses." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 155 (June 1894): 814-24.---. "Tiltes [of Books], and a Digression––or Two." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 152 (September 1892): 392-405.Higginson, Nesta [Moira O'Neill]. "The Power of Dante." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 155 (March 1894): 357-71.Hogarth, George. "Musical Literature." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 27 (March 1830): 471-81.Hutchings, W. W. "The Musical Temperament and Its Manifestations." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 160 (July 1896): 29-38.James, W. P. "Names in Novels." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 150 (August 1891): 230-7.Johnstone, Edward [Phelim McGillicuddy, a Suffering Papist]. "The Reviewer Reviewed." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 23 (June 1828): 917-21.Johnstone, William. "French Literature." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 26 (August 1829): 205-10.Jones, H. Longueville. "Modern Schools of Art in France, Belgium, and Switzerland." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 50 (December 1841): 689-710.---. "The Portraits of Versailles." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 51 (March 1842): 323-32.Jones, Martha. "Something About Music." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 54 (December 1843): 709-14.---. "Something More About Music." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 59 (February 1846): 169-83.Keary, C. F. "The Philosophy of Impressionism." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 163 (May 1898): 630-6.Knight, William Angus. "A Reminiscence of Tennyson." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 162 (August 1897): 264-70.Landreth, Peter. "Emerson's Meeting With De Quincey." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 155 (April 1894): 480-91.Lang, Andrew. "The Evolution of Literary Decency." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 167 (March 1900): 363-70.Lee, Elizabeth. "A French Study of Burns." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 154 (August 1893): 215-23.Lewes, G. H. "Vicor Hugo's Last Romance [on Les Misérables]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 92 (August 1862): 172-82.---. "A Pleasant French Book." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 84 (December 1858): 675-87.---. "Another Pleasant French Book." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 86 (December 1859): 669-80.---. "The Novels of Jane Austen." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 86 (July 1859): 99-113.---. "A Word About Tom Jones." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 87 (March 1860): 331-41.---. "Great Wits, Mad Wits." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 88 (September 1860): 302-11.---. "The Great Tragedian." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 64 (September 1848): 345-58.Lobban, J. H. "Under the Beard of Buchanan [on Literary Criticism]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 166 (November 1899): 702-15.---., and William Blackwood III. "Mrs. Oliphant." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 162 (July 1897): 161-4.Lockhart, J. G. "Ballantyne's Novelist's Library." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 15 (April 1824): 406-18.---. "The Second Volume of Rose's Ariosto." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 15 (April 1824): 418-24.---. "Lord Byron." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 17 (February 1825): 131-51.---. "Goethe's Wilhelm Meister." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 15 (June 1824): 619-32.---. "Works of the First Importance (No. I): Last Days of Napoleon, By Doctor Antommarchi." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 17 (March 1825): 323-7.---. "Buchanan's Memoirs of Painting; British Galleries of Art." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 16 (November 1824): 505-17.---. "The Five Nights of St. Albans [by William Mudford]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 26 (October 1829): 561- 566.---. [C.P.]. "Dibdin's Criticism." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 17 (January 1825): 76.---. [M. Odoherty]. "Remarks on the Novel of Matthew Wald." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 15 (May 1824): 568-79.---. [M.M.]. "Lectures on the Fine Arts (No. II): on Henry Alken and Others." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 15 (February 1824): 219-24.---. [P.K.]. "Horae Germanicae (No. Xix): Goetz Von Berlichingen, a Tragedy, By Goethe." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 16 (October 1824): 369-85.Lowe, Robert W. "The Real ‘Rejected Addresses’: a Chapter in the History of Theatrical Literature." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 153 (May 1893): 742-50.Macaulay, George C. "New Views of Shakespeare's Sonnets: the ‘Other Poet’ Identified (Part I)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 135 (June 1884): 727-61.---. "New Views of Shakespeare's Sonnets: the ‘Other Poet’ Identified (Part II)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 137 (June 1885): 774-800.---. "New Views of Shakespeare's Sonnets: the ‘Other Poet’ Identified (Part III)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 139 (March 1886): 327-50.Mackay, Aeneas. "The Songs and Ballads of Fife." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 150 (September 1891): 334-47.Mackay, Charles. "Modern Cynicism." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 103 (January 1868): 62-70.---. "Stage Morality and the Ballet." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 105 (March 1869): 354-60.---. "The Poetry and Humour of the Scottish Language." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 108 (November 1870): 569-86.Maginn, William. "A Running Commentary on ‘The Ritter Bann,’ a Poem By T. Campbell, Esq." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 15 (April 1824): 440-5.---. "Odoherty on English Songs." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 17 (April 1825): 480-5.---. "Profligacy of the London Periodical Press (No. I)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 16 (August 1824): 179-83.---. "Miss Landon's Poetry." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 16 (August 1824): 189-93.---. "Note-Book of a Literary Idler (No. II)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 18 (August 1825): 233-40.---. "French Literature of the Day." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 18 (December 1825): 715-9.---. "Scotch Poets, Hogg and Campbell, Hynde and Theodric." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 17 (January 1825): 109-13.---. "Remarks on Mr. Sullivan's Dramatic Poems." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 15 (June 1824): 675-9.---. "Note-Book of a Literary Idler (No. I)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 17 (June 1825): 736-44.---. "Croly's Comedy." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 15 (March 1824): 343-50.---. "Odoherty on Irish Songs." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 17 (March 1825): 318-22.---. "Note-Book of a Literary Idler (No. III)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 18 (November 1825): 587- 595.---. "Profligacy of the London Periodical Press (No. II)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 16 (October 1824): 438- 439.---. "Letters of Mr. Mullion to the Leading Poets of the Age: to Bryan W. Procter, Esq., Alias Barry Cornwall." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 16 (September 1824): 285-9.--- [T. Tickler]. "Pike Prose, and Poetry." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 15 (May 1824): 593-7.Magnus, Laurie. "Modern German Drama." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 166 (July 1899): 47-60.Malcolm, Ian. "The Ring At Covent Garden." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 164 (July 1898): 110-5.Manners, J.R. "Art and Artists in Spain." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 65 (January 1849): 63-80.Marshall, Frederic. "The Paris Opera." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 158 (August 1895): 157-71.Martin, Helena Faucit. "On Some of Shakespeare's Female Characters, By One Who Has Personated Them (No. IV): Juliet (Part I)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 131 (December 1881): 31-43.---. "On Some of Shakespeare's Female Characters, By One Who Has Personated Them (No. II): Portia." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 129 (February 1881): 198-210.---. "On Some of Shakespeare's Female Characters, By One Who Has Personated Them (No. V): Juliet (Part II)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 131 (February 1882): 141-69.---. "On Some of Shakespeare's Female Characters, By One Who Has Personated Them (No. VIII): Beatrice." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 137 (February 1885): 203-31.---. "On Some of Shakespeare's Female Characters, By One Who Has Personated Them (No. I): Ophelia." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 129 (January 1881): 66-77.---. "On Some of Shakespeare's Female Characters, By One Who Has Personated Them (No. VI): Imogen, Princess of Britain." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 133 (January 1883): 1-41.---. "On Some of Shakespeare's Female Characters, By One Who Has Personated Them (No. IX): Hermione." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 149 (January 1891): 1-37.---. "On Some of Shakespeare's Female Characters, By One Who Has Personated Them (No. III): Desdemona." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 129 (March 1881): 324-45.---. "On Some of Shakespeare's Female Characters, By One Who Has Personated Them (No. VII): Rosalind." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 136 (October 1884): 399-437.Martin, Theodore. "Theatrical Reform: the Merchant of Venice At the Lyceum." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 126 641-83.---. "Shakespeare Or Bacon." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 143 (February 1888): 256-72.Mason, David. "Ben Jonson in Edinburgh." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 154 (December 1893): 790-804.Maxwell, Herbert. "Imagination." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 150 (October 1891): 576-88.Meetkerke, Cecelia E. "Anthony Trollope." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 133 (February 1883): 316-20.Meldrum, D. S. "A New Boy in Fiction." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 160 (December 1896): 800-13.---. "The Novels of John Galt." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 159 (June 1896): 871-82.---. "The Cique Ports [by Ford Madox Hueffer]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 168 (November 1900): 711-8.---, and G. D. Brown. "Robert Burns." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 160 (August 1896): 184-94.Merivale, Herman. "On the Picturesque Style of Historical Romance; Illustrated By Some Recent French Works of That Description." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 33 (April 1833, Part II): 621-7.Millar, J. H. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine---. "Mrs. Oliphant as a Biographer." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 163 (April 1898): 501-12.---. "The Life of Punch." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 158 (December 1895): 866-79.---. "Penny Fiction." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 164 (December 1898): 801-11.---. "Among the Young Lions [on Literary Critics]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 163 (June 1898): 729-42.---. "On Some Books for Boys and Girls." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 159 (March 1896): 386-97.---. "Mr. Ruskin." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 167 (March 1900): 340-54.---. "Recent Celtic Experiments in English Literature." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 159 (May 1896): 716-29.---. "Lord Tennyson." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 162 (November 1897): 615-29.---. "A Budget of New Books." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 168 (November 1900): 729-40.---. "The Works of Mr. Kipling." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 164 (October 1898): 470-82.---. "The Novels of Mr. Blackmore." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 160 (September 1896): 409-22.---. "Mrs. Oliphant as a Novelist." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 162 (September 1897): 305-19.Minto, William. "Lord Lytton's Glenaveril." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 138 (October 1885): 452-62.Moir, D.M. [∆]. "[Critical Comment On] Sabbath Sonnet, By Mrs. Hemans." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 38 (July 1835): 96-7.---. "Shakspeare in Germany (Part V): Shakspeare's Comedies; Midsummer Night's Dream." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 40 (July 1836): 139-49.---. "French Literature of the Eighteenth Century, By M. Villemain (Part I)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 46 (July 1839): 1-18.---. "The Three Brothers of Damascus; a Comedy, By Adam Oehlenschlaeger." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 39 (June 1836): 717-39.---. "Lamartine's Poetry." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 15 (March 1824): 257-61.---. "Delavigne's New Comedy and Messeniennes." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 15 (March 1824): 262-4.---. "Aladdin; a Dramatic Poem, in Two Parts, By Adam Ochlenschlaeger." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 36 (November 1834): 620-41.---. "French Literature of the Eighteenth Century, By Villemain (Part II)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 46 (September 1839): 321-44.Mozley, Anne. "Illustration." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 110 (December 1871): 754-70.---. "The Poets At Play." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 115 (June 1874): 678-95.---. "On Fiction as an Educator." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 108 (October 1870): 449-59.Neal, John. "American Writers (No. IV)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 17 (January 1825): 48-69.---. "Late American Books." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 18 (September 1825): 316-34.--- [Omega]. "Men and Women; Brief Hypothesis Concerning the Difference in Their Genius." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 16 (October 1824): 387-94.--- [X.Y.Z.]. "American Writers (No. V)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 17 (February 1825): 186-207.--- [X.Y.Z.]. "American Writers (No. III)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 16 (November 1824): 560-71.--- [X.Y.Z.]. "American Writers (No. II)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 16 (October 1824): 415-28.--- [X.Y.Z.]. "American Writers (No. I)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 16 (September 1824): 304-11.Neaves, Charles. "Music and Friends." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 45 (April 1839): 480-9.---. "Song-Writing: Burns." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 46 (August 1839): 256-71.---. "Ancient Scottish Music--the Skene Ms." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 45 (January 1839): 1-16.---. "On Personification (Part II)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 48 (July 1840): 35-51.---. "Literary Criticisms." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 41 (June 1837): 788-94.---. "On Personification (Part I)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 47 (June 1840): 798-815.---. "On Personification (Part III)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 49 (June 1841): 770-8.---. "Earlier English Moral Songs and Poems (No. II)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 45 (March 1839): 303- 316.---. "Mozart." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 58 (November 1845): 572-90.---. "Of the Earlier English Moral Songs and Poems (No. I)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 44 (October 1838): 453-68.---. "Song-Writing: Moore." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 46 (September 1839): 368-80.Nicolson, Alexander. "Biography Gone Mad [largely on the American Press]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 79 (March 1856): 285-304.North, Christopher. "American Poetry: William Cullen Bryant." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 31 (April 1832): 646- 664.Olding, W. Herbert. "Resemblances in Literature." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 132 (November 1882): 622-38.Oliphant, Margaret. "Charles Dickens." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 77 (April 1855): 451-66.---. "The Laws Concerning Women." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 79 (April 1856): 379-87.---. "New Books (No. V)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 109 (April 1871): 440-64.---. "A Century of Great Poets, From 1750 Downwards (No. VI): Percy Bysshe Shelley." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 111 (April 1872): 415-40.---. "New Books (No. VIII)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 111 (April 1872): 478-99.---. "New Books." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 115 (April 1874): 443-63.---. "Harriet Martineau." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 121 (April 1877): 472-96.---. "Hamlet." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 125 (April 1879): 462-81.---. "Recent Books––french and English." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 161 (April 1897): 455-84.---. "Macaulay (No. I)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 80 (August 1856): 127-41.---. "The Byways of Literature: Reading for the Million." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 84 (August 1858): 200-16.---. "Novels (No. I)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 94 (August 1863): 168-83.---. "Josiah Wedgwood." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 98 (August 1865): 154-70.---. "New Books." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 108 (August 1870): 166-88.---. "A Century of Great Poets, From 1750 Downwards (No. II): Walter Scott." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 110 (August 1871): 229-56.---. "New Books (No. X)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 112 (August 1872): 196-217.---. "A Century of Great Poets, From 1750 Downwards (No. IX): Johann Friedrich Schiller." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 114 (August 1873): 183-206.---. "Molière." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 120 (August 1876): 172-90.---. "Englishmen and Frenchmen." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124 (August 1878): 219-37.---. "New Books (No. Xvi)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 116 (Auguts 1874): 166-83.---. "Modern Light Literature––art." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 78 (December 1855): 702-17.---. "John Wilson." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 92 (December 1862): 751-67.---. "Victor Hugo." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 100 (December 1866): 744-69.---. "A Century of Great Poets, From 1750 Downwards (No. VIII): Johann Wolfgang Goethe." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 112 (December 1872): 675-97.---. "New Books (No. Xi)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 112 (December 1872): 746-65.---. "A Few French Novels." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 130 (December 1881): 703-23.---. "Novels: the Children of Gebeon; Princess Casamassima; Sir Percival; a Bachelor's Blunder." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 140 (December 1886): 776-98.---. "A Raid Among Books." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 160 (December 1896): 822-46.---. "Bulwer." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 77 (February 1855): 221-33.---. "Modern Light Literature––poetry." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 79 (February 1856): 125-38.---. "A Century of Great Poets, From 1750 Downwards (No. V) Robert Burns." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 111 (February 1872): 140-68.---. "New Books (No. Xii)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 113 (February 1873): 206-21.---. "Fables in Song [by Robert Bulwer Lytton]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 115 (February 1874): 248-66.---. "A Century of Great Poets, From 1750 Downwards (No. X): Alphonse De Lamartine." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 119 (February 1876): 207-31.---. "Mr. Thackeray's Sketches." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 119 (February 1876): 232-43.---. "Mr. Thackeray and His Novels." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 77 (January 1855): 86-96.---. "J. M. W. Turner." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 91 (January 1862): 17-34.---. "New Books (No. IV)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 109 (January 1871): 22-47.---. "The Novels of Alphonse Daudet." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 125 (January 1879): 93-111.---. "American Literature in England." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 133 (January 1883): 136-61.---. "The Letters of Sir Walter Scott." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 155 (January 1894): 15-26.---. "Evelyn and Pepys." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 76 (July 1854): 35-52.---. "Modern Light Literature––science." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 78 (July 1855): 72-86.---. "Poetry." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 88 (July 1860): 37-53.---. "New Books." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 110 (July 1871): 62-80.---. "A Century of Great Poets, From 1750 Downwards (No. VII): Lord Byron." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 112 (July 1872): 49-72.---. "Alexandre Dumas." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 114 (July 1873): 111-30.---. "New Books (No. Xviii)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 118 (July 1875): 82-99.---. "New Books (No. Xxi)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 126 (July 1879): 70-87.---. "Mary Russell Mitford." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 75 (June 1854): 658-70.---. "The New Exhibition." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 91 (June 1862): 663-72.---. "The Latest Lawgiver [on Ruskin]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 103 (June 1868): 675-91.---. "Chales Dickens." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 109 (June 1871): 673-95.---. "A Century of Great Poets, From 1750 Downwards (No. I): William Cowper." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 109 (June 1871): 763-93.---. "New Books (No. IX)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 111 (June 1872): 735-56.---. "New Books: Victor Hugo's Quatre-Vingt-Treize." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 115 (June 1874): 750-69.---. "Art in May." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 117 (June 1875): 747-64.---. "The Royal Academy." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 119 (June 1876): 753-69.---. "New Books (No. Xx)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 123 (June 1878): 681-702.---. "Miss Austen and Miss Mitford." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 107 (March 1870): 290-313.---. "Voltaire [by John Morley]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 111 (March 1872): 270-90.---. "Lord Lytton." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 113 (March 1873): 356-78.---. "New Books (No. Xix)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 123 (March 1878): 305-27.---. "Recent Novels." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 131 (March 1882): 365-91.---. "Modern Novelists––great and Small." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 77 (May 1855): 554-68.---. "Sensation Novels." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 91 (May 1862): 564-84.---. "New Books." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 107 (May 1870): 628-51.---. "New Books (No. Xvii)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 117 (May 1875): 616-37.---. "'Tis Sixty Years Since." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 161 (May 1897): 599-624.---. "Modern Light Literature––travellers' Tales." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 78 (November 1855): 586-99.---. "French Periodical Literature." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 98 (November 1865): 603-21.---. "New Books (No. III)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 108 (November 1870): 607-31.---. "A Century of Great Poets, From 1750 Downwards (No. IV): Samuel Taylor Coleridge." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 110 (November 1871): 552-76.---. "Ancient Classics––latin Literature." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 116 (November 1874): 599-620.---. "Tennyson." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 152 (November 1892): 748-66.---. "Modern Light Literature––history." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 78 (October 1855): 437-51.---. "Modern Light Literature -- Society." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 82 (October 1857): 423-37.---. "The Life of Jesus [by Renan]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 96 (October 1864): 417-31.---. "Charles Reade's Novels." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 106 (October 1869): 488-514.---. "Piccadilly [by Laurence Oliphant]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 108 (October 1870): 401-22.---. "American Books." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 110 (October 1871): 422-42.---. "New Books (No. VII)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 110 (October 1871): 458-80.---. "Michael Angelo." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 118 (October 1875): 461-82.---. "Maud, By Alfred Tennyson." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 78 (September 1855): 311-21.---. "Macaulay (No. II)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 80 (September 1856): 365-78.---. "Novels (No. II)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 102 (September 1867): 257-80.---. "New Books (No. Xiii)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 114 (September 1873): 368-90.---. "The Ancient Classics." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 116 (September 1874): 365-86.---. "New Novels." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 128 (September 1880): 378-404.---. "Three Young Novelists [on F. M. Crawford, ‘F. Anstey,’ J. F. Fargus]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 136 (September 1884): 296-316.---. "A Century of Great Poets, From 1750 Downwards (No. III): William Wordsworth." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 110 (September 871): 299-326.Paget, John. "Swift." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 119 (April 1876): 527-44.---. "George Cruikshank." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 94 (August 1863): 217-24.---. "The Elements of Drawing [by John Ruskin]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 87 (January 1860): 32-44.---. "Mozart: a Study of Artistic Nationality." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 131 (May 1882): 635-53.---. "Swift and Lord Macaulay." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 120 (November 1876): 521-36.---. "A Day At Antwerp: Rubens and Ruskin." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 90 (September 1861): 365-72.Patterson, R. H. "Colour, in Nature and Art." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 76 (November 1854): 539-60.Peel, Jonathan. "Taste and Music in England (Part I)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 53 (January 1843): 127-40.---. "English Music and English Musicians (Part II)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 54 (July 1843): 23- 41.Phillips, Samuel. "Art in the Early Christian Ages." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 62 (October 1847): 446-56.Prothero, R. E. "Rabelais At Home." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 155 (April 1894): 504-14.Quillinan, Edward. "The Attorney's Clerk in the Monk's Hood [poetry of Chatterton]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 53 (June 1843): 780-90.Saintsbury, George. "The End of a Chapter." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 157 (February 1895): 171-87.---. "The Two Tragedies––a Note." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 162 (September 1897): 395-401.Schiller, H. Carl. "Who Painted the Great Murillo De La Marced." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 108 (August 1870): 133-65.Scott, David. "On Leonardo Da Vinci and Coreggio." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 48 (August 1840): 270-80.---. "On the Peculiarities of Thought and Style, in the Picture of the ‘Last Judgment,’ By Michael Angelo." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 45 (February 1839): 257-71.---. "On Titian and Venetian Painting." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 47 (January 1840): 88-96.---. "On the Genius of Raphael." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 45 (June 1839): 809-18.---. "The Caracci, Caravaggio, and Monachism." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 49 (March 1841): 371-8.Scott, Walter. "The Omen [by John Galt]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 20 (July 1826): 52-9.Shand, A. Innes. "Contemporary Literature (No. V): Biography, Travel, and Sport." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 125 (April 1879): 482-506.---. "Politics in Fiction." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 149 (April 1891): 497-511.---. "New Books." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 153 (April 1893): 594-608.---. "Victor Hugo." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 122 (August 1877): 157-81.---. "Contemporary Literature (No. VII): Readers." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 126 (August 1879): 235-56.---. "Recent French Novels." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 134 (August 1883): 190-204.---. "Crime in Fiction." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 148 (August 1890): 172-89.---. "New Books." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 154 (August 1893): 272-92.---. "Contemporary Literature (No. I): Journalists." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124 (December 1878): 641-62.---. "Literary Voluptuaries." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 142 (December 1887): 805-17.---. "Contemporary Literature: Magazine-Writers [for Blackwood's]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 125 (February 1879): 225-47.---. "George Sand." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 121 (January 1877): 70-93.---. "Contemporary Literature (No. II): Journalists and Magazine-Writers." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 125 (January 1879): 69-92.---. "Literary Bohemians." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 133 (January 1883): 113-25.---. "Comedy in Fiction." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 148 (July 1890): 60-74.---. "Three Novels." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 154 (July 1893): 119-27.---. "Contemporary Literature (No. VI): French Literature." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 125 (June 1879): 678-703.---. "History and Poetry of the Scottish Border [by John Veitch]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 153 (June 1893): 865-78.---. "Balzac." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 121 (March 1877): 300-23.---. "Contemporary Literature (No. IV): Novelists." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 125 (March 1879): 322-44.---. "Recent French Novels." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 133 (March 1883): 421-37.---. "Recent German Novels." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 133 (May 1883): 701-22.---. "Contemporary Literature (No. VIII): Newspaper Offices." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 126 (October 1879): 472-93.---. "Sport in Fiction––and in Fact." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 148 (October 1890): 547-67.---. "The Prize French Novel." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 126 (September 1879): 337-47.Shaw, Thomas B. "Púshkin, the Russian Poet (No. III)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 58 (August 1845): 140-56.---. "Púshkin, the Russian Poet (No. II)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 58 (July 1845): 28-43.---. "Púshkin, the Russian Poet (No. I)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 57 (June 1845): 657-78.Skelton, John. "Mrs. Oliphant on Venice." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 143 (February 1888): 185-92.---. "Dante Rossetti and Mr. William Bell Scott." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 153 (February 1893): 229-35.---. "A Little Chat About Mrs. Oliphant: in a Letter From an Island." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 133 (January 1883): 73-91.---. "Jonathan Swift." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 133 (March 1883): 321-44.Smith, Alexander. "The Philosophy of Poetry." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 38 (December 1835): 827-39.Smith, William Henry. "Hallam's Introduction to the Literature of Europe During the Fifteenth, Sixteenth, and Seventeenth Centuries." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 41 (May 1837): 614-22.---. "Tennyson's Poems." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 65 (April 1849): 453-67.---. "A Prosing Upon Poetry." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 46 (August 1839): 194-202.---. "Some Remarks on Schiller's Maid of Orleans." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 56 (August 1844): 216- 227.---. "Voltaire in the Crystal Palace." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 70 (August 1851): 142-53.---. "Emerson." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 62 (December 1847): 643-57.---. "Goldsmith (Part I)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 67 (February 1850): 137-52.---. "Past and Present, By Carlyle." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 54 (July 1843): 121-38.---. "The Coming Race [by E. G. Bulwer-Lytton]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 110 (July 1871): 46-61.---. "The Novel and the Drama: Some Advice to an Author." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 57 (June 1845): 679- 687.---. "Wordsworth." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 49 (March 1841): 359-71.---. "Goldsmith (Part II)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 67 (March 1850): 296-308.---. "William Blake." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 97 (March 1865): 291-307.---. "Some American Poets." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 69 (May 1851): 513-30.---. "Review of an Unpublished Tragedy." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 48 (November 1840): 610-8.---. "The American Library." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 62 (November 1847): 574-92.---. "On the Feigned Madness of Hamlet." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 46 (October 1839): 449-54.---. "Works of Hans Christian Andersen." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 62 (October 1847): 387-407.---. "Dennis on Shakspeare." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 52 (September 1842): 368-73.---. "Mr. Ruskin's Works." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 70 (September 1851): 326-48.---, and D.M. Moir. "Mrs. Hemans." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 64 (December 1848): 641-58.Smyth, Mrs. A. Gillespie. "‘Frithioff’; a Swedish Poem, By Esaias Tegner, Bishop of Wexio." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 23 (February 1828): 137-61.Stevenson, William [∑]. "On the Reciprocal Influence of Periodical Publications, and the Intellectual Progress of This Country." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 16 (November 1824): 518-28.Story, R. H. "Mrs. Oliphant's Life of Principal Tulloch." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 144 (November 1888): 736-56.Story, W. W. "In a Studio (No. 1)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 117 (April 1875): 481-507.---. "Michel Angelo." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 144 (August 1888): 258-78.---. "Phidias and the Elgin Marbles." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 114 (December 1873): 686-713.---. "In a Studio (No. IV)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 118 (December 1875): 674-95.---. "In a Studio (No. II)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 117 (June 1875): 713-41.---. "A New Poet." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 134 (October 1883): 431-7.---. "In a Studio (No. III)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 118 (September 1875): 310-21.Street, G. S. "Sheridan and Mr. Shaw." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 167 (June 1900): 832-6.---. "Byron––to 1816." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 166 (November 1899): 620-30.--- [A.B.C.D.]. "Some Opinions [on Literature]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 164 (November 1898): 591-602.Stuart, Alexander. "Montrose and Argyll in Fiction." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 165 (January 1899): 93-105.Sturgis, Julian. "In the British Museum." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 132 (October 1882): 457-61.Swayne, G. C. "Illustrations of Herodotus." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 78 (December 1855): 685-701.--- [Peregrinus]. "An Early Peep At the Show [the Paris Universal Exhibition]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 101 (May 1867): 624-32.--- [Tlepolemus]. "Paris and the Exhibition: Letter to Irenaeus." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 78 (November 1855): 599-617.Symington, A. "Some Recent African Books." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 148 (December 1890): 829-44.Townsend, C.H. " an Essay on the Theory and the Writings of Wordsworth (Part IV)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 26 (December 1829): 894-910.---. "An Essay on the Theory and the Writings of Wordsworth (Part III)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 26 (November 1829): 774-88.---. "An Essay on the Theory and the Writings of Wordsworth (Part II)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 26 (October 1829): 593-609.---. "An Essay on the Theory and the Writings of Wordsworth (Part I)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 26 (September 1829 Part II): 453-63.---. [A Proser]. "A Prose Essay on Prosing." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 26 (September 1829 Part II): 436-43.Townsend, Horatio. "Letter From Senex, on Swift, Walter Scott, &C." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 18 (December 1825): 724-9.Trollope, Henry M. "What Was Tartuffe." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 154 (November 1893): 641-7.---. "Molière's Débûts on the Theatre." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 150 (October 1891): 486-99.Tulloch, John. "Amateur Theology: Arnold's Literature and Dogma." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 113 (June 1873): 678-92.Unidentified [poss. John Wilson]. "The Bairnly School of Criticism: Leading Article ‘On Theodric,’ in the Edinburgh Review." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 17 (April 1825): 486-7.Veitch, John. "The Yarrow of Wordsworth and Scott." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 151 (May 1892): 638-50.Warren, Samuel. "Dramas By William Smith." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 71 (January 1852): 22-34.--- [Q.Q.Q.]. "Dickens's American Notes for General Circulation." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 52 (December 1842): 783- 801.Whibley, Charles. "Stéphane Mallarmé." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 164 (692-97): 692-7.---. "The New Don Quixote." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 164 (August 1898): 274-82.---. "The Victorian Drama." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 167 (January 1900): 98-108.---. "William Morris." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 166 (July 1899): 16-26.---. "A New School [on Literary Criticism]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 163 (June 1898): 779-87.---. "Fashion in Fiction." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 166 (October 1899): 531-42.White, James. "‘Judge Not,’ and Other Poems, By Edmund Peel." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 37 (April 1835): 677- 683.---. "Canting Poetry." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 26 (August 1829): 239-45.---. "The Galley--a Poem [by Thomas Humphries]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 38 (December 1835): 840- 846.---. "Hints to Authors; Second Series (No. V): on the Epistolary." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 50 (December 1841): 711-21.---. "Hints to Authors (Nos. III-IV)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 39 (February 1836): 166-76.---. "A Discourse on Goethe and the Germans." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 45 (February 1839): 247-56.---. "Hints to Authors; Second Series (No. II): on the Original." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 49 (February 1841): 154-66.---. "Objectionable Books." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 85 (February 1859): 164-79.---. "Hints to Authors; Second Series (No. I): on the Impressive." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 49 (January 1841): 56-64.---. "Hints to Authors: Second Series (No. IV): on the Biographical." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 49 (June 1841): 757-70.---. "Hints to Authors (Nos. V-VI)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 39 (March 1836): 357-69.---. "Literature in the Jungles." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 47 (March 1840): 342-54.---. "Hints to Authors; Second Series (No. III): on the Dramatic." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 49 (March 1841): 330-42.---. "Hints to Authors (No. VII)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 39 (May 1836): 607-18.---. "Hints to Authors (Nos. I-II)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 38 (October 1835): 431-42.---. "Contemporary Spanish Literature; a Trial Scene." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 50 (October 1841): 491- 505.---. "German Drama: Hedwig; a Drama, By Theodore Korner." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 42 (September 1837): 366- 375.Wilde, Oscar. "The Portrait of Mr. W. H." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 146 (July 1889): 1-21.Wilson, John. "Analytical Essays on the Modern English Drama (No. III): on Babington; a Tragedy." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 18 (July 1825): 119-30.---. "Ancient Scottish Poetry: Dunbar." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 37 (February 1835, Part II): 287-318.---. "The Birth-Day, a Poem, By Caroline Bowles." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 41 (March 1837): 404- 428.---. "Byron's Address to the Ocean." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 64 (October 1848): 499-514.---. "Characteristics of Women (No. I): Characters of the Affections; Shakspeare." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 33 (January 1833): 124-42.---. "Characteristics of Women (No. II): Characters of the Affections; Shakspeare." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 33 (February 1833): 143-69.---. "Characteristics of Women (No. III): Characters of Passion and Imagination; Shakspeare." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 33 (March 1833): 391-418.---. "Characteristics of Women (No. IV): Characters of Intellect; Shakspeare." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 33 (April 1833, Part I): 539-60.---. "Chronicles of the Canongate [by Walter Scott]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 22 (November 1827): 556- 570.---. "The Cockney School of Poetry (No. VIII): Bacchus in Tuscany, By Leigh Hunt." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 18 (August 1825): 155-60.---. "Coleridge's Poetical Works." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 36 (October 1834): 542-70.---. "Cyril Thornton [by Thomas Hamilton]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 22 (July 1827): 83-103.---. "Dramas, By Joanna Baillie (Part I)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 39 (January 1836): 1-16.---. "Dramas--By Joanna Baillie (Part II)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 39 (February 1836): 265-80.---. "The Female Characters in Our Modern Poetry (No. I): Kailyal--in the Curse of Kehama." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 37 (May 1835): 815-42.---. "The Female Characters in Our Modern Poetry (No. II): Oneiza--in Thalaba [by] Southey." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 38 (July 1835): 128-41.---. "A Glance Over the Poetry of Thomas Warton." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 44 (October 1838): 553- 572.---. "Have You Read Ossian?" Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 46 (November 1839): 693-714.---. "An Hour's Talk About Poetry." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 30 (September 1831): 475-90.---. "Imaginary Conversations of Literary Men and Statesmen, By Walter Savage Landor, Esq." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 15 (April 1824): 457-66.---. "The Literary Souvenir [Ed. A. A. Watts]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 17 (January 1825): 94-101.---. "Living Poets and Poetesses." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 31 (June 1832): 957-64.---. "The Loves of the Poets [by Mrs. Jameson]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 26 (September 1829 Part II): 524-39.---. "Alford's School of the Heart." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 39 (May 1836): 577-93.---. "Motherwell's Poems." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 33 (April 1833, Part II): 668-81.---. "New Edition of Ben Jonson." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 45 (February 1839): 145-69.--- [A.B.]. "North America: Peculiarities; State of the Fine Arts; Painting." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 16 (August 1824): 129-36.---. "North's Specimens of the British Critics (No. I): Dryden." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 57 (February 1845): 133-58.---. "North's Specimens of the British Critics (No. II): Dryden and Pope." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 57 (March 1845): 369-400.---. "North's Specimens of the British Critics (No. III): Dryden." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 57 (April 1845): 503-28.---. "North's Specimens of the British Critics (No. IV): Dryden on Chaucer." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 57 (May 1845): 617-46.---. "North's Specimens of the British Critics (No. V): Dryden on Chaucer (Concluded)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 57 (June 1845): 771-95.---. "North's Specimens of the British Critics (No. VI): Supplement to Dryden on Chaucer." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 58 (July 1845): 114-28.---. "North's Specimens of the British Critics (No. VII): ‘Macflecnoe’ and the ‘Dunciad.’" Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 58 (August 1845): 229-56.---. "North's Specimens of the British Critics (No. VIII): Supplement to ‘Macflecnoe’ and the ‘Dunciad.’" Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 58 (September 1845): 366-88.---. "Our Descriptive Poetry." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 45 (May 1839): 573-85.---. "Poems By William S. Roscoe." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 37 (February 1835, Part I): 153-60.---. "Poetry By Our New Contributor [critical prose by Wilson, poetry by John Sterling]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 42 (November 1837): 573-98.---. "Poetry of Ebenezer Elliott." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 35 (May 1834, Part II): 815-35.---. "A Preface to a Review of the Chronicles of the Canongate." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 22 (November 1827): 531-56.---. "Sacred Poetry." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 24 (December 1828 Part II): 917-38.---. "Sacred Poetry of the Seventeenth Century." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 38 (November 1835): 671-714.---. "Spenser (No. I)." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 34 (November 1833): 824-56.---. "Spenser (No. II): the Faery Queen." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 36 (September 1834): 408-30.---. "The Story of Justin Martyr--and Other Poems [by R. C. Trench]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 38 (September 1835): 417-28.---. "Tennyson's Poems." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 31 (May 1832): 721-41.---. "Willis's Poems,257-268." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 38 (August 1835): 257-68.---. "Wordsworth's New Volume." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 37 (May 1835): 699-722.---. "Works of the First Importance (No. II): the Spirit of the Age [by William Hazlitt]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 17 (March 1825): 361-5.Zimmern, Helen. "Coleridge Marginalia: Hitherto Unpublished." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 131 (January 1882): 107-25.---. "An Italian [Gaetano Negri] on George Eliot." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 150 (Decmber 1891): 867-77.---. "Italian Journalism as Seen in Fiction." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 162 (August 1897): 207-19.---. "Italian Poets of Today." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 151 (March 1892): 350-69.---. "A Novel By a Jesuit Father [on Don Luis Coloma]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 154 (July 1893): 49-63.---. "Politics in Recent Italian Fiction." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 160 (November 1896): 647-67.---. "A Quartette of Italian Novelists [on Farina, Verga, Serao, "Marchese Colombi"]." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 137 (January 1885): 72-92.n.a. "A Theory of Talk." Cornhill 4 3rd s. (1898): 809-817. Aide, Hamilton. "Amateur Music." Cornhill 8 (1863) 93-98.Allen, Grant. "Aesthetic Analysis of an Obelisk" 36 (1877) 589-600.Allen, Grant. “Pleased with a Feather.” 39 (1879): 712-722. [aesthetics]Allen, Grant. "The Philosophy of Drawing-rooms 41 (1880): 312-326.Allen, Grant. "Cimabue and Coal-scuttles [aesthetics] 42 (1880): 61-76.Allen, Grant. "Decorative Decorations." Cornhill 42 (1880): 590-600. Allen, Grant. "Who were the Fairies?" 43 (1881): 349-358.Allen, Grant. "A Scribbler's Apology." Cornhill 47 (1883): 538-550.Allen, Grant. "A Very Old Master." Cornhill ns 4 (1885): 254-266. Allen, Grant. "Superfine English." Cornhill ns 5 (1885): 626-635.Allen, Grant. "The Cause of Character." Cornhill ns 9 (1887): 414-427. Allen, Grant. "The Great American Language." Cornhill ns 11 (1888): 363-377.Arnold, Matthew. The Literary Influence of Academies."10 (1864) 154-172. Arnold, Matthew. "The Study of Celtic Literature (part I)." Cornhill 13 (1866): 282-296.Arnold, Matthew. "The Study of Celtic Literature (part II)." Cornhill 13 (1866): 469-483.Arnold, Matthew. "The Study of Celtic Literature (part III). 13 (1866): 538-555.Arnold, Matthew. "The Study of Celtic Literature (part IV)." Cornhill 14 (1866): 110-128.Arnold, Matthew. "Culture and its Enemies." Cornhill 16 (1867): 36-53. [repr and revised in Culture and Anarchy]Arnold, Matthew. "Anarchy and Authority (part I)." Cornhill 17 (1868): 30-47. [I-conclusion repr. and revised in Culture and Anarchy.]Arnold, Matthew "Anarchy and Authority (part II)." Cornhill 17 (1868): 239-256. Arnold, Matthew "Anarchy and Authority (part III)."17 (1868): 745-760. Arnold, Matthew "Anarchy and Authority (part IV)." Cornhill 18 (1868): 91-107. Arnold, Matthew "Anarchy and Authority (concl)." Cornhill 18 (1868): 239-256. Arnold, Matthew."Literature and Dogma (part I)." Cornhill 24 (1871): 25-47. Arnold, Matthew."Literature and Dogma. (part II)." Cornhill 24 (1871): 471-492.Arnold, Matthew. "A Speech at Eton.” 39 (1879): 585-549. Austin, Alfred. “Sainte-Beuve’s Critical Method.” 38 (1878): 24-35.Austin, Alfred. "Art and Democracy." Cornhill 40 (1879): 225-236. Ballantine, Alick. "French-English." Cornhill ns 14 (1890): 279-286.Baring-Gould, Sabine. "Country Dances." Cornhill ns 11 (1888): 612-619.Bartlett, Alic H. "Illustrations of Animal Life in Tennyson's Poems." Cornhill ns 16 (1891): 145-151.Beeching, Henry Charles "Conferences on Books and Men (No. I): 6 3rd s. (1899): 541-552 [repr. with succeeding numbers under this title, 1900.] Beeching, Henry Charles. "Conferences on Books and Men (No. II)." Cornhill 6 3rd s. (1899): 687-696. [signed Urbanus Sylvan.]Beeching, Henry Charles. "Conferences on Books and Men (No. III): Oxford Wit and Humour." Cornhill 6 3rd s. (1899): 817-829. [signed Urbanus Sylvan] Beeching, Henry Charles. "Conferences on Books and Men (No. IV): a Letter to the Editor Upon a Forgotten Poet-Abraham Cowley." Cornhill 7 3rd s. (1899): 113-122. [signed Urbanus Sylvan.]Beeching, Henry Charles. "Conferences on Books and Men (No. V)." Cornhill 7 3rd s. (1899): 252-265. [signed Urbanus Sylvan.]Beeching, Henry Charles. "Conferences on Books and Men (No. VI): a Standard of Gentility - a College Gaudy-the Influence of Natural Science upon Manners- Caxton's Book of Courtesy." Cornhill 7 3rd s. (1899): 400-409. [signed Urbanus Sylvan.] Beeching, Henry Charles. "Conferences on Books and Men (No. VII): a Holiday Number." Cornhill 7 3rd s.(1899): 685-696. [signed Urbanus Sylvan.]Beeching, Henry Charles. "Conferences on Books and Men (No. VIII): a Further Holiday Number." Cornhill 7 3rd s. (1899): 541-551. [signed Urbanus Sylvan.]Beeching, Henry Charles. "Conferences on Books and Men (No. IX): Beeching, Henry Charles. "Conferences on Books and Men (No. X): the New Criticism." Cornhill 8 3rd s.(1900): 116-124. Beeching, Henry Charles. "Conferences on Books and Men (No. XI): The Tears of the Muses." Cornhill 8 3rd s. (1900): 400-411. [signed Urbanus Sylvan]Beeching, Henry Charles. "Conferences on Books and Men (No. XII): Mr. H.D. Triall- a school of literature-comic verse- an American Gilbert." Cornhill 8 3rd s. (1900): 549-557. [signed Urbanus Sylvan]Beeching, Henry Charles. "Conferences on Books and Men (No. XIII): William Cowper." Cornhill 8 3rd s.(1900): 694-701. [signed Urbanus Sylvan]Beeching, Henry Charles. "Conferences on Books and Men (No. XIV): The Legend of Macconglinne." Cornhill 8 3rd s. (1900): 829-836. [signed Urbanus Sylvan]Beeching, Henry Charles. "Conferences on Books and Men (No. XV): The Black Books of Lincoln's Inn." Cornhill 9 3rd s. (1900): 258-269. [signed Urbanus Sylvan]Beeching, Henry Charles. "Conferences on Books and Men (No. XVI): Peregrinatio Religionis Ergo." Cornhill 9 3rd s. (1900): 407-412. [signed Urbanus Sylvan]Beeching, Henry Charles. "Conferences on Books and Men (No. XVII): The Poetry of Chaucer." Cornhill 9 3rd s. (1900): 540-559. [signed Urbanus Sylvan]Billson, Charles James. "Poets and Nightingales." Cornhill 47 (1883) 192-201. Birrell, Augustine. " Is it Possible to Tell a Good Book From a Bad One? 8 3rd s.(1900): 305-317. Blagden, Isa. "Recollections of Gibson the Sculptor." Cornhill 17 (1868) 540-546.Blundell, Mary E. [signed M.E. Francis]. "Sentiment and 'feelin.)." Cornhill 6 3rd s.(1899): 230-236 Breakey, S. Leslie. "A Few Words about Sermons." Cornhill 3 (1861): 544-552.Broadwood, Alic "Popular Songs." Cornhill ns 26 (1896): 405-411.Brown, James Bucham. "Culture and Modern Poetry." Cornhill 34 (1876): 664-679. [initials are those of “J.B. Selkirk,” pseud of man cited.]Brown, James Bucham. “Ethics and Aesthetics of Modern Poetry.” 37 (1878): 569-583.Calderon, George. "The Academy of Humour." Cornhill 6 3rd s. (1899): 459-471. Capes, John Moore. "Thoughts Suggested by the Mass in B Minor of Sebastian Bach." Cornhill 33 (1876): 728-733.Capes, Bernard. "The Chapter's Doom." Cornhill 8 3rd s. (1900): 468-485. Capes, J.M. "Chapman’s Dramatic Works." Cornhill 30 (1874) 23-35.Child, Theodore E. "Voltaire and Shakespeare." Cornhill 43 (1881): 211-232. Child, Theodore E. "The French Newspaper Press (no I)." Cornhill ns 1 (1883): 124-135. Child, Theodore E. "Balzac." Cornhill ns 6 (1886): 470-489.Claydon Peter William. "The Relation of Art to Nature." Cornhill 14 (1866): 28-36.Clerk, Ellen M. "Faust as a Puppet-hero." Cornhill 47 (1883) 92-104. Cobbe, Francis Power. "Modern Sorcery." Cornhill 30 (1874) 36-43.Cobbe, Francie Power. Thoughts about Thinking." Cornhill 31 (1875): 207-219.Cole, Henry. "Prospects of the International Exhibition in 1862." Cornhill 4 (1861): 94-101. Cole, Henry, The National Gallery Difficulty Solved.” 1 (1860): 346-355.Collins, John Churton. "A New Study of Tennyson (part I)." Cornhill 41 (1880) 36-50. Collins, John Churton. "A New Study of Tennyson (part II)." Cornhill 42 (1880): 17-35.Collins, John Churton. "A New Study of Tennyson (part III)." Cornhill 44 (1881): 87-106. Collins, John Churton. "Voltaire in England (part I)." Cornhill 46 (1882) : 452-465.Collins, J. Churton. "Voltaire in England (part II)."46 (1882): 677-690. Cornish, James Frazer. "Things not Generally Known." Cornhill ns 12 (1889): 653-664. Cyples, William. "Chaucer’s Love- Poetry."35 (1877) 280-297.Dallas, Eneas Sweetland. “Oratory.” 2 (1860): 580-590.Dallas, Eneas Sweetland. "The First Principle of Physiognomy." Cornhill 4 (1861): 569-581.Dallas, Eneas Sweetland. "John Leech." Cornhill 10 (1864): 743-760.Dennis, John. "Daniel Defoe." Cornhill 23 (1871): 310-320.Dennis, John. "Robert Southey." Cornhill 28 (1873): 468-483.Dennis, John. "Sir Richard Steele." Cornhill 34 (1876): 408-426.Dennis, John. "English Rural Poetry." Cornhill 25 (1872): 164-176.Dickens, Charles. "In Memoriam [Thackery]." Cornhill 9 (1864): 129-132.Dickens, Mary. "Charles Dickens at Home, with Especial Reference to his Relations with Children." Cornhill ns 4 (1885): 32-51. Dowden, Edward. "On Some French Writers of Verse 1830-1877." Cornhill 36 (1877): 278-296.Dowden, Edward. "Heroines of Spenser.” 39 (1879): 663-680.Doyle, Richard. "Converzasione: Science and Art." Cornhill 6 (1862): 269-270.Duffiled, William Bartleet. "The Anti-Jacobin; an Anniversary Article." 5 3rd s. (1898): 17-32. Edgcumbe, Richard. "Leaves from the Laurels of Moliere." Cornhill 40(1879): 190-201Edwardes, Charles. "Arthur Schopenhauer." Cornhill ns 11 (1888): 31-52.Ellington, C. "Famous First Editions." Cornhill ns 22 (1894): 265-270. Elton, Charles Isaac. "Early English Newspapers." Cornhill 18 (1868): 119-128.Elmes, John James. "Some notes on Othello." Cornhill 18 (1868): 419-440. Fields, James Thomas. "Nathaniel Hawthorne (Part I)." Cornhill 23 (1871): 321-336. Fields, James Thomas. "Nathaniel Hawthorne (Part II)." Cornhill 23 1871) 444-456.Fields, James Thomas. "Nathaniel Hawthorne (Part III)."23 (1871): 566-575.Findlater, Mary. "Void of Understanding." Cornhill 7 3rd s. (1899): 310-321. Fisher, William Edward Garrett. "Feast in Fiction." Cornhill 9 3rd s. (1900): 377-389. Fisher, William Edward Garrett. "The Balzac Centenary." Cornhill 6 3rd s. (1899): 603-614. Fitzgerald, Percy. "Yorick and Eliza." Cornhill ns 8 (1887): 609-623. Fitzgerald, Percy H. "Pickwick." Cornhill ns 12.(1889): 65-76. Fitzgerald, Percy H. "Grangerising." Cornhill ns 14 (1890): 135-142. [the spoliation of books by print collectors]Fitzjames, Stephen. "The Study of History (No. I)." Cornhill 3 (1861): 666-680.Fitzjames, Stephen. "The Study of History (No. II)." Cornhill 4 (1861): 25-41.Fitzjames, Stephen. "National Character." Cornhill 4 (1861): 584-598.Fraser, Marie. "With R.L. Stevenson in Samoa." Cornhill ns 23 (1894): 27-33. Frith, Walter. "Trade Journals." Cornhill ns 7 (1886): 512-537. Frith, Walter. "Impressions of a First Night." Cornhill ns 26 (1896): 147-153. Gale, Frederick. "In the Pit of the Theatre." Cornhill ns 5 (1885): 275-289.Goldschmidt, M.A. "A Norwegian Musician [Ole Bull]." Cornhill 6 (1862): 514-527.Goschen, Henry. "Music Halls versus the Drama." Cornhill 15 (1867): 119-128.Gosse, E.W. "The Danish National Theater." Cornhill 30(1874): 297-308.Gosse, E.W. "A Dutch Milton." Cornhill 35 (1877): 596-615.Gosse, E.W "A Plea for Certain Exotic Forms of Verse." Cornhill 36 (1877): 53-71.Gosse, E.W. "Thomas Otway." Cornhill 36 (1877): 679-700.Gosse, E.W. "English Sculpture in 1880." Cornhill 42 (1180): 187-195.Gosse, Edmund W. "Sir George Etheredge: a Neglected Chapter of English Literature." Cornhill 43 (1881): 284-304Grant Duff, Sir Mountstuart Elphinstone. "Letters." Cornhill 1 3rd s. (1896): 464-483. Graves, Alfred Perceval, "Tennyson in Ireland; a Reminiscence." Cornhill 3 3rd s. (1897): 594-602.Greenwood, Frederick. "Notes on Denis Duval." Cornhill [signed The Editor] 9 (1864): 655-665.Greenwood, Frederick. "Browning in 1869." Cornhill 19 (1869): 249-256.Greenwood, Frederick “Professionals Abroad." Cornhill 23 (1871): 223-233.Greg, Sir Walter Wilson. "The Pastoral Drama on the Elizabethan Stage." Cornhill 7 3rd s.(1899): 202-218. Gwynn, Stephen. "Of 'scores'" 4 3rd s. (1898): 367-374. Gwynn, Stephen. "The Decay of Sensibility." Cornhill 7 3rd s. (1899): 18-30. Gwynn, Stephen. " The Sensibiltiy of the Critics." Cornhill 7 3rd s. (1899): 229-233. Hadden, James Cuthbert. "Music and Matrimony." Cornhill 6 3rd s. (1899): 497-506. Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. "Art Criticism." Cornhill 8 (1863): 334-343.Hamilton, Catherine. "The First Lady Novelist." Cornhill 5 3rd s. (1898): 522-529.Hannay, James. "Bohemians and Bohemiansism." Cornhill 11 (1865): 241-255.Hannay, James. "The National Portrait Exhibition." Cornhill 13 (1866): 743-760.Hannay, James. "The Three Lyricists; Horace, Burns, and Beranger." Cornhill 17 (1868): 150-167.Harrison, William Jerome. "The Rise and Progress of Photography." Cornhill ns 4 (1885): 519-528.Harte, Bret. " The Rise of the 'Short Story.'" 3rd s. (1899): 1-8. Hazlitt, William Carew. "Unpublished Letters of Charles and Mary Lamb." Cornhill ns 19 (1892):610-623. Henham, Ernset George. "Humours of Speech and Pen." Cornhill 5 3rd s. (1898): 821-827. Henley, William Ernest. “The Comedie-Francaise.” 40 (1879): 56-69.Henley, W.E. "Hector Berlioz: A Biography." Cornhill 44 (1881): 69-86. Henne, H. Meyer. "A Triangular Duet." Cornhill 3 3rd s. (1897): 336-348. Herford, Charles Harold. "A Study in Fool Literature: The Ship of Fools." Cornhill 47 (1883): 445-462.Hetherington, J. Newby. "Shakespeare's Fools." Cornhill 41 (1879): 722-734Hewlett, Henry Gay. "Studies in Kentish Chalk." Cornhill 42 (1880): 51-60. Higgins, Matthew James. "Impulsive Criticism. A Letter from 'J.O.' to the Editor of Cornhill Magazine."8 (1863): 758-760.Higginbotham, J.C. "Daddy Longlegs and his Joanna." Cornhill ns 24 (1895): 387-398. Holt, T.F. "The Theater in China."9 (1864): 297-303 .Holland, Henry Wilkerson. "Congregational Singing." Cornhill 37 (1878): 90-104.Holland, Laurence Gifford. "Lear's Fool." Cornhill ns 5 (1885): 365-386. Holland, L.G. "Macbeth." Cornhill ns 12 (1889): 133-154.Hooper, George, Sir John Frederick William Herschel, and George Henry Lewes."Our Survey of Literature and Science." Cornhill 6 (1862): 537-551.Hull, Eleanor H. "Western Precursors of Dante." Cornhill 6 3rd s. (1899): 237-247. Humphreys, Jennett. "Among the Dictionaries." Cornhill 43 (1881): 717-732. Hunt, Leigh. "Aurora Leigh: an Unpublished Letter from Leigh Hunt." Cornhill 3 3rd s. (1897): 738-749. [with intro. note by St. Loe Strachey, signed "Ed."] Hunt, Thornton. "A Man of Letters of the Last Generation [Leigh Hunt]."1 (1860) 85-95.Johnston, Alfred. "From a Diary of 1806.."ns 8 (1887): 542-551. Kaye, Sir John William. "Work." Cornhill 2 (1860): 599-614.Kaye, Sir John William. "Success." Cornhill 2 (1860): 599-614.Kaye, Sir John William. "Some Recollections of a Reader (No. I)." Cornhill 22 (1870): 437-450. Kaye, Sir John William. "Some Recollections of a Reader (No. II)." Cornhill 22 (1870): 595-607.Kaye, Sir John William. "Some Recollections of a Reader (No. III)." Cornhill 22 (1870): 700-711.Kaye, Sir John William. "Some Literary Ramblings about Bath (Part I)." Cornhill 27 (1873): 543-561.Kaye, Sir John William. "Some Literary Ramblings about Bath (Part II)." Cornhill 27 (1873): 688-702.Kaye, Sir John William. "Some Literary Ramblings about Bath (Part III)." Cornhill 28 (1873): 27-44.Kebbel, Thomas Edward. "The Poetry of September." Cornhill 36 (1877): 350-356.Kebbel, Thomas Edward. "The Literary Restoration, 1790-1830." Cornhill 46 (1882): 309-322. King Richard Ashe. "Some Coincidences of Literature." Cornhill ns 6 (1886): 504-513. Lang, Andrew. "French Peasant Songs."33 (1876): 596-608.Lang, Andrew. "Mrs. Radcliffe's Novels." Cornhill 9 3rd s. (1900): 23-34. Lathbury, Daniel Conner. “The Casuistry of Journalism.” 28 (1873) 198-206.Lee, Sidney "National Biography." Cornhill ns. 26 (1896): 258-277Lee, Sidney. "The Shakespeare First Folio: Some Notes and a Discovery." Cornhill 6 3rd s. (1899): 449-458. Lee, Sidney. "Mr. Benson and Shakespearean Drama.". 8 3rd s. (1900): 579-585. Lee, Elizabeth. "A Literary Friendship." Cornhill 4 3rd s. (1898): 58-71. Lemon, Ida J. "Litt'la-Iza." Cornhill ns 20 (1893) : 46-55.Lewes, G.H. and Frederick Greenwood. "Our Survey of Literature, Science, and Art."6 (1862): 103-120.Lewes, G.H. and Robert Henry Patterson. "Our Survey of Literature, Science, and Art."6 (1862): 271-281."Our Survey of Literature, Science, and Art." Cornhill 6 September (1862): 398-411.Literature 398-403 by G.H. Lewes; Science 403-408 by J.F.W. Herschel; Music 408-411 by Hamilton Aide. "Our Survey of Literature, Science." Cornhill 6 Dec (1862): 842-856.Literature 842-853 by G.H. Lewes; Science 853-856 by J.F.W. Herschel. "Our Survey of Literature, Science." Cornhill 7 (1863): 132-144.Literature 132-139 by G.H. Lewes; Science 140-144 by J.F.W. Herschel. Lewes, G.H. and J.F.W. Herschel, J.W. Kaye. "Our Survey of Literature, Science,"6 (1862): 702-714.Lewes, G.H. and J.F.W. Herschel. "Notes on Science." Cornhill 7 (1863): 276-280.Lewes, G.H. and J.F.W. Herschel. "Notes on Science." Cornhill 7 (1863): 412-416.Lewes, G.H. "Notes on Science." Cornhill 7 (1863): 542-545.Lewes, G.H. The Opera in 1833-1863. v8 1863 Sept. 295-307Lewes, G.H. "The Miseries of a Dramatic Author." Cornhill 8 (1863): 498-512.Lewes, G.H "Publishers Before the Age of Printing." Cornhill 9 (1864): 26-32.Lewes, G.H. "Bookselling in the 13th Century." Cornhill 9 (1864): 475-479.Lewes, G.H. "Shakespeare in France." Cornhill 11 (1865): 33-51. [Note, page 256, signed Francois Victor Hugo; reply p256 by Lewes]Lucas, Edward Verrell. "Conerning Correspondence." Cornhill 4 3rd s. (1898): 509-517. Lucas, E.V "Charles Lamb and Robert Lloyd: Some Unpublished Letters (No. I)." 4 3rd s. (1898): 595-605. Lucas, E.V "Charles Lamb and Robert Lloyd: Some Unpublished Letters (No. II)." 4 3rd s. (1898): 734-745. MacDonagh Michael. "The Bye-ways of Journalism." Cornhill 6 3rd s. (1899): 395-406.MacDonagh Michael. "At the Reporters Table." Cornhill 7 3rd s. (1899): 505- 518. Macfarren, Sir George Alexander “The English are not a Musical People.” 18 (1868): 344-363. Mackail, John William. "Piers Ploughman and English Life in the Fourteenth Century." 3 3rd s. (1897): 42-58. Maeterlinck, Maurice. "The Modern Drama." Cornhill Trans. By Alfred Sutro. 7 3rd s.(1899): 166-173. Marsh, Richard "A First Night." Cornhill ns 20 (1893): 387-404.Martinengo-Cesaresco, Evelyn. "Sicilian Folk-songs." Cornhill 35 (1877): 443-457.Martinengo-Cesaresco, Evelyn. ."Folk-dirges." Cornhill 36 (1877): 196-211.Martinengo-Cesaresco, Evelyn."Greek Songs of Calabria." Cornhill 44 (1881): 725-738. Martinengo-Cesaresco, Evelyn."Folk Songs of Provence." Cornhill 47 (1883): 666-679. Merivale, Louisa A. ."On the Origins of Shakespeare's Tempest". 26 (1872): 407-423. Mew, James. "Literary Coincidences.” 37 (1878): 303-315.Mew, James. "Literary Coincidences.” 38 (1878) 460-475.Mew, James. "Dinners in Literature." Cornhill 40 (1879): 590-604.Mew, James. "The Seamy Side of Letters." Cornhill 42 (1880): 348-363. 213-224. Murray, Grenville. "The French Press (No. I): From its Foundation to the Death of Mazarin." Cornhill 27 (1873): 703-731. Murray, Grenville. “ The French Press (No. II): Reigns of Louis XIV and XV."28 (1873): 411-430. Murray, Grenville. “Parisian Journalists of To-day." Cornhill 28 (1873) 715-732.Murray, Grenville. “The French Press (No.3): The Reign of Louis XVI." 29 (1873): 154-171.Murray, Grenville. "The French Press (No. 4): Newspapers During the Revolution."29 (1874): 535-552. Murray, Grenville. "Jacques Girard’s Newspaper; or The Trials of a French Journalist."32 (1875): 691-710. Myers, Frederic William Henry. "Rossetti and the Religion of Beauty." Cornhill 47 (1883)Norris, William Edward. "Nils Jensen." Cornhill 35 (1877): 298-324.Oliphant, Lawrence. Campaigning in China.” 1 (1860): 537-548.Oliphant, Margaret. "Lady Denzil."17 (1868): 429-461. Oliphant, Margaret. "Lady Isabella." Cornhill (Part I)." Cornhill 23 (1871): 296-309. Oliphant, Margaret. "Lady Isabella (Part II)." Cornhill 23 (1871): 425-443.Oliphant, Margaret. "The Scientific Gentleman (Part I)." Cornhill 26 (1872): 618-640. Oliphant, Margaret. "The Scientific Gentleman (Part II)." Cornhill 26 (1872): 737-760.Oliphant, Margaret. "The Early Years of Dante." Cornhill 32 (1875): 471-489.Oliphant, Margaret. "Dante in Exile." Cornhill 32 (1875): 670-690.Oliphant, Margaret. "Giacomo Leopardi." Cornhill 34 (1876): 341-340.Oliphant, Margaret. "Mr. Sanford (Part I)." Cornhill ns 10 (1888): 337-361Oliphant, Margaret. "Mr. Sanford (Part II)." Cornhill ns 10 (1888): 486-519.Oliphant, Margaret. "Mademoiselle (Part I)." Cornhill ns 13 (1889): 489-517. Oliphant, Margaret. "Mademoisell (Part II)." Cornhill ns 13 (1889): 630-664.Oliphant, Margaret. "The Strange Story of Mr. Robert Dalyell (Part I) ns 18 (1892): 85-112.Oliphant, Margaret. "A Widow's Tale (Part I)." Cornhill ns 21 (1893): 92-112. Oliphant, Margaret. "A Widow's Tale Part II)." Cornhill ns 21 (1893): 207-224.Oliphant, Margaret. "A Widow's Tale (Part III)." Cornhill ns 21 (1893): 318-336.Ormsby, John. "Andrew Marvell." Cornhill 20 (1869): 21-40. Ormsby, John. "People I Have Hated."24 (1871): 588-603. Paget, Violet [signed Vernon Lee], Faustus and Helena: Notes on the Supertnatural in Art." Cornhill 42 (1880) : 212-228. Paget, Violet [signed Vernon Lee]. "Botticelli at the Villa Lemmi." Cornhill 46 (1882): 159-173. Paget, Violet [signed Vernon Lee]. "The Portrait Art of the Renaissance." Cornhill 47 (1883): 564-581. Pain, Barry Eric Odell. "The Hundred Gates; a Dream of Bad Books." Cornhill ns 13 (1889): 405-416. Pain, Barry Eric Odell. "The Sincerest Form of Flattery." Cornhill ns 15 (1890): 367-378.[Parodies of Kipling, Ruskin, Blackmore, Pae, and Tolstoi] Palgrave. Francis Turner. "How to Form Good Taste in Art.." Cornhill 18 (1868): 170-180. Panton, Jane Ellen. "From a Garret." Cornhill 47 (1883): 608-613.Payn, James. "Some Literary Recollections (part I)." Cornhill ns 1 (1883): 631-644. Payn, James. "Some Literary Recollections (part II)." Cornhill ns 2 (1884): 33-41. Payn, James. "Some Literary Recollections (part III)." Cornhill ns 2 (1884): 148-159. Payn, James. "Some Literary Recollections (part IV)." Cornhill ns 2 (1884): 244-261. Payn, James. "Some Literary Recollections (part V)." Cornhill ns 2 (1884): 244-261. Payn, James. "Some Literary Recollections (part VI)." Cornhill ns 2 (1884): 486-505. Payn, James. "Some Literary Recollections (part VII)." Cornhill ns 2 (1884): 584-592 Payn, James. "Some Literary Recollections (part VIII)." Cornhill ns 3 (1884): 41-58. Payn, James. "Some Literary Recollections (part IX)." Cornhill ns 3 (1884): 150-170. Payn, James. "A Literary Jubilee." Cornhill ns 8 (1887): 395-403. Payn, James. "An Editor and Some Contributors." Cornhill 7 3rd s. (1899): 577-583. Penn, Horace. " Don Quexote: A Pineromance." Cornhill 6 3rd s. 1899): 809-816. Philips, Stephen. "The Poetry of Byron; an Anniversary Study." Cornhill 4 3rd s. (1898): 16-26. Proctor, Richard Anthony. "Notes on Ghosts and Goblins." Cornhill 27 (1873): 451-466. Proctor, Richard Anthony. "Life, Past and Future, in Other Worlds." Cornhill 31 (1875) 691-708. Proctor, Richard Anthony. "Dual Consciousness." Cornhill 35 (1877): 86-105.Proctor, Richard Anthony. "Ring of Worlds." Cornhill 37 (1878): 169-186.Proctor, Richard Anthony. “Hereditary traits." Cornhill 37 (1878) 411-431.Proctor, Richard Anthony. "Influence of the Mind on the Body." Cornhill 40 (1879): 148-170. Proctor, Richard Anthony. "A Novelist's Favorite Theme." Cornhill ns 6 (1886): 30-43. Proctor, Richard Anthony. "Who Wrote Dickens's novels?" ns 11 (1888): 113-121.Quilter, Harry. "French and English Pictures." Cornhill 40 (1879): 92-106.Quilter, Harry. "The Apologia of Art." Cornhill 40 (1879): 533-548. Quilter, Harry. "Notes on Water-colour Art (No. I): the Early Masters." Cornhill 42 (1880): 404-414. [no more published] Ralston, William Ralston Shedden. "Bulgarian Popular Songs." Cornhill 35 (1877): 221-233.Ritchie, Anne. "Heroines and their Grandmothers." Cornhill 11 (1865): 630-640.Ritchie, Anne. "Jane Austen."24 (1871): 158-174. Ritchie, Anne. "Sir Edwin Landseer." Cornhill 29 (1874): 81-100.Ritchie, Anne." Cornhill The First Number of The Cornhill. " 1 3rd s. (1896): 1-16 Rose, Edward. “The Revolution and the Stage in France." Cornhill 39 (1879): 442-426.Ruskin, John. “Sir Joshua and Holbein.” 1 (1860) 322-328. Rutherford, John "Witches and their Craft." Cornhill 18 (1868): 54-72.Rutherford, John. "A Witch Trial in the Fourteenth Century." Cornhill 30 (1874): 319-328.Sala, George Augustus Henry. “William Hogarth: Painter, Engraver, Philosopher (Part I)." Cornhill 1 (1860): 177-193. Sala, George Augustus Henry. “William Hogarth: Painter, Engraver, Philosopher(Part II)." Cornhill 1 (1860): 264-282.Sala, George Augustus Henry. “William Hogarth: Painter, Engraver, Philosopher (Part III)." Cornhill 1 (1860): 417-437.Sala, George Augustus Henry. “William Hogarth: Painter, Engraver, Philosopher (Part IV)." Cornhill 1(1860): 561-581.Sala, George Augustus Henry. “William Hogarth: Painter, Engraver, Philosopher(Part V)." Cornhill 1 (1860): 716-735.Sala, George Augustus Henry. “William Hogarth: Painter, Engraver, Philosopher (Part VI)." Cornhill 2 (1860): 97-112.Sala, George Augustus Henry. “William Hogarth: Painter, Engraver, Philosopher (Part VII)." Cornhill 2 (1860): 225-241.Sala, George Augustus Henry. “William Hogarth: Painter, Engraver, Philosopher (Part VIII)." Cornhill 2 (1860): 354-369.Sala, George Augustus Henry. “William Hogarth: Painter, Engraver, Philosopher (Part IX)."2 (1860): 438-461.Scott, Hugh Stowell and Evelyn Beatrice Hall. "Character Note: the Scholar." Cornhill ns 20 (1893): 505-508.Scott, Hugh Stowell and Evelyn Beatrice Hall. "Character Note: Intellecta." ns 21 (1893):312-317.Scott, Hugh Stowell and Evelyn Beatrice Hall. "Character Note: The Frenchman." Cornhill ns.23(1894): 251-254.Scott, Hugh Stowell and Evelyn Beatrice Hall. "Character Note: the New Woman." Cornhill ns 23(1894): 365-368. Seccombe, Thomas."A Literary Nihilist [Anatole France]." Cornhill 8 3rd (1900): 757-773. Senior, Nassau William. "Louis Napoleon Painted by a Contemporary." Cornhill 27 (1873): 595-614. Shand, Alexander Innes. "A Wit of the Regency: Lord Alvaney." Cornhill 3 3rd s. (1897): 161-170. Sichel, Edith. "Women as Letter Writers." Cornhill 6 3rd s. (1899): 53-67. Sillard, Robert M. "Humours of the Theatre." Cornhill 4 3rd s. (1898): 818-831.Slater, Edith and Frnaces H. Freshfield. "The Sense of Humour in Men." Cornhill 6 3rd s.(1899): 347-352. Smart, Benjamin Humphrey. "Thought and Language." Cornhill 13 (1866): 657-572.Smart, Benjamin Humphrey. "Thought and Language: an appendix." Cornhill 14 (1866) 69-73.Smith, Garnet. "Cyrano de Bergerac." Cornhill 5 3rd s. (1898): 84-93. Smith, George Barnett. "Mrs. Gaskell and her Novels." Cornhill 29 (1874): 191-212.Smith, George Barnett. "Elizabeth Barrett Browning." Cornhill 29 (1874): 469-490.Smith, George Barnett. "Christopher Marlowe." Cornhill 30 (1874): 329-349.Smith, George Murray and William Henry Fitchett."Charlotte Bronte." Cornhill 9 3rd s.(1900): 778-795. Spedding, James. "Why did Shakespeare Write Tragedies?" 42 (1880): 153-172.St. Johnston, Alfred. "The Penny-fictionist." Cornhill ns 12 (1889): 187-194.Strachey, George. "Music in Vienna." Cornhill 15 (1867): 25-35.Stephen, Leslie. "Richardson's Novels." Cornhill 17 (1868): 48-69. Stephen, Leslie. "DeFoe’s Novels." Cornhill 17 (1868): 293-316.Stephen, Leslie. "Literary Exhaustion." Cornhill 22 (1870): 285-296. Stephen, Leslie. "Hours in a Library (No. I): Sir Thomas Browne." Cornhill 23 (1871):596-611.Stephen, Leslie. "Hours in a Library (No. II): Lord Chesterfield." Cornhill 24 (1871): 86-101.Stephen, Leslie. "Hours in a Library (No III): Some Words about Sir Walter Scott."24 (1871): 278-293.Stephen, Leslie. "Hours in a Library (No. IV): Thomas Fuller." Cornhill 25 (1872): 28-44. Stephen, Leslie. "Hours in a Library (No. V): Horace Walpole." Cornhill 25 (1872): 718-735. Stephen, Leslie. "Hours in a Library (No VI): Nathaniel Hawthorne." Cornhill 26 (1872): 717-734.Stephen, Leslie. "Hours in a Library (No VII): Pope as a Moralist." Cornhill 28 (1873): 583-604.Stephen, Leslie. "Hours in a Library (No. VIII): Dr. Johnson’s Writings." Cornhill 29 (1874):280-297. Stephen, Leslie. "Hours in a Library (No. IX): Crabbe’s Poetry." Cornhill 30 (1874): 454-473.Stephen, Leslie. "Hours in a Library (No. X): William Hazlitt." Cornhill 31 (1875): 467-488. Stephen Leslie. "Hours in a Library (No. XI): Cowper and Rousseau." Cornhill 32 (1875):439-457.Stephen Leslie. "Hours in a Library (No. XII): Macaulay." Cornhill 33 (1876): 563-581.Stephen Leslie. "Hours in a Library (No. XIII): Wordsworth's Ethics." Cornhill 34 (1876): 206-226. Stephen Leslie. "Hours in a Library (No. XIV): Fielding’s Novels." Cornhill 35 (1877): 154-171.Stephen Leslie. "Hours in a Library (No. XV): Charles Kingsley."35 (1877): 424-442.Stephen Leslie. "Hours in a Library (No XVI): Massinger." Cornhill 36 (1877): 440-460.Stephen Leslie. "Hours in a Library (No. XVII): Charlotte Bronte." Cornhill 36 (1877): 723-739.Stephen, Leslie. “Hours in a Library (No. XVIII): the First Edinburgh Reviewers."38 (1878): 218-234.Stephen, Leslie. “Hours in a Library (No. IXX):Landor’s Imaginary Conversations."38 (1878): 667-686.Stephen, Leslie. “Hours in a Library (No. XX): Godwin and Shelley." Cornhill 39 (1878): 281-302. Stephen, Leslie. “Hours in a Library (No. XXI): Gray and his School." Cornhill 40 (1879): 70-91. Stephen, Leslie. “Hours in a Library (No. XXII): Sterne." Cornhill 42 (1880): 86-106. Stephen, Leslie. “Hours in a Library (No XXIII): Carlyle's Ethics." Cornhill 44 (1881): 664-683. Stephen, Leslie. "Art and Morality." Cornhill 32 (1875): 91-101. Stephen Leslie. "Thoughts on Criticism, by a Critic." Cornhill 34 (1876): 556-569.Stephen Leslie. "The Youth of Swift". 33 (1876): 172-183.Stephen Leslie. "Genius and Vanity." Cornhill 35 (1877): 670-684.Stephen, Leslie. “Stray Thoughts on Scenery." Cornhill 38 (1878): 68-82.Stephen, Leslie. "The Late Lord Lytton as a Novelist." Cornhill 27 (1873): 345-354.Stephen, Leslie. "Rambles Among Books (No.I): Country Books." Cornhill 42 (1880): 662-679. Stephen, Leslie. "Rambles Among Books (No.II): Autobiography." Cornhill 43 (1881): 410-429. Stephen, Leslie. "Rambles Among Books (No.III): the Essayists." Cornhill 44 (1881): 278-297.Stephen, Leslie. "Rambles Among Books (No. LV)[sic]: the State Trials." Cornhill 45(1882): 455-473. [IV]Stephen, Leslie. "The Moral Element in Literature." Cornhill 43 (1881): 34-50. Stephen, Leslie. "George Eliot." Cornhill 43 (1881): 152-168. Stephen, Leslie. "Thomas Carlyle." Cornhill 43 (1881): 349-358.Stephen, Leslie. "Authors for Hire." Cornhill 45 (1881): 684-702.Stephen, Leslie. "The Decay of Literature." Cornhill 46 (1882): 602-612. Stephen, Leslie. "The Study of English Literature." Cornhill ns 8 (1887): 486-508. Stephen, Leslie. "James Payn." Cornhill 4 3rd s. (1898): 590-594. Stevenson, Robert Louis. "Victor Hugo’s Romances." Cornhill 30 (1874): 179-194. Stevenson, Robert Louis. "Francois Villon: Student, Poet, Housebreaker." Cornhill 36(1877): 215-234.Stevenson, Robert Louis. "Truth of Intercourse.” 39 (1879): 585-590.Stevenson, Robert Louis. "Some Aspects of Robert Burns." Cornhill 40 (1879): 408-429. Stevenson, Robert Louis. "Henry David Thoreau: His Characters and Opinions." 41 (1880):665-682. Stevenson, Robert Louis. "Samuel Pepys." Cornhill 44 (1881): 31-46. Stillman, William James. "New Lamps for Old Ones." Cornhill 41 (1880): 96-103. [preservation of monuments in Italy]Strong, Thomas Banks. "Lewis Carroll." Cornhill 4 3rd s. (1898): 303-310.Street, Arthur Edmund. "Dickens and Daudet." Cornhill ns 7 (1891): 400-415. Sturgis, Julian R. "Shakespeare’s Macbeth, and another." Cornhill 32 (1875): 577-583.Sully, James. “Poetic Imagination and Primitive Conception." Cornhill 34 (1876): 294-306.Sully, James. “Pessimism and Poetry.” 37 (1878): 221-232.Sully, James. “The Undefinable in Art.” 38 (1878): 559-572.Sully, James. "Animal Music." Cornhill 40 (1879): 605-621. Symonds, Emily M. "The Old Criticism." Cornhill ns 24 (1895): 151-157. Symonds, Emily M. "Punch's Prototypes." Cornhill ns 24 (1895): 305-313. Symonds, John Addington. "The Present Position of Landscape Painting in England." Cornhill 11 (1865): 281-292. Symonds, John Addington. "The English Drama During the Reigns of Elizabeth and James (Part I)." Cornhill 11 (1865): 604-618.Symonds, John Addington. "The English Drama During the Reigns of Elizabeth and James (part II)." Cornhill 11 (1865): 706-716.Symonds, John Addington. "The English Drama During the Reigns of Elizabeth and James (part III)." Cornhill 12 (1865): 86-98.Symonds, John Addington. "Clough’s Life and Poems." Cornhill 14 (1866): 410-421.Symonds, John Addington. "Two Dramatists of the Last Century." Cornhill 14 (1866): 726-734.[Alfieri and Goldoni]Symonds, John Addington. "Blank Verse." Cornhill 15 (1867): 620-640.Symonds, John Addington. "The Story of Vittoria Accoramboni." Cornhill 19 (1869): 244-248.Symonds, John Addington. "Some Sonnets of Campanella." Cornhill 36 (1877): 543-560.Symonds, Emily M. "The Art of Portrait-painting in Words." Cornhill 3 3rd s. (1897): 207-216. Taylor, John Francis. "The Irish School of Oratory." Cornhill 2 3rd s. (1897): 321-340.Tennyson, Lionel. "Pleas for Musicians." Cornhill 41 (1880): 547-556. Thackeray, William Makepeace. "On Alexandrines: A Letter to Some Country Cousins." Cornhill 7 (1863): 546-552. Thompson, Clara. "An Early Romanticist." Cornhill 9 3rd s. (1900): 487-494. [Thomas Edwards]Todhunter, John. "Reading a Dictionary." Cornhill 5 3rd s. (1898): 207-217. Townsend, Meredith. "Mrs, Oliphant." Cornhill 6 3rd s. (1899): 773-779. Trollope, Anthony. "W.M. Thackeray." Cornhill 9 (1864): 134-137.Trollope, Francis Eleanor. "Contemporary Italian Poets (No. I) Giovanni Prati."8 (1863): 308-316. Trollope, Francis Eleanor. "Contemporary Italian Poets (No. II) Giuseppe Giusti."8 (1863): 466-477. Trollope, Francis Eleanor. "Giovanni Batista Niccolini."10 (1864): 683-694. Trollope, Francis Eleanor. "An Artist’s Life in the Fifteenth Century; from Recently Discovered Documents." Cornhill 33 (1876): 327-337.Trollope, Francis Eleanor. "Minuets." Cornhill 42 (1880): 187-195.Turner, Frederick Storrs. "Feng-Shui". 29 (1874): 337-348.Tyrell, Robert Yelverton. "Sense of Humour in Women." Cornhill 6 3rd s. (1899): 627-635. Warre-Cornish, Francis Ware. "Thoughts of a Country Critic." Cornhill 30 (1874): 717-727.Wilberforce, Edward. "Newspaper Writers in Germany." Cornhill 7 (1863): 748-755.Wilberforce, Edward. "German Professors." Cornhill 10 (1864): 342-354.Williams, Alexander Malcolm. "Our Early Female Novelists." Cornhill ns 25 (1895): 588-600. Williams, Mrs. E. Baumer. "Some Unpublished Letters of William Wordsworth."ns 20 (1893): 257-275.Wood, William, "Witchcraft."5 3rd s.(1898): 655-670. Woods, Margaret L. "Pastels from Spain (No. IV): portraits by Goya." Cornhill 9 3rd (1900):289-304. Wright, Thomas. "A Working Man on the Education of the Working Classes."14 (1866): 283-298. Wise, John Richard de Capel. "The Poetry of Provincialisms." Cornhill 12 (1865): 30-42. American LiteratureHill, Alicia. “American Slavery and Uncle Tom's Cabin.” North British Review18 (November 1852): 235-258.Wellesley notes, "with the help of Richard Whately and Samuel Hinds.”Massey, Gerald. “American Humor.” North British Review33 (November 1860): 461-485.Nichol, John “Characteristics of American Literature--Poetry.” North British Reviewn.s., 7 (June 1867): 456-487.Patmore, Coventry. “American Poetry.” North British Review17 (August 1852): 394-421.———. “American Novels.” North British Review20 (November 1853): 81-109.American MattersBird, Isabella L. “The American Secession.” North British ReviewNorth British Review34 (May 1861): 538-575.Cunningham, William. “The United States of North America.” North British Review2 (November 1844): 136-174.Greg, W. R. “The American Conflict.” North British Review37 (November 1862): 468-504.———. “The American Republic: Resurrection through dissolution.” North British Review36 (February 1862): 233-272.ArchitectureBurnett, George. “The Christian Architecture of Europe.” North British Review34 (May 1861): 513-537.Patmore, Coventry. “Character in Architecture.” North British Review15 (August 1851): 461-496.———. “Gothic Architecture--Present and Future.” North British Review28 (May 1858): 346-375.———. “Ruskin and Architecture.” North British Review21 (May 1854): 172-200.Book reviewsAnster, John. “Autobiography of Leigh Hunt.” North British Review14 (November 1850): 143-168.Essayist, critic, journalist, poet, journal editor and supporter of Shelley and Keats———. “Life and Letters of Thomas Campbell.” North British Review10 (February 1849): 459-500. Scottish poet———. “Southey's Life and Correspondence (Vol. I).” North British Review12 (February 1850): 371-410.———. “Southey's Life and Correspondence (Vols. II & III).” North British Review13 (May 1850): 225-263.Bell, John Montgomerie. “The New Timon [by Edward Bulwer-Lytton].” North British Review5 (August 1846): 399-417.Brewster, David. “Hunt's Poetry of Science.” North British Review13 (May 1850): 117-158.Brown, John. “Modern Painters [by Ruskin].” North British Review6 (February 1847): 401-430.———. “Vaughan's Poems, &c.” North British Review11 (May 1849): 44-70.Dasent, G. W. “Latham's Johnson's Dictionary.” North British Reviewn.s., 2 (November 1864): 285-337.De Quincey, Thomas. “Forster's Life of Goldsmith.” North British Review9 (May 1848): 187-212.Duns, John. “The Origin of Species.” North British Review32 (May 1860): 455-486.Hutton, R. H. “Poems by Coventry Patmore.” North British Review28 (May 1858): 529-546.Lancaster, H. H. “Essays in Criticism [by Arnold].” North British Reviewn.s., 3 (March 1865): 158-182.Linde, Paul R. “A Dutch Political Novel.” North British Reviewn.s., 7 (March 1867): 319-342.Ludlow, J. M. “Ruth [by Mrs. Gaskell].” North British Review19 (May 1853): 151-174.Masson, David. “Carlyle's Latter-Day Pamphlets.” North British Review14 (November 1850): 1-40.———. “The Works of John Milton.” North British Review16 (February 1852): 295-335.Meissner, A. L. “Mr. Martin's Translation of Faust.” North British Reviewn.s., 5 (March 1866): 95-123.Moncreiff, James. “Thomas Carlyle -- Letters and Speeches of Oliver Cromwell.” North British Review4 (February 1846): 505-536.Neaves, Charles. “The Poems and Fables of Robert Henryson.” North British Reviewn.s., 5 (March 1866): 154-179.Nicholson, Alexander. “The Amazon [a novel].” North British Reviewn.s., 10 (December 1868): 427-483.Patmore, Coventry. “Idylls of the King [Alfred, Lord Tennyson's poem].” North British Review31 (August 1859): 148-174.———. “Legends and Lyrics [by Adelaide Procter] and The Wanderer [by Owen Meredith].” North British Review30 (May 1859): 403-416.———. “R. M. Milnes' Life of Keats.” North British Review10 (November 1848): 69-96.———. “Ruskin's Seven Lamps of Architecture.” North British Review12 (February 1850): 309-353.“Poems by Heinrich Heine.” North British Review32 (May 1860): 389-415.Stebbing, William. “Gladstone's Homer.” North British Review29 (August 1858): 25-47.Tulloch, John. “Carlyle's Life of Sterling.” North British Review16 (February 1852): 359-389.Tulloch, John? “Masson's Milton and His Times.” North British Review30 (May 1859): 281-308.“Wanderings of an Artist [Paul Kane] among the Indians of North America.” North British Review31 (August 1859): 72-88.ClassicismCaird, Edward. “Plato and the Other Companions of Socrates.” North British Reviewn.s., 4 (December 1865): 351-384.Green, T. H. “The Philosophy of Aristotle.” North British Reviewn.s., 6 (September 1866): 105-144.Hannah, John and William Mure. “Herodotus.” North British Review20 (February 1854): 389-422.Lancaster, H. H. “Recent Homeric Critics and Translators.” North British Review36 (May 1862): 381-411.Masson, David. “Translations from the Classics: Aeschylus.” North British Review16 (November 1851): 259-278.Simcox, G. A. “Pindar and His Age.” North British Reviewn.s., 4 (December 1865): 425-460.Symonds, J. A. “Empedocles.” North British Reviewn.s., 6 (December 1866): 420-440.Continental mattersBurton, J. H. “France and Scotland.” North British Review24 (February 1856): 289-324.Cairns, John. “British and Continental Ethics and Christianity.” North British Review14 (February 1851): 289-318.Senior, N. W. “The Continent in 1854.” North British Review22 (February 1855): 289-342.Simcox, G. A. “French Criticism--Renan.” North British Reviewn.s., 9 (March 1868): 63-85.DramaDuns, John. “New Exegesis of Shakspeare.” North British Review31 (November 1859): 470-491.Kingsley, Charles. “Plays and Puritans.” North British Review25 (May 1856): 1-46.Lorimer, James. “Female Characters of Goethe and Shakespeare.” North British Review8 (February 1848): 265-296.Patmore, Coventry. “Shakespere.” North British Review12 (November 1849): 115-140.———. “The Modern British Drama.” North British Review29 (August 1858): 124-148.General LiteratureAnster, John. “Books from Ireland.” North British Review24 (November 1855): 117-139.———. “Dante.” North British Review21 (August 1854): 451-492.———. “Life and Writings of Percy Bysshe Shelley.” North British Review8 (November 1847): 218-257.———. “Swift and His Biographers.” North British Review11 (August 1849): 337-368.Bell, Douglas or Robert? “Nathaniel Hawthorne.” North British Reviewn.s., 10 (September 1868): 173-208. Wellesley uncertain as to authorBlackie, J. S. “Language and Literature of Modern Greece.” North British Review20 (November 1853): 135-160.Buchanan, James. “The Literature of Apologetics.” North British Review15 (August 1851): 331-358.Burbidge, Thomas. “Arnold and His School.” North British Review28 (February 1858): 123-139.———. “Shelley and His Recent Biographers.” North British Review34 (February 1861): 33-64.Campbell, John Francis. “Sporting Books.” North British Reviewn.s., 1 (May 1864): 498-506.Cleghorn, Thomas. “Writings of Charles Dickens.” North British Review3 (May 1845): 65-87.Conington, John. “Early Roman Tragedy and Epic Poetry.” North British Review n.s., 2 (November 1864): 353-392.Craik, G. L. “The Text of Shakespeare.” North British Review20 (February 1854): 281-318.Craufurd, James. “Scottish Humour.” North British Review35 (November 1861.” North British Review480-494.“Criticism's Christmas Carol [about Christmas Stories].” North British Review8 (February 1848): 378-392.De Quincey, Thomas. “Charles Lamb and His Friends.” North British Review10 (November 1848): 179-214. Essayist and criticDe Quincey, Thomas. “Pope.” North British Review9 (August 1848): 299-333.De Vere, Aubrey. “Mr. Henry Taylor's Later Plays and Minor Poems.” North British Reviewn.s., 4 (December 1865): 385-424.Earle, John. “The History of Writing.” North British Reviewn.s., 9 (June 1868): 513-566.Hamilton, James. “John Owen.” North British Review16 (November 1851): 184-197.Epigrammist———. “Proverbs Secular and Sacred.” North British Review28 (February 1858.” North British Review140-157.Hannay, James. “Recent Humorists: Aytoun, Peacock, Prout.” North British Reviewn.s., 6 (September 1866): 75-104.Hueffer, Francis. “Provencal Versification.” North British Reviewn.s., 14 (January 1871): 317-350.Hutton, R. H. “Novels by the Authoress of John Halifax [Dinah Mulock].” North British Review29 (November 1858.” North British Review466-481.“Imaginative Literature [The Mill on the Floss and The Marble Faun].” North British Review33 (August 1860): 165-185.“Indian Literature.” North British Review25 (May 1856): 205-232.Kaye, J. W. “William Cowper.” North British Review22 (November 1854): 225-254.Kinnear, A. S. “Mr. George MacDonald's Novels.” North British Reviewn.s., 6 (September 1866): 1-36.———. “Leigh Hunt.” North British Review33 (November 1860): 356-380.Essayist, critic, journalist, poet, journal editor and supporter of Shelley and Keats———. “Mr. Trollope's Novels.” North British Reviewn.s., 1 (May 1864): 369-401.Laing, Samuel. “Frederika Bremer's Novels.” North British Review1 (May 1844): 168-183.Lancaster, H. H. “George Eliot's Novels.” North British Reviewn.s., 6 (September 1866): 197-228.———. “Lord Macaulay's Place in English Literature.” North British Review33 (November 1860): 428-460.———. “Tennyson's Enoch Arden, etc.” North British Reviewn.s., 2(August 1864): 231-252.———. “The Writings of John Ruskin.” North British Review36 (February 1862): 1-36.———. and John Brown. “Thackeray.” North British Reviewn.s., 1 (February 1864): 210-265.Lorimer, James. “Chaucer.” North British Review10 (February 1849): 293-328.Maitland, Edward. “Life and Writings of Dr. Arnold.” North British Review2 (February 1845): 403-443.Massey, Gerald. “Thomas De Quincey--Grave and Gay.” North British Review39 (August 1863): 62-86.Masson, David. “Guizot on Corneille and Shakespeare.” North British Review18 (November 1852): 106-137.———. “Literature and the Labour Question.” North British Review14 (February 1851): 382-420.———. “Pendennis and Copperfield: Thackeray and Dickens.” North British Review15 (May 1851): 57-89.———. “Samuel Butler.” North British Review24 (November 1855): 50-90. Novelist and satirist———. “Wordsworth.” North British Review13 (August 1850): 473-508.McCosh, James. “Typical Forms: Goethe, Professor Owen, Mr. Fairbairn.” North British Review15 (August 1851): 389-418.Merivale, Louisa A. “Three Women of Letters [Lucy Aiken, Joanna Baillie, Caroline Cornwallis].” North British Reviewn.s., 3 (June 1865): 327-356.———. “On the ‘Gothic’ Renaissance in English Literature, and Some of its Effects on popular taste.” North British Reviewn.s., 4 (December 1865): 461-486.“Modern literary life--Douglas Jerrold.” North British Review30 (May 1859): 337-366.Moncreiff, James. “The Late John Richardson.” North British Reviewn.s., 2 (November 1864): 463-501. Canadian novelistNichol, John. “Ralph Waldo Emerson.” North British Reviewn.s., 8 (December 1867): 319-358.“Novels--Geoffry Hamlyn [by Henry Kingsley] and Stephan Langton [by Martin Tupper].” North British Review31 (November 1859): 384-406.Patmore, Coventry. “Decay of Modern Satire.” North British Review29 (November 1858): 506-518.———. “English Metrical Critics.” North British Review27 (August 1857): 127-161.———. “Fielding and Thackeray.” North British Review24 (November 1855): 197-216.Patmore, Coventry? “Popular Serial Literature.” North British Review7 (May 1847): 110-136.Rae, W. Fraser. “Sensation novelists: Miss Braddon.” North British Reviewn.s., 4 (September 1865): 180-205.Ralston, W. R. S. “Russian literature--Turguenief's novels.” North British Reviewn.s., 11 (March 1869): 22-64.Seebohm, Frederic. “Erasmus as a Satirist.” North British Review32 (February 1860): 49-67.Senior, N. W. “Sir E. Bulwer Lytton's Novels.” North British Review23 (August 1855): 339-392.Shairp, J. C. “Samuel Taylor Coleridge.” North British Reviewn.s., 4 (December 1865): 251-322.———. “Wordsworth: The Man and the Poet.” North British Reviewn.s., 2 (August 1864): 1-54.Sigerson, George. “Literature of the Irish land question.” North British Reviewn.s., 12 (October 1869): 173-195.Simcox, Edith. “Autobiographies.” North British Reviewn.s., 12 (January 1870): 383-414.Simpson, Richard. “Ben Jonson's Quarrel with Shakespeare.” North British Reviewn.s., 13 (July 1870): 394-427.———. “Jane Austen.” North British Reviewn.s., 13 (April 1870): 129-152.———. “The Early Authorship of Shakespeare.” North British Reviewn.s., 13 (April 1870): 69-92.Smith, Alexander. “Essayists, Old and New.” North British Review37 (August 1862): 132-169.———. “Novels and Novelists of the Day.” North British Review38 (February 1863): 168-190.Smith, Gregory. “Books for Children.” North British Review21, (August 1854): 399-424.Stirling, J. H. “The Poetical Works of Robert Browning.” North British Reviewn.s., 10 (December 1868): 353-408.Tylor, E. B. “Recent Spanish Romances.” North British Reviewn.s., 9 (March 1868): 109-132.Wilberforce, Edward. “German Novelists: Freytag, Auerbach, Heyse.” North British Reviewn.s., 8 (December 1865): 323-350.Wilson, John. “Sacred Literature of the Hindus.” North British Review1 (August 1844): 366-397.Industry“The British press: its growth, liberty, and power.” North British Review30 (May 1859): 367-402.Brown, John Taylor. “Bibliomania".” North British Reviewn.s., 1 (February 1864): Bury, Marie Blaze. “The political press--French, British, and German.” North British Review34 (February 1861): 184-209.Jones, J. W. “Public Libraries.” North British Review15 (May 1851): 160-184.Kaye, J. W. “Literary Coteries.” North British Review23 (May 1855): 232-265.———. “Pendennis -- The Literary Profession.” North British Review13 (August 1850): 335-372.“Libraries.” North British Review31 (November 1859): 447-469.Thomas, William Moy. “The Literary Fund.” North British Review29 (August 1858): 244-256.LanguageBaynes, T. S. “Revolutions in the Queen's English.” North British Reviewn.s., 11 (March 1869): 65-98.Dallas, E. S. “The English Language.” North British Review13 (August 1850): 373-398.Mansel, H. L. “The Philosophy of Language.” North British Review14 (November 1850): 41-67.O'Connell, John? “The Philosophy of Language.” North British Review30 (February 1859): 69-101.Strettell, Alfred. “Comparative Philology.” North British Review16 (November 1851): 198-229.Literature from the Continentde Bury, Marie Blaze. “Literary Tendencies in France.” North British Review25 (August 1856): 349-375.———. “The Algerian Literature of France.” North British Review30 (February 1859): 1-21.Jeffrey, John. “Danish Literature, Past and Present.” North British Review38 (May 1863): 303-324.Lorimer, James. “German Lady Novelists.” North British Review7 (August 1847): 368-387.MusicEber, Ferdinando. “National Music.” North British Review20 (February 1854): 341-360.Hatch, Edwin. “Early Christian Songs in the East and West.” North British Review27 (August 1857): 194-214.Masson, David. “Old English Songs.” North British Review22 (February 1855): 485-504.PoetryBrown, John. “Home Ballads and Poem.” North British Review34 (February 1861): Bury, Marie Blaze. “Peasants and Poets of Austria and Scotland.” North British Review36 (February 1862): 118-138.Dempster, Charlotte. “Modern Provencal Poems.” North British Reviewn.s., 8 (December 1867): 302-318.Jeffrey, John. “Carsten Hauch and His Latest Poem.” North British Reviewn.s., 8 (September 1867): 94-126.Kingsley, Charles. “Burns and His School.” North British Review16 (November 1851): 149-183.Maitland, Edward. “English Descriptive Poets of Last Century.” North British Review1 (August 1844): 397-411.———. “Tractarian Poetry: Faber and Lord John Manners.” North British Review1 (May 1844): 146-167.Massey, Gerald. “Last Poems and Other Works of Mrs. [Elizabeth Barrett] Browning.” North British Review36 (May 1862): 514-534.———. “Poets and Poetry of Young Ireland.” North British Review35 (November 1861): 415-444.Massey, Gerald? “The Poems and Plays of Robert Browning.” North British Review34 (May 1861): 350-374. Wellesley uncertain, possibly F. H. EvansMasson, David. “Samuel Rogers and His Times.” North British Review25 (August 1856): 399-436.18th Century poet———. “Theories of Poetry and a New Poet [Alexander Smith].” North British Review19 (August 1853): 297-344.Masson, G. J. Gustave. “Bérenger, Politician and Poet.” North British Review27 (November 1857): 498-512.Neaves, Charles. “Burlesque Poetry.” North British Reviewn.s., 4 (September 1865): 59-78.———. “Mrs. Browning's Poems.” North British Review26 (February 1857): 443-462.———. “New poems [mainly by William Barnes].” North British Review31 (November 1859): 339-352.———. “Poetry--the Spasmodists.” North British Review28 (February 1858): 231-250.———. “Recent Poetry.” North British Review33 (August 1860): 114-132.———. “Tennyson's Poems--The Princess.” North British Review9 (May 1848): 43-72.Patmore, Coventry? “Glimpses of Poetry.” North British Review19 (May 1853): 209-218.Wellesley uncertain, possibly George David Boyle.Sellar, W. Y. “Poems by A. H. Clough.” North British Review37 (November 1862): 323-343.Shairp, J. C. “Poems by Matthew Arnold.” North British Review21, (August 1854): 493-504.Simcox, G. A. “The Poems of Shelley.” North British Reviewn.s., 14 (October 1870): 30-58.Simpson, Richard. “Mr. Browning's Latest Poetry.” North British Reviewn.s., 12 (October 1870): 1869.” North British Review97-126.———. “Mr. Tennyson's Poetry.” North British Reviewn.s., 14 (January 1871): 378-425.Smith, Walter. “Early Poetry of England and Scotland.” North British Review36 (May 1862): 412-432.Symonds, J. A. “The Greek Gnomic Poets.” North British Reviewn.s., 10 (September 1868): 49-72.———. “Alfred de Musset.” North British Reviewn.s., 10 (December 1868): 287-312.Romantic poet and dramatist———. “The Greek Idyllic Poets.” North British Reviewn.s., 9 (June 1868): 469-497.Thomsen, Grimur. “On the Character of the old Northern Poetry.” North British Reviewn.s., 7 (March 1867): 111-161.Whewell, William. “English Hexameters.” North British Review19 (May 1853): 129-150.ParanormalBrewster, David. “Eusebe Salverte on the Occult Sciences.” North British Review3 (May 1845): 1-39.Brown, Samuel. “Ghosts and Ghost-seers.” North British Review9 (August 1848): 393-416.Campbell, G. D. “Prenology: Its Place and Relations.” North British Review17 (May 1852): 41-70.Fairbairn, Patrick. “Popular prophetical Literature.” North British Review37 (November 1862): 397-421.Laycock, Thomas. “Modern necromancy.” North British Review34 (February 1861): 110-141.Religious LiteratureBannerman, James. “Biblical Interpretation--Epistles to the Corinthians.” North British Review29 (August 1858): 71-102.Eadie, John. “Biblical Literature in Scotland.” North British Review3 (May 1845): 39-65.———. “The Literature of the New Testament.” North British Review16 (February 1852): 422-444.———. “The Text of Scripture.” North British Review19 (August 1853): 324-444.“Early Christian Literature in Syria.” North British Review19 (August 1853): 462-474.Greenwell, Dora. “Popular Religious Literature.” North British Reviewn.s., 3 (June 1865): 413-436.Masson, David. “Ben Jonson.” North British Review24 (February 1856): 447-478.Sellar, W. Y. “Religious Novels.” North British Review26 (November 1856): 209-227.Tulloch, John. “British New Testament criticism.” North British Review25 (May 1856): 110-140.Visual ArtBrewster, David. “Form and Colour--Sir G. Wilkinson.” North British Review32 (February 1860): 126-158.———. “Mr. Babbage on the Exposition of 1851.” North British Review15 (August 1851): 529-568.———. “Photography.” North British Review7 (August 1847): 465-504.———. “Recent Progress of Photographic Art.” North British Review36 (February 1862): 170-203.———. “The Sight and How to See.” North British Review26 (November 1856): 145-184.Greg, W. R. “Historical Painting -- Macaulay.” North British Review25 (May 1856): 79-109.Herbert, E. G[eorge]. “Symbolism in Christian art.” North British Reviewn.s., 3 (June 1865): 437-458.Johnsone, William Borthwick? “Painters Patronized by Charles First.” North British Review31 (August 1859): 26-55.Lorimer, James. “The Fine Arts in Edinburgh.” North British Review16 (November 1851): 89-118.Mackenzie, Helen. “M. Gustave Doré.” North British Reviewn.s., 8 (September 1867): 127-148.Printmaker and book illustrator.American Literature Dent, John C. “America and her literature." Temple Bar 37 (February 1873): 396-406. Frend, Grace Gilchrist. “Chats with Walt Whitman." Temple Bar 113 (February 1898): 200-212. Gladstone, Miss A. M. “[Ralph Waldo] Emerson's home in Concord." Temple Bar 115 (October 1898): 290-297. Ingram, John H. “Edgar Poe." Temple Bar 41 (June 1874): 375-387. Lathrop, Lorin A. “Walt Whitman." Temple Bar 99 (October 1893): 252-259. Rhodes, Elsie. “The Personality of Margaret Fuller." Temple Bar 108 (June 1896): 226-232. American Matters Brice, Arthur John Hallam Montefiore. “Among the Americans." Temple Bar 87 (December 1889): 493-507. ———. “New York and New Yorkers." Temple Bar 84 (November 1888): 343-357. Fonblanque, Albany de. “T'other side o' the water [the U.S.A.]." Temple Bar 47 (May 1876): 57-64. Praed, Rosa Caroline. “Some American impressions (Parts I-III)." Temple Bar 80 (July 1887): 315-326. Book Reviews Archdale, George. “[Abraham] Hayward's Essays." Temple Bar 71 (June 1884): 169-187. Austin, Alfred. “Bothwell [by Algernon Charles Swinburne]." Temple Bar 41 (July 1874): 545-551. Bentley, George. “Mr. Froude's Life of Carlyle." Temple Bar 65 (August 1882): 519-530. Browne, Charles. “Charles Lamb's Letters." Temple Bar 85 (January 1889): 33-51. Engel, Louis. “Grove's Dictionary of Music." Temple Bar 64 (April 1882): 541-556. Fothergill, Jessie. “Wuthering Heights [by Emily Brontë]." Temple Bar 81 (December 1887): 562-568. Hoey, Frances Cashel. “Eugene Aram [by Edward Bulwer Lytton]." Temple Bar 38 (June 1873): 393-398. “Les Misérables [by Victor Hugo]." Temple Bar 6 (November 1862): 572-578. Noble, James Ashcroft. “Hazlitt's Liber Amoris." Temple Bar 61 (March 1881): 330-341. Oxenford, John. “The Provincial Letters of Pascal." Temple Bar 2 (April 1861): 89-100. Ward, C. A. “Hazlitt's Characteristics and Maxims." Temple Bar 77 (August 1886): 536-543. Continental Matters Austin, Alfred. “Our neighbors and ourselves." Temple Bar 32 (April 1871): 54-69. Gautier, Théophile. “English art from a French point of view (Part I)." Temple Bar 5 (May 1862): 320-326. Wellesley notes, “Translation by G[eorge]. A[ugustus]. Sala”———. “English art from a French point of view (Part II)." Temple Bar 6 (August 1862): 258-272. ———. “English art from a French point of view (Part III)." Temple Bar 6 (October 1862): 420-438. Translation by G[eorge]. A[ugustus]. SalaLord, Walter Frewen. “The Debt we owe to France." Temple Bar 119 (April 1900): 492-503. Parkinson, Joseph Charles? “French--at a glance." Temple Bar 8 (July 1863): 484-493. General Literature Abbott, Evelyn. “[Thomas Love] Peacock." Temple Bar 80 (May 1887): 35-52. Author and satirist———. “Jane Austen." Temple Bar 64 (March 1882): 350-365. ———. “George Sand in Berry." Temple Bar 65 (May 1882): 59-71. Aldis, Mrs. H[arry]. G[idney]. “[Heinrich] Heine's 'Frau Mathilde.'" 120 (July 1900): 395-405. Allridge, Lizzie. “Shakespear's Bear-Garden as it is." Temple Bar 87 (October 1889): 214-219. Andersen, Hans Christian. “A Visit to Charles Dickens." Temple Bar 31 (December 1870): 27-46. Translated by Augusta PlesnerApperson, George L. “Some curiosities of criticism." Temple Bar 80 (June 1887): 241-247. Archdale, George. “Edmund Yates." Temple Bar 72 (December 1884): 460-475. ———. “Edward Fitzgerald." Temple Bar 88 (March 1890): 331-344. ———. “The Carlyle controversy." Temple Bar 62 (August 1881): 516-526. Armstrong, Florence. “Marie Bashkirtseff [French diarist]." Temple Bar 88 (February 1890): 263-269. “Artistic sayings and doings." Temple Bar 8 (April 1863): 135-142. Ashe, Thomas. “A Handful of Greek flowers [epigrams]." Temple Bar 41 (July 1874): 493-496. ———. “Alliteration." Temple Bar 71 (August 1884): 522-535. Austin, Alfred. “A Prose pastoral." Temple Bar 36 (October 1872): 318-327. ———. “Bulwer and Dickens: A Contrast." Temple Bar 43 (January 1875): 168-180. ———. “Byron and Shelley." Temple Bar 34 (December 1871): 30-49. ———. “Byron in Greece." Temple Bar 62 (May 1881): 100-108. ———. “Charles Dickens [eulogy upon his death]." Temple Bar 29 (July 1870): 554-562. ———. “Our novels (Part I): The Fast school." Temple Bar 29 (May 1870): 177-194. ———. “Our novels (Part II): The Sensational school." Temple Bar 29 (June 1870): 410-424. ———. “Our novels (Part III): The Simple school." Temple Bar 29 (July 1870): 488-503. ———. “The Novels of Miss [Rhoda] Broughton." Temple Bar 41 (May 1874): 197-209. ———. “The Vice of reading." Temple Bar 42 (September 1874): 251-257. ———. “What is genius?." Temple Bar 46 (January 1876): 68-79. ———. “Wordsworth impartially weighed." Temple Bar 34 (February 1872): 310-330. Baildon, H[enry]. Bellyse. “Some recollections of Robert Louis Stevenson." Temple Bar 104 (March 1895): 325-333. Bailey, J. C. “[Jean de] LaFontaine." Temple Bar 98 (July 1893): 337-355. French fabulist———. “The Poems of Robert Bridges." Temple Bar 99 (October 1893): 225-235. Baker, E. Harrison. “The Early years of Alphonse Daudet." Temple Bar 116 (January 1899): 82-95. Baker, H. B. “[Richard Brinsley] Sheridan." Temple Bar 60 (December 1880): 488-503. Dramatist and politician———. “[Thomas] Otway." Temple Bar 57 (September 1879): 95-113. Poet and playwright———. “A Neglected humorist [Samuel Foote]." Temple Bar 45 (December 1875): 448-464. ———. “An Italian Molière [Carlo Goldoni]." Temple Bar 57 (October 1879): 220-235. Italian dramatist———. “Beaumarchais, 'The French Wilkes.'" 43 (April 1875): 604-622. 18th Century French writer———. “Corneille, and the literary society of his age." Temple Bar 45 (December 1875): 516-536. ———. “Elizabeth Inchbald." Temple Bar 55 (April 1879): 460-475. English novelist and dramatist———. “Lord Lytton as a dramatist and novelist." Temple Bar 38 (May 1873): 233-245. ———. “Molière and his world." Temple Bar 49 (March 1877): 335-355. ———. “Mrs. Aphra Behn." Temple Bar 71 (July 1884): 388-402. 17th Century English novelists, dramatist and poet———. “Racine and his works." Temple Bar 54 (November 1878): 367-384. ———. “Richard Steele." Temple Bar 34 (March 1872): 518-532. English man of letters, dramatist, politician and journalist———. “The Comedy writers of the Restoration." Temple Bar 57 (December 1879): 539-556. ———. “The Queen of letter-writers [Madame de Sévigné]." Temple Bar 38 (April 1873): 106-115. ———. “Victor Hugo and Romanticism." Temple Bar 42 (October 1874): 317-333. Ballantyne, Archibald. “The Poet-laureateship." Temple Bar 106 (December 1895): 498-516. Banks, D. C. “The romantic side of Montaigne." Temple Bar 110 (January 1897): 26-34. Beale, Anne. “The Wordsworths at Brinsop Court." Temple Bar 49 (January 1877): 110-116. Beard, Nathaniel Thomas. “Some recollections of yesterday [Collins, Dickens, Mrs. Kemble]." Temple Bar 102 (July 1894): 315-339. Benson, E. J. “Marlowe's Faustus." Temple Bar 98 (August 1893): 515-522. Bentham-Edwards, Matilda. “The Jews in German literature; or, What German literature owes the Jews." Temple Bar 65 (May 1882): 31-37. Bentley, George. “[Richard] Monckton Milnes." Temple Bar 92 (June 1891): 273-281. Poet and influential man of letters———. “An Afternoon with odd volumes." Temple Bar 41 (May 1874): 210-221. ———. “An Evening with Erasmus." Temple Bar 38 (April 1873): 23-34. ———. “Carlyle's Reminiscences." Temple Bar 62 (May 1881): 23-36. ———. “Sincerity in biography." Temple Bar 62 (July 1881): 329-336. Berger, Florence K. “Henri Murger." Temple Bar 59 (May 1880): 29-47. French novelist———. “Honoré de Balzac." Temple Bar 54 (December 1878): 535-552. ———. “Théophile Gautier." Temple Bar 58 (January 1880): 58-70. French poet and novelist———. “Victor Hugo." Temple Bar 50 (July 1877): 367-373. Besant, Walter. “Alfred de Musset." Temple Bar 30 (November 1870): 458-470. French dramatist and poet———. “Among the books of seventy-one." Temple Bar 34 (December 1871): 97-112. ———. “Froissart's love story." Temple Bar 56 (June 1879): 194-207. 14th Century court poet———. “The Founder of burlesque [Paul Scarron]." Temple Bar 29 (June 1870): 318-329. ———. “Théophile de Viau." Temple Bar 42 (October 1874): 387-402. French 17th Century poet and playwrightBetham-Edwards, Matilda. “A Week with George Eliot." Temple Bar 73 (February 1885): 226-232. ———. “Goethe and Carlyle, a comparison." Temple Bar 86 (July 1889): 399-403. Black, William. “The Anatomy of quarrelling." Temple Bar 27 (October 1869): 365-373. ———. “The Innocence of flattery." Temple Bar 27 (September 1869): 244-253. Blackley, William L. “The Omnibus orator." Temple Bar 20 (May 1867): 195-204. Brookfield, Jane Octavia Elton. “Early recollections of Tennyson." Temple Bar 101 (February 1894): 203-207. Brotheron, Mary. “Walter Savage Landor." Temple Bar 13 (December 1864): 111-116. Historian who wrote imaginary conversations with historical figures.Broughton, Rhoda. “A Home of rest." Temple Bar 93 (September 1891): 68-72. ———. “Rent day." Temple Bar 98 (June 1893): 228-248. Browne, Charles Thomas. “The Hermit of Vaucluse [Petrarch]." Temple Bar 4 (December 1861): 109-121. 14th Century Italian poet and humanistBuchanan, Robert William. “Donne the metaphysician." Temple Bar 3 (August 1861): 78-91. 17th Century poet, Dean of St. Paul's Cathedral———. “Society's looking-glass [literary realism]." Temple Bar 6 (August 1862): 129-137. ———. “Sydney [Thompson] Dobell: a personal sketch." Temple Bar 56 (May 1879): 80-91. Spasmodic poetBuffield, A.J. “Sancho Panza." Temple Bar 60 (October 1880): 250-259. Bury, Yetta Blaze de. “Victor Hugo." Temple Bar 75 (November 1885): 388-399. C. T. H. “Recent Italian literature." Temple Bar 16 (January 1866): 289-302. Cervantes, Miguel de. “A Judge of divorce: a farce." Temple Bar 56 (May 1879): 93-101. Wellesley, “Translated by A. J. Duffield”Chater, Arthur G. “Shakespere and Wagner." Temple Bar 113 (February 1898): 287-293. Child, Theodore. “[Charles-Augustin] Sainte-Beuve." Temple Bar 61 (January 1881): 105-112. French literary criticChristian, Eleanor E. “Recollections of Charles Dickens: his family and friends." Temple Bar 82 (April 1888): 481-506. Clarke, Charles Cowden. “Taming of the Shrew [Shakespeare's]." Temple Bar 35 (July 1872): 539-549. Cobbe, Frances Power. “A Relic of Swift and Stella." Temple Bar 66 (December 1882): 568-572. ———. “French and English epitaphs." Temple Bar 22 (February 1868): 349-357. Coleman, John. “Personal reminiscences of Charles Reade, extending over twenty years (Part I)." Temple Bar 71 (August 1884): 465-482. ———. “Personal reminiscences of Charles Reade, extending over twenty years (Part II)." Temple Bar 72 (September 1884): 72-86. Collins, John Churton. “Genius and method." Temple Bar 61 (March 1881): 364-375. ———. “Literature and medicine." Temple Bar 55 (February 1879): 191-203. Collins, Martimer. “Winthrop Mackworth Praed." Temple Bar 5 (April 1862): 92-101. English writer, humorist and politicianCook, Emily C. “Literary ladies." Temple Bar 108 (August 1896): 576-581. ———. “The Modern novel." Temple Bar 105 (June 1895): 244-251. Cooke, William Henry. “James Boswell." Temple Bar 56 (July 1879): 314-332. Biographer of Samuel JohnsonCooke-Taylor, Whately. “The Real significance of Hamlet." Temple Bar 80 (July 1887): 366-377. Corkran, Henriette. “A Child's recollections of William Makepeace Thackeray." Temple Bar 81 (October 1887): 238-241. ———. “A Little girl's recollections of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, William Makepeace Thackeray, and the late Emperor Louis Napoleon." Temple Bar 103 (December 1894): 551-558. ———. “A Little girl's recollections of Le Comte Alfred de Vigny." Temple Bar 85 (April 1889): 580-583. ———. “Slight recollections of three great men [John Ruskin, John Couch Adams, John S. Blackie]." Temple Bar 105 (August 1895): 515-522. Cotton, Ellen F. “Alexander Poushkin." Temple Bar 116 (April 1899): 519-534. Courney, William Prideaux. “A Manchester man of letters [John Byrom] (Part I)." Temple Bar 105 (May 1895): 68-79. ———. “A Manchester man of letters [John Byrom] (Part II)." Temple Bar 104 (April 1895): 563-574. Crosse, Cornelia A. H. “An Old society wit [Henry Luttrell]." Temple Bar 104 (January 1895): 47-70. ———. “Goethe's maxims." Temple Bar 99 (November 1893): 417-424. ———. “Poet, parson, and pamphleteer [W. L. Bowles]." Temple Bar 102 (September 1894): 25-45. ———. “Thomas Lovell Beddoes." Temple Bar 101 (March 1894): 357-370. poet and dramatistCrouch, Archer P. “The Earlier letters of Horace Walpole." Temple Bar 116 (April 1899): 562-571. Cudlip, Annie. “James Hannay." Temple Bar 38 (April 1873): 89-94. Scottish literary man and novelist“Cynicism." Temple Bar 14 (May 1865): 297-303. Dennis, John. “Milton and Wordsworth." Temple Bar 60 (September 1880): 106-115. Devey, Joseph. “Literary forgeries: Rowley's poems and tragedies." Temple Bar 17 (April 1866): 132-144. Dickson, Nicholas. “Charles Dickens's use of the Bible." Temple Bar 27 (September 1869): 225-234. Diplock, A. H. “M. Anatole France." Temple Bar 119 (March 1900): 363-374. Doran, John. “[Frederick] Marryat." Temple Bar 37 (December 1872): 100-106. Navy man and novelist———. “How they used to tell stories." Temple Bar 37 (December 1872): 20-27. ———. “The Last of the [Shakespearian] tercentenary." Temple Bar 13 (December 1864): 69-77. Dowden, Edward. “Nursery classics." Temple Bar 8 (July 1863): 494-502. Duffield, A. J. “Fernan Caballero." Temple Bar 52 (February 1878): 252-263. Andalusian novelistEdgcumbe, Richard. “A Visit to Voltaire." Temple Bar 64 (January 1882): 121-131. ———. “Talks with Trelawny." Temple Bar 89 (May 1890): 29-42. Edward John Trelawny writer and friend of Shelley and ByronEdlmann, Edith. “A Girl's opinion on Jane Austen." Temple Bar 94 (March 1892): 343-350. Edwards, Sutherland. “Eugène Scribe." Temple Bar 2 (April 1861): 40-49. French playwrightEllis, Dymphua Glode . “The Fate of the letter." Temple Bar 110 (March 1897): 362-370. Ensor, Ernest. “Jacobean lyrists." Temple Bar 116 (May 1899): 69-83. Escott, T. H. S. “Cliques and criticism." Temple Bar 20 (June 1867): 321-326. ———. “Intellectual flunkeyism." Temple Bar 17 (July 1866): 539-545. Evans, John Amphlett. “Dryden." Temple Bar 88 (March 1890): 380-391. ———. “Dryden and Ben Jonson." Temple Bar 94 (May 1892): 101-112. ———. “Dryden and Scott." Temple Bar 90 (September 1890): 84-94. ———. “Dryden's prose works." Temple Bar 89 (August 1890): 549-558. Ferrier, John. “Miss Ferrier's novels." Temple Bar 54 (November 1878): 308-328. Fisher, Charles. “Wordsworth and Carlyle--a literary parallel." Temple Bar 106 (October 1895): 261-267. Fisher, W. E. Garrett. “Guy de Maupassant." Temple Bar 103 (December 1894): 495-506. Fitzgerald, Edward. “Letters of Edward Fitzgerald to Fanny Kemble, 1871-1883 (Parts I-VIII)." Temple Bar 104 (January 1895): 27-45. Wellesley: Arranged and annotated by William Aldis Wright“Folk lore: how it arose and what it means (Part I)." Temple Bar 6 (November 1862): 549-557. “Folk lore (Part II)." Temple Bar 7 (February 1863): 438-444. Folkard, Mary H. “’Eh, but it's queer altogether’: a short story." Temple Bar 90 (September 1890): 95-110. ———. “Mother: according to English novelists." Temple Bar 88 (February 1890): 218-227. Fonblanque, Albany de. “Bret Harte." Temple Bar 39 (September 1873): 257-265. American writer and journalist———. “Shylock the Jew-ed." Temple Bar 45 (September 1875): 65-71. Ford, Douglas M. “Thackeray's Foreigners." Temple Bar 113 (May 1898): 83-92. Forrest, George William. “Jonathan Swift." Temple Bar 46 (February 1876): 225-267. ———. “William Cowper." Temple Bar 59 (June 1880): 212-225. Fox, John. “Lord Byron's married life." Temple Bar 26 (June 1869): 364-393. Friswell, James Hian. “Shakespeare commemorated." Temple Bar 10 (March 1864): 485-489. Fyvie, John. “Walter Savage Landor." Temple Bar 105 (June 1895): 253-267. Historian who wrote imaginary conversations with historical figures.Gardiner, Linda. “The Novels of Wilkie Collins." Temple Bar 89 (August 1890): 528-532. Garnett, Richard. “A Page from the book of folly." Temple Bar 32 (April 1871): 84-90. Gaskell, Annie. “Letters of a man of leisure [Edward Fitzgerald]." Temple Bar 97 (January 1893): 23-36. Gordon, Gerald C. E. Pelham. “Thackeray's London." Temple Bar 105 (July 1895): 422-432. Gosse, Edmund W. “Letters to and from Hans Christian Andersen." Temple Bar 59 (August 1880): 491-503. Grant, Arthur. “The Song of Roland." Temple Bar 78 (December 1886): 534-540. Greswell, William. “Wordsworth's Quantock poems." Temple Bar 107 (April 1896): 530-548. ———. “Our men of letters and our Empire." Temple Bar 111 (June 1897): 262-270. Gurdon, Eveline-Camilla (Wallop). “A Lover of leisure [Sir Henry Wotton]." Temple Bar 79 (February 1887): 267-272. 17th Century English diplomat and poetHamilton, James. “Mrs. Norton." Temple Bar 52 (January 1878): 101-110. Caroline Sheridan Norton? Poet, novelist and feministHannay, David. “Doña Perfecta: a Spanish novel." Temple Bar 58 (March 1880): 326-342. Hannay, James. “Thackeray on Swift." Temple Bar 21 (October 1867): 322-330. Harris, Mary Dormer. “Frances Burney." Temple Bar 118 (December 1899): 496-504. Hawthorne, Julian. “The new Endymion." Temple Bar 55 (January 1879): 119-144. Hector, Annie F[rench]. “Thomas Love Peacock." Temple Bar 44 (May 1875): 113-124. English novelist noted for dialogHeine, Heinrich. “Heine on Cervantes and the Don Quixote." Temple Bar 48 (October 1876): 235-249. Translated by A.J. DuffieldHeraud, John A. “John Dryden." Temple Bar 7 (December 1862): 77-100. Hervey, Charles. “A Reception at Alfred de Vigny's." Temple Bar 84 (December 1888): 533-538. ———. “Monsieur de Balzac's intimate friend [Flicoteau]." Temple Bar 52 (March 1878): 381-385. ———. “Some reminiscences of literary Paris." Temple Bar 68 (July 1883): 431-437. Hillier, Arthur C. “Jane Austen's husband [on Crabbe]." Temple Bar 112 (November 1897): 350-361. “A History of comedy [précis of German work by Dr. Jacob Mähly]." Temple Bar 7 (December 1862): 120-130. Hitchman, James Francis. “Richard Cumberland." Temple Bar 14 (July 1865): 580-599. English playwright———. “Victor Hugo." Temple Bar 9 (November 1863): 576-589. Hoey, Frances Cashel. “The Life of Charles Dickens." Temple Bar 38 (May 1873): 169-185. Horne, R. H. “John Forster: his early life and friendships." Temple Bar 46 (April 1876): 491-505. Writer, journalist and Dickens scholarHunt, Leigh. “"Men are but children of a larger growth": a fireside fancy." Temple Bar 50 (July 1877): 386-391. Jackson, Catherine C. “Madame de Staël." Temple Bar 55 (March 1879): 319-338. French woman of letters———. “Mrs. [Hester Lynch] Thrale-Piozzi." Temple Bar 53 (July 1878): 357-375. Intimate of Samuel JohnsonJacox, Francis. “Conveying and stealing; a distinction without a difference: a cue from Shakespeare." Temple Bar 23 (June 1868): 354-365. Jerrold, Evelyn. “Alexandre Dumas the Younger." Temple Bar 51 (November 1877): 392-408. ———. “Henri Monnier." Temple Bar 52 (March 1878): 354-361. French cartoonist, writer and satirist———. “Evelyn Jerrold on George Sand." Temple Bar 75 (October 1885): 177-200. Johnson, Charles F. “Coleridge." Temple Bar 78 (September 1886): 35-54. ———. “Shelley." Temple Bar 81 (October 1887): 242-263. ———. “Wordsworth." Temple Bar 77 (July 1886): 336-355. Kemp, Emily G. “A Plea for the study of sonnets." Temple Bar 111 (June 1897): 277-288. Kingsley, Henry. “Ben Jonson." Temple Bar 42 (August 1874): 35-50. Jacobean author, playwright and poet———. “Richard Steele." Temple Bar 40 (December 1873): 103-121. English man of letters, dramatist, politician and journalistKitton, Frederick G. “Dickens as an art critic." Temple Bar 93 (November 1891): 319-329. ———. “Dickens' characters and their prototypes." Temple Bar 83 (May 1888): 28-48. ———. “The True story of Pickwick; a jubilee biography." Temple Bar 79 (March 1887): 373-382. Law, Alice. “Some beauties of Cowper." Temple Bar 104 (January 1895): 91-103. Lawson, Jun., John . “Boswell's Johnson." Temple Bar 95 (June 1892): 251-258. Lefroy, Fanny C. “Is it just? [on Jane Austen]." Temple Bar 67 (February 1883): 270-284. Levy, Amy. “A Slip of the Pen." Temple Bar 86 (July 1889): 371-377. ———. “The New school of American fiction." Temple Bar 70 (March 1884): 383-389. Linton, Eliza Lynn. “Bronte on Mount Etna [estate of Viscount Bridport]." Temple Bar 70 (February 1884): 229-241. ———. “Ecclesiastical symbolism." Temple Bar 19 (January 1867): 260-270. ———. “George Eliot." Temple Bar 73 (April 1885): 512-524. ———. “Marmontel." Temple Bar 86 (July 1889): 337-356. French poet and playwright———. “Miss [Rhoda] Broughton's Novels." Temple Bar 80 (June 1887): 196-209. ———. “Montaigne (Parts I-II)." Temple Bar 84 (September 1888): 49-63. ———. “Rabelais." Temple Bar 85 (March 1889): 351-370. ———. “The Cult of cant." Temple Bar 93 (October 1891): 189-198. ———. “The Novels of Balzac (Parts I-III)." Temple Bar 78 (October 1886): 197-212. ———. “The Philosophy of Voltaire's romances." Temple Bar 80 (May 1887): 91-110. Lucy, Henry W. “Mr. Disraeli (Parts I-II)." Temple Bar 85 (April 1889): 515-529. Luffmann, Charles Bogue and Laura M. Lane. “The sources of Don Quixote." Temple Bar 106 (October 1895): 207-219. Mackay, Mary. “The Last days of Edmund Yates." Temple Bar 102 (July 1894): 378-384. MacKenzie, Jessie. “A Russian writer [V. M. Garshine]." Temple Bar 105 (August 1895): 523-533. Maitland, Ella F. “Humour." Temple Bar 94 (February 1892): 276-280. Markwick, Edward. “Hawthorne and his wife." Temple Bar 75 (December 1885): 523-538. Martin, Arthur Patchett. “An Australian novelist [Marcus A. H. Clarke]." Temple Bar 71 (May 1884): 96-100. Massie, John. “Dogs of literature." Temple Bar 61 (April 1881): 476-500. Mathias, George Henry Duncan. “A Gentleman--according to Shakespeare." Temple Bar 23 (April 1868): 104-109. Mayer, Gertrude. “A Successor of Samuel Pepys [on John William Croker]." Temple Bar 117 (July 1899): 327-350. ———. “Amelia Opie." Temple Bar 98 (August 1893): 485-513. ———. “Elizabeth Inchbald." Temple Bar 99 (November 1893): 317-343. ———. “Horace Walpole's twin wives [Mary and Agnes Berry]." Temple Bar 91 (March 1891): 343-367. ———. “Lady Mary Wortley Montagu." Temple Bar 98 (June 1893): 187-214. Journalist and writer———. “Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley." Temple Bar 95 (August 1892): 457-477. ———. “Miss [Mary Russell] Mitford." Temple Bar 90 (November 1890): 381-400. English novelist, poet and playwright———. “Mrs. Shelley at Pisa." Temple Bar 64 (January 1882): 58-65. ———. “Sydney Owenson, Lady Morgan." Temple Bar 97 (March 1893): 341-362. Irish writer———. “The Authoress of "Auld Robin Gray" [Lady Anne Barnard]." Temple Bar 64 (February 1882): 188-201. ———. “The Primate of the wits [on Sydney Smith]." Temple Bar 113 (April 1898): 489-514. ———. “Thomas Hood." Temple Bar 110 (February 1897): 186-204. Poet and journalist———. “Washington Irving." Temple Bar 96 (November 1892): 321-341. Mayer, S. R. Townshend. “Deronda's mother [in George Eliot's Daniel Deronda]: a literary parallel." Temple Bar 49 (April 1877): 542-545. ———. “Lady Caroline Lamb." Temple Bar 53 (June 1878): 174-192. Paramour of Lord Byron———. “Leigh Hunt and Lord Brougham: with original letters." Temple Bar 47 (June 1876): 221-234. Mayers, F. H. Madan. “A Well-read man." Temple Bar 76 (April 1886): 539-544. Mazuchelli, Nina Elizabeth. “Dryden as a dramatist." Temple Bar 59 (June 1880): 163-178. McClymont, William. “Notes on J[ohn]. G[ibson]. Lockhart." Temple Bar 105 (June 1895): 175-185. Journalist, editor and literary criticMeetkerke, Cecilia E. “Last reminiscences of Anthony Trollope." Temple Bar 70 (January 1884): 129-134. ———. “The Originals of Werther." Temple Bar 47 (June 1876): 244-250. ———. “The Real Othello." Temple Bar 48 (December 1876): 506-513. Merivale, Herman. “About two great novelists [Thackeray and Dickens]." Temple Bar 83 (June 1888): 188-204. Mitchell, Julia. “Characteristics of Russian literature." Temple Bar 89 (June 1890): 210-222. Molloy, Fitzgerald. “A Fashionable authoress of the last century [Fanny Burney]." Temple Bar 85 (February 1889): 189-207. ———. “William Lamb's wife." Temple Bar 84 (November 1888): 327-342. Lady Caroline Lamb, associated with Lord ByronMorris, Mowbray. “About Joseph Addison." Temple Bar 55 (January 1879): 33-51. Writer, poet and journal contributor———. “Edgar Poe and his biographers." Temple Bar 68 (August 1883): 530-539. ———. “Matthew Gregory Lewis." Temple Bar 60 (October 1880): 219-242. English novelist and playwright———. “The Wisdom of Goethe." Temple Bar 70 (February 1884): 262-272. Mozley, J. R. “The Decline of Goethe." Temple Bar 88 (January 1890): 51-64. Munnings, James. “John Keats: a sketch." Temple Bar 38 (July 1873): 501-512. ———. “Percy Bysshe Shelley." Temple Bar 24 (November 1868): 457-472. Munro, H.A.J.? “Thomas Gray, and the literature of the eighteenth century." Temple Bar 3 (October 1861): 402-420. Wellesley uncertainNapier, Robina. “A Poet's friend: Joseph Severn." Temple Bar 88 (January 1890): 124-131. Nelson, W. F. “Horace Walpole and Madame du Deffand." Temple Bar 82 (March 1888): 340-350. ———. “Voltaire and his first exile." Temple Bar 91 (February 1891): 195-204. Norgate, G. LeGrys. “Sir Walter Scott's letter-bag." Temple Bar 112 (September 1897): 77-81. Scottish novelist and poet———. “Some aspects of Matthew Arnold." Temple Bar 109 (December 1896): 540-546. “On the life and poetry of Percy Bysshe Shelley." Temple Bar 3 (November 1861): 538-551. Orr, Alexandra. “"Fifine at the Fair" and Robert Browning." Temple Bar 37 (February 1873): 315-328. Oxenford, John. “The Précieuses of the seventeenth century." Temple Bar 3 (October 1861): 342-348. Palmer, Edward Henry. “Arab humour (Part I)." Temple Bar 62 (May 1881): 64-74. ———. “Arab humour (Part II)." Temple Bar 62 (June 1881): 194-207. ———. “Arab humour (Part III)." Temple Bar 63 (September 1881): 36-51. Parsons, Florence Mary. “England's ballad-hero [Robin Hood]." Temple Bar 95 (July 1892): 401-411. Parsons, Mary Wilson. “The Novels of George Meredith." Temple Bar 108 (June 1896): 262-269. Wellesley notes, “Edited by H. E. G. Evans”Patton, Frederick Noel. “The Anonyma." Temple Bar 88 (March 1890): 360-378. Pebody, Charles. “Southey in his study." Temple Bar 42 (October 1874): 370-386. Phipps, Ramsay Weston. “Prospects of Literature." Temple Bar 110 (April 1897): 552-562. Pollock, Juliet. “Criticism past and present." Temple Bar 57 (November 1879): 367-371. ———. “The Judgment of Paris [on aesthetic principles]." Temple Bar 45 (November 1875): 391-400. Pollock, Walter H. “Alfred de Musset." Temple Bar 51 (November 1877): 331-346. French poet and playwright———. “Hamlet at home and abroad." Temple Bar 43 (March 1875): 456-464. Poynter, Eleanor F. “George Meredith." Temple Bar 97 (April 1893): 589-604. Price, Eleanor C. “[Jacques-Henri] Bernardin de Saint-Pierre." Temple Bar 93 (December 1891): 495-506. French romance novelistProcter, Bryan Walter. “On the reading of books." Temple Bar 72 (October 1884): 178-186. Rae, W. Fraser. “Macaulay at home." Temple Bar 86 (June 1889): 185-205. ———. “The Bard of Olney [Cowper]." Temple Bar 91 (April 1891): 503-520. ———. “Three notable Englishwomen [Susannah Taylor, Sarah Austin, Lucie Austin]." Temple Bar 85 (February 1889): 221-238. Women of letters———. “Victor Hugo on Shakespeare." Temple Bar 11 (July 1864): 537-550. ———. “Voltaire's favorite moralist [Vauvenargues]." Temple Bar 102 (May 1894): 23-40. Rands, William Brighty? “The lady of Belmonte [early form of The Merchant of Venice]." Temple Bar 10 (January 1864): 210-219. Reade, A. A. “Three great dictionaries [Johnson's, Littré's, Murray's]." Temple Bar 64 (February 1882): 238-249. “Recent criticism on Tennyson." Temple Bar 13 (February 1865): 354-362. Rendall, Vernon. “The Birds of Tennyson." Temple Bar 110 (April 1897): 495-512. ———. “The Trees and flowers of Tennyson." Temple Bar 103 (November 1894): 358-366. Robeck, George De. “Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin." Temple Bar 74 (May 1885): 65-77. Robertson, Eric Sutherland. “Constable and Sir Walter Scott." Temple Bar 96 (December 1892): 473-496. Robson, Isabel Stuart. “Henrik Ibsen." Temple Bar 93 (September 1891): 97-104. Playwright from NorwayRoose, Pauline W. “Dr. Johnson and Charles Lamb: a parallel." Temple Bar 86 (June 1889): 237-257. ———. “Weather preferences of authors." Temple Bar 105 (June 1895): 186-190. Rose, Edward. “A Comedy of superstition [by Calderon]." Temple Bar 55 (February 1879): 175-189. Calderon de la Barca? 17th Century playwrightRose, Hugh J. “A Spanish tertulia." Temple Bar 50 (August 1877): 518-528. Literary salonRussell, William Clark. “Alfred de Vigny." Temple Bar 34 (March 1872): 533-545. French writer, poet and playwrightSalt, H. S. “Henry D[avid]. Thoreau." Temple Bar 78 (November 1886): 369-383. ———. “On certain lyric poets, and their critics." Temple Bar 67 (January 1883): 53-59. ———. “Shelley as a teacher." Temple Bar 66 (November 1882): 365-377. Sanders, Herbert M. “Dr. [John] Donne." Temple Bar 121 (December 1900): 614-628. ———. “Literature in captivity [i.e. written in prison]." Temple Bar 118 (September 1899): 20-32. ———. “Other indiscretions, and the Browning letters." Temple Bar 119 (May 1900): 110-126. ———. “Parodies." Temple Bar 119 (February 1900): 237-253. Schott, T.H.S. “A Recent literary discovery." Temple Bar 103 (November 1894): 396-397. Seaton, R. C. “Shelley." Temple Bar 61 (February 1881): 218-240. Sergeant, E. F. Adeline. “George Meredith's views of women." Temple Bar 86 (June 1889): 207-213. Serrell, George. “Milton as seen in his Latin poems." Temple Bar 115 (December 1898): 547-563. ———. “Spenser, and England as he viewed it." Temple Bar 107 (March 1896): 423-437. Sheehan, John. “An Evening with Theocritus." Temple Bar 41 (June 1874): 401-409. ———. “Samuel Lover: his life, genius and writing; with something about some of his contemporaries." Temple Bar 24 (August 1868): 65-72. ———. “A Night with the Anthological [Society]." Temple Bar 34 (March 1872): 463-468. Shuldham, E. B. “Heine's life and writings." Temple Bar 29 (May 1870): 210-227. Sinclair, May. “A Hero of fiction." Temple Bar 115 (September 1898): 135-160. Smith, George Barnett. “On biography and biographies." Temple Bar 94 (April 1892): 578-583. ———. “The English Aristophanes [Samuel Foote]." Temple Bar 74 (July 1885): 371-386. Smith, H. Greenhough. “A Poet of prose [Ruskin]." Temple Bar 83 (May 1888): 49-55. ———. “Puns." Temple Bar 85 (January 1889): 69-75. Soames, C. “Behind the scenes [Pepys's Diary]." Temple Bar 30 (September 1870): 236-247. Solomon, Benvenuta. “Pope as a painter." Temple Bar 121 (October 1900): 268-276. Sotheby, H. W. “Ancient classical novelists (Part I) [Parthenius Nicaenus, Antonius Diogenes, Lucian]." Temple Bar 1 (February 1861): 407-416. Sotheby, H. W. “Ancient classical novelists (Part II) [Lucian]." Temple Bar 1 (March 1861): 565-575. Sotheby, H. W. “Ancient classical novelists (Part III) [Iamblichus and Xenophon the Ephesian]." Temple Bar 2 (June 1861): 357-371. Sparrow, Walter Shaw. “Some aspects of the greater [Alexandre] Dumas [1802-1870]." Temple Bar 111 (July 1897): 365-379. Novelist and dramatistStacpoole, Henry De Vere. “Mademoiselle de Maupin: a sketch from life." Temple Bar 106 (September 1895): 86-88. a work by Théophile GautierSteele, Laurence Edward. “In the country of Laurence Sterne." Temple Bar 115 (November 1898): 384-393. Story, Alfred T. “William Blake." Temple Bar 106 (December 1895): 525-537. Sturgis, Howard Overing. “A Sketch from memory [Margaret Oliphant]." Temple Bar 118 (October 1899): 233-248. Teeling, Theodora. “Victor Hugo." Temple Bar 59 (June 1880): 251-259. Thackeray, Francis St. John. “Dante and Tennyson." Temple Bar 102 (July 1894): 387-397. ———. “Reminiscences of William Makepeace Thackeray." Temple Bar 98 (July 1893): 373-378. Tiddeman, Lizzie Ellen. “[Michel de] Montaigne." Temple Bar 106 (September 1895): 48-58. 16th Century essayistToynbee, William. “An Unappreciated diarist [Thomas Raikes]." Temple Bar 111 (May 1897): 71-80. Trollope, Constance. “A Study in the past [on old novels]." Temple Bar 116 (February 1899): 216-226. Trollope, Frances Eleanor. “About Charles Lamb." Temple Bar 35 (April 1872): 21-36. English man of letters“Truth in art." Temple Bar 8 (June 1863): 358-369. Tweedie, Ethel B. “A Chat with Mrs. Lynn Linton." Temple Bar 102 (July 1894): 355-364. ———. “Henrik Ibsen and Björnstjerne Björnson." Temple Bar 98 (August 1893): 536-553. Tyson, Miss. “Dostoiefski." Temple Bar 91 (February 1891): 243-249. van Sypesteyn, C. A. “Voltaire in the Netherlands." Temple Bar 50 (June 1877): 174-188. Wellesley, “Translated by W. C. K. Lecky”Vismes, William de. “Shirking a "Double": an old Irish tale." Temple Bar 38 (June 1873): 370-390. Walsh, William S. “The Prototypes of Thackeray's characters." Temple Bar 86 (May 1889): 103-110. Wilberforce, Edward. “How to talk." Temple Bar 27 (November 1869): 487-495. Williams, Alexander M. “Emily Brontë." Temple Bar 98 (July 1893): 431-439. Williams, William Henry. “[Alexander] Pope and Horace." Temple Bar 115 (September 1898): 87-97. Wood, Annie. “A Few weeks with Hans Andersen." Temple Bar 43 (February 1875): 387-396. Writer of fairy tales, novels, poems and nonfiction from Denmark———. “Two Danes [Hans Christian Andersen and Bertel Thorvaldsen]." Temple Bar 45 (October 1875): 171-183. Wraxall, Lascelles. “[Jean-]Francois Marmontel." Temple Bar 9 (August 1863): 141-153. 18th Century man of letters, poetry, prose, novels and dramaWright, Margaret B. “Wordsworth's "Parson Sympson" [a character in The Excursion]." Temple Bar 107 (January 1896): 63-75. Yates, Edmund. “Dreaming." Temple Bar 4 (December 1861): 38-46. Language Doran, John. “High-class slang." Temple Bar 31 (February 1871): 309-321. “On words (Part I)." Temple Bar 6 (August 1862): 106-113. “On words (Part II)." Temple Bar 6 (October 1862): 344-347. Music Austin, Alfred. “The Cycle of English song (Parts I-VII)." Temple Bar 38 (May 1873): 217-232. Austin, Frank. “A Few musical notes." Temple Bar 87 (September 1889): 49-54. Bentley, George. “Crochets [on music]." Temple Bar 91 (January 1891): 51-60. Betham-Edwards, Matilda. “Reminiscences of Liszt." Temple Bar 78 (September 1886): 55-60. Coleridge, Arthur D. “Gluck." Temple Bar 26 (April 1869): 29-42. Christoph Willibald Gluck, German 18th Century composer?Crump, A. “Richard Wagner." Temple Bar 68 (August 1883): 571-587. Dorn, Heinrich. “Recollections of Felix Mendelssohn and his friends." Temple Bar 34 (February 1872): 397-405. Translated by Miss Charlotte BentleyE. H. S. “Songs of the summer night." Temple Bar 12 (September 1864): 237-248. Engel, Louis. “[Christoph Willibald] Gluck." Temple Bar 83 (May 1888): 112-128. 18th Century German composer———. “[Giacomo] Meyerbeer." Temple Bar 66 (September 1882): 61-75. German opera composer———. “[Giuseppe] Verdi." Temple Bar 77 (August 1886): 467-494. Italian opera composer———. “[Louis-Hector] Berlioz." Temple Bar 69 (October 1883): 204-225. French composer———. “[Niccolò] Paganini." Temple Bar 77 (May 1886): 35-55. Italian composer———. “Adelina Patti." Temple Bar 73 (March 1885): 333-349. ———. “Auber." Temple Bar 75 (December 1885): 464-483. ———. “Beethoven." Temple Bar 81 (December 1887): 520-539. ———. “Chopin." Temple Bar 68 (July 1883): 367-382. ———. “Christine Nilsson." Temple Bar 74 (July 1885): 342-357. ———. “Gounod." Temple Bar 73 (February 1885): 191-200. French opera composer———. “Handel: his early years." Temple Bar 86 (July 1889): 378-394. ———. “Mario." Temple Bar 70 (March 1884): 344-359. ———. “Mozart." Temple Bar 76 (March 1886): 365-394. ———. “Robert Schumann: born July 8, 1810-died July 29, 1856." Temple Bar 67 (April 1883): 525-539. ———. “Rossini." Temple Bar 65 (June 1882): 176-192. ———. “Thalberg." Temple Bar 70 (January 1884): 31-45. ———. “Wagner." Temple Bar 65 (July 1882): 329-344. “Goethe and Mendelssohn." Temple Bar 42 (September 1874): 165-176. Gruneisen, Charles L. “Songs of the people." Temple Bar 56 (May 1879): 102-108. Hervey, Charles. “Roulades and entrechats: Sophie Arnould--Madeleine Guimard [Paris opera in 18th Century]." Temple Bar 52 (April 1878): 517-526. Keeton, Miss A. E. “Edvard Hagerup Grieg--the Scandinavian tone poet." Temple Bar 113 (February 1898): 275-278. Keith, H. C. A. and Darcy Lever. “[Frédéric] Chopin and his music." Temple Bar 109 (October 1896): 261-266. Lafontaine, Louis M. Henri? “An Episode in the life of Gounod." Temple Bar 94 (May 1892): 33-37. French opera composerLincoln, Henry John. “Carl Maria von Weber." Temple Bar 16 (December 1865): 46-61. German opera composerLord, Mrs. J. “Early English ballads." Temple Bar 57 (December 1879): 493-502. Norgate, G. LeGrys. “The Humours of eighteenth century opera." Temple Bar 118 (December 1899): 561-568. Nunns, Theodora. “The Sponsor of folk-song." Temple Bar 111 (August 1897): 527-539. Paget, M. Maud. “Henry Lawes." Temple Bar 109 (September 1896): 24-33. Quarry, Alice. “[Ludwig von] Beethoven's last days." Temple Bar 111 (August 1897): 564-565. German composerRedman, Joseph Haworth. “Lancashire song-writers." Temple Bar 21 (August 1867): 137-144. Smith, H. Greenhough. “Music and literature." Temple Bar 88 (January 1890): 67-72. Todhunter, John. “Some old singers." Temple Bar 120 (June 1900): 225-237. Walters, Alan. “Songs of the sea." Temple Bar 120 (August 1900): 485-495. Notable Contributors Andersen, H[ans]. C[hristian]. “What one can hit upon." Temple Bar 54 (September 1878): 141-143. Cobbe, Frances Power. “Alured: an allegory." Temple Bar 18 (August 1866): 35-43. ———. “Lady Arabella Stuart." Temple Bar 55 (March 1879): 371-381. Conan Doyle, A[rthur]. “Our Midnight Visitor." Temple Bar 91 (February 1891): 223-242. ———. “The Heiress of Glenmahowley." Temple Bar 70 (January 1884): 46-60. Gissing, George. “Lette Coe." Temple Bar 92 (August 1891): 533-544. Linton, Eliza Lynn. “In my youth." Temple Bar 5 (May 1862): 391-413. McFall, Frances Elizabeth. “Boomellen: a study from life." Temple Bar 94 (March 1892): 351-364. ———. “Eugenia: a modern maiden and a man amazed-a study from life." Temple Bar 99 (December 1893): 509-540. ———. “Kane, a soldier servant: a study from life." Temple Bar 92 (July 1891): 365-374. Stevenson, R[obert]. L[ouis]. “A Lodging for the night: a story of Francis Villon." Temple Bar 51 (October 1877): 197-212. ———. “The Sire de Malétroit's door." Temple Bar 52 (January 1878): 53-69. Poetry “Alfred de Vigny--poet." Temple Bar 9 (November 1863): 500-505. Ashe, Thomas. “Robert Herrick." Temple Bar 68 (May 1883): 120-132. Austin, Alfred. “Scott, considered as a poet." Temple Bar 33 (August 1871): 24-35. ———. “The Poetry of the period (No. I): Mr. Tennyson." Temple Bar 26 (May 1869): 179-194. ———. “The Poetry of the period (No. II): Mr. Browning." Temple Bar 26 (June 1869): 316-333. ———. “The Poetry of the period (No. III): Mr. Swinburne." Temple Bar 26 (July 1869): 457-474. ———. “The Poetry of the period (No. IV): Mr. Matthew Arnold." Temple Bar 27 (August 1869): 35-51. ———. “The Poetry of the period (No. V): Roman Catholic poets." Temple Bar 27 (September 1869): 170-186. ———. “The Poetry of the period (No. VI): The poetry of the future." Temple Bar 27 (October 1869): 314-327. ———. “The Poetry of the period (No. VII): Supernatural poetry." Temple Bar 27 (November 1869): 453-469. ———. “The Poetry of the period (No. VIII): Summary." Temple Bar 28 (December 1869): 33-48. Baker, H. B. “[Alphonse de] Lamartine." Temple Bar 41 (April 1874): 25-42. French poet and politicianBenson, M. Steede. “Arthur Hugh Clough." Temple Bar 108 (May 1896): 35-48. Benson, Mary Eleanor. “[George] Crabbe." Temple Bar 80 (July 1887): 327-340. Besant, Walter. “Maurice Bouchor." Temple Bar 41 (July 1874): 533-544. Binyon, Robert Laurence. “Matthew Arnold's poetry." Temple Bar 84 (September 1888): 106-111. Buchanan, Robert William. “Robert Herrick, poet and divine." Temple Bar 1 (January 1861): 166-174. Bulley, A. Amy. “Edwin Waugh, the Lancashire poet." Temple Bar 90 (October 1890): 231-240. Colles, W. Morris. “Thackeray as a poet." Temple Bar 61 (April 1881): 469-475. Collins, Mortimer. “Two poets of England [Wordsworth and Landor]." Temple Bar 16 (December 1865): 106-116. ———. “Two poets of Rome [Catullus and Horace]." Temple Bar 15 (November 1865): 588-600. Cornford, Leslie Cope. “William Collins, poet: a study." Temple Bar 102 (August 1894): 510-516. Crosse, Cornelia A. H. “The Wedded poets [Robert and Elizabeth Browning]." Temple Bar 94 (January 1892): 29-46. Ensor, Ernest. “A Poet of spring [Robert Herrick]." Temple Bar 111 (May 1897): 26-41. Fisher, Charles. “The Idea of evolution in Browning's poetry." Temple Bar 118 (December 1899): 534-539. Graves, A. P. “An Irish Poet and novelist: Joseph Sheridan LeFanu." Temple Bar 50 (August 1877): 504-517. Greenwood, Granville George. “Poetry and pipes (Nos. I-II)." Temple Bar 113 (January 1898): 128-135. Haines, Charles Reginald. “Adam Lindsay Gordon [Australian poet]." Temple Bar 112 (October 1897): 222-230. Hardinge, William M. “A Note on the Louvre sonnets of Rossetti." Temple Bar 91 (March 1891): 433-443. Wellesley: “With footnotes by William M. Rossetti”Heraud, John A. “A New view of Shakespeare's sonnets: an inductive critique." Temple Bar 5 (April 1862): 53-66. ———. “William Lisle Bowles." Temple Bar 8 (June 1863): 429-446. “Horae Virgilianae (Parts I-III): pastoral poetry." Temple Bar 10 (December 1863): 71-85. Hoste, Mary R. “Hartley Coleridge." Temple Bar 116 (April 1899): 580-589. Kennard, Nina H. “The Poetry of Servia." Temple Bar 48 (November 1876): 345-356. Manson, Edward. “Matthew Prior." Temple Bar 108 (August 1896): 530-536. Poet and diplomat of the 17th CenturyManston, Augustus. “M. Stéphane Mallarmé." Temple Bar 109 (October 1896): 242-253. Martin, Arthur Patchett. “An Australian poet [Adam Linsay Gordon]." Temple Bar 70 (February 1884): 208-220. Montgomery, Jessie Douglas. “Hungary's patriot-poet [Alexander Petöfi]." Temple Bar 109 (November 1896): 405-412. Munby, Arthur J. “Alice de Chambrier [Swiss poetess]." Temple Bar 95 (June 1892): 227-237. Pickering, Sidney. “Ezra Higgins, poet." Temple Bar 119 (March 1900): 384-395. Pollock, Walter H. “"The Ballet of the Ratcatcher" [by Théophile Gautier]." Temple Bar 57 (November 1879): 399-404. ———. “A Modern dramatic poet [Ross Neil]." Temple Bar 52 (January 1878): 112-116. Price, Eleanor C. “Jasmin, the Gascon poet." Temple Bar 94 (May 1892): 39-47. Prideaux, Sarah Terverbian. “[René-Francois Armand] Sully-Prudhomme." Temple Bar 74 (May 1885): 122-130. Rae, W. Fraser. “"The Poet of the poor" [George Crabbe]." Temple Bar 80 (June 1887): 161-177. ———. “The Bard of hope [Thomas Campbell]." Temple Bar 90 (September 1890): 34-53. Scottish sentimental poetSalt, H. S. “Thomas Campbell." Temple Bar 85 (January 1889): 87-102.Sanders, Herbert M. “Poets at variance." Temple Bar 120 (July 1900): 365-385. ———. “The Poems of Ben Jonson." Temple Bar 121 (October 1900): 213-229. Serrell, George. “George Gascoigne, soldier and poet." Temple Bar 119 (February 1900): 263-279. ———. “Milton as seen in his sonnets." Temple Bar 121 (September 1900): 27-42. Shilleto, A. R. “George Crabbe: a study." Temple Bar 90 (October 1890): 270-279. Shuldham, E. B. “[Heinrich] Heine as an impressionist." Temple Bar 121 (November 1900): 420-430. Smith, H. Greenhough. “Leconte de Lisle's poetry." Temple Bar 89 (May 1890): 111-117. ———. “Poets' pictures." Temple Bar 80 (June 1887): 232-240. ———. “Society Poets." Temple Bar 84 (December 1888): 457-468. Strange, Edward Fairbrother. “George Herbert." Temple Bar 95 (August 1892): 116-123. Trollope, Frances E. “"Madonna's Child" [poem by Alfred Austin]." Temple Bar 38 (May 1873): 246-255. Turner, Alfred. “Some poets in love." Temple Bar 117 (August 1899): 507-530. Walters, Alan. “A Poet prince [Charles of Orleans]." Temple Bar 95 (August 1892): 543-551. Warre-Cornish, Francis. “Leigh Hunt." Temple Bar 108 (June 1896): 186-203. Poet, critic and journalistWaters, Cyril A. “The Minor poet." Temple Bar 83 (July 1888): 429-433. “William Shenstone." Temple Bar 10 (February 1864): 397-411. 18th Century poet and renaissance man “A Word or two about poetry." Temple Bar 11 (July 1864): 486-490. Satire Austin, Alfred. “Cowper as a satirist." Temple Bar 36 (November 1872): 457-472. Baker, H. B. “The First of the English satirists [John Donne]." Temple Bar 47 (July 1876): 337-350. Besant, Walter. “Molière and his satire." Temple Bar 33 (August 1871): 83-95. Edwards, Sutherland. “Formosa [satire on scientific voyages]." Temple Bar 5 (April 1862): 32-40. Hannay, James. “The Literature of satire." Temple Bar 22 (January 1868): 190-201. Sanders, Herbert M. “Satires and satirists." Temple Bar 109 (September 1896): 76-90. Smith, George Barnett. “Theodore Hook, satirist and novelist." Temple Bar 103 (December 1894): 465-478. Williams, Howard. “Women and their satirists." Temple Bar 24 (November 1868): 555-569. Paranormal Bain, Charlotte. “Hallucination." Temple Bar 68 (June 1883): 199-208. Baker, H. B. “An Experiment in Mesmerism." Temple Bar 60 (November 1880): 338-347. Battersby, Henry F[rancis]. P[revost]. “A Ghost of the sea." Temple Bar 98 (July 1893): 411-430. Cumming, Constance F. Gordon. “Wolves and were-wolves." Temple Bar 90 (November 1890): 351-368. Davies, William. “Magic verses." Temple Bar 104 (February 1895): 229-241. Fitzgerald, Kate M. “The Spectre of Lavington." Temple Bar 115 (September 1898): 42-57. Giveen, Henry Martley. “The Eastdale ghost." Temple Bar 121 (November 1900): 406-419. Greswell, William. “The Witchery of the Quantock hills." Temple Bar 104 (April 1895): 523-536. Haliburton, R. G. “The Universality of superstitions connected with sneezing." Temple Bar 43 (February 1875): 345-352. Hutchinson, Louisa G. “The Ghost of Manibere Court." Temple Bar 72 (December 1884): 516-527. Lewis, Gerrard. “A True Ghost Story." Temple Bar 66 (December 1882): 547-550. Mann, Mary E. “The Witch of Dulditch." Temple Bar 104 (April 1895): 543-561. Osborne, C. “A Haunted Hamlet." Temple Bar 20 (June 1867): 400-408. Rae, W. Fraser. “A Modern mystic [Laurence Oliphant]." Temple Bar 93 (November 1891): 413-428. Riddell, Charlotte. “In the gloaming." Temple Bar 22 (January 1868): 180-189. Sala, G[eorge]. A[ugustus]. “Breakfast in bed (No. X): on having seen a ghost at Hoxton, and the very deuce himself in Paris." Temple Bar 8 (July 1863): 503-512. Press Bagenal, P[hilip]. H[enry]. “The national press of Ireland." Temple Bar 60 (November 1880): 326-336. Baker, H. B. “How Jules Janin became a journalist." Temple Bar 45 (September 1875): 71-75. Collins, Mortimer. “Country newspapers." Temple Bar 10 (December 1863): 128-141. Hutton, James. “An Indian newspaper [Delhi Gazette]." Temple Bar 6 (November 1862): 502-511. Jerrold, Blanchard. “The Father of the French Press [Théophraste Renaudot]." Temple Bar 1 (December 1860): 38-44. Kempt, Robert. “The newspaper press of America." Temple Bar 7 (January 1863): 190-201. Preston, John. “William Cobbett." Temple Bar 93 (October 1891): 175-188. Journalist, pseudonym of "Peter Porcupine" Theater“Ancient dances." Temple Bar 14 (April 1865): 145-153. Archdale, George. “"Good night to the season, 'tis over"." Temple Bar 84 (October 1888): 171-177. Austin, Alfred. “The Present state of the English stage." Temple Bar 33 (November 1871): 456-468. Baker, H. B. “An Old stager [Tate Wilkinson]." Temple Bar 46 (January 1876): 24-37. ———. “Our old actors (Nos. I-XVII)." Temple Bar 48 (November 1876): 315-327. ———. “Our old dramatists: Thomas Holcroft." Temple Bar 54 (December 1878): 469-485. ———. “The Colmans [dramatic authors]." Temple Bar 46 (April 1876): 461-478. ———. “The Genius of pantomime." Temple Bar 55 (January 1879): 93-106. ———. “The Theatres." Temple Bar 39 (November 1873): 547-552. ———. “What the theatres are doing." Temple Bar 38 (May 1873): 256-266. Beerbohm, Constance. “A Secret: adapted from the French [one-act play]." Temple Bar 81 (November 1887): 381-88. Besant, Walter. “[Alexis] Piron and Opéra Comique." Temple Bar 47 (August 1876): 493-506. French comic playwright———. “Molière and his troupe." Temple Bar 32 (June 1871): 374-385. 17th Century actor and dramatistBoyle, Frederick. “A Drama without footlights." Temple Bar 32 (May 1871): 180-191. Creasy, Edward Shepherd. “An Acting charade: in three scenes, as performed on board of the P. and O. S.S. Candia, and elsewhere." Temple Bar 28 (January 1870): 223-236. Doran, John. “[William Charles] Macready." Temple Bar 38 (June 1873): 347-353. ———. “A Dance after Harlequin." Temple Bar 43 (January 1875): 202-214. ———. “A Line of French actresses." Temple Bar 39 (October 1873): 369-382. ———. “About Master Betty [William Henry West Betty]." Temple Bar 42 (October 1874): 346-361. Child actor———. “Some eccentricities of the French stage." Temple Bar 41 (May 1874): 263-275. ———. “The Smell of the lamps [autobiography of James Robinson Planché]." Temple Bar 36 (October 1872): 391-401. Gothic dramaturge———. “William Charles Macready." Temple Bar 44 (May 1875): 71-83. Hardinge, William M. “Idylle 'a deux [a one-act play]." Temple Bar 82 (March 1888): 424-428. Hering, Henry A. “The Crew of the Flying Dutchman." Temple Bar 107 (January 1896): 49-62. Hervey, Charles. “Adrienne Lecouvreur." Temple Bar 49 (April 1877): 534-541. 18th Century actress———. “Recollections of the London stage." Temple Bar 72 (October 1884): 256-263. ———. “Two rival tragedy queens: Mdlles. Duchesnois and Georges." Temple Bar 62 (June 1881): 253-259. Hitchman, James Francis. “David Garrick." Temple Bar 11 (June 1864): 336-355. 18th Century theatrical producer, playwright, actor and poetHolland, Laurence G. “Ophelia and Hamlet: act III, Scene I: a rejoinder to an actor's notes on Shakespeare." Temple Bar 52 (March 1878): 373-380. James, Henry. “Frances Anne Kemble." Temple Bar 97 (April 1893): 503-525. Kemble, Fanny. “Salvini's Othello." Temple Bar 71 (July 1884): 368-378. Kenney, Charles L. “Pantomimes." Temple Bar 1 (January 1861): 181-187. Leighton, Baldwyn. “Thomas William Robertson and the modern theatre." Temple Bar 44 (June 1875): 199-209. Meetkerke, Cecilia E. “An old actor [Jacques de Monvel]." Temple Bar 94 (March 1892): 335-341. Merivale, Herman. “The Drama of the day." Temple Bar 77 (July 1886): 371-383. Nelson, W. F. “Garrick and the Shakespear revival." Temple Bar 86 (August 1889): 496-505. “The Playhouse of Spenchey." Temple Bar 13 (January 1865): 258-263. Pollock, Juliet. “The Poet and the stage." Temple Bar 44 (July 1875): 331-340. Quekett, Marion. “The Jessamy Beau on the stage." Temple Bar 113 (May 1898): 46-60. Sala, G[eorge]. A[ugustus]. “Breakfast in bed; or, Philosophy between the sheets (No. I): on a remarkable dramatic performance." Temple Bar 6 (October 1862): 333-343. ———. “Shows." Temple Bar 8 (May 1863): 270-279. Sanders, Herbert M. “Thomas Otway." Temple Bar 118 (November 1899): 372-386. 17th Century English dramatistSiddons, J. H. “Some theatrical recollections." Temple Bar 56 (August 1879): 458-468. Smith, George Barnett. “Mrs. [Susannah C.] Centlivre's plays." Temple Bar 51 (October 1877): 247-264. English actress of the 17th Century “Sock and buskin [history of English stage]." Temple Bar 11 (April 1864): 135-153. Wedmore, Frederick. “The Season at the theatre." Temple Bar 65 (June 1882): 241-248. Wilberforce, Edward. “The Theatre in Munich." Temple Bar 6 (November 1862): 475-482. Wood, H. F. “The Prologue to a drama." Temple Bar 72 (December 1884): 500-509. Yates, Edmund. “At the play." Temple Bar 19 (March 1867): 476-486. ———. “The Social position of actors." Temple Bar 8 (May 1863): 183-187. Trade Bentley, George. “Daniel Macmillan." Temple Bar 66 (December 1882): 542-546. Scottish publisherBesant, Walter. “On the buying of books." Temple Bar 62 (July 1881): 319-328. ———. “Writers and reviewers." Temple Bar 42 (August 1874): 100-110. Collins, John Churton. “Romance of literary discovery." Temple Bar 59 (August 1880): 522-530. Colmache, Georgina. “The Memoirs of Prince Talleyrand--and why they have not yet appeared." Temple Bar 89 (July 1890): 343-348. Doran, John. “Book clubs." Temple Bar 40 (December 1873): 80-92. Hervey, Charles. “A Gossip about bookstalls." Temple Bar 64 (March 1882): 419-424. ———. “Books and their buyers." Temple Bar 62 (August 1881): 486-491. ———. “Notes of a book-collector." Temple Bar 92 (May 1891): 124-129. Layard, George Somes. “Of the illustrating of books, and that of novels in particular." Temple Bar 90 (December 1890): 553-568. Ollier, Charles. “A Literary publisher [Charles Ollier]." Temple Bar 58 (February 1880): 243-252. Pollock, Walter H. “The Literary Hades." Temple Bar 46 (April 1876): 525-529. Rae, W. Fraser. “The 'ANAE [lord] of publishers [John Murray, 1778-1843]." Temple Bar 92 (July 1891): 343-361. Sanders, Herbert M. “Pamphlets." Temple Bar 108 (May 1896): 82-87. Teague, John Jessop. “A Lapsed copyright [on Disraeli's earlier novels]." Temple Bar 83 (July 1888): 422-428. Underdown, Emily. “How I didn't become an author." Temple Bar 120 (August 1900): 565-572. Wotton, Mabel E. “With an old magazine [London Magazine]." Temple Bar 79 (April 1887): 567-574. Yates, Edmund? “Comic literature." Temple Bar 9 (November 1863): 590-599. Discussion of other journals Visual Art Archdale, George. “William Powell Frith, R.A." Temple Bar 82 (January 1888): 65-81. Armitage, Harold. “A Painter of children [on Jean-Baptiste Greuze]." Temple Bar 112 (September 1897): 30-43. Austin, Alfred. “The Characteristics of modern painting." Temple Bar 28 (January 1870): 170-182. ———. “The Royal Academy." Temple Bar 32 (July 1871): 462-474. ———. “This picture and that." Temple Bar 48 (September 1876): 116-124. Baker, H. B. “Benvenuto Cellini." Temple Bar 43 (February 1875): 310-324. 15th Century Italian sculptorBalzac, Honoré de. “Portrait of a German music-master: copied from the original picture by H. De Balzac, in the famous gallery called the Comédie Humaine." Temple Bar 96 (October 1892): 244-254. Translation by H.C.A. Keith perhaps with Darcy LeverBoyle, Frederick. “George Stubbs, R.A." Temple Bar 48 (December 1876): 527-538. English naturalist painterCadilhac, Margaret I. Galletti di. “The Royal Academy." Temple Bar 95 (June 1892): 222-226. Collins, Mortimer. “William Blake, seer and painter." Temple Bar 17 (April 1866): 95-105. Cook, E. T. “The Connection between poetry and painting." Temple Bar 59 (July 1880): 351-361. Cotton, Ellen F. “Sir Anthony Van Dyck." Temple Bar 119 (January 1900): 95-105. Flemish painterCrothers, W. E. “"The best picture in the world" [Ruskin's remark about Carpaccio's "Venetian Ladies and Their Pets"]." Temple Bar 61 (March 1881): 395-400. Doran, John. “Bought and sold, in the last century [on art sales]." Temple Bar 42 (September 1874): 199-210. ———. “Rubens and Vandyck in England." Temple Bar 43 (December 1874): 24-42. ———. “Sir Peter Lely." Temple Bar 41 (April 1874): 93-109. 17th Century portraitist———. “Sir Robert Strange." Temple Bar 40 (January 1874): 241-255. Scottish engraverDougall, Lily. “Benjamin Robert Haydon (Part II)." Temple Bar 94 (April 1892): 541-538. Edwardes, Charles. “Some Florentine mosaics." Temple Bar 89 (July 1890): 397-404. Erckmann, Emile and Alexandre Chatrian. “Hans Schnaps' spy glass." Temple Bar 33 (October 1871): 394-401. Fitzgerald, Percy. “Sculpture: The Dublin Exhibition of 1865." Temple Bar 15 (August 1865): 51-59. Forman, H. Buxton. “Among the old masters." Temple Bar 19 (January 1867): 250-259. Gallenga, Ann. “Modern prettiness v. art." Temple Bar 74 (August 1885): 547-550. Heaton, Mary M. “William Etty." Temple Bar 55 (February 1879): 233-242. Royal Academy portraitist“How a blind man saw the International Exhibition." Temple Bar 7 (January 1863): 227-237. Jackson, Catherine C. “Sir Christopher Wren." Temple Bar 49 (March 1877): 382-397. 18th Century London architectJerrold, Evelyn. “Gustave Courbet." Temple Bar 42 (November 1874): 535-546. French realist painterKitton, Frederick G. “John Leech." Temple Bar 94 (June 1892): 207-221. Pamphleteer and illustratorLaw, Mrs. “Luca Morato, the majolica painter of Urbino." Temple Bar 26 (April 1869): 122-144. Layard, George Somes. “George Cruikshank as virtuoso." Temple Bar 87 (October 1889): 200-208. English artist, cartoonist and illustratorLeroy, Amélie C. “[Jean Antoine] Watteau--his life and work." Temple Bar 89 (August 1890): 486-496. French decorative artistLeslie, Robert C. “With Charles Robert Leslie, R.A." Temple Bar 107 (March 1896): 335-352. Lindsay, Margaret. “Some recollections of Miss Margaret Gillies." Temple Bar 81 (October 1887): 265-273. English portrait artistLynch, Miss E. M. “Artistic homes." Temple Bar 43 (April 1875): 673-678. Macquoid, Katharine S. “On a picture by Rubens in the Antwerp gallery." Temple Bar 29 (June 1870): 342-346. Mayer, Gertrude. “Benjamin Robert Haydon (Part I)." Temple Bar 94 (February 1892): 202-217. Meetkerke, Cecilia E. “Gustave Doré." Temple Bar 77 (June 1886): 254-258. French printmaker and illustrator———. “The Painters of Romanticism." Temple Bar 108 (May 1896): 154-160. Molloy, Fitzgerald. “The Portrait of Phillis Cromartie." Temple Bar 98 (August 1893): 525-535. Nelson, W. F. “Chinamania [on ceramics]." Temple Bar 85 (January 1889): 117-129. Parkinson, Joseph Charles. “Great Eastern photographs." Temple Bar 18 (October 1866): 424-426. Plunkett, Oliver. “Gustave Doré." Temple Bar 16 (February 1866): 347-357. Printmaker and illustratorPollock, Juliet. “Jean Francois Millet, the peasant painter." Temple Bar 43 (April 1875): 650-658. Pollock, Walter H. “Illustrations of Faust." Temple Bar 78 (December 1886): 528-533. Sala, G[eorge]. A[ugustus]. “On crowds [at an art exhibition]." Temple Bar 7 (January 1863): 185-189. Smallfield, Frederick. “A Private View of "Private Views" [of paintings]." Temple Bar 74 (June 1885): 252-257. “The Story of the Louvre." Temple Bar 27 (November 1869): 496-503. Story, Alfred T. “Samuel Palmer." Temple Bar 97 (January 1893): 79-90. English Romantic painterTrollope, Thomas Adolphus. “A Very naughty artist [Filippo Lippi]." Temple Bar 29 (July 1870): 472-478. Wedmore, Frederick. “[George] Romney." Temple Bar 60 (October 1880): 186-195. Portrait painter———. “Art and landscape in Edinboro'." Temple Bar 63 (December 1881): 502-511. ———. “Jan Steen in Holland." Temple Bar 51 (September 1877): 90-100. ———. “Sir Joshua Reynolds." Temple Bar 47 (July 1876): 390-398. 18th Century English portrait painter———. “Some points in this year's art." Temple Bar 71 (August 1884): 555-563. ———. “Some tendencies in recent painting." Temple Bar 53 (July 1878): 334-348. ———. “William Blake." Temple Bar 62 (May 1881): 52-63. Yates, Edmund. “Over pipes and palettes." Temple Bar 8 (June 1863): 338-347. ———. “The International Exhibition [at South Kensington]." Temple Bar 5 (May 1862): 201-213. Works of Fiction Baring-Gould, Sabine. “Arminell: a social romance." Temple Bar 85 (January 1889): 1-32. ———. “Red Spider." Temple Bar 79 (January 1887): 131-160. Benson, Edward F. “Limitations." Temple Bar 107 (March 1896): 305-334. Betham-Edwards, Matilda. “Kitty." Temple Bar 23 (May 1868): 145-174. Bickerstaffe-Drew, F[rancis]. B[rowning]. D[rew]. “Outsiders." Temple Bar 117 (August 1899): 585-604. John AyscoughBirt, W. J. “'Limmer's'; or, Twenty years ago." Temple Bar 53 (August 1878): 477-493. Braddon, Mary Elizabeth. “Aurora Floyd." Temple Bar 4 (January 1862): 239-263. ———. “John Marchmont's Legacy." Temple Bar 7 (December 1862): 5-29. ———. “Sir Jasper's Tenant." Temple Bar 13 (February 1865): 305-335. ———. “The Doctor's Wife." Temple Bar 10 (January 1864): 155-182. Broughton, Rhoda. “"Good-bye, Sweetheart!"." Temple Bar 32 (July 1871): 433-461. ———. “A Beginner." Temple Bar 101 (January 1894): 1-29. ———. “Alas!." Temple Bar 88 (January 1890): 1-26. ———. “Belinda." Temple Bar 67 (January 1883): 1-31. ———. “Dear Faustina." Temple Bar 110 (January 1897): 1-25. ———. “Foes in Law." Temple Bar 121 (September 1900): 1-26. ———. “Mrs. Bligh." Temple Bar 96 (September 1892): 124-152. ———. “Red as a Rose is She." Temple Bar 26 (May 1869): 145-176. ———. “Scylla or Charybdis?" 105 (June 1895): 145-174. ———. “The Game and the Candle." Temple Bar 116 (January 1899): 1-29. Butcher, Edith L. “A Cairo scandal." Temple Bar 104 (March 1895): 427-448. Buxton, Bertha H. “The Ordeal of Fay." Temple Bar 51 (November 1877): 347-372. Byron, Henry J. “Paid in Full." Temple Bar 11 (April 1864): 100-134. Castle and Egerton Castle, Agnes. “The Bath Comedy." Temple Bar 118 (December 1899): 457-485. Cholmondeley, Mary. “A Devotee: an episode in the life of a Butterfly." Temple Bar 108 (August 1896): 465-485. ———. “Sir Charles Danvers." Temple Bar 86 (May 1889): 1-26. ———. “Diana Tempest." Temple Bar 97 (January 1893): 1-21. Clifford, Lucy L. “Aunt Anne." Temple Bar 94 (January 1892): 140-160. Collins, Wilkie. “The Dream Woman." Temple Bar 42 (November 1874): 547-572. ———. “The Frozen Deep." Temple Bar 42 (August 1874): 1-21. ———. “The New Magdalen." Temple Bar 36 (October 1872): 289-317. ———. “The Two Destinies: A Romance." Temple Bar 46 (January 1876): 1-23. Collins, Mabel and John Lillie. “Helena Modjeska." Temple Bar 66 (September 1882): 22-44. Dougall, Lily. “The Madonna of a Day: a study." Temple Bar 106 (October 1895): 145-175. Dubourg, A[ugustus]. W[illiam]. “Vittoria Contarini; or, Love the traitor." Temple Bar 45 (December 1875): 429-441. ———. “Bitter Fruit." Temple Bar 44 (August 1875): 484-507. Edwardes, Annie. “A Ballroom Repentance." Temple Bar 64 (January 1882): 1-30. ———. “A Blue-stocking." Temple Bar 50 (August 1877): 433-457. Vernacular for active literary or conversational salon participant———. “A Girton Girl." Temple Bar 73 (January 1885): 1-30. ———. “A Vagabond Heroine." Temple Bar 37 (January 1873): 185-194. ———. “Archie Lovell." Temple Bar 16 (January 1866): 155-179. ———. “Jet: Her face or her fortune?." Temple Bar 52 (February 1878): 265-288. ———. “Leah: A woman of fashion." Temple Bar 42 (November 1874): 433-459. ———. “Ought We to Visit Her?." Temple Bar 31 (December 1870): 1-26. ———. “Pearl-powder." Temple Bar 88 (January 1890): 132-160. ———. “Steven Lawrence, yeoman." Temple Bar 20 (April 1867): 1-31. ———. “Susan Fielding." Temple Bar 25 (December 1868): 1-26. ———. “The Adventuress." Temple Bar 102 (July 1894): 289-313. ———. “Vivian the Beauty." Temple Bar 56 (August 1879): 545-572. Fonblanque, Albany de. “His Brother's Keeper." Temple Bar 30 (October 1870): 413-432. Fothergill, Jessie. “From the Moor Isles: a love story." Temple Bar 82 (January 1888): 1-21. ———. “Kith and Kin." Temple Bar 61 (January 1881): 1-27. ———. “Peril." Temple Bar 70 (January 1884): 1-30. ———. “Probation." Temple Bar 55 (January 1879): 1-32. ———. “The First Violin." Temple Bar 52 (January 1878): 1-34. Godfrey, Mary R. “Unspotted from the World." Temple Bar 65 (June 1882): 218-240. Gribble, Norah. “A Modern Hero." Temple Bar 103 (October 1894): 145-171. Haines, Mrs. M. A. E. “The Inexplicable Epidemic [fiction]." Temple Bar 110 (February 1897): 230-249. Hardinge, William M. “Out of the Fog." Temple Bar 80 (July 1887): 289-313. Hector, Annie F[rench]. “Her Dearest Foe." Temple Bar 44 (June 1875): 252-283. ———. “Ralph Wilton's Weird." Temple Bar 43 (January 1875): 270-288. ———. “The Freres." Temple Bar 61 (January 1881): 113-144. ———. “The Wooing O't." Temple Bar 35 (June 1872): 289-318. Hunolstein, Baroness. “Vera." Temple Bar 24 (August 1868): 117-136. Translated by Mrs. GreigJenner, Katharine Lee. “Love or Money." Temple Bar 91 (January 1891): 130-160. Keddie, Henrietta. “Lady Jean's Vagaries." Temple Bar 103 (November 1894): 289-316. Linton, Eliza Lynn. “Ione Stewart." Temple Bar 67 (January 1883): 133-160. ———. “Kept to the Ear." Temple Bar 91 (January 1891): 63-90. ———. “Paston Carew, millionaire and miser." Temple Bar 76 (January 1886): 133-160. ———. “Patricia Kemball." Temple Bar 40 (February 1874): 289-319. ———. “The Faust of Egremont [fiction]." Temple Bar 79 (February 1887): 208-226. Maryat, Florence. “’Gup.’" 18 (November 1866): 75-94. Mathers, Helen. “’Cherry Ripe!’" 49 (January 1877): 1-27. Murray, Hannah. “Allie Fletcher." Temple Bar 20 (May 1867): 278-288. Nixon, Miss J. St. Arnaud. “A Chronicle of Two Months." Temple Bar 84 (December 1888): 433-456. Norris, W[illiam]. E[dward]. “The Flower of the Flock." Temple Bar 119 (January 1900): 1-26. ———. “The Rogue." Temple Bar 82 (January 1888): 137-168. ———. “The Three Brothers." Temple Bar 91 (January 1891): 1-32. ———. “The Widower." Temple Bar 113 (January 1898): 1-24. Parr, Louisa. “Adam and Eve." Temple Bar 58 (January 1880): 1-20. ———. “Loyalty George." Temple Bar 80 (August 1887): 554-580. Peard, Frances Mary. “Donna Teresa." Temple Bar 117 (June 1899): 153-173. ———. “Paul's Sister." Temple Bar 85 (January 1889): 130-160. ———. “The Career of Claudia." Temple Bar 109 (November 1896): 305-331. Penrose, Mary Elizabeh. “A Hard Little Cuss." Temple Bar 99 (September 1893): 63-82. Pollock, Juliet. “The Portrait of a painter by himself." Temple Bar 59 (June 1880): 193-210. Reade, Charles. “A Perilous Secret." Temple Bar 72 (September 1884): 1-33. Riddell, Charlotte. “Mitre Court." Temple Bar 73 (January 1885): 132-160. Russell, William Clark. “My Beautiful Neighbor." Temple Bar 39 (August 1873): 1-33. ———. “The Deceased wife's sister: an autobiography." Temple Bar 34 (December 1871): 116-144. Sala, G[eorge]. A[ugustus]. “The Strange Adventures of Captain Dangerous." Temple Bar 4 (January 1862): 153-179. Schwartz, Joost W. van der Poorten. “God's Fool." Temple Bar 94 (January 1892): 1-27. ———. “Her Memory." Temple Bar 114 (July 1898): 305-322. Smith, Constance. “Corban." Temple Bar 119 (April 1900): 465-491. Trollope, Anthony. “The American Senator." Temple Bar 47 (May 1876): 1-26. Whyte-Melville, G[eorge]. J[ohn]. “Uncle John." Temple Bar 39 (October 1873): 289-317. Wills, W. G. “David Chantrey." Temple Bar 13 (December 1864): 1-33. Wolferstan, Esther Kate. “Philip Leigh." Temple Bar 40 (December 1873): 122-144. Woods, Margaret Louisa. “A Village Tragedy." Temple Bar 79 (March 1887): 321-344. Yates, Edmund. “Broken to Harness: a story of English domestic life." Temple Bar 10 (February 1864): 370-396. ———. “For better, for worse." Temple Bar 1 (December 1860): 1-21. ———. “Land at Last." Temple Bar 14 (April 1865): 54-79. Yonge, Charlotte Fortescue. “A Chapter from Kenilworth." Temple Bar 116 (February 1899): 272-280. Aitken, George Atherton. "Defoe's Wife.” Contemporary Review 57 (1890): 232-239. Alexander, Joseph G. "Lotus and Opium Eating.” Contemporary Review 66 (1894): 337-350. Alford, Henry. "Church Hymn-Books.” Contemporary Review 1 (1866): 434-449. Alford, Henry. "Mr. Anthony Trollope and the English Clergy.” Contemporary Review 2 (1866): 240-262.Alford, Henry. "Robert Browning (Part I). 4 (1867): 1-15. Alford, Henry. "Robert Browning (Part II). 4 (1867): 133-148.Alford, Henry. "The Gospels and Modern Criticism.” Contemporary Review 5 (1867): 340-361.Alford, Henry[?]"The London Press (No. I): The Spectator, the Guardian, and the Nonconformist (Part I).” Contemporary Review 7 (1868): 98-107. Alford, Henry "The London Press (No. II): The Spectator, the Guardian, and the Nonconformist.” Contemporary Review 7 (1868): 262-276. [Alford, Henry?] "London Press (No. III): The Pall Mall Gazette.” Contemporary Review 7 (1868): 578-585.Alford, Henry. "The Idylls of the King.” Contemporary Review 13 (1870): 104-125.Arnold, Matthew. "Review of Objections to Literature and Dogma (Part I).” Contemporary Review 24 (1874): 794-818. [This and succeeding parts repr. as God and the Bible] Arnold, Matthew. "Review of Objections to Literature and Dogma (Part II).” Contemporary Review 24 (1874): 981-1003. Arnold, Matthew. "Review of Objections to Literature and Dogma (Part III).” Contemporary Review 25 (1875): 279-304. Arnold, Matthew. "Review of Objections to Literature and Dogma (Part IV).” Contemporary Review 25 (1875): 499-526. Arnold, Matthew. "Review of Objections to Literature and Dogma (Part V).” Contemporary Review 25 (1875): 963-988. Arnold, Matthew. "Review of Objections to Literature and Dogma (Part VI).” Contemporary Review 25 (1875): 326-351. Arnold, Matthew. "Review of Objections to Literature and Dogma (Part VII).” Contemporary Review 25 (1875): 676-702.Atkinson, J. Beavington. "Art in the Paris Exhibition.” Contemporary Review 6 (1867): 152-171.Atkinson, J. Beavington. "National Portraits.” Contemporary Review 9 (1868): 179-202.Atkinson, Robert. "Dante.” Contemporary Review 24 (1874): 420-439. Austin, Alfred. "Old and New Canons of Poetical Criticisms (Part I).” Contemporary Review 40 (1880): 884-898. Austin, Alfred. "Old and New Canons of Poetical Criticisms (Part II).” Contemporary Review 41 (1880): 124-141. Austin, Alfred. "The Poetic Interpretation of Nature.” Contemporary Review 30 (1877): 961-980. Barlow, George. "Talent and Genius on the Stage.” Contemporary Review 62 (1892): 385-394. Barlow, George. "French Plays and English Audiences.” Contemporary Review 64 (1893): 171-181. Barrie, Sir James Matthew. "Mr. George Meredith's Novels.” Contemporary Review 54 (1888): 575-586. Barrie, Sir James Matthew. "Thomas Hardy: the Historian of Wessex" 56 (1889): 57-66. Barrie, Sir James Matthew. "Mr. Baring Gould's Novels.” Contemporary Review 57 (1890): 206-214. Barry, William. "A Fresh View of Dean Swift.” Contemporary Review 69 (1896): 644-657. Bayne, Peter. "Mr. Arnold and Mr. Swinburne.” Contemporary Review 6 (1867): 337-356.Bayne, Peter. "Milton.” Contemporary Review 22 (1873): 427-460.Bayne, Peter. "Walt Whitman's Poems.” Contemporary Review 27 (1875): 49-69.Belloc, Bessie Raynor. "Dorothea Casaubon and George Eliot.” Contemporary Review 65 (1894): 207-216. Bennett S. Rowe. "Spencer-Harrison-Arnold: an Eclectic Essay.” Contemporary Review 48 (1885): 200-209. Benson, Arthur. "Henry More, the Platonist.” Contemporary Review 54 (1888): 393-407.Benson, Arthur Christopher. "The Poetry of Keble.” Contemporary Review 67 (1895): 825-837. Besant, Walter.” Contemporary Review The First Society of British Authors.” Contemporary Review 56 (1889): 10-27. Besant, Walter.” Contemporary Review Literary Conferences.” Contemporary Review 65 (1894): 123-139. Birrell Augustine. "Robert Louis Stevenson's Letters.” Contemporary Review 77 (1900): 50-60. Blackley, W. Lewery. "Bishop Percy's Ballad Manuscript.” Contemporary Review 6 (1867): 357-371. Blaze de Bury, Marie P. R .S. "The Spiritualism of Thought in France.” Contemporary Review 60 (1891): 637-662. Bond, R. Warwick. "Ruskin: Man and Prophet. " 78 (1900): 118-133. Bond, R. Warwick. "Ruskin: The Servant of Art.” Contemporary Review 78 (1900): 555-578. Boucherett, Jessie. "The Condition of Women in France.” Contemporary Review 5 (1867): 98-113. Boyd, Andrew Kennedy Hutchinson. .K.H. "Mrs. Oliphant's Memoir of Principal Tulloch.” Contemporary Review 54 (1888): 882-896. Brett, John. "Realism in Painting.” Contemporary Review 75 (1899): 823-830. Brook, Stopford A.” Contemporary Review Robert Browning.” Contemporary Review 57 (1890): 141-152. Brooke, Stopford A. "Tennyson.” Contemporary Review 62 (1892): 761-785. Browne, Lennox. "Science in Song: a Rejoinder.” Contemporary Review 56 (1889): 397-400.[to Morell Mackenzie "Speech and Song"]Browne, T.B. "Troy and Homer.” Contemporary Review 12 (1869): 481-499.Browne, T.B. "Troy and Homer.” Contemporary Review 12 (1869): 481-499.Buchanan, Robert "The Fleshly School of Poetry: R.D.G. Rossetti.” Contemporary Review 18 (1871): 334-350Buchanan, Robert William. "Signs of the Times (No. I): the Newest Thing in Journalism.” Contemporary Review 30 (1877): 678-703. Buchanan, Robert William. "The Ethics of Criticism: A Word to Sir Walter Besant.” Contemporary Review 77 (1900): 221-230. Buchanan, Robert William. "The Modern Drama and its Minor Critics.” Contemporary Review 56 (1889): 908-925. Caine, Sir Thomas Henry Hall. "Two Aspects of Shakespeare's Art.” Contemporary Review 43 (1883): 883-900. Caird, Edward. "Rousseau.” Contemporary Review 30 (1877): 625-641. Caird, Edward. "Goethe and Philosophy.” Contemporary Review 50 (1886): 788-808. Caird, Edward. "Dante in his Relation to the Theology and Ethics of the Middle Ages.” Contemporary Review 57 (1890): 808-828. Caldwell, Charles. "Demonolatry, Devil Dancing, and Demonical Possession.” Contemporary Review 27 (1876): 369-376, Campbell, George Douglas. [Duke of Argyll] " The Identity of Thought and Language.” Contemporary Review 54 (1888): 806-825. Carr, Joseph William Comyns. "Corot and Millet.” Contemporary Review 26 (1875): 157-168. Cesaresco, Evelyn Martinengo. " Nature in the Last Latin Poets.” Contemporary Review 76 (1899): 239-248. Challis, Henry William. "On Language as the Vehicle of Thought.” Contemporary Review 40 (1881): 807-817. Cheetham, Samuel. "The Arthurian Legends in Tennyson.” Contemporary Review 7 (1868): 497-514. Cheetham, Samuel. "The Aesthetics of Worship.” Contemporary Review 17 (1871): 414-423. Child, Theodore. "The Playwrights of Paris.” Contemporary Review 51 (1887): 712-724. Christie, Elizabeth. "Miss Burney's Novels 42 (1882): 894-915. Cook, Edward T. "Prices at the National Gallery.” Contemporary Review 55 (1889): 713-729. Church, Alfred.” Contemporary Review A Short Plea for Latin Verse.” Contemporary Review 8 May (1868): 79-85. Cobbe, Francis Power. "Faith Healing and Fear Killing.” Contemporary Review 51 (1887): 794-813. Colquhoun. "Eugenie de Guerin.” Contemporary Review 4 (1867): 218-236.Conington, John. "A Liberal Education.” Contemporary Review 7 (1868): 1-20. Courtney, William John. "Dramatic Criticism.” Contemporary Review 64 (1893): 691-703. Crawford, Emily. "The Fair Sex at the Paris Salon.” Contemporary Review 54 (1888): 81-88. Crawford, Emily. "Emile Zola.” Contemporary Review 55 (1889): 94-113. Crawfod, Emily. "Journalism as a Profession for Women.” Contemporary Review 64 (1893): 362-371. Curwen, J. Spencer. "The Progress of Popular Music.” Contemporary Review 52 (1887): 236-248. Dale, Robert William. "Lacordaire: a Study.” Contemporary Review 8 (1868): 1-22. Dale, Robert William. "Mr. Arnold and the Nonconformists.” Contemporary Review 14 (1870): 540-571.Darmesteter, Mary James. "The Social Novel in France.” Contemporary Review 75 (1899): 800-813. Davidson, Randall T. "The Religious Novel.” Contemporary Review 54 (1888): 674-682.Davies, Emily. "The Training of the Imagination.” Contemporary Review 12 (1869): 25-37. Davies, James. "English Translations of Aristophanes.” Contemporary Review 6 (1867): 502-524. Davies, James. "Epigrammatists and Epigrams.” Contemporary Review 14 (1870): 616-635. Davies, James. "Fables in Song" [by Robert Lytton]. 24 (1874): 92-108. Davies, James. "The Poems and Novels of the Author of Paul Ferroll.” Contemporary Review [Mrs Caroline Clive] 23 (1874): 197-217. Davies, J. Llewelyn. "Mr. Matthew Arnold's New Religion of the Bible.” Contemporary Review 21 (1873): 842-866.Dickinson, Lowes. "Modern Portrait Painting.” Contemporary Review 1 (1866): 385-395. Dobson, Austin. "The Latest Life of Steele.” Contemporary Review 56 (1889): 503-515. Donaldson. James. "The Characters of Plautus.” Contemporary Review 30 (1877): 1013-1040. Dowden, Edward, "French Aesthetics.” Contemporary Review 1 (1866): 279-310. Dowden, Edward. " The Poetical Feeling for External Nature.” Contemporary Review 2 Aug (1866): 535-556. Dowden, Edward. "The Philosophy of Goethe (Part I).” Contemporary Review 6 (1867): 49-61. Dowden, Edward. "The Philosophy of Goethe (Part II).” Contemporary Review 6 (1867): 442-454.Dowden, Edward. "The French Revolution and Literature.” Contemporary Review 30 (1877): 120-141.Dowden, Edward. "The Scientific Movement and Literature.” Contemporary Review 30 (1877): 558-578. Dowden, Edward. "The Transcendental Movement and Literature.” Contemporary Review 30 (1877): 297-318. Dowden, Edward. "The Text of Wordsworth's Poems.” Contemporary Review 33 (1878): 734-757. Dowden, Edward. "Some Early Writings of Shelley.” Contemporary Review 46 (1884): 383-396. Dowden, Edward. "Shakespeare's Portraiture of Women.” Contemporary Review 47 (1885): 517-535. Dowden, Edward. "True Conservatism- what it is.” Contemporary Review 12 (1869): 267-281. Dowden, Edward. " The Idealism of Milton.” Contemporary Review 19 (1872): 198-209.Dowden, Edward. "George Eliot.” Contemporary Review 20 (1872): 403-422.Dowden, Edward. "The Poetry of Victor Hugo.” Contemporary Review 22 (1873): 175-197. Dowden, Edward. "Middlemarch and Daniel Deronda.” Contemporary Review 29 (1877): 348-369. Dowden, Edward. "The Interpretation of Literature.” Contemporary Review 49 (1886): 701-719. Dowden, John. "Literary Aspects of Prayer-Book Revision.” Contemporary Review 18 (1871): 267-283.Dowden, John. "Arthur Hugh Clough.” Contemporary Review 12 (1869): 513-534. Dorner, Isaak Augustus. The Modern Theories Concerning the Life of Jesus Considered as the Crisis of the German Critical System.” Contemporary Review 1 (1866): 473-487.Dorner, Isaak Augustus. "Luther's Theology.” Contemporary Review 3 Dec (1866): 571-596.Driver, S.R. "Recent Literature Relating to the Old Testament.” Contemporary Review 55 (1889): 393-402. Duff, Anna J Grant. "Laurence Oliphant.” Contemporary Review 55 (1889): 179-188. Duffy, Sir Charles Gavan. "Conversation and Correspondence with Thomas Carlyle(Part I).” Contemporary Review 61 (1892): 120-152. Duffy, Sir Charles Gavan. "Conversation and Correspondence with Thomas Carlyle(Part II).” Contemporary Review 61 (1892): 279-304. Duffy, Sir Charles Gavan. "Conversation and Correspondence with Thomas Carlyle(Part III).” Contemporary Review 61 (1892): 430-456. Duffy, Sir Charles Gavan. "Conversation and Correspondence with Thomas Carlyle(Part IV).” Contemporary Review 61 (1892): 576-608. E.D. "The Situation in France.” Contemporary Review 76 (1899): 41-50. Edwards, Amelia B. "The Art of the Novelist.” Contemporary Review 66 (1894): 225-242. Ellis, Havelock. "The Colour-Sense in Literature.” Contemporary Review 69 (1896): 714-713. Fagan, Henry Stuart. "Rigg's Essays for the Times.” Contemporary Review 5 (1867): 85-97. Fairbairn, Andrew Martin. "The Philosophy of Religion: a History and a Criticism(Part I).” Contemporary Review 41 (1882): 583-597. Farrar, Frederic William. "Mr. Holman Hunt's 'May-Day, Magdalen Tower.'" 59 (1891): 814-818. Fawcett, Millicent Garrett. "The Use of Higher Education to Women.” Contemporary Review 50 (1886): 719-727. Fawcett, Millicent Garrett. "Holes in the Education Net.” Contemporary Review 51 (1887): 639-653. Fawcett, Millicent Garrett. "Degrees for Women.” Contemporary Review 69 (1896): 347-356. Fitch, Sir Joshua Girling. "Women and the Universities.” Contemporary Review 58 (1890): 240-255. Ford, Ford Madox. "Sir Edward Burne-Jones.” Contemporary Review 74 (1898): 181-195. Freeman, Edward A. "Things, Names and Letters.” Contemporary Review 49 (1886): 546-559. Freeman, Edward Augustus. "Race and Language.” Contemporary Review 29 (1877): 711-741. Freeman, Edward Augustus. "Mr Froude's 'Life and Times of Thomas Beckett'(part I).” Contemporary Review 31 (1878): 821-842. [in Nineteenth Century July-Nov 1877]Freeman, Edward A. "Literature and Language.” Contemporary Review 52 (1887): 549-567. Frohschamer, Jakob. "Strauss on the Old and the New Faiths.” Contemporary Review 22 (1873): 37-52.Garnett, William. "University Education for the People.” Contemporary Review 52 (1887): 644-657. Geddes, William D. "A New Theory of the Homeric Question.” Contemporary Review 26 (1875): 234-268. Gibb, John. "The Prussian State and Prussian Literature.” Contemporary Review 15 (1870): 408-423.Gladstone, William.Ewart. " [preface to Homer's] Shield of Achilles.” Contemporary Review 23 (1874): 329-336. Goodbrand, Robert. "A Suggestion for a New Kind of Biography.” Contemporary Review 14 (1870): 20-28.Gosse, Edmund. "The Influence of Democracy on Literature.” Contemporary Review 59 (1891): 523-536. Gosse, Edmund. "Walter Pater: a Portrait.” Contemporary Review 66 (1894): 795-810. Gosse, Edmund. "Coventry Patmore.” Contemporary Review 71 (1897): 184-204. Gosse, Edmund. "Some Recent Literature in France.” Contemporary Review 74 (1898): 890-900. Grant, Alexander. "Philosophy and Mr. Darwin.” Contemporary Review 17 (1871): 274-281. Grant, Charles. "The Two Fausts [Goethe's and Marlowe's] 40 (1881): 1-24. Green, John Richard. "The Revolution in a French Country Town.” Contemporary Review 7 (1868): 416-428. Green, Thomas Hill. " Mr. Herbert Spencer and Mr. G.H. Lewes: Their Application of the Doctrine of Evolution to Thought.” Contemporary Review 31 (1877): 25-53. Green, Thomas Hill. "Mr. Herbert Spencer and Mr. G.H. Lewes (part II).” Contemporary Review 31 (1878): 745-769. Green, Thomas Hill. "Mr. Herbert Spencer and Mr. G.H. Lewes (part III).” Contemporary Review 32 (1878): 751-772. Green, Thomas Hill. "Mr. Hodgson's Article 'Professor Green as a Critic.'" 39 (1881): 109-124. Greenwood, Frederick. "The Mystery of our Foreign Relations.” Contemporary Review 55 (1889): 815-827. Greenwood, Frederick. "Imagination in Dreams.” Contemporary Review 62 (1892): 165-182. Greenwood, Frederick. "Britain 'fin de siecle.” Contemporary Review 58 (1890): 297-312. Greg, William Rathbone. "The Special Beauty Conferred by Imperfection and Decay.” Contemporary Review 20 (1872): 692-697. Haldane, Richard Burdon. "Hegel.” Contemporary Review 67 (1895): 232-245. Hales, John W. "Shakespeare and Puritinism.” Contemporary Review 67 (1895): 54-67. Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. "The Political Situation in France (No. II): the Immediate Future.” Contemporary Review 55 (1889): 495-507. [No. I Monod in 55 (1889)]Hamerton. Philip Gilbert. "The Foundations of Art Criticism.” Contemporary Review 64 (1893): 405-414. Hamilton, Andrew. "Goethe and Minna Herzlieb.” Contemporary Review 27 (1876): 199-221.Hapgood, Norman. "The Drama of Ideas.” Contemporary Review 74 (1898): 712-723. Harrison, Frederic. "Lamb and Keats.” Contemporary Review 76 (1899): 62-69. Hartog, Cecile. "Poets of Provence.” Contemporary Review 66 (1894): 496-507. Haweis, Hugh Reginald. "Beethoven's Letters.” Contemporary Review 2 (1866): 357-363.Haweis. Hugh Reginald. "Music in England.” Contemporary Review 7 (1868): 36-53. Haweis. Hugh Reginald. "Gluck and Haydn (Part I).” Contemporary Review 7 (1868): 535-544. Haweis. Hugh Reginald. "Gluck and Haydn (Part II).” Contemporary Review 8 (1868): 221-233. Haweis. Hugh Reginald. "Handel (Part I).” Contemporary Review 10 (1869): 503-529. Haweis, Hugh Reginald. "Handel (Part II).” Contemporary Review 11 (1869): 60-78.Haweis, Hugh Reginald. "Mendelssohn's Elijah, a Study.” Contemporary Review 14 (1870): 363-376. Haweis, Hugh Reginald. "Music and Emotion.” Contemporary Review 15 (1870): 363-382. Haweis, Hugh Reginald. "Music and Morals (Part I): 16 (1870): 89-101. Haweis, Hugh Reginald. "Music and Morals (Part II): 16 (1871): 280-297.Haweis, Hugh Reginald. "Music and Morals (Part III): 17 (1871): 491-508.Haweis, Hugh Reginald. "Old Violins.” Contemporary Review 21 (1872): 85-110.Haweis, Hugh Reginald. "Wagner.” Contemporary Review 29 (1877): 981-1003. Henderson, James Scot. "Mr. G.H. Lewes on Schelling and Hegel.” Contemporary Review 20 (1872): 529-542.Henry, Stuart. "The Gray and Gay Race.” Contemporary Review 64 (1893): 294-298. Hewlett, Henry Gay. "Poets of Society: Prior, Praed, Locker.” Contemporary Review 20 (1872) 238-268. Hewlett, Henry G. "The Poems of Mr. Matthew Arnold.” Contemporary Review 24 (1874): 539-567. Hewlett, Henry G. "The Poems of Mr. Morris.” Contemporary Review 25 (1874): 100-124. Hewlett, Henry G. "Modern Ballads.” Contemporary Review 26 (1875): 958-980.Hewlett, Henry G. "Songs for Singing.” Contemporary Review 28 (1876): 238-262. Hewlett, Henry G. "Imperfect Genius: William Blake (part I).” Contemporary Review 28 (1876): 756-784. Hodgson, Richard. "Professor Green as a Critic.” Contemporary Review 38 (1880): 898-912. Holmes, Sir Charles Joshua. "Gustave Moreau: The Modern Mind in Classical Art.” Contemporary Review 74 (1898): 403-410. Holmes, C.J. "Puvis de Chavannes.” Contemporary Review 74 (1898): 864-871.Horne, Richard Henry. "The Burlesque and the Beautiful.” Contemporary Review 18 (1871): 390-406. Horne, Richard Henry. "Letters from Elizabeth Barrett Browning to the Author of Orion [R.H. Horne] on Literary and General Topics (No 1).” Contemporary Review 23 (1873): 146-161. Horne, Richard Henry. "Letters from Elizabeth Barrett Browning (No 2).” Contemporary Review 23 (1874): 281-302.Horne, Richard Henry. "Letters from Elizabeth Barrett Browning (No 3).” Contemporary Review 23 (1874): 447-461.Horne, Richard Henry. "Letters from Elizabeth Barrett Browning (No 4).” Contemporary Review 23(1874): 799-813. Hunt, John. "Matthew Tindal.” Contemporary Review 10 (1869): 565-589.Hunt, John. "David Hume.” Contemporary Review 11 (1869): 79-100.Hunt, John. "Mr. Leslie Stephen, English Thought in the Eighteenth Century.” Contemporary Review 29 (1877): 410-430.Hunt, William Holman. "The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood: a Fight for Art (Part I): 49 (1886): 471-488. Hunt, William Holman. "The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood (Part II).” Contemporary Review 49 (1886): 737-750. Hunt, William Holman. "The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood (Part III).” Contemporary Review 49 (1886): 820-833. Hunt, William Holman. "Painting 'The Scapegoat' (Part I).” Contemporary Review 52 (1887): 21-38. Hunt, William Holman. "Painting 'The Scapegoat' (Part II).” Contemporary Review 52 (1887): 206-220. Hunt, William Holman. "Reminiscences of John Leech.” Contemporary Review 54 (1888): 335-353. Hunt, William Holman. "Religion and Art.” Contemporary Review 71 (1897): 41-52. Hutton, Richard Holt. "Mr. Herbert Spencer on Moral Intuitions and Moral Sentiments.” Contemporary Review 17 (1871): 463-472.Hutton, Richard Holt. "George Eliot.” Contemporary Review 47 (1885): 372-391. Hutton, Richard Holt. "Newman and Arnold (No. II): Matthew Arnold.” Contemporary Review 49 (1886): 513-534. Hutton, Arthur Wollaston. "A National Opera-house.” Contemporary Review 68 (1895): 58-64. Huxley, Thomas Henry. "Universities: Actual and Ideal.” Contemporary Review 23 (1874): 657-679. Innes, Alexander Taylor. "Mr. Gladstone in Transition.” Contemporary Review 15 (1870): 630-647.Innes A. Taylor. "Hypnotism in Relation to Crime and the Medical Faculty.” Contemporary Review 58 (1890): 555-566. Janet, Paul. "French Thought and Spinozism.” Contemporary Review 29 (1877): 1072-1091. Janet, Paul. "Critical Idealism in France.” Contemporary Review 36 (1879): 212-231. Japp, Alexander Hay. "The Morality of Literary Art.” Contemporary Review 5 (1867): 161-189.[signed H.A. Page]Japp, Alexander Hay. "The Old Morality and the New (No. I.).” Contemporary Review 8 Aug (1868): 597-620. Japp, Alexander Hay. "The Old Morality and the New (No. II).” Contemporary Review 9 (1868): 51-79.Japp, Alexander Hay. "Children and Children's Books.” Contemporary Review 11 (1869): 7-26.Japp, Alexander Hay. "Religious Poetry and Scientific Criticism.” Contemporary Review 12 (1869): 115-127.Japp, Alexander Hay. [signed H.A. Page} "Psychology in At-William Gilbert.” Contemporary Review 12 (1869): 437-444. Jessopp Augustus, "A Plea for the Publishers.” Contemporary Review 57 (1890): 380-386. Jevons, W. Stanley. "John Stuart Mill's Philosophy Tested (Part I).” Contemporary Review 31 (1877): 167-182. Jevons, W. Stanley. "John Stuart Mill's Philosophy Tested (Part IV).” Contemporary Review 36 (1879): 521-538.Keeton, Miss. A.E. "Peter Ilyitch Tshaikovski.” Contemporary Review 78 (1900): 74-82. Kennedy, Hugh Arthur. "An Art Not Generally Understood [stained glass].” Contemporary Review 55 (1889): 427-442. Kinnear, Boyd. "Anonymous Journalism.” Contemporary Review 5 (1867): 324-339.Knighton, William. "Suicidal Mania.” Contemporary Review 19 (1881): 81-90. Knighton, William. "Conversation with Carlyle.” Contemporary Review 39 (1881): 904-920. Knowles, James Thomas. "Alternation of Science and Art in History.” Contemporary Review 10 (1869): 285-295. Lang, Andrew. "The Poetry of William Morris.” Contemporary Review 42 (1882): 200-217. Lang, Andrew. "Literary Forgeries.” Contemporary Review 44 (1883): 837-849. Lang, Andrew. "Literary Plagiarism.” Contemporary Review 51 (1887): 831-840. Lang, Andrew. "Realism and Romance.” Contemporary Review 52 (1887): 683-693. Lang, Andrew. "A Dip in Criticism [in defense of H.R. Haggard].” Contemporary Review 54 (1888): 495-503. Lang, Andrew. "Mr. Wilkie Collins's Novels.” Contemporary Review 57 (1890): 20-28Lang, Andrew. "Mr. Robert Browning.” Contemporary Review 60 (1891): 70-81. Lang, Andrew. "Superstition and Fact.” Contemporary Review 64 (1893): 882-892. Lang, Andrew. "The Witch of Endor and Professor Huxley.” Contemporary Review 66 (1894): 165-176. Lang, Andrew. "The Letters of Coleridge.” Contemporary Review 67 (1895): 876-887. Lang, Andrew. "Max Mueller.” Contemporary Review 78 (1900): 784-793. Larmanie, William. "Norse and Irish Literature.” Contemporary Review 68 (1895): 665-687. Lecky, William Edward Hartpole. "Carlyle's Message to his Age.” Contemporary Review 60 (1891): 521-528. Legge, Francis. "Devil Worship and Freemasonry.” Contemporary Review 70 (1896): 466-483. Legge, Francis. "The Devil in Modern Occultism.” Contemporary Review 71 (1897): 694-710. Leifchild, Franklin. "Hamlet: a New Reading.” Contemporary Review 43 (1883): 31-56. Leighton, Frederic. "Art in England.” Contemporary Review 55 (1889): 24-40. Lenormant, Francois. "Books and Monuments Bearing Upon Figured Representation of Antiquity.” Contemporary Review 33 (1878): 846-859. Lightfoot, Joseph Barber. "Supernatural Religion (No. I).” Contemporary Review 25 (1874): 1-22. Lightfoot, J.B. "Supernatural Religion (No. II).” Contemporary Review 25 (1875): 169-188. Lightfoot, J.B. "Supernatural Religion (No. III): the Ignatian Epistles" 25 (1875): 169-188. Lightfoot, J.B. "Supernatural Religion (No. IV): Polycarp of Smyrna.” Contemporary Review 25 (1875): 827-866.Lightfoot, J.B. "Supernatural Religion (No. V): Papias of Hierapolis.” Contemporary Review 26 (1875): 377-403.Lightfoot, J.B. "Supernatural religion (No. VI): Papias of Hierapolis.” Contemporary Review 26 (1875): 377-403.Lightfoot, J.B. "Supernatural Religion (No. VII): the Later School of St. John.” Contemporary Review 27 (1876): 471-496. Lightfoot, J.B. " Supernatural Religion (No. VIII): the churches of Gaul.” Contemporary Review 28 (1876): 405-420. Lilly, William Samuel. "The Age of Balzac.” Contemporary Review 37 (1880): 1004-1044. Lilly, William Samuel. "Free Thought- French and English.” Contemporary Review 41 (1882): 221-247.Lilly, William Samuel. "Our Great Philosopher [Herbert Spencer] (Part II).” Contemporary Review 55 (1889): 752-770. Lubbock, John. "On the Pleasure of Reading.” Contemporary Review 49 (1886): 240-251. MacColl, Malcolm. "Morality in Fiction.” Contemporary Review 60 (1891): 234-252. Mackenzie, James T. "Professor Max Muller and Mr. Mill on Liberty.” Contemporary Review 37 (1880): 548-564. Mackenzie, Morell. "Speech and Song (part I).” Contemporary Review 55 (1889): 850-863.Mackenzie, Morell.” Contemporary Review Speech and Song (part II).” Contemporary Review 56 (1889): 179-193.Mackenzie, Morell.” Contemporary Review Art versus Science in Song.” Contemporary Review 56 (1889): 777-780.[reply to Lennox Browne]"Manning, Henry Edward. "The Relation of the Will to Thought.” Contemporary Review 16 (1871): 468-479. Mansel, Henry Longueville. The Philosphy of the Conditioned: Sir William Hamiliton and John Stuart Mill (Part I).” Contemporary Review 1 (1866): 31-49. Mansel, Henry Longueville. The Philosophy of the Conditioned: Sir William Hamilton and John Stuart Mill (Part II) 1 (1866): 185-219. Mansel, Henry Longueville. "Philosophy and Theology.” Contemporary Review 2 (1866): 1-18. Markby, Thomas. On the Education of Women.” Contemporary Review 7 (1868): 242-261. Marzials, Frank T. "M. Zola as a Critic.” Contemporary Review 51 (1887): 57-70. Masson, David, "The Three Interests in Old English Literature.” Contemporary Review 21 (1873): 199-225. Maude, Aylmer.” Contemporary Review Tolstoy's Theory of Art.” Contemporary Review 78 (1900): 241-254. Maurice, John Frederick Denison. "Newman's Grammar of Assent.” Contemporary Review 14 (1870): 151-172. Mayor, Joeseph B. "Pope's Essay on Man.” Contemporary Review 14 (1870): 115-124. Milligan, William. " The Early Christian Age, in its Literary Activity, Historical Consciousness, and Critical Spirit (no I).” Contemporary Review 10 (1869): 590-608. Milsand, Joseph, "Religion and Politics in France.” Contemporary Review 26 (1875): 25-43. Monod, Gabriel. "Contemporary Life and Thought in France.” Contemporary Review 31 (1877): 183-201. Monod, Gabriel. "Contemporary Life and Thought (No. I): in France.” Contemporary Review 31 (1878): 391-407.Monod, Gabriel. "Contemporary Life and Thought (No. II): in France.” Contemporary Review 31 (1878): 633-649.Monod, Gabriel. "Contemporary Life and Thought (No. II): in France.” Contemporary Review 31 (1878): 856-868. Monod, Gabriel. "Contemporary Life and Thought (No. II): in France.” Contemporary Review 32 (1878): 809-819.Monod, Gabriel. "Contemporary Life and Thought (No. I): in France.” Contemporary Review 33 (1878): 588-599.Monod, Gabriel. "Contemporary Life and Thought (No. I): in France.” Contemporary Review 34 (1878): 373-386.Monod, Gabriel. "Contemporary Life and Thought in France.” Contemporary Review 35 (1879): 339-360. Monod, Gabriel. "Contemporary Life and Thought in France.” Contemporary Review 35 (1879): 923-942. Monod, Gabriel. "Contemporary Life and Thought in France.” Contemporary Review 36 (1879): 697-714. Monod, Gabriel. "Contemporary Life and Thought in France.” Contemporary Review 42 (1882): 155-174. Monod, Gabriel. "Contemporary Life and Thought in France.” Contemporary Review 42 (1882): 641-658. Monod, Gabriel. "Contemporary Life and Thought in France.” Contemporary Review 43 (1883): 157-178. Monod, Gabriel. "Contemporary Life and Thought in France.” Contemporary Review 44 (1883): 105-129. Monod, Gabriel. "Contemporary Life and Thought in France.” Contemporary Review 44 (1883): 616-628.Monod, Gabriel. "Contemporary Life and Thought in France.” Contemporary Review 45 (1884): 424-443.Monod, Gabriel. "Contemporary Life and Thought in France.” Contemporary Review 48 (1885): 126-145. Monod, Gabriel. "Contemporary Life and Thought in France.” Contemporary Review 51 (1887): 434-452. Monod, Gabriel. "Contemporary Life and Thought in France.” Contemporary Review 52 (1887): 428-447. Monod, Gabriel. "Contemporary Life and Thought in France.” Contemporary Review 53 (1887): 301-320. Monod, Gabriel. "Contemporary Life and Thought in France.” Contemporary Review 53 (1888): 902-920. Monod, Gabriel. "Contemporary Life and Thought in France.” Contemporary Review 54 (1888): 897-916. Monod, Gabriel. "The Political Situation in France (No. I): 1789-1889.” Contemporary Review 55 (1889): 477-494. Monod, Gabriel. "French Affairs.” Contemporary Review 58 (1890): 19-39. Monod, Gabriel. "French Politics.” Contemporary Review 60 (1891): 911-932.Monod, Gabriel. "The Political Situation in France.” Contemporary Review 64 (1893): 613-628. Monod, Gabriel. "The Political Situation in France.” Contemporary Review 67(1895): 592-608.Mozley, John Rickards. "The Use of Modern Literatures in the Higher Education.” Contemporary Review 17 (1871): 559-568. Muller, Fredrich Max. "On the Migration of Fables.” Contemporary Review 14 (1870: 572-596.Muller, Friedrich Max. "On the Philosophy of Mythology.” Contemporary Review 19 (1871): 97-119. Muller, Friedrich Max. " On the Origin of Reason.” Contemporary Review 31 (1878): 465-493. Muller, Friedrich Max. " On Freedom.” Contemporary Review 36 (1879): 369-397. Muller, Friedrich Max. "Goethe and Carlyle.” Contemporary Review 49 (1886): 772-793. Muller, Friedrich Max. My Predecessors [on Philology] 54 (1888): 475-494. Mullhall, Michael George. "Bimetallists at the Mansion House.” Contemporary Review 65 (1894): 866-872. Murray, Alexander S. "A New View of the Homeric Question.” Contemporary Review 23 (1874): 218-244. Murray, Alexander S. "Greek Painters.” Contemporary Review 24 (1874): 468-479. Murray, David Christie. "Some Notes on the Zola Case.” Contemporary Review 73 (1898): 481-490. Murray David Christie, "The Renaissance of the Stage.” Contemporary Review 60 (1891): 687-702. Murray, Vincent E.H. "Ouida's Novels.” Contemporary Review 22 (1873): 921-935. n.a. "The Meaning of Mr. Tennyson's 'King Arthur.'" 21 (1873): 938-948.n.a. "1920.” Contemporary Review 68 (1895): 761-772. [a prophecy about international relations.]n.a. "A New Criticism of Poetry.” Contemporary Review 72 (1897): 390-399. Nevinson, Henry W. "Goethe as a Minister of State.” Contemporary Review 62 (1892): 719-735. Newman, Francis William. "The English Language as Spoken and Written.” Contemporary Review 31 (1878): 689-706. Nicoll, W. Robertson. "The Significance of Aylwin.” Contemporary Review 74 (1898): 798-809.[by W.T. Watts-Dunton.]Noble, James Ashcroft. "The Sonnet in England.” Contemporary Review 38 (1880): 446-471. Noble, James Ashcroft. "The Fiction of Sexuality.” Contemporary Review 67 (1895): 490-498. Noel, Roden. "The Philosophy of Perception: Berkeley and Kant.” Contemporary Review 20 (1872): 72-103. Noel, Roden. "Robert Browning.” Contemporary Review 44 (1883): 701-718. Noel, Roden. "The Poetry of Tennyson.” Contemporary Review 47 (1885): 202-224.Oliphant, Margaret O.W. "Mrs. Carlyle.” Contemporary Review 43 (1883): 609-628. Oliphant, Margaret O.W. "Victor Hugo.” Contemporary Review 48 (1885): 10-32. Olivier, Sydney. "Portraits and Phantoms.” Contemporary Review 75 (1899): 687-701. Opper de Blowitz, H.G. A. "Journalism as a Profession.” Contemporary Review 63 (1893): 37-46. Opper de Blowitz, H.G. A. "Reminiscences of a Journalist.” Contemporary Review 63 (1893): 228-235. Orr, Alexandra S. "Mr. Browning's Place in Literature.” Contemporary Review 23 (1874): 934-965. Orr, Alexandra Sutherland. "Mr. Browning's Dramatic Idylls.” Contemporary Review 35 (1879): 289-302. Orr, Alexandra Sutherland. "International Novelists and Mr. Howells.” Contemporary Review 37 (1880): 741-765. Orr, Alexandra Sutherland. "The Religious Opinions of Robert Browning.” Contemporary Review 60 (1891): 876-891. Paget, Violet. [signed Vernon Lee]. "The Artists Dualism of the Renaissance.” Contemporary Review 36(1879): 4-65. Paget, Violet. [signed Vernon Lee]. "Comparative Aesthetics.” Contemporary Review 38 (1880): 300 -326. Paget, Violet. [signed Vernon Lee]. "A Dialogue on Poetic Morality.” Contemporary Review 39 (1881): 682-707. Paget, Violet. [signed Vernon Lee]. "A Dialogue on Novels.” Contemporary Review 48 (1885): 378-401.Paget, Violet. [signed Vernon Lee]. "Perigot: Random Notes on the Dramatic and Undramatic.” Contemporary Review 50 (1886): 239-252. Paget, Violet. [signed Vernon Lee]. "The Imaginative Art of the Renaissance.” Contemporary Review 51(1887): 507-530. Paget, Violet. [signed Vernon Lee].” Contemporary Review Christmas legends (No I): A Nativity by Fra Filipo Lippi; as Explained by a Pious Florentine Gossip of his Day.” Contemporary Review 56 (1889): 844-847. Paget, Violet. [signed Vernon Lee].” Contemporary Review The Moral Teaching of Zola.” Contemporary Review 63 (1893): 196-212. Paget, Violet. [signed Vernon Lee].” Contemporary Review Emerson, Transcendentalist and Utilitarian.” Contemporary Review 67 (1895): 345-360. Paget, Violet. [signed Vernon Lee].” Contemporary Review On Literary Construction.” Contemporary Review 68 (1895): 404-419. Paget, Violet. [signed Vernon Lee].” Contemporary Review Art and Life.” Contemporary Review (Part I).” Contemporary Review 69 (1896): 658-669. Paget, Violet. [signed Vernon Lee].” Contemporary Review Art and Life.” Contemporary Review (Part II).” Contemporary Review 69 (1896): 813-824. Paget, Violet. [signed Vernon Lee].” Contemporary Review Art and Life.” Contemporary Review (Part III).” Contemporary Review 70 (1896): 59-72. Paget, Violet. [signed Vernon Lee] and Clementina Anstruther-Thomson. "Beauty and Ugliness (Part I).” Contemporary Review 72 (1897): 544-569. Paget, Violet. and Clementina Anstruther-Thomson. "Beauty and Ugliness (Part II).” Contemporary Review 72 (1897): 669-688.Paget, Violet. [signed Vernon Lee]. "The Art and the Country; Tuscan Notes.” Contemporary Review 77(1900): 541-555. Pattison, A. Seth Pringle. "The Opinions of Friedrich Nietzsche.” Contemporary Review 73 (1898): 727-750. Pearson, Charles B. "German Hymns and Hymn Writers.” Contemporary Review 5 (1867): 471-488.Pennell, Elizabeth Robins. "The Modern Comic Newspaper: the Evolution of a Popular Type.” Contemporary Review 50 (1886): 509-523. Pennell, Elizabeth Robins. "The Pedigree of the Music-hall.” Contemporary Review 63 (1893): 575-583. Pennell, Joseph. " Is Photography among the Fine Arts?" 72 (1897): 824-836. Perowne, John James Stewart. "Dr Pusey on Daniel the Prophet.” Contemporary Review 1 (1866): 96-122.Petri, Sir William Matthew Flinders. "Eaten with Honour.” Contemporary Review 71 (1897): 819-828. [on cannibalism]Plumptre, Edward Hays. "Two Studies in Dante.” Contemporary Review 40 (1881): 843-864. Plumptre, E.H. "Shakespeare's Travels: Somerset and Elsewhere.” Contemporary Review 55 (1889): 584-602. Pollack, Juliet. "The Comedie Francaise.” Contemporary Review 18 (1871): 43-55. Pollack, Juliet. "The German and French Drama.” Contemporary Review 21 (1873): 335-350. Pollack, Juliet. "The Imaginative Literature of America.” Contemporary Review 22 (1873): 347-371. Pollack, Juliet. "Art in its Dramatic Aspects.” Contemporary Review 23 (1874): 363-379. Pollack, Walter Herries. "The Drama.” Contemporary Review 28 (1876): 54-77. Potter, George. "The Future of Capital and Labour.” Contemporary Review 16 (1871): 437-453. Powell, Harry J. "The Glass Mosaics at St. Paul.” Contemporary Review 69 (1896): 418-426. de Pressense, Francis.” Contemporary Review England and France; an Examination and an Appeal.” Contemporary Review 75 (1899): 153-160. Price. Eleanor C. "The Popular Songs of France.” Contemporary Review 62 (1892): 105-127. Proctor. Richard Anthony. "Newton and Darwin.” Contemporary Review 41 (1882): 994-1002. Quilter, Harry. "The Art of Watts.” Contemporary Review 41 (1882): 267-289. Quilter, Harry. "Notes on the Royal Academy.” Contemporary Review 41 (1882): 942-962. Quilter, Harry. " The Art of Rossetti.” Contemporary Review 43 (1883): 190-203. Quilter, Harry. "Life, Art and Nature in Bruges.” Contemporary Review 49 (1886): 43-54. Quilter, Harry. "An Academy Catechism. " 50 (1886): 554-568. Quilter, Harry. "The Decline of the Drama.” Contemporary Review 51 (1887): 547-560. Quilter, Harry. "The Tendencies of French Art.” Contemporary Review 51 (1887): 863-877. Quilter, Harry. "A Living Story-Teller: Mr. Wilkie Colllins.” Contemporary Review 53 (1888): 572-593. Quilter, Harry. "The Gospel of Intensity.” Contemporary Review 67 (1895): 761-782. [on decadence in current art and criticism.]Radcliffe, C.B. "A Speculation about Dreaming.” Contemporary Review 40 (1881): 105-115. Rae, John. "The Socialism of Karl Marx and the Young Hegelians.” Contemporary Review 40 (1881): 585-607. Ralston, William Ralston Shedden. "Russian Idylls [poetry and commentary] (No.1).” Contemporary Review 23 (1874): 734-745. Ralston, William Ralston Shedden. "The Poor of Paris.” Contemporary Review 8 (1868): 234-245.Ralston, William Ralston Shedden. "Russian Idylls (No.II) 27 (1876): 746-763. Rands, William Brighty. "George Eliot as a Poet.” Contemporary Review 8 (1868): 387-396.Rands, William Brighty. [signed Matthew Browne.] "Professor Plumptre on the Poet and his Creed.” Contemporary Review 10 (1869): 556-564. Rands, William Brighty. [signed: Matthew Browne]. The Subjection of Women [by J.S. Mill] 14 (1870): 273-286. Rands, William Brighty. [signed Henry Holbeach] "Moral Criteria and Moral Codes.” Contemporary Review 12(1869): 584-600. Rands, William Brighty. [signed Henry Holbeach] "Sir Alexander Grant on the"Nature and Origin of the Moral Idea.” Contemporary Review 17 (1871): 299-306.Rands, William Brighty. [signed Matthew Browne] "Mr. Browing's New Poem.” Contemporary Review 18 (1871): 284-296. Rands, William Brighty. [signed Matthew Browne] "The Law of Modesty in Art.” Contemporary Review 20 (1872): 584-593. Rands, William Brighty. [signed Henry Holbeach]. "The new fiction.” Contemporary Review 37 (1880): 247-262.Rands. William Brighty. [signed M.A. Doudney] "Ideas of the Day.” Contemporary Review 37 (1880): 837-846. Rands, William Brighty. [signed Matthew Browne] "From Faust to Mr. Pickwick.” Contemporary Review 38 (1880): 162-176. Rands, William Brighty. [signed Henry Holbeach]. "The New Fiction.” Contemporary Review 37 (1880);247-262.Richmond, Wilfrid. "The Religion of Mr. Watt's Pictures.” Contemporary Review 74 (1898): 54-59. Robertson, James Craigie. "Becket Literature.” Contemporary Review 1 (1866): 270-278.Robinson, Phil. "Foreign Birds and English Poets.” Contemporary Review 42 (1882): 552-563. Robinson, Phil. "In the Poet's Garden.” Contemporary Review 63 (1893): 825-842. Robinson, Phil. "Shakespeare's Natural History: A New Light on Titus Andronicus.” Contemporary Review 65 (1894): 392-407. Rolleston, Thomas William Hazen. "Lessing and his Place in German Literature.” Contemporary Review 64 (1893): 237-258. Romanes, George J. "Recent Critics of Darwinism.” Contemporary Review 53 (1888): 836-854. Ropes, Arthur, R. "Maeterlinck.” Contemporary Review 77 (1900): 422-436. Row, Charles Adolphus. "Moral Philosophy and Christianity.” Contemporary Review 11 (1869): 392-415. Rowbotham, John Frederick. "The Origins of Music.” Contemporary Review 38 (1880): 647-664. Ruskin, John. "The Range of Intellectual Conception Proportioned to the Rank in Animated Life.” Contemporary Review 17 (1871): 424-427.Russell, George William Erskine. "George Eliot Revisited.” Contemporary Review 69 (1896): 357-373. Sayce, Archibald Henry. The Jelly-Fish Theory of Language.” Contemporary Review 27 (1876): 713-723. Sayce, A.H. "The Origin of the Alphabet.” Contemporary Review 48 (1885): 794-807. Sewall, Frank. " Faust in Music.” Contemporary Review 52 (1887): 370-380. Schorter, Clement K. "Illustrated Journalism: its Past and its Future.” Contemporary Review 75 (1899): 481-494. Schutz Wilson, H. " The Rubaiyat of Omar Kayyam, the Astonomer-Poet of Persia.” Contemporary Review 27 (1876): 559-570. Schutz Wilson, H. "Weimar under Schiller and Goethe.” Contemporary Review 29 (1877): 271-288. Schwartz, Alexander. "French Preachers. " 28 (1876): 587-615. Scott, Charles Newton.” Contemporary Review The Child-God in Art.” Contemporary Review 50 (1886): 97-111. Scott, Clement. "The Modern Music-Hall.” Contemporary Review 56 (1889): 683-690. Seeley, Sir John Robert. "Goethe (part I).” Contemporary Review 46 (1884): 161-177. Seeley, J.R. "Goethe (part II).” Contemporary Review 46 (1884): 488-506. Seeley, J.R. "Goethe (part III).” Contemporary Review 46 (1884): 653-672. Shairp, John Campbell. "Aesthetic Poetry: Dante Gabriel Rossetti.” Contemporary Review 42 (1882): 17-32. Sidgwick, Henry. "Pleasure and Desire.” Contemporary Review 19 (1872): 662-672. Sigerson, George.” Contemporary Review Irish Literature: its Origin, Environment, and Influence.” Contemporary Review 62(1892): 505-524. Simon, Jules, "France and England.” Contemporary Review 67 (1895): 782-787. Simon, Thomas Collyns. "Hegel and his Connexion with British Thought (part I).” Contemporary Review 13(1870): 47-79. Simon, T Collyns. "Hegel and his Connexion with British Thought (part II).” Contemporary Review 13(1870): 398-421. Simcox, Edith J. [signed H. Lawrenny] "Arthur Schopenhauer.” Contemporary Review 21 (1873): 440-463. Simcox, Edith. "On the Influences of John Stuart Mill's Writings.” Contemporary Review 22 (1873): 297-317. Simpson, Archibald Henry. "Petrarch.” Contemporary Review 24 (1874): 269-286. Skelton, John. "A Last Word on Disraeli.” Contemporary Review [signed at start Shirley; at end J.S.] 39 (1881): 971-990. Smedley, Menella B. "The English Girl's Education.” Contemporary Review 14 (1870): 29-41Smith, Isaac Gregory. "Lowe and Huxley on the Classics.” Contemporary Review 9 (1868): 37-50. Smith, Goldwin. "The Nintey Years' Agony of France.” Contemporary Review 31 (1877): 103-122. de Soissons, S. C. [Guy Jean Raoul Eugene Charles Emmannuel de Saboie-Carignan, Comete de] "Modern German Lyric Poetry.” Contemporary Review 77 (1900): 571-578. de Soissons, S.C. [Guy Jean Raoul Eugene Charles Emmannuel de Saboie-Carignan, Comete de] "The New French Idealism.” Contemporary Review 78 (1900): 502-508.Spedding, James. "Lord Macauley's Essay on Bacon Examined. " 28 (1876): 562-586. Spencer, Herbert "Mental Evolutions.” Contemporary Review 17 (1871): 461-462. Spencer, Herbert. "Professor Green's Explanation.” Contemporary Review 39 (1881): 305-311. Spencer, Herbert. "Professor Goldwin Smith as a Critic.” Contemporary Review 41 (1882): 519-521. Spencer, Herbert. "Professional Institutions (No. I): Professions in General.” Contemporary Review 67 (1895): 721-724. Spencer, Herbert. "Professional Institutions (No. II): Physician and Surgeon.” Contemporary Review 67 (1895): 898-908. Spencer, Herbert. "Professional Institutions (No. III): Dancer and Musician.” Contemporary Review 68(1895): 114-124. Spencer, Herbert. "Professional Institutions (No. IV): Orator and Poet, Actor and Dramatist.” Contemporary Review 68 (1895): 228-240. Spencer, Herbert. "Professional Institutions (No. V): Biographer, Historian, and Man of Letters.” Contemporary Review 68 (1895): 395-403. Spencer, Herbert. "Professional Institutions (No. VI): Man of Science and Philosopher.” Contemporary Review 68 (1895): 538-547. Spencer, Herbert. "Professional Institutions (No. VII): Judge and Lawyer.” Contemporary Review 68 (1895): 688-696. Spencer, Herbert. "Professional Institutions (No. VIII): Teacher.” Contemporary Review 68 (1895): 853-861. Spencer, Herbert. "Professional Institutions (No. IX): Architect.” Contemporary Review 69 (1896): 100-105. Spencer, Herbert. "Professional Institutions (No. X): Sculptor.” Contemporary Review 69 (1896): 285-291. Spencer, Herbert. "Professional Institutions (No. XI): Painter.” Contemporary Review 69 (1896): 391-398. Spencer, Herbert. "Professional Institutions (No. XII): Evolution of the Professions.” Contemporary Review 69 (1896): 547-553. Spielmann, Marion Harry Alexander. "Punch and his Artists: a Chapter in the History of English Comic Draughtsmanship.” Contemporary Review 60 (1891): 52-69.Spielmann, Marion Harry Alexander. "The Housing of the Wallace Collection.” Contemporary Review 72 (1897): 91-104. Spielmann, Marion Harry Alexander. "The Proposed Roayl Academy Reform; the Concessions: What They are and What They Should Be.” Contemporary Review 56 (1889): 259-273. Stefansson, Jon. "Shakespeare at Elsinore.” Contemporary Review 69 (1896): 20-40. Stevenson, Robert Louis. "On Style in Literature: its Technical Elements.” Contemporary Review 47 (1885): 548-561. Stigand, William. "French Unity.” Contemporary Review 16 (1871): 321-350. Stott, George. "Charles Dickens.” Contemporary Review 10 (1869): 203-225. Strahan, Alexander. "Our Very Cheap Literature.” Contemporary Review 14 (1870): 439-494. Strahan, Alexander. "Bad Literature for the Young.” Contemporary Review 26 (1875): 981-991. Sully, James. "On the Nature and Limits of Musical Expression.” Contemporary Review 23 (1874): 572-589. Sully, James. " The Opera.” Contemporary Review 26 (1875): 103-122Symonds, John Addington. "Twenty-three Sonnets from Michael Angelo.” Contemporary Review 20 (1872): 505-515. Symonds, John Addington. "The Dantesque and Platonic Ideals of Love.” Contemporary Review 58 (1890): 412-426. Symons, Arthur. "Maeterlinck as a Mystic.” Contemporary Review 72 (1897): 349-354. Symons, Arthur. "Eleonora Duse.” Contemporary Review 78 (1900): 196-202. Symons, Arthure. "The Poetry of Santa Teresa and San Juan de la Cruz.” Contemporary Review 75 (1899): 542-551. Thomas, Carmichael. "Illustrated Journalism.” Contemporary Review 58 (1890): 256-260. Thompson, Stephen. "Australian Literature.” Contemporary Review 52 (1887): 401-414. Traill, Henry Duff. "Samuel Richardson.” Contemporary Review 44 (1883): 529-545. Traill, Henry Duff. "Our Self-conscious Selves [current attitudes toward literature]" 51 (1887): 654-667. Traill, Henry Duff. "Matthew Arnold.” Contemporary Review 53 (1888): 868-881. Tuckey, Charles Lloyd. "The Application of Hypnotism.” Contemporary Review 60 (1891): 672-686. Tuckey, Charles Lloyd. "The New Hypnotism: a Reply.” Contemporary Review 63 (1893): 416-422.[to Ernest Hart Nineteenth Century, Feb 1893]Tyrwhitt, Richard St. John, "Ancilla Domini - Thoughts on Christian Art (No. I): Early Realism.” Contemporary Review 1 (1866): 68-79. Tyrwhitt, Richard. St. John, "Ancilla Domini - Thoughts on Christian Art (No. II): Symbolism and the Grotesque.” Contemporary Review 2 (1866): 59-79.Tyrwhitt, Richard St. John, "Ancilla Domini - Thoughts on Christian Art (No .III): Durer and the Engravers.” Contemporary Review 2 (1866): 393-411.Tyrwhitt, Richard St. John, "Ancilla Domini - Thoughts on Christian Art (No. IV): Art Schools of the Future.” Contemporary Review 3 (1866): 180-198. Tyrwhitt, Richard St. John, "Ancilla Domini - Thoughts on Christian Art (No. V): Schools of the Future-Landscape.” Contemporary Review 4 (1867): 340-358. Tyrwhitt, Richard St. John, "Ancilla Domini - Thoughts on Christian Art (No. VI): the immoral Theory of Art.” Contemporary Review 5 (1867): 418-436. Tyrwhitt, Richard St. John, "Ancilla Domini - Thoughts on Christian Art (No. VII).” Contemporary Review 6 (1867): 372-391. Tyrwhitt, Richard St. John, "Ancilla Domini - Thoughts on Christian Art (No. VIII): Poetry of Landscape.” Contemporary Review 10 (1869): 178-195.Tyrwhitt, Richard St. John. "Pictures of the Season.” Contemporary Review 8 (1868): 339-348. Tyrwhitt, Richard St. John, "Millais and Dore.” Contemporary Review 2 (1866): 482-487.Tyrwhitt, Richard St. John. "Skilled and Literary Art-criticism.” Contemporary Review 11 (1869): 101-118. Tyrwhitt, Richard St. John. "Ober-Ammergau and Symbolic Christianity.” Contemporary Review 18 (1871): 234-247.Tyrwhitt, Richard St. John. "An Oxford Art-Scheme.” Contemporary Review 8 (1868): 161-177.Tyrwhitt, Richard St. John. "Art and Culture.” Contemporary Review 13 (1870): 362-380. Tyrwhitt, Richard St. John. "Artists and Artisans.” Contemporary Review 29 (1877): 1043-1059. Tyrwhitt, Richard St. John. "Greek Art at Rome.” Contemporary Review 30 (1877): 981-1000. Verney, Frances P. "Mysteries, Moralities, and the Drama.” Contemporary Review 25 (1875): 595-609. Verney, Francis P. "Songs and Legends of Modern Greece.” Contemporary Review 27 (1875): 96-113. Verney, Francis P. "Old Welsh Legends and Poetry.” Contemporary Review 27 (1876): 396-416. Verney, Francis P. "Paris During the Exhibition.” Contemporary Review 32 (1878): 728-750. Verney, Francis P. "Where are we in Art?" 36 (1879): 588-600. Wedderburn, Alexander. [signed An Oxford Pupil] "The Public Letters of John Ruskin (No.I ).” Contemporary Review 7 (1880): 905-923. Wedderburn, Alexander. [signed An Oxford Pupil] "The Public letters of John Ruskin (No.II ).” Contemporary Review 38 (1880): 69-100.Wedgwood, Julia. [signed One Who Knew Her] "The Moral Influence of George Eliot.” Contemporary Review 39 (1881): 173-185. Wedgwood, Julia. [signed The Author of " The Moral Influence of George Eliot.” Contemporary Review ]"A Study of Carlyle.” Contemporary Review 39 (1881): 584-609. Wedgwood, Julia. "Count Leo Tolstoi.” Contemporary Review 52 (1887): 249-262. Wedgwood, Julia. "The Midsummer Night's Dream.” Contemporary Review 57 (1890): 580-587. Wedgwood, Julia. "Laurence.Oliphant.” Contemporary Review 60 (1891): 347-361. Wedgwood, Julia. "Fiction and Faith.” Contemporary Review 62 (1892): 217-224. Wedgwood, Julia. "Shakespeare's Julius Caesar.” Contemporary Review 63 (1893): 356-368. Wedgwood, Julia. "Samuel Taylor Coleridge.” Contemporary Review 67 (1895): 548-568. Wedgwood, Julia. "James Fitzjames Stephen.” Contemporary Review 68 (1895): 520-537. Wedgwood, Julia. "Ethics and Literature.” Contemporary Review 71 (1897): 63-80. Wedgwood, Julia. "John Ruskin.” Contemporary Review 77 (1900): 334-342. Weingartner, Felix. "The Symphony Since Beethoven (No. I): The New Classical School.” Contemporary Review Prepared for English Publication by Carl Armbruster. 75(1899): 271-289. Weingartner, Felix. "The Symphony Since Beethoven (No. II): The Romantic School.” Contemporary Review Ed. Carl Armbruster. 75 (1899): 271-289. Weld, Agnes Grace. "Talks with Tennyson.” Contemporary Review 63 (1893): 394-397. Weld, Agnes Grace. "Tennyson.” Contemporary Review 72 (1897): 689-696. Wells, David A. "Bimetallism.” Contemporary Review 52 (1887): 795-814. Wells, Herbert George. "The Novels of Mr. George Gissing.” Contemporary Review 72 (1897): 192-201. Westcott, Brooke F. "The Myths of Plato (Part I).” Contemporary Review 2 (1866): 199-211.Westcott, Brooke F. "The Myths of Plato (Part II).” Contemporary Review 2 (1866): 469-481.Westcott, Brooke F. "Aeschylus as a Religious Teacher.” Contemporary Review 3 (1866): 351-373. Westcott, Brooke F. "Comte on the Philosophy of the History of Christianity.” Contemporary Review 6 (1867): 399-421. White, John Forbes. "The Royal Academy Exhibition.” Contemporary Review 22 (1873): 266-296. White, William Hale. "Byron, Goethe, and Mr. Matthew Arnold.” Contemporary Review 40 (1881): 179-185.Whitney, W.D. "Are Languages Institutions.” Contemporary Review 25 (1875): 713-732. Wicksteed, Philip H. "Ibsen's Peer Gynt. " 56 (1889): 274-287.Wilson, Andrew. "Music Halls.” Contemporary Review 78 (1900): 134-141. Wright, Thomas. "On a Possible Popular Culture.” Contemporary Review 40 (1881): 25-44. Zeller, Eduard. "The Influence of Plato's Social Theories in Modern Times.” Contemporary Review 7(1868): 228-241. Art & ArchitectureAllen, Grant. "The Celt in English art." Fortnightly Review os 55 (Feb 1891): 267-277.Allingham, William. “Artist and critic.” Fraser’s Magazine os 92 (August 1875):255-269.Armstrong, Walter. "The Life and Works of Rembrandt [by Emile Michel]." Fortnightly Review os 61 (February 1894): 234-243.Banks, P.W. “Some passages in a visit to the Royal Academy.” Fraser’s Magazine 10 (July 1834): 106-119. Barrington, Emilie Isabel. "Why is Mr. Millais our popular painter?" Fortnightly Review os 38 (July 1882): 60-77.Bell, Mackenzie. “William Morris: a eulogy.” Fortnightly Review os 66 (November 1896): 693-702.Bode, Wilhelm. "The Berlin Renaissance Museum." Fortnightly Review os 56 (Oct 1891): 506-515.Brett, John. “Landscape at the National Gallery.” Fortnightly Review os 63 (April 1895): 623-639.Buchanan, Robert. “Thorvaldsen and his English critics.” Fortnightly Review 1 (1 June 1865): 216-227.Bunce, J. Thackray. "James Northcote, R.A." Fortnightly Review 25 (June 1876): 861-876. “C.” “The true school for architects.” Fraser’s Magazine os 86 (December 1872):743-750. Churchill, George Charles Spencer. "A future school of English art." Fortnightly Review os 58 (November 1892): 595-606.Clark, William George. “On some pictures in the Royal Academy Exhibition of 1855.” Fraser’s Magazine 51 (June 1855): 707-715. Clerke, Ellen M. “A type of the Renaissance [Andrea del Sarto].” Fraser’s Magazine os 101 (January 1880):58-71.Cobbe, Francis Power. “The hierarchy of art (Part I).” Fraser’s Magazine 71 (January 1865):97-108. ---. “The hierarchy of art (Part II, concl.).” Fraser’s Magazine 71 (March 1865):334-346.Colvin, Sidney. “The Bethnal Green Museum.” Fortnightly Review 18 (October 1872): 458-473.---. "Some phases of English art under George III (Part I)." Fortnightly Review 21 (March 1874): 342-358.---. "Some phases of English art under George III (Part II, concl.)." Fortnightly Review 21 (May 1874): 658-673. ---. “On the Mausoleum of Halikarnassos.” Fortnightly Review 15 (April 1871): 472-484.Conway, W. Martin. “Dürer's visit to the Netherlands.” Fortnightly Review os 68 (September 1897):358-367. Cox, George W. “Perry's Greek and Roman Sculpture.” Fraser’s Magazine os 105 (April 1882):477-485. Crane, Walter. "The English revival of decorative art." Fortnightly Review os 58 (Dec 1892): 810-823. Cullimore, Isaac. “Dr. Young and Mrs. Belzoni [on Egyptian sculpture].” Fraser’s Magazine 9 (June 1834): 629-637. Davies, William. "Artist life in Rome, past and present." Fortnightly Review os 45 (April 1886): 563-572. Dilke, Emelia F.S. "Art-teaching and technical schools." Fortnightly Review os 53 (Jan 1890): 231-241. ---. “Nicolas Poussin.” Fortnightly Review 17 (April 1872): 472-477.---. "The Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture in France." Fortnightly Review os 46 (November 1886) Bovet, Marie Anne. "Gounod's views on art and artists." Fortnightly Review os 52 (August 1889): 186-206.Dodd, L.T., and J.A. Dale. “The Ruskin Hall movement.” Fortnightly Review os 73 (February 1900):325-335. Drage, Mildred. “Monticelli [French painter].” Fortnightly Review os 65 (March 1896): 412-421.Freeman, Edward A. “The origin and growth of Romanesque architecture.” Fortnightly Review 18 (October 1872): 373-396.Gilbert, Josiah. “Titian.” Fraser’s Magazine os 95 (May 1877):571-588.Godwin, Edward. “The decoration of St. Paul's Cathedral.” Fraser’s Magazine os 90 (August 1874):214-222. Gosse, Edmund. "Equestrian sculpture for London." Fortnightly Review os 41 (April 1884): 531-536.Griffiths, Arthur. "The pictures at the Garrick Club." Fortnightly Review os 45 (March 1886): 350-370.Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. “Gustave Doré’s Bible.” Fortnightly Review os 4 (1 May 1866): 669-681. ---. “The housing of the national art treasures.” Fortnightly Review 2 (15 August 1865): 90-102.---. “The place of landscape painting amongst the fine arts.” Fortnightly Review 3 (1 December 1865): 197-216.---. “Proudhon as a writer on art.” Fortnightly Review os 4 (1 March 1866): 142-162.---. “Two art philosophers [H. Taine, C. Lévêque].” Fortnightly Review os 5 (15 June 1866): -----Harper, Charles G. “The Government and London architecture.” Fortnightly Review os 72 (September 1899):523-532. Harrison, Frederick. "Editorial horseplay [about the Elgin Marbles]." Fortnightly Review os 55 (April 1891): 642-655.Herkomer, Hubert. “Painting in enamels.” Fortnightly Review os 69 (May 1898):700-704.Hillebrand, Karl. “Winckelmann (Part I).” Fortnightly Review 21 (June 1874): 760-784. ---. “Winckelmann (Part II, misprinted III, concl.).” Fortnightly Review 22 (July 1874): 27-51.Hogg, James. “The Turners.” Fraser’s Magazine 13 (May 1836): 609-619.Horsfall, T.C. “Painting and popular culture.” Fraser’s Magazine os 101 (June 1880):849-856.Hüffer, Ford Madox. “The Millais and Rossetti exhibitions.” Fortnightly Review os 69 (February 1898):189-196. Jarves, J. Jackson. “Some notes on modern Italian art.” Fraser’s Magazine os 82 (November 1870):626-630.Johnson, Lionel. "The work of Mr. Pater." Fortnightly Review os 62 (Sept 1894): 352-367.Kingsley, Charles. “The poetry of sacred and legendary art.”Fraser’s Magazine 39 (March 1849): 283-298.Lane-Poole, Stanley. "The beginning of art." Fortnightly Review os 39 (February 1883): 250-254.Leeds, W.H. "Architectural design and decoration." Fraser’s Magazine 1 (February 1830): 63-79.---. "The Athenaeum club-house." Fraser’s Magazine 1 (March 1830): 145-147.---. “A batch of architects.” Fraser’s Magazine 15 (March 1837): 324-339.---. “Pie-crust; or, Architectural madness [on Peter Legh].” Fraser’s Magazine 4 (October 1831):277-292. ---. "The Somerset House annual [exhibition]." Fraser’s Magazine 12 (July 1835): 49-62.---. “Strictures on art and exhibitions.” Fraser’s Magazine 2 (August 1830): 93-110.Lewes, George Henry. “The principles of success in literature: of vision in art.” Fortnightly Review 1 (15 July 1865): 572-589.Linton, Eliza Lynn. "Womanhood in Greece: in history and art." Fortnightly Review os 47 (May 1887): 715-731. Merivale, Herman. “The architecture of London in relation to climate.” Fortnightly Review os 4 (April 1866): 407-420. Moore, George. "The new pictures in the National Gallery." Fortnightly Review os 54 (Oct 1890): 589-596. Moore, Julian. “A lost principle of beauty in architecture.” Fortnightly Review os 72 (December 1899):936-943. Morley, Henry. “Pictures at the Royal Academy.” Fortnightly Review 17 (June 1872): 692-704.Morris, William. "The revival of architecture." Fortnightly Review os 49 (May 1888): 665-674.Paget, Violet. “The Academy of the Árcadi: a study of Italian literary life in the eighteenth century (Part I).” Fraser’s Magazine os 97 (June 1878):779-798.---. “Imagination in modern art: random notes on Whistler, Sargent, and Besnard.” Fortnightly Review os 68 (October 1897):513-521. Palgrave, Francis T. “English pictures in 1865.” Fortnightly Review 1 (1 August 1865): 661-674.---. “Historical art in England [mainly on John Cross].” Fraser’s Magazine 63 (June 1861):773-780. Pater, Walter H. “Pico Della Mirandola.” Fortnightly Review 16 (October 1871): 377-386. ---. “The poetry of Michelangelo.” Fortnightly Review 16 (November 1871): 559-570.Patmore, Coventry. “Architects and architecture.” Fraser’s Magazine 46 (December 1852): 653-659. Paull, H.M. “The National Gallery and common sense.” Fortnightly Review os 69 (April 1898): 592-600. Pennell, Elizabeth Robins. “Pictures of the year (No. II): the French salons.” Fortnightly Review os64 (July 1895): 45-52.---. "The two salons [art exhibitions in Paris]." Fortnightly Review os 61 (June 1894): 731-737.Pennell, Joseph, and Elizabeth Robins Pennell. “The centenary of lithography.” Fortnightly Review os 70 (December 1898):968-983. ---. “John Everett Millais, painter and illustrator.” Fortnightly Review os 66 (September 1896): 443-450. Phillips, Claude. “Pictures of the year (No. I): the Royal Academy and the New Gallery.” Fortnightly Review os 63 (June 1895): 925-939. ---. “Venetian art at the New Gallery.” Fortnightly Review os 63 (March 1895): 423-434.Piggot, F.T. "Stray notes on artistic Japan." Fortnightly Review os 59 (Feb 1893): 184-196.Pollock, W.F. “A conversation: the portraits at South Kensington.” Fraser’s Magazine 74 (July 1866):84-93.---. “An artist's dream.” Fraser’s Magazine os 89 (January 1874):55-60.---. “The Royal Academy Exhibition.” Fraser’s Magazine os 86 (July 1872):21-30.---. “Royal Academy Exhibition [1873].” Fraser’s Magazine os 88 (July 1873):74-85.Poynter, Edward J. “Beauty and realism, in construction and decoration.” Fortnightly Review 15 (June 1871): 709-730.Quilter, Harry. “An artist on art [E. J. Poynter].” Fraser’s Magazine os 102 (August 1880):199-211. Roberts, William. "The worship of pottery." Fortnightly Review os 61 (June 1894): 817-825.Rossetti, William M. “British sculpture; its condition and prospects.” Fraser’s Magazine 63 (April 1861):493-505.---. “The fine art of the International Exhibition.” Fraser’s Magazine 66 (August 1862):188-199.---. “The London exhibitions of 1861.” Fraser’s Magazine 64 (November 1861):580-592.---. “Mr. Madox Brown's exhibition, and its place in our school of Painting.” Fraser’s Magazine 71 (May 1865):598-607. ---. “The Royal Academy Exhibition.” Fraser’s Magazine 66 (July 1862):65-76.---. “The Royal Academy Exhibition.” Fraser’s Magazine 71 (June 1865):736-753.Rothschild, Ferdinand. "The expansion of art." Fortnightly Review os 43 (January 1885): 55-69.Scott, William Bell. “The art season of 1871.” Fraser’s Magazine os 84 (August 1871):182-192.---. “A portfolio of ancient engravings.” Fraser’s Magazine os 99 (February 1879):256-263.Skelton, John. “Italy, and art in Italy (Part I): Rome.” Fraser’s Magazine 52 (September 1855): 286-296. ---. “Italy, and art in Italy (Part II, concl.): the Northern Republics.” Fraser’s Magazine 52 (October 1855): 429-442. Sickert, Walter. "Whistler to-day." Fortnightly Review os 57 (April 1892): 543-547.Simcox, Edith. "Mr. Morris's Hopes and Fears for Art."Fortnightly Review os 37 (June 1882): 771-779.Statham, H. Heathcote. “The Academy and New Gallery exhibitions.” Fortnightly Review os 65 (June 1896):958-974.---. “The Academy, the New Gallery, and the Guildhall.” Fortnightly Review os 72 (July 1899): 101-112. ---. “At the Royal Academy.” Fortnightly Review os 73 (June 1900):1023-1032.---. “Leighton and Watts: two ideals in art.” Fortnightly Review os 67 (February 1897):303-310.---. "Modern English architecture." Fortnightly Review 26 (September 1876): 479-495.---. “The Paris Exhibition.” Fortnightly Review os 74 (July 1900):131-142.---. “The truth about Ruskin.” Fortnightly Review os 73 (March 1900):418-426.Stephens, F.G. “William Henry Hunt, water-colour painter.” Fraser’s Magazine 72 (October 1865):525-536. Symonds, John Addington. “On the relation of Painter's Palace of Pleasure to the English romantic drama." Fortnightly Review os 56 (Aug 1891): 235-243.Symons, Arthur. “The art of Watts.” Fortnightly Review os 74 (August 1900):188-197.---. “Aubrey Beardsley.” Fortnightly Review os 69 (May 1898):752-761.Thackeray, William Makepeace. “On the French school of painting; with appropriate anecdotes, illustrations, and philosophical disquisitions, in a letter from Mr. Michael Angelo Titmarsh to Mr. Macgilp of London.” Fraser’s Magazine 20 (December 1839): 679-688. ---. “On some illustrated children's books [Gammer Gurton].”Fraser’s Magazine 33 (April 1847): 495-502. ---. “The painter's bargain.” Fraser’s Magazine 18 (December 1838): 687-693. ---. “A pictorial rhapsody (Part I).” Fraser’s Magazine 21 (June 1840): 720-732.---. “A pictorial rhapsody (Part II): followed by a remarkable statement of facts by Mrs. Barbara.” Fraser’s Magazine 22 (July 1840): 112-126. ---. “A second lecture on the fine arts: the exhibitions.” Fraser’s Magazine 19 (June 1839): 743-750.---. “Strictures on pictures.” Fraser’s Magazine 17 (June 1838): 758-764.“Topaze.” “Modern art in Berlin.” Fraser’s Magazine 64 (September 1861):341-356.[Unknown.] “Art and the Royal Academy.” Fraser’s Magazine 46 (August 1852): 228-236. ---. “As to the decoration of St. Paul's Cathedral.” Fraser’s Magazine os 84 (October 1871):417-425.---. “A few mediæval painters.” Fraser’s Magazine 53 (March 1856): 267-274. ---. “On mountain beauty [largely on Ruskin].” Fraser’s Magazine 71 (January 1865):111-123. ---. “Painted glass.” Fraser’s Magazine 32 (December 1845): 691-695.---. “Painting in England.” Fraser’s Magazine 50 (November 1854): 572-583. ---. “The proposed new national galleries and museums.” Fraser’s Magazine 47 (March 1853): 341-353. ---. “The Royal Academy exhibition.” Fraser’s Magazine 47 (June 1853): 707-713.---. “The symbolism of the Greeks.”Fraser’s Magazine 36 (October 1847): 426-431.Vaughan, Robert Alfred. “Art and history.” Fraser’s Magazine 56 (October 1857): 498-504.Wakefield, Augusta M. “Home arts in the Cumberland Mountains [the Lake Country].” Fortnightly Review os 66 (October 1896):596-601. Wedmore, Frederick. "Genre in the summer exhibitions." Fortnightly Review os 39 (June 1883): 864-872. ---. "Hablot Browne and book-illustration." Fortnightly Review os 41 (January 1884): 67-73.---. "The impressionists." Fortnightly Review os 39 (January 1883): 75-82.---. "Modern etching." Fortnightly Review os 47 (May 1887): 753-763.Wightwick, George. “Modern Painters, &c. [by Ruskin].”Fraser’s Magazine 33 (March 1847): 358-368. Wilson, H. Schutz. "Tasso." Fortnightly Review os 43 (March 1885): 399-408.Y., A. “Pre-Raphaelitism from different points of view.” Fraser’s Magazine 53 (June 1856): 686-693. PoetryAdams, Francis W. L. "Mr. Rudyard Kipling's verse." Fortnightly Review os 60 (Nov 1893): 590-603.Allen, Grant. "Note on a new poet [William Watson]." Fortnightly Review os 56 (Aug 1891): 196-202.Allingham, William. “Arthur Hugh Clough, 1819-1861.” Fraser’s Magazine 74 (October 1866):525-535. ---. “A poet of the Lower French Empire [Baudelaire].” Fraser’s Magazine 80 (December 1869):769-775. ---. “On poetry.” Fraser’s Magazine 75 (April 1867):523-536.Archer, William. “Shakespeare's sonnets: the case against Southampton.” Fortnightly Review os 68 (December 1897):817-834.---. “A Shropshire poet [A. E. Housman].” Fortnightly Review os 70 (August 1898):263-271.Aytoun, W.E. “Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers [by W. E. Aytoun].”Fraser’s Magazine 39 (May 1849): 489-498.B., A.R. “History of Italian Literature [mainly on Dante].” Fraser’s Magazine 57 (April 1858): 426-439.Bailey, J.C. “The sonnets of M. De Heredia.” Fortnightly Review os 70 (September 1898):369-384.Baillie, Joanna. “Epistles to the literati (No. IX): Joanna Baillie on the character of Romiero.” Fraser’s Magazine 14 (December 1836): 748-749. Baring-Gould, Sabine. “The Kalewipoeg [Esthonian epic].” Fraser’s Magazine 78 (October 1868):534-544. Barnes, William. “On the Welsh triads; with a confirmation of an ancient one from other sources.” Fraser’s Magazine 74 (October 1866):536-544. ---. “Patmore's poems [Angel in the House and its continuations].” Fraser’s Magazine 68 (July 1863):130-134. Bayne, Thomas. “The poetry of Dante Gabriel Rossetti.” Fraser’s Magazine os 105 (March 1882):376-384. ---. “The poetry of Lewis Morris.” Fraser’s Magazine os 102 (July 1880):48-59.---. “Three phases of lyric poetry [Edmund Gosse, Andrew Lang, and T. G. Hake].” Fraser’s Magazine os 102 (November 1880):627-639. Bell, Robert. “Shakespeare’s sonnets.” Fortnightly Review os 6 (1 August 1866): 734-741.Betham-Edwards, Matilda. “Contemporary French poetry.” Fraser’s Magazine os 95 (May 1877):589-598.---. “Letters of Coleridge, Southey, and Lamb to Matilda Betham, hitherto unpublished.” Fraser’s Magazine os 98 (July 1878):73-84. Birchenough, Mabel C. “Jean Ingelow.” Fortnightly Review os 71 (March 1899):486-499.Blind, Karl. “An old German poem and a Vedic hymn [the ‘Wessobrunn Prayer’ and the 129th song of the Rig-Veda].” Fraser’s Magazine os 95 (June 1877):723-730. Boyd, A.K.H. “James Montgomery.” Fraser’s Magazine 54 (October 1856): 457-473.Bourget, Paul. "Science et Poésie, dialogue d'esthétique." Fortnightly Review os 49 (April 1888): 568-588.Brickdale, Matthew I. “Poets and players.” Fraser’s Magazine 44 (November 1851): 511-518.Brimley, George. “Little lessons for little poets.” Fraser’s Magazine 55 (February 1857): 218-235.---. “Wordsworth (Part I) [Part II’s author is unknown].” Fraser’s Magazine 44 (July 1851): 101-118. Brimley, George (?). “Verse-books of 1854.” Fraser’s Magazine 51 (February 1855): 157-172.Brydges, Egerton. “Poetry (No. I): the old poets.” Fraser’s Magazine 10 (July 1834): 33-47. ---. “Poetry (No. II, concl.): the modern poets.” Fraser’s Magazine 10 (October 1834): 423-436. ---. “Sir Egerton Brydges to Oliver Yorke [on English poets of eighteenth century].” Fraser’s Magazine 14 (December 1836):695-710. Buchanan, Robert. “The old ballads of Denmark.” Fortnightly Review 1 (1 August 1865): 685-696.Caird, Edward. “Wordsworth.” Fraser’s Magazine os 101 (February 1880):205-221.Churchill, James. “The poetry of the Sandwich Islands.” Fraser’s Magazine 3 (April 1831): 334-345. ---. “The unpublished poems and other misfortunes of a man of Genius.” Fraser’s Magazine 2 (October 1830): 267-281.Churchill, James, and William Maginn. “The poems of Quaffypunchovicz, the expatriated Pole; done into English by Tydus-pooh-pooh, our man of genius.” Fraser’s Magazine 13 (May 1836): 593-599.Clough, A.H. “Poems and Ballads of Goethe [trans. by Aytoun, D.C.L., and Theodore Martin].” Fraser’s Magazine 59 (June 1859): 710-717. Colvin, Sidney. “Balaustion's Adventure [by Browning].” Fortnightly Review 16 (October 1871): 478-490.Cornish, Blanche Warre. “A woman poet [Marceline Valmore].” Fortnightly Review os 68 (July 1897):66-85. Costello, Louisa S. “The Bocage and its poets: Basselin and Le Houx.” Fraser’s Magazine 21 (January 1840): 46-53. Courtney, W.L. "Mr. Swinburne's poetry." Fortnightly Review os 43 (May 1885): 597-610.---. "Poets of to-day." Fortnightly Review os 40 (November 1883): 713-727.Cowell, E.B. “Hafiz, the Persian poet (Part II, concl.).” Fraser’s Magazine 63 (February 1861):228-234. ---. “Jámi, the Persian poet.” Fraser’s Magazine 54 (November 1856): 603-610.Crawford, Virginia M. “Emile Verhaeren: the Belgian poet.” Fortnightly Review os 66 (November 1896):715-726. Dennis, John. “John Dryden.” Fraser’s Magazine os 105 (February 1882):179-191.De Vere, Aubrey. “Longfellow.” Fraser’s Magazine 47 (April 1853): 367-382.Donne, W. B. “Cowper's poems.” Fraser’s Magazine 64 (December 1861):700-717.Dowden, Edward. "Coleridge as a poet." Fortnightly Review os 52 (September 1889): 342-366. ---. “Edgar Quinet.” Fortnightly Review 15 (February 1871): 199-218.---. "Last words on Shelley." Fortnightly Review os 48 (October 1887): 461-481.---. “Victor de Laprade.” Fortnightly Review 17 (June 1872, 653-667.Downes, Joseph. “A Cambrian colloquy on the decline and fall of Poetry.” Fraser’s Magazine 10 (December 1834): 646-665.Escott, T.H.S. "Tennyson's last volume." Fortnightly Review os 45 (February 1886): 270-272.Farrar, F. W. “Lord Lytton's King Arthur.” Fortnightly Review 15 (April 1871): 495-504. Froude, J.A. “Poems, by Edward Capern.” Fraser’s Magazine 53 (April 1856): 489-495.Garvin, Louis. “Coventry Patmore: the praise of the odes.” Fortnightly Review os 67 (February 1897):207-217. Gibb, John. “A religious poem of the ninth century [Heliand].” Fraser’s Magazine os 102 (November 1880):658-666. Gosse, Edmund W. “Norwegian poetry since 1814.” Fraser’s Magazine os 86 (October 1872):435-449. Hales, J.W. “Old English metrical romances.” Fraser’s Magazine os 92 (September 1875):285-299.Haughton, G.D. “Atheism, poetry, and music [on D. F. Strauss's Old Faith and the New].” Fraser’s Magazine os 90 (July 1874):40-54. Heraud, John A. “Critical illustrations of Lord Byron's poetry.” Fraser’s Magazine 7 (March 1833): 303-317.---. “German poetry (No. I): Mr. Taylor's Historic Survey of German Poetry.” Fraser’s Magazine 4 (September 1831):167-179.---. “German poetry (No. II): Beowulf, The Nibelungen Lied, Klopstock, Stolberg, etc.” Fraser’s Magazine 4 (December 1831): 540-553. ---. “German poetry (No. III, concl.): Burger - Gotter - Voss - Holty.” Fraser’s Magazine 5 (April 1831): 280-294. ---. “New poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley: ‘The Wandering Jew’ - Introduction.” Fraser’s Magazine 3 (June 1831):533-536.---. "On poetical genius considered as a creative power." Fraser’s Magazine 1 (February 1830):56-63.---. “The poetry of Shelley.” Fraser’s Magazine 17 (June 1838): 653-676.Heraud, John A. (?) “Wordsworth's new volume of poetry [Yarrow Revisited].” Fraser’s Magazine 11 (June 1835):689-707. Heraud, John A., and William Maginn. “Landor's poems.” Fraser’s Magazine 3 (July 1831): 736-744.---. “Lord Byron's juvenile poems.” Fraser’s Magazine 6 (September 1832): 183-204.---. "Poetry of the Magyars [by John Bowring]." Fraser’s Magazine 1 (March 1830): 155-157.Hewlett, Henry G. “Heinrich Heine's life and work.” Fraser’s Magazine os 94 (November 1876):600-623. Hinchcliff, T.W. “Omar Khayyám, the astronomer-poet of Persia.” Fraser’s Magazine os 81 (June 1870):777-784. Hueffer, Francis. "Modern Italian poets." Fortnightly Review os 35 (April 1881):488-503.Hunt, Leigh. “English poetry versus Cardinal Wiseman.” Fraser’s Magazine 60 (December 1859):747-766. Hutton, Richard Holt. "The poetry of Arthur Hugh Clough." Fortnightly Review os 39 (June 1883): 790-807.Johnson, W. Knox. “Giacomo Leopardi: poet, philosopher.” Fortnightly Review os 70 (July 1898):17-35. Kelsall, Thomas F. “Thomas Lovell Beddoes.” Fortnightly Review 18 (July 1872): 51-75. Kent, Armine T. "Leigh Hunt as a poet." Fortnightly Review os 36 (August 1881):224-237.Kernahan, Coulson. "Philip Marston, the blind poet." Fortnightly Review os 57 (Jan 1892): 81-90.---. "The poems of Louise Chandler Moulton." Fortnightly Review os 59 (April 1893): 499-504.Kingsley, Charles. “Alexander Smith and Alexander Pope.” Fraser’s Magazine 48 (October 1853): 452-466. ---. “Frederick Tennyson's poems.” Fraser’s Magazine 49 (June 1854): 703-717.---. “Mr. and Mrs. Browning.” Fraser’s Magazine 43 (February 1851): 170-182.---. “Poems by Matthew Arnold.” Fraser’s Magazine 49 (February 1854): 140-149.---. “The prevailing epidemic [on recent poetry].” Fraser’s Magazine 43 (May 1851): 492-509.---. “Recent poetry, and recent verse [including The Strayed Reveller by Arnold].”Fraser’s Magazine 39 (May 1849): 570-586. ---. “Tennyson [In Memoriam, The Princess, and Poems, 1842].” Fraser’s Magazine 42 (September 1850): 245-255. ---. “Tennyson's Maud.” Fraser’s Magazine 52 (September 1855): 264-273.---. “Thoughts on Shelley and Byron.” Fraser’s Magazine 48 (November 1853): 568-576.Kirwan, A.V. “Beaumarchais.” Fraser’s Magazine 49 (March 1854): 330-348.A. V. Kirwan. L., A.M. “Virgil as translated by Dryden and Conington.” Fraser’s Magazine os 83 (February 1871):162-173. Landor, Walter Savage. “Walter Savage Landor, Esq., to the Rev. C. Cuthbert Southey,Curate of Plumbland [on Robert Southey].” Fraser’s Magazine 42 (December 1850): 647-650.Law, Alice. “William Cowper.” Fortnightly Review os 73 (May 1900):755-779.Lewes, George Henry. “Victor Hugo’s latest poems.” Fortnightly Review 3 (1 December 1865):181-190.Lilly, W.S. “The mission of Tennyson.” Fortnightly Review os 67 (February 1897):239-250.Linton, Eliza Lynn. “Alfred de Musset.” Fraser’s Magazine 56 (July 1857): 106-113.Lottner, Carl. “The Edda.” Fraser’s Magazine 64 (August 1861):190-198. Low, Sidney. "Lowell in his poetry." Fortnightly Review os 56 (Sept 1891): 310-324.Lucas, E.V. “Some notes on poetry for children.” Fortnightly Review os 66 (September 1896): 391-407. Maginn, William. "Mr. Robert Montgomery's Satan." Fraser’s Magazine 1 (February 1830): 95-99.---. "Moore's Life of Byron." Fraser’s Magazine 1 (March 1830): 129-143.---. “The poets of the day - batch the first.” Fraser’s Magazine 7 (June 1833): 658-667.---. “The poets of the day - batch the second.” Fraser’s Magazine 8 (September 1833): 360-375.---. “Poets of the day - batch the third.” Fraser’s Magazine 8 (December 1833): 658-670.---. “The poets of the day - batch the fourth.” Fraser’s Magazine 10 (September 1834): 338-364.---. “The poets of the day - batch the fifth [and last].” Fraser’s Magazine 11 (June 1835):708-728. ---. “Poetical plagiaries: Thomas Moore (Part I).” Fraser’s Magazine 4 (August 1831):45-52.---. “Poetical plagiaries: Thomas Moore (Part II, concl.).” Fraser’s Magazine 4 (December 1831): 566-577.---. “The spear-head [parody of J. M. Kemble's Anglo-Saxon Poems of Beowulf].” Fraser’s Magazine 14 (November 1836): 637-639. Maginn, William (?). “[Intro. to] Lord Byron's verses on the Reverend Dr. Nott.” Fraser’s Magazine 7 (March 1833):341. ---. “On religious poetry, being a letter to the editor of the Literary Gazette, Mr. Edward Clarkson, and others.” Fraser’s Magazine 2 (August 1830): 78-89.---. “Romantic poetry of the Italians [on book by Panizzi].” Fraser’s Magazine 3 (June 1831): 598-603. Magnus, Laurie. “A German poet of revolt [Arno Holz].” Fortnightly Review os 67 (April 1897): 492-503. Mahony, Francis. "Modern Latin poets: from the "Prout Papers" (chap. ii): Casimir Sarbiewski, S. Sannazar, Jerome Fracastor." Fraser’s Magazine 12 (September 1835): 313-326.---. “Modern Latin poets, from the "Prout Papers" (chap. iii, concl.): Theodore Beza, Father Vanière, George Buchanan.” Fraser’s Magazine 12 (October 1835): 448-463. ---. "A series of modern Latin poets, from the "Prout Papers" (chap. i): "The Silkworm" by Jerome Vida [the poem is on 198-206]." Fraser’s Magazine 12 (August 1835): 192-197. ---. “The songs of Horace (Part I): decade the first, from the "Prout Papers."Fraser’s Magazine 14 (July 1836): 87-103. ---. “The songs of Horace (Part II).” Fraser’s Magazine 14 (August 1836): 203-217.---. “The songs of Horace (Part III): decade the third.” Fraser’s Magazine 14 (September 1836): 360-372. ---. “The songs of Horace (Part IV).” Fraser’s Magazine 14 (October 1836): 484-499.---. “The songs of Horace (Part V, concl.).” Fraser’s Magazine 14 (December 1836): 641-656.---. "Victor Hugo's Hunchback of Notre Dame, with specimens, from the ‘Prout Papers,’ of his lyrical poetry." Fraser’s Magazine 12 (July 1835): 89-105.Mallock, W.H. "Poetry and Lord Lytton." Fortnightly Review os 57 (June 1892): 795-810.Mendibil, Pablo (?). “Castilian poetry.” Fraser’s Magazine 3 (April 1831): 355-363.Meredith, George. “Austrian poets.” Fraser’s Magazine 46 (August 1852): 213-227.Merivale, Louisa A. “Italian poetry and patriotism (Part I).” Fraser’s Magazine 67 (March 1863):383-395. ---. “Italian poetry and patriotism (Part II, concl.).” Fraser’s Magazine 68 (November 1863):603-618. Mourey, Gabriel. “Some notes on recent poetry in France.” Fortnightly Review os 68 (November 1897):650-665. Murray, James A. “Omar Khayyam.” Fortnightly Review os 66 (December 1896):848-855.Newman, Francis W. “Essay on poetical translation.” Fraser’s Magazine os 92 (July 1875):88-96. Noble, J.A. “A Lancashire poets' corner.” Fraser’s Magazine os 103 (May 1881):601-610. Noel, Rochen. “On the use of metaphor and ‘pathetic fallacy’ in poetry.” Fortnightly Review os6 (1 August 1866): 670-684. Norman, Henry. "A study of Longfellow." Fortnightly Review os 39 (January 1883): 100-115.“P.” “A west-end poet [Thomas Haynes Bayly].” Fraser’s Magazine os 99 (March 1879):352-357.Palgrave, Francis T. “Descriptive poetry in England from Anne to Victoria.” Fortnightly Review os5 (15 June 1866): 298-320.---. “The Roman Poets of the Republic [by W. Y. Sellar].” Fraser’s Magazine 68 (August 1863):246-252. Pater, Walter H. "On Wordsworth." Fortnightly Review 21 (Apil 1874): 455-465. Patmore, Coventry. "Mr. F. Thompson, a new poet." Fortnightly Review os 61 (Jan 1894): 19-24.Rossetti, W. M. “Shelley in 1812-12: an unpublished poem, and other particulars.” Fortnightly Review 15 (January 1871): 67-85.Saintsbury, George. "Charles Baudelaire." Fortnightly Review 24 (October 1875): 500-518. Shairp, J.C. “The prophetic power of poetry.” Fraser’s Magazine os 103 (January 1881):53-66.---. “Shelley as a lyric poet.” Fraser’s Magazine os 100 (July 1879):38-53.Sharp, William [writing as Fiona Macleod]. “A group of Celtic writers [including W. B. Yeats].” Fortnightly Review os 71 (January 1899):34-53. Sheppard, John G. “A feudal epic: La Chansons d’Antioche.” Fortnightly Review os 4 (1 May 1866): 700-709. Sichel, Walter. “The two Byrons.” Fortnightly Review os 70 (August 1898):231-248.Simcox, G.A. "A new poet [James Thomson]." Fortnightly Review os 34 (July 1880):31-41.Skelton, John. “John Dryden: a vindication.” Fraser’s Magazine 72 (August 1865):160-179.---. “Early Scottish poetry.” Fraser’s Magazine 65 (January 1862):16-34. ---. “A midsummer day with the poets.” Fraser’s Magazine 54 (August 1856): 231-237.---. “Mr. Swinburne and his critics.” Fraser’s Magazine 74 (November 1866):635-648.---. “The poems of Dante Gabriel Rossetti.” Fraser’s Magazine os 81 (May 1870):609-622.---. “Poetry and George Eliot; a letter from a hermitage.” Fraser’s Magazine 78 (October 1868):468-479. ---. “The poetry of the year: an autumnal review.” Fraser’s Magazine 80 (November 1869):622-678.---. “Robert Browning.” Fraser’s Magazine 67 (February 1863):240-256.---. “Ruskin on the ancient and the modern poets: Homer and Tennyson.” Fraser’s Magazine 53 (June 1856): 648-659.---. “William Morris and Matthew Arnold; a letter from a Hermitage.” Fraser’s Magazine 79 (February 1869):230-244. Smith, Nowell C. “Coleridge and his critics.” Fortnightly Review os 64 (September 1895): 340-354. ---. “The poetry of William Morris.” Fortnightly Review os 68 (December 1897): 937-947. Sotheby, Hans. “Bellie's Sonnets in the Roman Dialect.” Fortnightly Review 21 (February 1874): 209-224. Spedding, James. “Arnold on translating Homer.” Fraser’s Magazine 63 (June 1861):703-714.Spender, Harold. “Tennyson: a study in poetic workmanship.” Fortnightly Review os 68 (November 1897): 778-783.Swinburne, Algernon Charles. "A century of English poetry." Fortnightly Review os 34 (October 1880):422-437. ---. "Mr. Whistler's lecture on art ["Ten O'Clock"]." Fortnightly Review os 49 (June 1888): 745-751.---. "Short notes on English poets: Chaucer, Spenser, the sonnets of Shakespeare, Milton." Fortnightly Review os 34 (December 1880):708-721.---. "Tennyson and Musset." Fortnightly Review os 35 (February 1881):129-153.---. "An unknown poet [Wells]." Fortnightly Review 23 (February 1875): 217-232. ---. “Victor Hugo, L'Annee Terrible.” Fortnightly Review 18 (September 1872): 243-267.---. "Whitmania." Fortnightly Review os 48 (August 1887):170-176.Symonds, John Addington. "The blank verse of Milton." Fortnightly Review 22 (November 1874): 767-781.---. "A comparison of Elizabethan with Victorian poetry." Fortnightly Review os 51 (January 1889): 55-79. Symons, Arthur. “John Donne.” Fortnightly Review os 72 (November 1899):734-745.---. "Mr. Henley's poetry." Fortnightly Review os 58 (August 1892): 182-192.Tollemache, Lionel A. "Mr. Tennyson's social philosophy." Fortnightly Review 21 (February 1874): 225-247.Traill, H.D. “Two modern poets [William Watson and John Davidson].” Fortnightly Review os 63 (March 1895): 393-407. Tremenheere, John Henry. “Wordsworth's posthumous poem, [The prelude].” Fraser’s Magazine 42 (August 1850): 119-132. Trollope, Anthony. “Henry Taylor’s poems.” Fortnightly Review 1 (1 June 1865): 129-146.[Unknown.] "American poetry." Fraser’s Magazine 1 (February 1830): 8-16.---. “Butler's Poems.” Fraser’s Magazine 53 (March 1856): 342-355. ---. “The cant, of criticism [on Mrs. Hemans' "Burial in the Desert"].” Fraser’s Magazine 19 (January 1839): 95-103. ---. “Carrington's poems.” Fraser’s Magazine 11 (February 1835):157-169.---. “Catullus.”Fraser’s Magazine 39 (March 1849): 320-331.---. “Catullus [trans. by Theodore Martin].” Fraser’s Magazine 64 (July 1861):47-53.---. “Conington's Aeneid.” Fraser’s Magazine 75 (January 1867):83-88.---. “Conversations at Weimar upon Lord Byron.” Fraser’s Magazine 22 (November 1840): 573-577.---. “English poetry: Barry Cornwall, Motherwell, and Leigh Hunt.” Fraser’s Magazine 7 (February 1833): 198-222.---. “Hartley Coleridge as man, poet, essayist.” Fraser’s Magazine 43 (June 1851): 603-615.---. “Heinrich Heine.” Fraser’s Magazine 74 (November 1866):588-609.---. “James Montgomery's Lectures on Poetry.” Fraser’s Magazine 8 (July 1833): 45-48.---. “Joaquin Miller's Songs of the Sierras.” Fraser’s Magazine os 84 (September 1871):346-355.---. “Landor's Hellenics and Latin poems.”Fraser’s Magazine 37 (May 1848): 519-525.---. "The last of the supernaturalists [William Blake]." Fraser’s Magazine 1 (March 1830): 217-235.---. “Modern verse writers.” Fraser’s Magazine 76 (November 1867):670-678.---. “New translations of Horace.” Fraser’s Magazine 42 (December 1850): 672-678.---. “Novelties in [Pre-Raphaelite] poetry and criticism.” Fraser’s Magazine os 85 (May 1872):588-596. ---. “The odes of Horace.” Fraser’s Magazine 13 (June 1836): 739-746.---. “Past and present condition of British poetry (Part I).”Fraser’s Magazine 33 (May 1847): 577-590.---. “Past and present condition of British poetry (Part II, concl.).”Fraser’s Magazine 33 (June 1847): 708-718.---. “Poetical Works of Geoffrey Chaucer.” Fraser’s Magazine 53 (April 1856): 461-472. ---. “The poet of middle-aged men [Horace].” Fraser’s Magazine 74 (September 1866):309-326.---. “The poetry of the eighteenth century.” Fraser’s Magazine 69 (January 1864):78-88.---. “Propertius and his English editor [F. A. Paley].” Fraser’s Magazine 48 (November 1853): 518-525. ---. “Romantic poetry of Spain.” Fraser’s Magazine 6 (August 1832): 44-53.---. “The Sacred Poets [review of R. A. Willmott].” Fraser’s Magazine 19 (May 1839): 543-555.---. “Shakspeare's minor poems.” Fraser’s Magazine 52 (October 1855): 398-411.---. “Some poets of the year.” Fraser’s Magazine 64 (October 1861):452-466.---. “Specimens of Persian poetry (No. I).” Fraser’s Magazine 18 (September1838): 348-360.---. “Specimens of Persian poetry (No. II).” Fraser’s Magazine 18 (December 1838): 637-649.---. “Specimens of Persian poetry (No. III).” Fraser’s Magazine 19 (April 1839): 486-500.---. “Specimens of Persian poetry (No. IV).” Fraser’s Magazine 20 (August 1839): 127-138. ---. “Specimens of Persian poetry (No. V, concl.).” Fraser’s Magazine 21 (April 1840): 414-425.---. “Story's Songs and Lyrical Poems.” Fraser’s Magazine 14 (November 1836): 631-635.---. “The symbolism of the Greeks.”Fraser’s Magazine 36 (October 1847): 426-431.---. “Tieck's Vittoria Accorombona.”Fraser’s Magazine 36 (November 1847): 567-575.---. “Translations of the Iliad [by P. S. Worsley and John Conington].” Fraser’s Magazine 78 (October 1868):518-531. ---. “Wordsworth (Part II, concl.).” Fraser’s Magazine 44 (August 1851): 186-198.Vandam, Albert D. “Poets as legislators.” Fortnightly Review os 74 (July 1900):118-130.Wedmore, Frederick. “The poet on the wolds [Frederick Wedmore himself: see intro. note and BMCat.].” Fortnightly Review os 65 (May 1896):751-758. Whewell, William. “Dialogues on English hexameters (Part II, concl.): [on Clough's Bothie].”Fraser’s Magazine 39 (March 1849): 342-347. ---. “Sacred Latin Poetry [by R. C. Trench].”Fraser’s Magazine 39 (May 1849): 527-532.Willmott, R.A. “The Greek Pastoral Poets.” Fraser’s Magazine 13 (May 1836): 600-607.---. "The Greek pastoral poets - Theocritus, Bion, and Moschus (Part I): Theocritus." Fraser’s Magazine 12 (August 1835): 222-241. ---. "The Greek pastoral poets (Part II): Theocritus concluded." Fraser’s Magazine 12 (October 1835): 394-408. ---. “The Greek pastoral poets (Part III): Bion.” Fraser’s Magazine 12 (November 1835): 541-550.---. “The Greek pastoral poets (No. IV, concl.): Moschus.” Fraser’s Magazine 13 (January 1836): 92-104. ---. “The minor Greek poets (No. II, concl.): Simonides.” Fraser’s Magazine 2 (August 1830): 53-58.---. “Mrs. Hemans and the picturesque school.” Fraser’s Magazine 21 (February 1840): 127-146.Wilmott, R.A. (?) “Lady poets of France in the nineteenth century: Madame Amable Tastu.” Fraser’s Magazine 4 (January 1832): 728-734.---. “Old china, lot the first [no more published]: Aeschylus, Waller, and Byron.” Fraser’s Magazine 22 (December 1840): 666-668. ---. “Recent poetry: lyrical and dramatic [R. C. Trench, Aubrey DeVere].”Fraser’s Magazine 36 (November 1847): 518-537. Wright, Thomas. “On Anglo-Norman poetry.” Fraser’s Magazine 14 (July 1836): 55-67.---. "On Anglo-Saxon poetry." Fraser’s Magazine 12 (July 1835): 76-88. LiteratureArcher, William. “Critics ‘Over the Coals.’”Fortnightly Review os 55 (Feb 1891): 285-291.---. "The stage and literature." Fortnightly Review os 57 (Feb 1892): 219-232.Arnold, Matthew. "Count Leo Tolstoi." Fortnightly Review os 48 (December 1887): 783-799.Bailey, J.C. “Matthew Arnold.” Fortnightly Review os 65 (January 1896): 151-164.Banks, P.W. “The books on my table.” Fraser’s Magazine 10 (November 1834): 505-522.---. “Nothing [on Bulwer-Lytton's England and the English].” Fraser’s Magazine 17 (June 1838): 692-703.---. “Of Rabelais (No. I).” Fraser’s Magazine 20 (November 1839): 513-529.---. “Of Rabelais (No. II): The Chronicles.” Fraser’s Magazine 21 (February 1840): 212-227.Bastide, Charles. “Cacoethes Literarum [obsession with literature]: a French Example.” Fortnightly Review os 69 (January 1898):22-30. Bell, Robert. “Vanity Fair [by Thackeray].” Fraser’s Magazine 38 (September 1848): 320-333. Betham-Edwards, Matilda. “Schopenhauer on men, books, and music.” Fraser’s Magazine os 99 (June 1879):769-777.Boyd, A.K.H. “Edgar Allan Poe.” Fraser’s Magazine 55 (June 1857): 684-700.Browning, Oscar. "The art of George Eliot." Fortnightly Review os 49 (April 1888):538-553.Brunetiere, Ferdinand. "On the essential characteristic of French literature." Fortnightly Review os 58 (Oct 1892): 525-538.Cannon, John. “The literary partnership of Canning and Frere [in the Anti-Jacobin].” Fraser’s Magazine os 90 (December 1874):714-727.Carlyle, Thomas. “Gallery of literary characters (No. XXII): Baron von Goethe.” Fraser’s Magazine 5 (March1832): 206. Ceard, Henry. "Victor Hugo." Fortnightly Review os 44 (July 1885): 17-31.Chisholm, Hugh. “How to counteract the ‘Penny Dreadful.’”Fortnightly Review os 64 (November 1895): 765-775.Coghill, Annie L. “Mrs. Oliphant.” Fortnightly Review os 68 (August 1897):277-285.Colvin, Sidney. "Daniel Deronda [by George Eliot]." Fortnightly Review 26 (November 1876): 601-616.Courtney, W.L. "Charles Reade's novels." Fortnightly Review os 42 (October 1884): 460-471.---. "George Meredith's novels." Fortnightly Review os 45 (June 1886): 771-779.---. "Hawthorne's romances." Fortnightly Review os 46 (October 1886):511-522.Davey, Richard. “A new novelist: Albert du Bois.” Fortnightly Review os 71 (February 1899):267-273. de Bury, Marie Blaze. "Idealism in recent French fiction." Fortnightly Review os 53 (April 1890): 552-565.---. "A new French novelist [Henri Lavedan]." Fortnightly Review os 52 (Dec 1889): Bury, Yetta Blaze. “Anatole France.” Fortnightly Review os 66 (December 1896) la Ramée, Marie Louise. “Unwritten literary laws.” Fortnightly Review os 72 (November 1899):803-814.Disraeli, Benjamin. “Gallery of literary characters (No. LXVI): Earl of Mulgrave.” Fraser’s Magazine 12(November 1835): 540. ---. Gallery of literary characters (No. LXXVII): Lord Lyndhurst.” Fraser’s Magazine 14 (October 1836): 457.Dowden, Edward. "Goethe (Part I): Wilhelm Meister." Fortnightly Review os 49 (June 1888): 768-789.---. "Goethe (Part II, concl.): Goethe in Italy." Fortnightly Review os 50 (July 1888): 89-111.---. "Hopes and fears for literature." Fortnightly Review os 51 (February 1889): 166-183.---. "Literary criticism in France." Fortnightly Review os 52 (Dec 1889): 737-753.---. "The prose works of Wordsworth." Fortnightly Review 24 (October 1875): 449-470.---. "The study of English literature." Fortnightly Review os 49 (March 1888): 331-349.---. "Victorian literature." Fortnightly Review os 47 (June 1887): 835-867.Edwards, H. Sutherland. "Kompert's Jewish tales." Fortnightly Review os 38 (August 1882): 156-173.Escott, T.H.S. “Bulwer's last three books.” Fraser’s Magazine os 89 (June 1874):765-777.---. “Political novels [mainly Disraeli's].” Fraser’s Magazine os 89 (April 1874):520-536.Faguet, Emile. “The influence of Balzac.” Fortnightly Review os 69 (May 1898):723-736.Francis, G.H. “Literary legislators (No. I): Mr. B. Disraeli.”Fraser’s Magazine 35 (January 1847): 79-95. ---. “Literary legislators (No. II): Mr. B. Disraeli; Mr. Mackinnon.”Fraser’s Magazine 35 (February 1847): 193-209.---. “Literary legislators (No. III): Lord John Manners.”Fraser’s Magazine 35 (March 1847): 321-339.---.“Literary legislators (No. IV): Lord Mahon.”Fraser’s Magazine 35 (April 1847): 447-454. ---. “Literary legislators (No. V): Mr. Smythe; Mr. Poulett Scrope.”Fraser’s Magazine 35 (May 1847): 529-544.---. “Literary legislators (No. VI, concl.): The Earl of Ellesmere; Mr. Monckton Gardiner, Samuel R. “John Inglesant [by J. H. Shorthouse].” Fraser’s Magazine os 105 (May 1882):599-605.Gattie, Walter Montague. "What English people read." Fortnightly Review os 52 (September 1889): 307-321.Gillies, R.P. “Goethe's Tasso.” Fraser’s Magazine 13 (May 1836): 526-539.Goethe, J.W. von. “The tale, by Goethe.” Fraser’s Magazine 6 (October 1832):257-278.Gosse, Edmund. "The protection of American literature." Fortnightly Review os 54 (July 1890): 56-65.---. "Samuel Johnson." Fortnightly Review os 42 (December 1884): 780-786.Grand, Sarah. “’Marriage Questions in Fiction’: standpoint of a typical modern woman.” Fortnightly Review os 69 (March 1898):378-389. Gwynn, Stephen. “The autumn's books.” Fortnightly Review os 74 (December 1900):1028-1038.---. "Mr. Robert Louis Stevenson: a critical study." Fortnightly Review os 62 (December 1894): 776-792. Gwynn, Stephen. “The posthumous works of Robert Louis Stevenson.” Fortnightly Review os 69 (April 1898):561-575.Hart, R.E.S. “Zola's philosophy of life.” Fortnightly Review os 66 (August 1896):257-271.Helps, Arthur. “Uncle Tom's Cabin.” Fraser’s Magazine 46 (August 1852): 237-244.Heraud, John A. “Historical romance: Sir Walter Scott and his imitators (No. I). Fraser’s Magazine 5 (February 1832): 6-19. ---. “Historical romance: Sir Walter Scott and his imitators (No. II).” Fraser’s Magazine 5 (March 1832): 207-217. ---. “Reminiscences of Coleridge, biographical, philosophical, poetical, and critical.” Fraser’s Magazine 10 (October 1834): 379-403.Heraud, John A. (?) “Hayward's translation of Goethe's Faust.” Fraser’s Magazine 7 (May 1833): 532-554. Heraud, John A., and William Maginn. “Mr. Godwin's novels.” Fraser’s Magazine 2 (November 1830): 381-396. Hobart, V.H. “Thoughts on modern English literature.” Fraser’s Magazine 60 (July 1859): 97-110.Hogarth, Janet E. “Literary degenerates.” Fortnightly Review os 63 (April 1895): 586-592.---. “Some recent French literature (No. I); Madame Geoffrin and her daughter.” Fortnightly Review os 68 (October 1897):543-558. ---. “Sudermann's novels.” Fortnightly Review os 65 (April 1896): 651-662.James, Henry. "Guy de Maupassant." Fortnightly Review os 49 (March 1888): 364-386.---. “The story-teller at large: Mr. Henry Harland.” Fortnightly Review os 69 (April 1898):650-654.Jefferies, Richard. "Nature and books." Fortnightly Review os 47 (May 1887): 646-656.Kebbel, T.E. “English love of Latin poetry.” Fortnightly Review 1 (15 July 1865): 605-611.---. "Jane Austen at home." Fortnightly Review os 43 (February 1885): 262-270.Kingsley, Charles. “Recent novels [including Mrs. Gaskell's Mary Barton].”Fraser’s Magazine 39 (April 1849): 417-432. Kirwan, A.V. “Decline of French romantic literature.” Fraser’s Magazine 53 (June 1856): 711-721.---. “Recent French literature.” Fraser’s Magazine 51 (June 1855): 676-693.Lang, Andrew. “Charles Dickens.” Fortnightly Review os 70 (December 1898):944-960. ---. "Homer and his recent critics." Fortnightly Review 23 (April 1875): 575-589. ---. "Emile Zola." Fortnightly Review os 37 (April 1882): 439-452.---. "Lady book lovers." Fortnightly Review os 46 (November 1886): 633-640.---. “Rabelais and the Renaissance.” Fraser’s Magazine os 81 (March 1870):363-372.Leeds, W.H. “Russian fabulists, with specimens (No. I).” Fraser’s Magazine 19 (February 1839): 153-163. Lewes, George Henry. “A charming Frenchwoman [Mme. de Staël].”Fraser’s Magazine 37 (May 1848): 509-518. ---. “Criticism in relation to novels.” Fortnightly Review os 3 (15 December 1865), 352-361.---. “Dickens in relation to criticism.” Fortnightly Review 17 (February 1872): 141-154.---. “The principles of success in literature [part one].” Fortnightly Review 1 (15 May 1865): 85-95.---. “The principles of success in literature [part two].” Fortnightly Review 1 (1 June 1865): 129-146.---. “The principles of success in literature: the principle of sincerity.” Fortnightly Review 1 (1 August 1865): 697-709.---. “The principles of success in literature: of vision in art.” Fortnightly Review 1 (15 July 1865): 572-589.Lindo, Mark Prager. “Researches in Dutch literature (Part I).” Fraser’s Magazine 49 (February 1854): 185-194.---. “Researches in Dutch literature (Part II).” Fraser’s Magazine 49 (March 1854): 349-357.---. “Researches in Dutch literature (Part III).” Fraser’s Magazine 49 (May 1854): 578-587.---. “Researches in Dutch literature (No. IV).” Fraser’s Magazine 50 (July 1854): 95-105.---. “Researches in Dutch literature (No. V, concl.).” Fraser’s Magazine 50 (December 1854): 663-676.Linton, E. "Literature: then and now." Fortnightly Review os 53 (April 1890): 517-531.Lockhart, J.G. “The gallery of illustrious literary characters (No. VIII): The Doctor [William Maginn].” Fraser’s Magazine 2 (January 1831): 716.Low, Frances H. “Mrs. Gaskell's short tales.” Fortnightly Review os 72 (October 1899):633-643.Ludlow, J.M. “Curiosities of contemporary literature from the two Sicilies.” Fraser’s Magazine 54 (August 1856): 208-219.---. “A handful of Italian patois books (No. I).” Fraser’s Magazine 50 (September 1854): 316-327.---. “A handful of Italian patois books (No. II, concl.).” Fraser’s Magazine 50 (November 1854): 521-530.Lynch, Hannah. “Fécondité versus the Kreutzner Sonata, or Zola versus Tolstoi.” Fortnightly Review os 73 (January 1900):69-78.Lytton, E. Robert. "A novelty in French fiction." Fortnightly Review 22 (September 1874): 293-307.Maeterlinck, Maurice. “The evolution of mystery.” Fortnightly Review os 73 (June 1900):899-921.Maginn, William. “Ars ridendi; or, Hook and Hood - on laughter.” Fraser’s Magazine 3 (March 1831): 154-162. ---. “Boaden's Memoirs of Mrs. Inchbald.” Fraser’s Magazine 8 (November 1833): 536-556.---. “Bubble and Squeak [fictitious book].” Fraser’s Magazine 4 (August 1831):33-41.---. “Bubble and Squeak: course the second.” Fraser’s Magazine 4 (October 1831):347-355.---. “A dozen of novels.” Fraser’s Magazine 9 (April 1834): 456-487.---. “Epistles to the literati (No. I): letter to Edward Lytton Bulwer.” Fraser’s Magazine 4 (December 1831): 520-526.---. “Epistles to the literati (No. II): Place to Wilson; Wilson to Place.” Fraser’s Magazine 5(March 1832): 247. ---. “Epistles to the literati (No. III): letter of William Holmes, Esq., M.P., to Archibald Jobbry, Esq., Ex-M.P., viz., John Galt: see above, p. 245.” Fraser’s Magazine 5 (April 1832): 376-378. ---. “Epistles to the literati (No. VI): [John Stuart] Blackie to Yorke [with Yorke's reply].” Fraser’s Magazine 12 (August 1835): 136.[N.B. This series begins as fictitious, but with JoannaBaillie’s contribution, listed under “Poetry,” becomes serious, that is, actually written by its purported authors.]---. “France, Social, Literary, Political [by Henry Lytton Bulwer].” Fraser’s Magazine 11 (January 1835):59-65.---. “The gallery of illustrious literary characters (No. I): Jerdan., Esq.., editor of the Literary Gazette.” Fraser’s Magazine 1 (June 1830): 605-606. ---. “The gallery of illustrious literary characters (No. II): Thomas Campbell., Esq.., editor of the New Monthly.” Fraser’s Magazine 1 (July 1830): 714.---. “The gallery of illustrious literary characters (No. III): John Gibson Lockhart., Esq.,editor of The Quarterly.” Fraser’s Magazine 2 (August 1830): 77.---. “The gallery of illustrious literary characters (No. IV): Samuel Rogers., Esq..” author ofThe Pleasures of Memory.” Fraser’s Magazine 2 (September 1830): p.237.---. “The gallery of illustrious literary characters (No. V): Thomas Moore.” Esq..” author ofLalla Rookh.” Fraser’s Magazine 2 (October 1830): 266.---. “The gallery of illustrious literary characters (No. VI): Sir Walter Scott.” Fraser’s Magazine 2 (November 1830): 412.---. “The gallery of illustrious literary characters (No. VII): John Galt.” Esq..” Fraser’s Magazine 2(December 1830): 555. ---. “The gallery of illustrious literary characters (No. IX): Crofton Croker.” Fraser’s Magazine 3 (February 1831): 67.---. “The gallery of illustrious literary characters (No. X): Mrs. Norton.” Fraser’s Magazine 3 (March 1831): 222. ---. “The gallery of literary characters (No. XI): John Wilson.” Esq..” Fraser’s Magazine 3 (April 1831): 364.---. “The gallery of literary characters (No. XII): Mary Russell Mitford.” Fraser’s Magazine 3 (May 1831): 410. ---. “The gallery of literary characters (XIII): Don Telesforo de Trueba y Cozio.” Fraser’s Magazine 3 (June 1831): 613.---. “The gallery of literary characters (No. XIV): The Earl of Munster.” Fraser’s Magazine 3 (July 1831): 686. ---. “The gallery of literary characters (No. XV): Lord John Russell.” Fraser’s Magazine 4 (August 1831): 65. ---. “Gallery of literary characters (No. XVI): Right Hon. John Wilson Croker.” Fraser’s Magazine 4 (September 1831): 240.---. “Gallery of literary characters (No. XVII); Tydus-pooh-pooh [John Bowring].” Fraser’s Magazine 4 (October 1831): 333. ---. “Gallery of literary characters (No. XVIII): Washington Irving.” Fraser’s Magazine 4 (November 1831): 435.---. “Gallery of literary characters (No. XIX): Lord Brougham and Vaux.” Fraser’s Magazine 4 (December 1831): 609. ---. “Gallery of literary characters (No. XX): Robert Montgomery.” Fraser’s Magazine 4 (January 1832): 672.---. “Gallery of literary characters (No. XX): Robert Montgomery.” Fraser’s Magazine 4 (January 1832): 672. ---. “Gallery of literary characters (No. XXI): James Hogg.” Fraser’s Magazine 5 (February 1832): 97.---. “Gallery of literary characters (No. XXIII): Israel D'Israeli., Esq..” Fraser’s Magazine 5 (April 1832): 321. ---. “Gallery of literary characters (No. XXIV): the antiquaries.” Fraser’s Magazine 5 (May 1832): 475.---. “Gallery of literary characters (No. XXV): Louis Eustache Ude.” Fraser’s Magazine 5 (June 1832): 584.---. “Gallery of literary characters (No. XXVI): Reverend Doctor Lardner.” Fraser’s Magazine 5 (July 1832): 696.---. “Gallery of literary characters (No. XXVII): Edward Lytton Bulwer., Esq..” Fraser’s Magazine 6 (August 1832): 112. ---. “Gallery of literary characters (No. XXVIII): Allan Cunningham., Esq..” Fraser’s Magazine 6 (September 1832): 249.---. “Gallery of literary characters (No. XXIX): Wordsworth., Esq..” Fraser’s Magazine 6 (October 1832): 313. ---. “Gallery of literary characters (No. XXX): Sir David Brewster.” K.H. [in the form of aletter to Fraser].” Fraser’s Magazine 6 (November 1832, part I): 416.---. “Gallery of literary characters (No. XXXI): Roscoe., Esq..” Fraser’s Magazine 6 (December 1832): 685.---. “Gallery of literary characters (No. XXXII): Prince de Talleyrand.” Fraser’s Magazine 7 (January 1833): 80.---. “Gallery of literary characters (No. XXXIII): James Morier., Esq..” Fraser’s Magazine 7 (February 1833): 159.---. “Gallery of literary characters (No. XXXIV): Countess of Blessington.” Fraser’s Magazine 7 (March 1833): 267.---. “Gallery of literary characters (No. XXXV): The Tiger [Dunlop].” Fraser’s Magazine 7 (April 1833): 436.---. “Gallery of literary characters (No. XXXVI): Benjamin D'Israeli., Esq..” Fraser’s Magazine 7 (May 1833): 602.---. “Gallery of literary characters (No. XXXVII): Thomas Carlyle.” Fraser’s Magazine 7 (June 1833): 706.---. “Gallery of literary characters (No. XXXVIII): Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Esq..” Fraser’s Magazine 8 (July 1833): 64. ---. “Gallery of literary characters (No. XXXIX): George Cruikshank, Esq..” Fraser’s Magazine 8 (August 1833): 190. ---. “Gallery of literary characters (No. XL): Doctor Moir.” Fraser’s Magazine 8 (September 1833): 290.---. “Gallery of literary characters (No. XLII): Miss Harriet Martineau.” Fraser’s Magazine 8 (November 1833): 576.---. “Gallery of literary characters (No. XLIII): Grant Thorburn, the original "Lawrie Todd."Fraser’s Magazine 8 (December 1833): 700. ---. “Gallery of literary characters (No. XLIV): Captain [John] Ross.” Fraser’s Magazine 9 (January1834): 64.---. “Gallery of literary characters (No. XLV): Sir Egerton Brydges.” Fraser’s Magazine 9 (February 1834): 146. ---. “ Gallery of literary characters (No. XLVI): Daniel O'Connell.” Esq..” and Richard LalorSheil.” Esq..” Fraser’s Magazine 9 (March 1834): 300.---. “ Gallery of literary characters (No. XLVII): Theodore E. Hook.” Esq..” Fraser’s Magazine 9 (April 1834): 435. ---. “ Gallery of literary characters (No. XLVIII): Charles Molloy Westmacott, Esq..” 536.---. “ Gallery of literary characters (No. XLIX): Leigh Hunt.” Fraser’s Magazine 9 (June 1834): 644.---. “ Gallery of literary characters (No. L): W. H. Ainsworth.” Esq..” Fraser’s Magazine 10 (July 1834): 48. ---. “ Gallery of literary characters (No. LI): Thomas Hill.” Esq..” F.A.S..” Fraser’s Magazine 10 (August 1834): 172.---. “ Gallery of literary characters (No. LII): The Rev. George Robert Gleig.” Fraser’s Magazine 10 (September 1834): 282. ---. “ Gallery of literary characters (No. LIII): Godwin.” Esq..” Fraser’s Magazine 10 (October 1834): 463.---. “ Gallery of literary characters (No. LIV): James Smith.” Esq..” Fraser’s Magazine 10 (November 1834): 538.---. “ Gallery of literary characters (No. LV): Comte D'Orsay.” Fraser’s Magazine 10 (December 1834): 645.---. “ Gallery of literary characters (No. LVII): Charles Lamb.” Esq..” Fraser’s Magazine 11 (February 1835): 136. ---. “ Gallery of literary characters (No. LIX): Miss Jane Porter.” Fraser’s Magazine 11 (April 1835): 404.---. “ Gallery of literary characters (No. LX): Lady [Sydney] Morgan.” Fraser’s Magazine 11 (May 1835): 529.---. “ Gallery of literary characters (No. LXI): Mr. Alaric Attila Watts.” 652.Fraser’s Magazine 11 (June 1835): . ---. “ Gallery of literary characters (No. LXII): Lord Francis Egerton.” Fraser’s Magazine 12 (July 1835): 43.---. “ Gallery of literary characters (No. LXIV): Michael Thomas Sadler.” Esq..” Fraser’s Magazine 12 (September 1835): 280.---. “ Gallery of literary characters (No. LXV): Cobbett.” M.P. for Oldham.” Fraser’s Magazine 12 (October 1835): 430.---. “Gallery of literary characters (No. LXVII): Robert Macnish., Esq..” Fraser’s Magazine 12 (December 1835): 650.---. “ Gallery of literary characters (No. LXIX): Michael Faraday F.R.S..” Hon. D.C.L. Oxon., etc..” Fraser’s Magazine 13 (February 1836): 224.---. “ Gallery of literary characters (No. LXX): Rev. Lisle Bowles.” Fraser’s Magazine 13 (March 1836): 300.---. “ Gallery of literary characters (No. LXXI): Francis Place.” Fraser’s Magazine 13 (April 1836): 427.---. “ Gallery of literary characters (No. LXXVI): Sheridan Knowles.” Esq..” Fraser’s Magazine 13 (May 1836): 272.---. “ Gallery of literary characters (No. LXXVIII): Edmund Lodge.” Esq..” Fraser’s Magazine 14 (November 1836): 595. ---. “ Gallery of literary characters (No. LXXIX): John Baldwin Buckstone.” Fraser’s Magazine 14 (December 1836): 720. ---. “Mr. Grantley Berkeley and his novel [Berkeley Castle].” Fraser’s Magazine 14 (August 1836): 242-247.Maginn, William (?). “A decade of novels and nouvellettes.” Fraser’s Magazine 11 (May 1835): 586-609. ---. “Epistles to the literati (No. VI): James Hogg, Esq., to Oliver Yorke, Esq.” Fraser’s Magazine 7 (January 1833): 16. ---. “Epistles to the literati (No. VII): Sir David Brewster, the philosopher, to James Hogg, Esq., the Shepherd.” Fraser’s Magazine 7 (January 1833): 16. ---. “Epistles to the literati (No. VII) [sic]: Bowles to Yorke.” Fraser’s Magazine 13 (April 1836): 498-499. ---. “Epistles to the literati (No. VIII): Yorke to Bowles.” Fraser’s Magazine 13 (May 1836): 643-644. ---. “The martial elegies of Tyrtaeus.” Fraser’s Magazine 11 (June 1835):621-629.---. “The novels of the season.” Fraser’s Magazine 3 (February 1831): 95-113.---. “Washington Irving's Miscellanies.” Fraser’s Magazine 12 (October 1835): 409-415.Mahony, Francis. “Gallery of literary characters (No. XLI): Miss [Letitia Elizabeth] Landon.” Fraser’s Magazine 8 (October 1833): 433.---. Gallery of literary characters (No. LVIII): Pierre-Jean de Béranger.” Fraser’s Magazine 11(March 1835): 300.---. Gallery of literary characters (No. LXIII): Henry O'Brien., A.B..” Fraser’s Magazine 12 (August 1835): 154.---. “Literature and the Jesuits; from the ‘Prout Papers.’Fraser’s Magazine 10 (September 1834): 310-327. ---. "Victor Hugo's Hunchback of Notre Dame, with specimens, from the ‘Prout Papers,’ of his lyrical poetry." Fraser’s Magazine 12 (July 1835): 89-105.Mallock, W.H. “The Golden Ass of Apuleius.” Fraser’s Magazine os 94 (September 1876):363-374. Massey, Gerald. “Charles Lamb.” Fraser’s Magazine 75 (May 1867):657-672.Merivale, Herman. “The three theories of the wanderings of Ulysses.” Fortnightly Review 15 (June 1871): 747-770.Milnes, R.M. "Notes on [Disraeli's] Endymion." Fortnightly Review os 35 (January 1881):66-76.Minto, William. "Edgar Allan Poe." Fortnightly Review os 34 (July 1880):69-82.“M-M.” “Novels of the day: their writers and readers.” Fraser’s Magazine 62 (August 1860):205-217.Moore, George. "Some of Balzac's minor pieces." Fortnightly Review os 52 (October 1889): 491-504.---. "Turgueneff [Turgenev]." Fortnightly Review os 49 (February 1888): 237-251.Morison, James Cotter. "Isaac Casaubon [by Mark Pattison]." Fortnightly Review 23 (April 1875): 537-551. Morley, Henry. “Cyrano de Bergerac.” Fraser’s Magazine 51 (March 1855): 273-288.Morley, Henry (?). “Tea table literature [Martin Farquhar Tupper's works].” Fraser’s Magazine 46 (October 1852): 466-475. Morley, John. "M. Victor Hugo's new romance [Quatrevingt-treize]." Fortnightly Review 21 (March 1874): 359-370. ---. “The New Heloisa.” Fortnightly Review 18 (December 1872): 709-722.Morris, Mowbray. "Charles Dickens." Fortnightly Review os 38 (December 1882): 762-779.Müller, Friedrich Max. "The simplicity of language." Fortnightly Review os 47 (May 1887): 700-714.Myers, Frederic W.H. "Matthew Arnold." Fortnightly Review os 49 (May 1888): 719-728.Newman, Ernest. “Gustave Flaubert.” Fortnightly Review os 64 (December 1895): 813-828. Norman, Henry. "Theories and practice of modern fiction." Fortnightly Review os 40 (December 1883): 870-886.Pater, Walter H. "Style." Fortnightly Review os 50 (December 1888): 728-743.Pollock, W.F. “British novelists: Richardson, Miss Austen, Scott.” Fraser’s Magazine 61 (January 1860):20-38. Price, Bonamy. “Lombard Street [by Walter Bagehot].” Fraser’s Magazine os 88 (October 1873):508-528.Ralston, W.R.S. “Sicilian fairy tales.” Fraser’s Magazine os 93 (April 1876):423-433.Reynolds, John Hamilton. “William Ainsworth and Jack Sheppard.” Fraser’s Magazine 21 (February 1840): 227-245.Richter, J.P.F. "Jean Paul Friedrich Richter's review of Mme. de Stael's Allemagne (Part I)." Fraser’s Magazine 1 (February 1830): 28-37.Runciman, James. "King Plagiarism and his court [attack on R. Haggard]." Fortnightly Review os 53 (Mar 1890): 421-439.Saintsbury, George. "The Four Winds of the Spirit [by Victor Hugo]." Fortnightly Review os 36 (July 1881): 40-53.---. "Miss Ferrier's novels." Fortnightly Review os 37 (March 1882):314-331.---. "Modern English prose." Fortnightly Review 25 (February 1876): 243-259.---. "The novels of Mr. Hall Caine." Fortnightly Review os 63 (Feb 1895): 180-196.---. "The present state of the novel (Part I): [in England]." Fortnightly Review os 48 (September 1887): 410-417.---. "The present state of the novel (Part II, concl.): [in France]." Fortnightly Review os 49 (January 1888):112-123.Salmon, Edward G. "What boys read." Fortnightly Review os 45 (February 1886): 248-259.Shand, Alexander Innes. "The novelists and their patrons." Fortnightly Review os 46 (July 1886): 23-35.Sichel, Walter. “Romanism in fiction.” Fortnightly Review os 71 (April 1899):604-622. Smith, Garnet. “The women of George Meredith.” Fortnightly Review os 65 (May 1896):775-790.Smith, G. Barnett. “A brilliant Irish novelist [William Carleton].” Fortnightly Review os 67 (January 1897):104-116. ---. “Walter Bagehot.” Fraser’s Magazine os 99 (March 1879):298-313. Stephen, J.F. “Mr. Thackeray.” Fraser’s Magazine 69 (April 1864):401-418.Stephen, Leslie. “Balzac's novels.” Fortnightly Review 15 (January 1871): 17-39.---. “De Quincey.” Fortnightly Review 15 (March 1871): 310-329.---. "Mr. Disraeli's novels." Fortnightly Review 22 (October 1874): 430-450.---. “Mr. Ruskin's recent writings [mainly Fors Clavigera].” Fraser’s Magazine os 89 (June 1874):688-701. ---. "William Godwin." Fortnightly Review 26 (September 1876): 444-461.Stirling-Maxwell, William. “Disraeli's The New Curiosities of Literature.” Fraser’s Magazine 46 (December 1852): 637-643. ---. “Lavengro [by George Borrow] – ‘The Master of Words.’” Fraser’s Magazine 43 (March 1851): 272-283.Stuart, J. Montgomery. “England's literary debt to Italy.” Fraser’s Magazine 60 (December 1859):697-708.Sully, James. “The child in recent English literature.” Fortnightly Review os 67 (February 1897): 218-228. Swinburne, Algernon Charles. "Wilkie Collins." Fortnightly Review os 52 (November 1889): 589-599.Symonds, John Addington. "The debt of English to Italian literature." Fortnightly Review 23 (March 1875): 371-381.---. "The Eleatic fragments." Fortnightly Review 24 (August 1875): 228-240.---. "Hesiod." Fortnightly Review 23 (May 1875): 648-663.---. "La Bête Humaine: a study in Zola's idealism." Fortnightly Review os 56 (Oct 1891):453-462.---. "Sophocles." Fortnightly Review 24 (September 1875): 324-338.Symons, Arthur. “Balzac.” Fortnightly Review os 71 (May 1899):745-757. ---. “A note on George Meredith.” Fortnightly Review os 68 (November 1897):673-678.Thackeray, William Makepeace. “About a Christmas book; in a letter from Michael Angelo Titmarsh to Oliver Yorke.”Fraser’s Magazine 32 (December 1845): 744-748. ---. “Epistles to the literati (No. XIII): Ch-s Y-ll-wpl-sh, Esq. to Sir Edward Lytton Bulwer, Bart. [and] John Thomas Smith, Esq. to C-s Y-h, Esq.; notus.” Fraser’s Magazine 21 (January 1840): 71-80. ---. “Epistles to the literati (No. XIV): On French criticism of the English, and notably in the affair of the Vengeur.” Fraser’s Magazine 21 (March 1840): 332-345. ---. “A grumble about Christmas-books.”Fraser’s Magazine 35 (January 1847): 111-126. ---. “On some illustrated children's books [Gammer Gurton].”Fraser’s Magazine 33 (April 1847): 495-502. ---. “Our batch of novels for Christmas, 1837.” Fraser’s Magazine 17 (January 1838): 79-103. Thomson, Katherine. “The literary circles of the last century: Mrs. Montagu and her Friends.”Fraser’s Magazine 37 (January 1848): 72-81. Traill, H.D. “The analytical humorist.” Fortnightly Review os 66 (July 1896):137-147.---. “The new realism [Stephen Crane and Arthur Morrison].” Fortnightly Review os 67 (January 1897):63-73.---. “The Queen's Diamond Jubilee (No. I): the literature of the Victorian era.” Fortnightly Review os 67 (June 1897):825-838. ---. “The revolution in Grub Street: a Boswellian fragment.” Fortnightly Review os 64 (July 1895): 78-88.---. “Sir George Tressady [by Mary A. Ward], and the political Novel.” Fortnightly Review os 66 (November 1896): 703-714.Trollope, Frances Eleanor. "Italian realistic fiction." Fortnightly Review os 36 (October 1881):459-477.Turner, C.E. “Studies in Russian literature (Nos. I and II) [Lomonosoff and Kantemier].” Fraser’s Magazine os 95 (May 1877):651-664. ---. “Studies in Russian literature (Nos. III and IV) [Catherine the Second and Sumarokoff].” Fraser’s Magazine os 95 (June 1877):689-700.---. “Studies in Russian literature (Nos. V and VI) [von Viezin and Derzhavin].” Fraser’s Magazine os 96 (July 1877):40-53. ---. “Studies in Russian literature (Nos. VII and VIII) [Karamsin and Jukovsky].” Fraser’s Magazine os 96 (August 1877):186-203. ---. “Studies in Russian literature (Nos. IX and X) [Kriloff and Gogol].” Fraser’s Magazine os 96 (September 1877):348-367. ---. “Studies in Russian literature (No. XI): a further account of the writings of Nicholas Gogol.” Fraser’s Magazine os 96 (October 1877):491-504. ---. “Studies in Russian literature (No. XII): Poushkin.” Fraser’s Magazine os 96 (November 1877):592-601.---. “Studies in Russian literature (No. XIII, concl.): the works of Poushkin.” Fraser’s Magazine os 96 (December 1877):772-782. Tyrrell, Robert Yelverton. “Jude the Obscure [by Thomas Hardy].” Fortnightly Review os 65 (June 1896):857-864. [Unknown.] “American literature and the Civil War.” Fraser’s Magazine 67 (April 1863):517-527.---. “The art of story-telling.” Fraser’s Magazine 53 (June 1856): 722-732. ---. “Aspect of contemporary literature.” Fraser’s Magazine 35 (April 1847): 379-385.---. “Charles Dickens.” Fraser’s Magazine os 82 (July 1870):130-134.---. “Charles Dickens and David Copperfield.” Fraser’s Magazine 42 (December 1850): 698-710.---. “Charles Dickens and his works.” Fraser’s Magazine 21 (April 1840): 381-400.---. “Don Quixote's library (Part I).” Fraser’s Magazine 7 (March 1833):324-331.---. “Don Quixote's library, (Part II).” Fraser’s Magazine 7 (May 1833): 565-577. ---. “Don Quixote's library (Part III, concl.): The Austriada of Juan Rufo Gutierrez.” Fraser’s Magazine 8 (October 1833): 445-455. ---. “Epistles to the literati (Nos. XV-XVI): on old-fashioned oaths; on the London Library.” Fraser’s Magazine 22 (August 1840): 143-149. ---. “Faust in the German puppet-show.” Fraser’s Magazine 37 (January 1848): 32-40.---. “Female authorship.”Fraser’s Magazine 33 (April 1847): 460-466.---. “The force of fictions.” Fraser’s Magazine 43 (March 1851): 286-291. ---. “Foreign literature (No. I): Spain and Portugal.” Fraser’s Magazine 11 (May 1835):518-528. ---. “Foreign literature (No. II, concl.): French system of universal instruction.” Fraser’s Magazine 11 (June 1835):680-688. ---. “Fruits of the season [recent novels].” Fraser’s Magazine 42 (August 1850): 203-214.---. “Gallery of literary characters (No. LXXX): Sir William Molesworth.” Fraser’s Magazine 17 (March 1838): 338.William Maginn. ---. “Goethe and his critics.”Fraser’s Magazine 36 (October 1847): 481-493.---. “A Greek fragment lately discovered at Derrynane [satire on classical scholarship].” Fraser’s Magazine 15 (May 1837): 578-580. ---. “A handful of [literary] trash.” Fraser’s Magazine 20 (August 1839): 181-188.---. "The last of the supernaturalists [William Blake]." Fraser’s Magazine 1 (March 1830): 217-235.---. “The literary labours of Daniel O'Connell, Esq., M.P.” Fraser’s Magazine 23 (May 1841): 528-546.---. “The literary suburb of the eighteenth century [Twickenham] (chap. i).” Fraser’s Magazine 61 (January 1860):124-133. ---. “The literary suburb of the eighteenth century (chap. ii): Alexander Pope.” Fraser’s Magazine 61 (February 1860):267-276. ---. “The literary suburb of the eighteenth century (chap. iii).” Fraser’s Magazine 61 (March 1860):387-395.---. “Literary suburb of the eighteenth century (chap. iv).” Fraser’s Magazine 61 (April 1860):544-554.---. “Literary suburb of the eighteenth century (chaps. v-vi).” Fraser’s Magazine 61 (June 1860):834-843.---. “The literary suburb of the eighteenth century (chaps. vii-ix, concl.).” Fraser’s Magazine 62 (July 1860):94-107.---. “Maritime romances, and parliamentary novels.” Fraser’s Magazine 4 (January 1832): 661-671.---. “Miss Edgeworth's tales and novels.” Fraser’s Magazine 6 (November 1832, part II): 541-558.---. “Monos and Daimonos [satire on Bulwer-Lytton's story of that title in New Monthly Mag., 28 (May, 1830), 387-392, no. 1498].” Fraser’s Magazine 2 (August 1830):10-15.---. “Naval novelists, [mainly on Capt. Marryot {Marryat}].” Fraser’s Magazine 17 (May 1838): 571-577. ---. “The new Frankenstein.” Fraser’s Magazine 17 (January 1838): 21-30.---. “The new Werther.”Fraser’s Magazine 34 (November 1846): 536-550.---. “Nursery literature.” Fraser’s Magazine 45 (May 1852): 563-574. ---. “Old stores [books of the past year].” Fraser’s Magazine 49 (April 1854): 439-452.---. “On the libraries of celebrated literary men.” Fraser’s Magazine 3 (May 1831): 408-409.---. “On the treatment of love in novels.” Fraser’s Magazine 53 (April 1856): 405-418.---. “Passages from an unpublished French novel [satire on Jules Gabriel Janin and French Romantic school].”Fraser’s Magazine 34 (December 1846): 664-675.---. “The popular novels of the year.” Fraser’s Magazine 68 (August 1863):253-269. ---. “Religious stories [including Newman's Loss and Gain].”Fraser’s Magazine 38 (August 1848): 150-166.---. “A Spanish and a Danish novel [Caballero's Gaviota, and The Parsonage of Noddbo].” Fraser’s Magazine 76 (August 1867):190-203.---. “Suggestions about gift-books.” Fraser’s Magazine 45 (February 1852): 141-147.---. “Taine's English Literature.” Fraser’s Magazine os 85 (March 1872):370-380.---. “Three small books: by great writers [Browning, Eliot, Tennyson].” Fraser’s Magazine os 100 (July 1879):103-124. ---. “The trade of author." Fortnightly Review os 51 (February 1889): 261-274.---. “A triad of novels [including Alton Locke].” Fraser’s Magazine 42 (November 1850): 574-590.---. “Tristram Shandy or The Caxtons?” Fraser’s Magazine 53 (March 1856): 253-267.---. “Victor Hugo.” Fraser’s Magazine 67 (March 1863):372-382.---. “W. M. Thackeray and Arthur Pendennis, Esquires; Robert Bell's Ladder of Gold.” Fraser’s Magazine 43 (January 1851): 75-90. ---. “A word or two about an Irish book, over our glass of whiskey punch.” Fraser’s Magazine 2 (October 1830): 312-319. Ward, Mary A. "A mediaevel Spanish writer [Juan Ruiz]." Fortnightly Review 26 (December 1876): 809-832.Watson, William. "The fall of fiction [on Rider Haggard]." Fortnightly Review os 50 (September 1888): 324-336.Watts, Theodore. "The future of American literature." Fortnightly Review os 55 (June 1891): 910-926.Whewell, William (?). “A gossip about the Christmas books [including Mrs. Gaskell'sMoorland Cottage].” Fraser’s Magazine 43 (January 1851): 37-46.Wilde, Oscar. "Pen, pencil, and poison: a study." Fortnightly Review os 51 (January 1889): 41-54.Willmott, R.A. “The fabulists (No. I): Aesop, Phaedrus, Gay, and Fontaine.” Fraser’s Magazine 17(February 1838): 188-207.---. “The fabulists (No. II, concl.): Phaedrus, Fontaine, Fenelon, Vanbrugh, Boursault, etc.” Fraser’s Magazine 17 (April 1838): 447-466. ---. “Oliver Yorke at Paris (No. I): a conversation with Chateaubriand upon English Literature.” Fraser’s Magazine 14 (December 1836): 662-680. Wilmott, R.A. (?) “Book-love.”Fraser’s Magazine 36 (August 1847): 199-203.---. “Sketches of national literature (Part I): [Greek literature].” Fraser’s Magazine 22 (August 1840): 213-225. ---. “Sketches of national literature (Part II, concl.) [mainly on Roman literature].” Fraser’s Magazine 22 (December 1840): 709-718. Woodberry, George Edward. "The fortunes of literature under the American Republic." Fortnightly Review os 35 (May 1881): 606-617. Worsfold, W. Basil. “Charlotte Brontë.” Fortnightly Review os 71 (January 1899):74-84.Wyndham, George. “Elizabethan adventure in Elizabethan Literature.” Fortnightly Review os 70 (November 1898):793-809. Zimmern, Helen. “A Gallician novelist [Leopold Ritter von Sacher-Masoch].” Fraser’s Magazine os 100 (August 1879):195-209. Drama & the TheatreAllingham, William. “A query on Hamlet.” Fraser’s Magazine os 99 (February 1879):263-264.Archer, William. “The blight on the drama.” Fortnightly Review os 67 (January 1897):21-32.---. "The Danish drama of to-day." Fortnightly Review os 53 (May 1890): 682-693.---. "The free stage and the new drama." Fortnightly Review os 56 (Nov 1891): 663-672.---. "Ibsen and English criticism." Fortnightly Review os 52 (July 1889): 30-37.---. “George Henry Lewes and the stage.” Fortnightly Review os 65 (February 1896): 216-230.---. “’The mausoleum of Ibsen’ [on criticism of his plays].” Fortnightly Review os 60 (July 1893): 77-91.---. “Pessimism and tragedy.” Fortnightly Review os 71 (March 1899):390-400.---. "A pessimist playwright [Maurice Maeterlinck]." Fortnightly Review os 56 (Sept 1891): 346-354.---. “Plays of the season.” Fortnightly Review os 72 (July 1899):132-139. ---. "A plea for the playwright." Fortnightly Review os 45 (June 1886): 816-828.Austin, Alfred. "Pietro Cossa: dramatist." Fortnightly Review os 37 (January 1882):49-68.Banks, P.W. “The books on my table: of Hamlet,.” Fraser’s Magazine 14 (July 1836): 1-18.---. “Of Macbeth (Part II).” Fraser’s Magazine 22 (March 1840): 295-305.---. “Touching things theatrical.” Fraser’s Magazine 8 (September 1833): 339-359.Bell, Robert. “The comedies of Etherege.” Fortnightly Review 3 (15 December 1865): 298-316.Boas, Frederick S. “New light on Marlowe and Kyd.” Fortnightly Review os 71 (February 1899): 212-225. Bond, R. Warwick. “Cymbeline at the Lyceum.” Fortnightly Review os 66 (November 1896): 635-647. ---. “King Arthur on the stage.” Fortnightly Review os 63 (May 1895): 703-720.Brickdale, Matthew I. “Poets and players.” Fraser’s Magazine 44 (November 1851): 511-518.Butcher, S.H. "Sophocles." Fortnightly Review os 41 (June 1884): 794-811.Campbell, Lewis. “On climax in tragedy.” Fortnightly Review os 74 (July 1900):83-91.---. “On the growth of tragedy in Shakespeare.” Fortnightly Review os 73 (January 1900):135-153.Chorley, Henry Fothergill. “The state of the acted drama.”Fraser’s Magazine 38 (July 1848): 41-48.Claretie, Jules. “Shakespeare and Molière.” Fortnightly Review os 72 (August 1899):317-334.Courtney, W.L. “The idea of comedy and Mr. Pinero's new play.” Fortnightly Review os 67 (May 1897):746-756. ---. "Robert Browning, writer of plays." Fortnightly Review os 39 (June 1883): 888-900.Crawford, Oswald. "The Ibsen question." Fortnightly Review os 55 (May 1891): 725-740.Crawford, Virginia. “Maurice Maeterlinck.” Fortnightly Review os 68 (August 1897):176-187. de Bury, Yetta Blaze. “Sarah Bernhardt.” Fortnightly Review os 72 (July 1899) la Ramée, Marie Louise. “The genius of D'Annunzio.” Fortnightly Review os 67 (March 1897): 349-373. de Soissons, S.C. “Maeterlinck's latest drama.” Fortnightly Review os 74 (December 1900):994-997. Donne, W.B. “Songs from the Dramatists.” Fraser’s Magazine 50 (November 1854): 583-594. Dow, John G. "Shakespeare's fugues." Fortnightly Review os 43 (April 1885): 532-543.Filon, Augustin. “The modern French drama (Part I).” Fortnightly Review os 67 (June 1897): 871-886. ---. “The modern French drama (Part II).” Fortnightly Review os 68 (July 1897):42-56.---. “The modern French drama (Part III): the Théâtre Libre.” Fortnightly Review os 68 (September 1897):368-385. ---. “The modern French drama (Part IV): round about the Theatres.” Fortnightly Review os 68 (November 1897):692-707. ---. “The modern French drama (Part V): the new Comedy.” Fortnightly Review os 69 (January 1898):119-134.---. “The modern French drama (Part VI): the new Comedy.” Fortnightly Review os 69 (March 1898):486-502. ---. “The modern French drama (Part VII, concl.): Edmond Rostand and Jean Richepin.” Fortnightly Review os 70 (July 1898):98-114. Fisher, W.E. Garrett. “The House of Molière [Théâtre Français].” Fortnightly Review os 73 (April 1900):557-574.Fitzgerald, Percy (?). “Modern comedy.” Fraser’s Magazine os 89 (February 1874):235-244.Forster, John. "A word on Alexander Dyce." Fortnightly Review 24 (December 1875): 731-746.Fyfe, H. Hamilton. “A permanent Shakespearean theatre.” Fortnightly Review os 73 (May 1900): 807-814. Galdemar, Ange. "The Comédie-Française in London." Fortnightly Review os 59 (June 1893): 863-873.Gosse, Edmund W. "Ibsen's new drama [The Lady from the Sea]." Fortnightly Review os 55 (January 1891): 4-13.---. "Ibsen's social dramas." Fortnightly Review os 51 (January 1889): 107-121.---. “Ibsen, the Norwegian satirist.” Fortnightly Review 19 (January 1873): 74-88.---. “John Webster.” Fraser’s Magazine os 89 (May 1874):620-634.Hales, J. W. "King Lear." Fortnightly Review 23 (January 1875): 83-102.Hallett, W. Hughes. “The staging of Shakespeare: a reply to Mr. Beerhohm Tree.” Fortnightly Review os 74 (September 1900):504-512. Heraud, John A. “Historical drama [histories of drama by Pennie and Collier].” Fraser’s Magazine 5 (July 1832): 670-682.---. “J. Sheridan Knowles' plays.” Fraser’s Magazine 13 (April 1836): 451-468.JHeraud, John A., and William Maginn (?). “Lord Byron's dramas.” Fraser’s Magazine 10 (December 1834): 699-711.Herford, C.H. “A scene from Ibsen's Love's Comedy.” Fortnightly Review os 73 (February 1900): 191-199. Holmes, Edward. “Dialogue between John Dryden & Henry Purcell, in the year 1691,on the subject of their forthcoming Dramatick Opera of King Arthur.” Fraser’s Magazine 45 (February 1852): 196-200. ---. “Hector Berlioz.” Fraser’s Magazine 38 (October 1848): 421-427. ---. “The lyric drama in 1848 [opera].” Fraser’s Magazine 38 (August 1848): 225-232. ---. “The two operas [Her Majesty's Theatre and the Royal Italian Opera].”Fraser’s Magazine 39 (May 1849): 563-569. ---. “Prospects of the opera.”Fraser’s Magazine 37 (March 1848): 337-342. ---. “Some words about music and the modern opera.”Fraser’s Magazine 36 (October 1847): 432-446.Irving, Henry B. “Acting: an art.” Fortnightly Review os 63 (March 1895):369-379.---. “The art and status of the actor.” Fortnightly Review os 73 (May 1900):743-754.Jebb, R.C. "Old comedy on a new stage [Aristophanes' Birds]." Fortnightly Review os 41 (January 1884): 89-98.Joyce, James A. “Ibsen's new drama [When We Dead Awaken].” Fortnightly Review os 73 (April 1900):575-590. Kingsley, Charles. “This year's song-crop [including E. B. Browning, Beddoes, Meredith].” Fraser’s Magazine 44 (December 1851): 618-634. Lewes, George Henry [writing as Vivian Latouche]. “On the history of pantomimes, in a letterto Oliver Yorke, Esq.”Fraser’s Magazine 33 (January 1847): 43-45.Lytton, Robert. “Old criticisms on old plays and old players: Garrick as Hamlet, described by a German spectator [G.C. Lichtenberg] (Part I).” Fortnightly Review 15 (February 1871): 221-239. ---. “Old criticisms on old plays and old players (Part II, concl.).” Fortnightly Review 15 (March 1871): 352-362.Lytton, E. Robert Bulwer. "The stage in relation to literature (Part I)." Fortnightly Review os 40 (July 1883): 12-26. ---. "The stage in relation to literature (Part II, concl.)." Fortnightly Review os 40 (August 1883): 215-226. Postscript, p. 456, signed John Hollingshead.Macnish, Robert. “Punch and Judy.” Fraser’s Magazine 3 (April 1831): 350-354.Maginn, William. “Comedies of Lucian (No. I): Timon; or, The Misanthrope [Acts I-II, sc. i].” Fraser’s Magazine 19 (January 1839): 89-95. ---. “Comedies of Lucian (No. II): Timon [Act II, concl.].” Fraser’s Magazine 19 (February 1839): 215-221. ---. “Comedies of Lucian (No. IV): Charon; or, The Lookers-on [scenes i-iii].” Fraser’s Magazine 19 (May 1839): 630-638. ---. “Epistles of the literati (No. XII): Dr. Maginn to Oliver Yorke, on Farmer's Essay on Shakespeare.” Fraser’s Magazine 20 (September 1839): 253-254. ---. “A few notes upon Shakspeare: adversaria (No. II).” Fraser’s Magazine 21 (June 1840): 740-742.---. “On Shakspeare.” Fraser’s Magazine 21 (April 1840): 493-504.Maginn, William (?). “Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, Beaumont and Fletcher, etc.” Fraser’s Magazine 16 (November 1837): 527-536. M'Carthy, Jason Huntly. "August Strindberg." Fortnightly Review os 58 (Sept 1892): 326-334.Mew, James. “The modern Persian stage.” Fortnightly Review os 65 (June 1896):902-918.Moore, George. "Our dramatists and their literature." Fortnightly Review os 52 (Nov 1889): 620-632.Moule, Horace M. “The story of Alcestis [on William Morris's and Robert Browning'sadaptations].” Fraser’s Magazine os 84 (November 1871):575-585.Noel, Robert R. “Recollections of the stage.” Fraser’s Magazine os 91 (March 1875):326-337.Pater, Walter H. "A fragment on Measure for Measure." Fortnightly Review 22 (November 1874): 652-658. Paull, H.M. “Dramatic convention, with special reference to the Soliloquy.” Fortnightly Review os 71 (May 1899):863-870. Rose, Edward. “A northern Hamlet [on the Danish Amleth by Öhlenschläger].” Fraser’s Magazine os 95 (May 1877):609-621.Russell, Edward R. "Mr. Irving's interpretations of Shakspeare." Fortnightly Review os 40 (October 1883): 466-481.---. "Mr. Irving's work [as an actor]." Fortnightly Review os 42 (September 1884): 401-410.Saintsbury, George. “French tragedy before Corneille.” Fraser’s Magazine os 100 (October 1879):456-474.Sharp, William. “The dramas of Gabriele D'Annunzio.” Fortnightly Review os 74 (September 1900):391-409. Smith, G. Barnett. “The English Terence [Richard Cumberland].” Fortnightly Review os 73 (February 1900):243-257.Stobart, Mabel A. St. Clair. “New lights on Ibsen's Brand.” Fortnightly Review os 72 (August 1899):227-239.Strachey, Edward (?). “A Midsummer-Night's Dream.” Fraser’s Magazine 50 (December 1854): 677-682.Swinburne, Algernon Charles. “John Ford.” Fortnightly Review 15 (June 1871): 42-63.---. "Philip Massinger." Fortnightly Review os 52 (July 1889): 1-23. ---. "The three stages of Shakespeare (Part I)." Fortnightly Review 23 (May 1875): 613-632.---. "The three stages of Shakespeare (Part II, concl.)." Fortnightly Review 25 (January 1876): 24-45.Symonds, John Addington. "The lyricism of the English romantic drama." Fortnightly Review os 53 (March 1890): 331-342.---. "Some notes on Fletcher's Valentinian." Fortnightly Review os 46 (September 1886): 334-345.Tree, Herbert Beerbohm. “Hamlet - from an actor's prompt book.” Fortnightly Review os 64 (December 1895): 863-878. ---. “The staging of Shakespeare: a defence of the public Taste.” Fortnightly Review os 74 (July 1900):52-66. Trollope, Henry M. “Molière.” Fraser’s Magazine os 95 (June 1877):743-757. Tyrell, Robert Yelverton. "The old school of classics and the new: a dialogue of the dead – Bentley, Madvig, Porson, Shakspeare, Euripides." Fortnightly Review os 49 (January 1888): 42-59.[Unknown.] “Christopher Marlowe.” Fraser’s Magazine 47 (February 1853): 221-234.---. “Collier on Shakespeare.” Fraser’s Magazine 13 (May 1836): 553-559.---. “Crebillon, the French Aeschylus.” Fraser’s Magazine 44 (September 1851): 267-277.---. “A Greek Hamlet [Lycophron].” Fraser’s Magazine os 102 (October 1880):511-527.---. "Miss Fanny Kemble and her critics [largely from her Journal]." Fraser’s Magazine 12 (September 1835): 327-337. ---. “A modern Republican tragedy [Catalina by Alexandre Dumas].”Fraser’s Magazine 39 (February 1849): 188-196. ---. “On playgoing.” Fraser’s Magazine 59 (February 1859): 249-252.---. “The Possums of Aristophanes, recently recovered and "translated" [with notes].” Fraser’s Magazine 14 (September 1836): 285-297. ---. “The sock and the buskin (No. I).” Fraser’s Magazine 2 (November 1830): 458-466.---. “The sock and the buskin (No. II): players.” Fraser’s Magazine 4 (January 1832): 740-750.---. “The sock and the buskin (No. III, concl.): Miss Fanny Kemble's Francis the First, and Mr. Sheridan Knowles's Hunchback.” Fraser’s Magazine 5 (May 1832): 432-447. ---. “Specimens of the drama in France.” Fraser’s Magazine 18 (December 1838):649-675.---. “The state of the stage [largely on Shakespeare].” Fraser’s Magazine 17 (February 1838): 156-170. ---. “Three play-things: Bulwer's Duchess de la Valliere; [Mrs.] Butler's Star of Seville; Harper's Bertrand.” Fraser’s Magazine 16 (August 1837): 179-194. ---. “Touching things theatrical.” Fraser’s Magazine 42 (December 1850): 637-647.Van de Velde, M.S. “Alexandre Dumas fils and his plays.” Fortnightly Review os 65 (January 1896): 94-103. Watson, William. “Tragedy and Mr. Stephen Phillips.” Fortnightly Review os 69 (March 1898): 432-435. Willmott, R.A. “Greek comedy (No. I): Aristophanes.” Fraser’s Magazine 15 (March 1837): 285-304. ---. “Greek comedy (No. II): the Birds of Aristophanes (Part I).” Fraser’s Magazine 18 (August 1838): 127-139. ---. “Greek comedy (No. III): the Birds of Aristophanes (Part II).” Fraser’s Magazine 18 (August 1838): 317-329.---. “Greek comedy (No. IV): the Knights of Aristophanes (Part I).” Fraser’s Magazine 19 (June 1839): 639-652. ---. “Greek comedy (No. V, concl.): the Knights of Aristophanes (Part II).” Fraser’s Magazine 20 (October 1839): 379-388. ---. “Morning musings with favourite old poets (No. I; no more published): the Antigone of Sophocles.” Fraser’s Magazine 13 (April 1836): 416-426.Wingfield, Lewis. "Realism behind the footlights." Fortnightly Review os 41 (April 1884):472-481. “Zyx.” “Problems and playwrights.” Fortnightly Review os 74 (November 1900):858-866. MusicBanks, P.W. “Of the Italian opera [in the current season].” Fraser’s Magazine 34 (July 1847): 85-90. ---. “Of the two Italian operas (Her Majesty's Theatre and the Royal Italian Opera, Covent Garden].”Fraser’s Magazine 35 (June 1847): 728-738.Barnes, William. “On the credibility of old song-history and tradition.” Fraser’s Magazine 68 (September 1863):394-401. Berlioz, Hector. “Berlioz on Der Freischütz.” Fraser’s Magazine 42 (October 1850): 380-384.Betham-Edwards, Matilda. “Episodes in the life of a musician.” Fraser’s Magazine os 87 (April 1873):422-441.---. “Schopenhauer on men, books, and music.” Fraser’s Magazine os 99 (June 1879):769-777.Buchanan, Robert. “The old ballads of Denmark.” Fortnightly Review 1 (1 August 1865): 685-696.Bunbury, Selina. “The teacher of music; a tale of epidemic.”Fraser’s Magazine 35 (April 1847): 455-466.Byrne, Julia C.B. “A Hungarian episode: Zigeuner music.” Fraser’s Magazine os 100 (September 1879):390-396. Carlyle, Thomas. “Luther's psalm ["Eine feste Burg"].” Fraser’s Magazine 2 (January 1831): 743-744.Chorley, J.R. “Notes on the national drama of Spain (Part II).” Fraser’s Magazine 60 (July 1859): 49-71.---. “Notes on the national drama of Spain (Part IV, concl.).” Fraser’s Magazine 60 (October 1859): 423-434. Croker, T. Crofton. "Specimens of Irish minstrelsy (No. 1): keens." Fraser’s Magazine 1 (March 1830): 191-202.---. “Specimens of Irish minstrelsy (No. IV): Keating.” Fraser’s Magazine 2 (August 1830): 41-44.---. “Specimens of Irish minstrelsy (No. V): Keens.” Fraser’s Magazine 8 (July 1833): 127-132.Donne, W.B. “Songs from the Dramatists.” Fraser’s Magazine 50 (November 1854): 583-594. Dow, John G. "Shakespeare's fugues." Fortnightly Review os 43 (April 1885): 532-543.E., R.P. “On the Italian opera (No. II): Desdemona.” Fraser’s Magazine 3 (June 1831):587-597. Edwards, H. Sutherland. "An operatic crisis." Fortnightly Review os 43 (June 1885): 842-851.Eliot, George. “Liszt, Wagner, and Weimar.” Fraser’s Magazine 52 (July 1855): 48-62.Ellis, William Ashton. “Wagner and Schopenhauer.” Fortnightly Review os 71 (March 1899):413-432. Folkestone, Helen Matilda. "The Wagner festival at Baireuth." Fortnightly Review os 46(September 1886): 365-371.Gambier, James W. “England and the European concert.” Fortnightly Review os 68 (July 1897): 57-65. Gurney, Edmund. "A musical crisis." Fortnightly Review os 38 (October 1882): 432-452.---. “On song.” Fraser’s Magazine os 99 (February 1879):211-224.H., L.C. “On the Italian opera (No. III).” Fraser’s Magazine 4 (September 1831):224-239.Haughton, G.D. “Atheism, poetry, and music [on D. F. Strauss's Old Faith and the New].” Fraser’s Magazine os 90 (July 1874):40-54. Haweis, H.R. "Rubinstein." Fortnightly Review 63 (Jan 1895): 27-36.Holmes, Edward. “Dialogue between John Dryden & Henry Purcell, in the year 1691, on the subject of their forthcoming Dramatick Opera of King Arthur.” Fraser’s Magazine 45 (February 1852): 196-200.---. “Mozart's pianoforte.” Fraser’s Magazine 43 (April 1851): 453-462.---. “New compositions for the harp.” Fraser’s Magazine 47 (April 1853): 396-401.---. “Our musical spring.” Fraser’s Magazine 43 (May 1851): 586-595.Holmes, Edward (?). “The late musical season.” Fraser’s Magazine 42 (September 1850): 329-336.---. “The music of the season - present and Prospective.” Fraser’s Magazine 47 (May 1853): 574-580. ---. “Opening of the musical season.” Fraser’s Magazine 45 (May 1852): 525-533.---. “The opera and concert season.” Fraser’s Magazine 44 (August 1851): 155-164.---. “Progress of the English choir [Bartholomew's ed. of Bach's Six Motets in Score].” Fraser’s Magazine 44 (December 1851): 609-618. Hueffer, Francis. "Arthur Schopenhauer." Fortnightly Review 26 (December 1876): 773-792. [Later republished in a collection of essays on music, a topic on which Schopenhauer expressed his opinions fairly often.] ---. "English music during the Queen's reign." Fortnightly Review os 47 (June 1887): 899-912.---. "Liszt's life and works; a study of character." Fortnightly Review os 46 (September 1886): 346-357.---. “Richard Wagner.” Fortnightly Review 17 (March 1872): 265-287.---. “The Wagner Festival of 1876.” Fraser’s Magazine os 92 (December 1875):701-709.Hullah, John. “Gluck’s Iphigenia in Taulis.” Fortnightly Review os 5 (1 June 1866): 212-219.---. “Handel.” Fraser’s Magazine 56 (September 1857): 253-271.---. “Mendelssohn's Letters.” Fraser’s Magazine 68 (November 1863):655-665.Kirwan, A.V. “Beaumarchais.” Fraser’s Magazine 49 (March 1854): 330-348.A. V. Kirwan. Lamb, Robert. “Hymns and hymn-tunes for congregational worship.” Fraser’s Magazine 62 (September 1860):299-318. Lang, Andrew. "Byways of Greek song." Fortnightly Review os 48 (October 1887): 491-502.Lewes, Agnes. “John Sebastian Bach.” Fraser’s Magazine 34 (July 1847): 28-41. Lytton, Robert. “Beethoven.” Fortnightly Review 18 (July 1872): 19-38.M., J.J. “On the opera (No. IV, concl.): introduction, the management, the Dancers.” Fraser’s Magazine 5 (July 1832): 722-735.Maginn, William. “National song of Ireland.” Fraser’s Magazine 3 (June 1831):537-556.Maginn, William (?). “Croker's Popular Songs of Ireland.” Fraser’s Magazine 19 (June 1839): 678-684. Mahony, Francis. “The songs of France: on wine, war, woemen [sic], wooden shoes, filosophy [also sic], frogs, and free trade, from the ‘Prout Papers’ (chap. i): wine and war.” Fraser’s Magazine 10 (October 1834): 464-480.---. “The songs of France (chap. ii): woemen and wooden Shoes.” Fraser’s Magazine 10 (November 1834): 587-601. ---. “The songs of France (chap. iii): filosophy.” Fraser’s Magazine 10 (December 1834): 666-682.---. “The songs of France (chap. iv, concl.): frogs and free Trade.” Fraser’s Magazine 11 (January 1835):83-99. ---. “The songs of Italy (chap. ii, concl.).” Fraser’s Magazine 11 (March 1835):259-274.Marshall, Beatrice. “Friedrich Nietzsche and Richard Wagner.” Fortnightly Review os 69 (June 1898):885-897. Martin, Theodore. “The drama in London.” Fraser’s Magazine 71 (January 1865):124-134.---.“Plays, players, and critics.” Fraser’s Magazine 68 (December 1863):767-776.---. “Shakspeare, and his latest stage interpreters.” Fraser’s Magazine 64 (December 1861):772-786.Martinengo-Caesaresco, Evelyn Carrington. “Armenian folk songs.” Fraser’s Magazine os 93 (March 1876):283-297.---. “Folk lullabies.” Fraser’s Magazine os 103 (January 1881):87-99.Newman, Ernest. “Wagner's Ring and its philosophy.” Fortnightly Review os 69 (June 1898): 867-884. Nietzsche, Friedrich. “The case of Wagner: letter from Turin, May 1888.” Fortnightly Review os 64 (September 1895): 367-379. O’Connell, James. “Corneille and Dryden: principles of the drama.” Fraser’s Magazine 66 (September 1862):383-398.Rose, Edward. “Wagner as a dramatist.” Fraser’s Magazine os 99 (April 1879):519-532.Paget, Violet. "An eighteenth-century singer: an imaginary portrait [of Antonio Vivarelli]." Fortnightly Review os 56 (Dec 1891): 842-880.---. “Hoffmann's Kreisler: the first of musical Romanticists.” Fraser’s Magazine os 98 (December 1878):767-777.---. “Metastasio and the opera of the eighteenth century (Part I).” Fraser’s Magazine os 99 (March 1879):371-393. ---. “Metastasio and the opera of the eighteenth century (Part II).” Fraser’s Magazine os 99 (April 1879):495-510.---. “Metastasio and the opera of the eighteenth century (Part III, concl.).” Fraser’s Magazine os 99 (May 1879):583-614. ---. “Studies of Italian musical life in the eighteenth century (Part I).” Fraser’s Magazine os 98 (September 1878):339-361.---. “Studies of Italian musical life in the eighteenth century (Part II).” Fraser’s Magazine os 98 (October 1878):423-446. ---. “Studies of Italian musical life in the eighteenth century (Part III, concl.).” Fraser’s Magazine os 98 (November 1878):566-579.Ross, Janet. “Popular songs of Tuscany.” Fraser’s Magazine os 95 (April 1877):407-421.Runciman, John. 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Fortnightly Review os 41 (February 1884):226-240.---. “The place of Sterndale Bennett in music.” Fraser’s Magazine os 91 (March 1875):299-305.Stauford, V.E. "Verdi's Falstaff." Fortnightly Review os 59 (April 1893): 445-453.Stevenson, Robert Louis. "Lord Lytton's Fables in Song." Fortnightly Review 21 (June 1874): 817-823. Stokes, Margaret McNair. “Petrie's Ancient Music of Ireland.” Fraser’s Magazine 58 (July 1858): 111-120.Stokes, Whitley. “Danish ballads.” Fraser’s Magazine 45 (June 1852): 649-659.Sully, James. “The basis of musical sensation.” Fortnightly Review 17 (April 1872): 428-443.Symons, Arthur. "A Spanish music-hall." Fortnightly Review os 57 (May 1892): 716-722.Thomas, Bertha. “The fable of Wagner's Niebelungen trilogy.” Fraser’s Magazine os 94 (July 1876):25-38.[Unknown.] “Are the English a musical people?” Fraser’s Magazine 43 (June 1851): 675-681. ---. “Felix Mendelssohn.”Fraser’s Magazine 36 (December 1847): 732-738. ---. “Joaquin Miller's Songs of the Sierras.” Fraser’s Magazine os 84 (September 1871):346-355.---. “The lays of the unspoken.” Fraser’s Magazine 9 (April 1834): 436-442.---. “The musical season.” Fraser’s Magazine 46 (September 1852): 284-290.---. “On the Italian opera (No. I).” Fraser’s Magazine 2 (August 1830): 45-52. ---. "On the musical Memnon; from the journal of a late traveller." 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Brunetière.” Fortnightly Review os 72 (September 1899):500-509.Brunetiere, Ferdinand. "On the essential characteristic of French literature." Fortnightly Review os 58 (Oct 1892): 525-538.Carlyle, Thomas. “Schiller, Goethe, and Madame de Staël.” Fraser’s Magazine 5 (March 1832): 171-176. Carrel, Frederic. “Stéphane Mallarmé.” Fortnightly Review os 63 (March 1895): Bury, Yetta Blaze. “Edmond de Goncourt.” Fortnightly Review os 66 (September 1896): 333-349.---. “Jules Lemaitre.” Fortnightly Review os 65 (April 1896): 547-561.---. “Madame Bartet, Sociétaire of the Comédie de Française.” Fortnightly Review os 67 (May 1897):760-771. ---. “Mounet Sully.” Fortnightly Review os 68 (December 1897) la Ramée, Marie Louise. “Felice Cavallotti.” Fortnightly Review os 69 (April 1898):601-603.Delille, Edward. "Baudelaire; the man." Fortnightly Review os 55 (June 1891):977-984.---. "Guy de Maupassant." 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"Victor Hugo, Toute la Lyre (Part II, concl.)." Fortnightly Review os 51 (February 1889): 184-197.Symons, Arthur. “The problem of Gérard de Nerval [symbolist].” Fortnightly Review os 69 (January 1898):81-91. ---. “Stéphane Mallarmé [symbolist].”Fortnightly Review os 70 (November 1898):677-685.Symons, Arthur. “Villiers de L'Isle Adam [symbolist movement].” Fortnightly Review os 72 (August 1899):197-204. ---. “Victor Hugo.” Fraser’s Magazine 67 (March 1863):372-382.---. “Victor Hugo's L'Homme qui rit.” Fraser’s Magazine 80 (December 1869):798-805.Van de Velde, M.S. “Alexandre Dumas fils and his plays.” Fortnightly Review os 65 (January 1896): 94-103. Criticism, Philosophy, Aesthetics, & the Mind Allen, Grant. "The decay of criticism." Fortnightly Review os 37 (March 1882):339-351.---. "Genius and talent." Fortnightly Review os 50 (August 1888): 240-255.---. "The ways of orthodox critics." 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Carlyle, Thomas. “Schiller.” Fraser’s Magazine 3 (March 1831): 127-152.---. “Schiller, Goethe, and Madame de Staël.” Fraser’s Magazine 5 (March 1832): 171-176.Churchill, James. “[Introductory note to Schiller's] Wallenstein's Camp.” Fraser’s Magazine 2 (January 1831): 633-636. Clifford, W.K. "Body and mind." Fortnightly Review 22 (November 1874): 714-736. Cobbe, Frances Power. "The education of the emotions." Fortnightly Review os 49 (February 1888): 223-236.Conway, Moncure D. "Ralph Waldo Emerson." Fortnightly Review os 37 (June 1882): 747-770.Courtney, W.L. "Ralph Waldo Emerson." Fortnightly Review os 44 (September 1885): la Ramée, Marie Louise. “Unwritten literary laws.” Fortnightly Review os 72 (November 1899):803-814. Dennis, John. “Literary criticism and biography.” Fraser’s Magazine os 106 (October 1882):509-520.Dowden, Edward. “Fiction and its uses.” Fraser’s Magazine 72 (December 1865):746-760.---. "Hopes and fears for literature." Fortnightly Review os 51 (February 1889): 166-183.Forsyth, William. “Literary style (Part I).” Fraser’s Magazine 55 (March 1857): 249-264. ---. “Literary style (Part II, concl.).” Fraser’s Magazine 55 (April 1857): 424-437.Galton, Francis. "Mental imagery." Fortnightly Review os 34 (September 1880):312-324.---. "The visions of sane persons." Fortnightly Review os 35 (June 1881):729-740.Gattie, Walter Montague. "What English people read." Fortnightly Review os 52 (September 1889): 307-321.Geikie, Archibald. "Scenery and the imagination." Fortnightly Review os 59 (APril 1893): 547-573.Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. “The artistic spirit.” Fortnightly Review 1 (15 June 1865): 332-343.Harrison, Frederic. “On the supposed necessity of certain metaphysical problems.” Fortnightly Review 18 (November 1872): 517-529.Henderson, J. Scot. "Reasoned realism [G.H. Lewes and positivism]." Fortnightly Review (October1875): 519-535. Heraud, John A. “Coleridgeiana.” Fraser’s Magazine 11 (January 1835):50-58.---. "Coleridge's Table-Talk." Fraser’s Magazine 12 (August 1835): 123-135.---. “French, German, and English philosophy.” Fraser’s Magazine 4 (November 1831):428-433. ---. “Some account of Coleridge's philosophy [Aids to Reflection].” Fraser’s Magazine 5 (June 1832): 585-597. Hillebrand, Karl. “Caroline Schlegel (Part I).” Fortnightly Review 17 (April 1872): 408-427.Hillebrand, Karl. “Caroline Schlegel (Part II, concl.).” Fortnightly Review 17 (May 1872): 549-576.Ingleby, C.M. “From fable to fact.” Fortnightly Review 1 (1 August 1865): 733-741.---. “The ideality of the rainbow.” Fortnightly Review 2 (15 October 1865): 571-578.Lang, Andrew. "Lady book lovers." Fortnightly Review os 46 (November 1886): 633-640.Lewes, George Henry. “The heart and the brain.” Fortnightly Review 1 (15 May 1865): 66-74.---. “Mr. Grote’s Plato.” Fortnightly Review 2 (1 September 1865): 169-183.Linton, Eliza Lynn. "The irresponsibilities of genius." Fortnightly Review os 50 (October 1888): 521-536.Lubbock, Montagu. "On the development of the coloursense." Fortnightly Review os 37 (April 1882): 518-529.Maginn, William. “Ars ridendi; or, Hook and Hood - on laughter.” Fraser’s Magazine 3 (March 1831): 154-162.Mill, J.S. “Berkeley's life and writings.” Fortnightly Review 16 (November 1871): 505-524.Morley, John. "On popular culture: an address." Fortnightly Review 26 (November 1876): 632-650. ---. “Rousseau's influence on European thought.” Fortnightly Review 17 (May 1872): 494-508.---. “Turgot's two discourses at the Sorbonne.” Fortnightly Review 16 (September 1871): 261-278.Müller, Friedrich Max. "Metaphor as a mode of abstraction." Fortnightly Review os 46 (November 1886): 617-632.Newman, F.W. “Literature and Dogma [by Matthew Arnold].” Fraser’s Magazine os 88 (July 1873):114-134.Norman, Henry. "Theories and practice of modern fiction." Fortnightly Review os 40 (December 1883): 870-886.Paget, Violet. “Beauty and sanity.” Fortnightly Review os 64 (August 1895): 252-268.Pater, Walter H. "A study of Dionysius [No. I, no more published]." Fortnightly Review 26 (December 1876): 752-772.---. "Style." Fortnightly Review os 50 (December 1888): 728-743. Poynter, Edward J. “Beauty and realism, in construction and decoration.” Fortnightly Review 15 (June 1871): 709-730.Salmon, Edward G. "What boys read." Fortnightly Review os 45 (February 1886): 248-259.Shepherd, Lady Mary. “Lady Mary Shepherd's metaphysics.” Fraser’s Magazine 5 (July 1832):697-708. Simcox, Edith J. “Cause and design.” Fortnightly Review 18 (December 1872): 692-708.Smith, Nowell C. “Coleridge and his critics.” Fortnightly Review os 64 (September 1895): 340-354. Stephen, Leslie. “Warburton.” Fortnightly Review 17 (February 1872): 155-175.Stirling, James Hutchison. “Kant refuted by dint of muscle.” Fortnightly Review 18 (October 1872): 413-437.Story-Maskelyne, Nevil. “The science and aesthetics of colour.” Fraser’s Magazine 52 (November 1855): 503-516.Sully, James. “The aesthetics of human character.” Fortnightly Review 15 (April 1871): 505-520.---. "Hartmann's philosophy of the unconscious." Fortnightly Review 26 (August 1876): 242-262.---. “Philosophy and modern culture.” Fortnightly Review os 73 (January 1900):121-134.Symonds, John Addington. "Beauty, composition, expression, characterization." Fortnightly Review os 49 (February 1888): 211-222.---. "Caricature, the fantastic, the grotesque." Fortnightly Review os 49 (April 1888): 518-525.Thomas, Bertha. “Critics in Wonderland: a study.” Fraser’s Magazine os 93 (January 1876):13-21.Traill, H.D. "The analysis of humour." 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Fortnightly Review os 41 (April 1884):472-481.The Supernatural; also Phrenology, and other “Sciences”Bain, Alexander. “Phrenology and psychology.” Fraser’s Magazine 61 (May 1860):692-708. ---. “The propensities, according to phrenology, examined (Part I).” Fraser’s Magazine 62 (September 1860): 331-347.---. “The sentiments, according to phrenology, examined (Part II).” Fraser’s Magazine 62 (November 1860): 620-636.---. “The sentiments, according to phrenology, examined (Part III).” Fraser’s Magazine 63 (February 1861):246-259.---. “The intellectual faculties, according to phrenology, examined (Part IV, concl.).” Fraser’s Magazine 63 (June 1861):715-730. Beaton, P.C. “A chapter on superstition.” Fraser’s Magazine 67 (May 1863):645-664.Bradley, F.H. "The evidences of spiritualism." Fortnightly Review os 44 (December 1885): 811-826.Carlyle, J.A. “Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft by Sir Walter Scott.” Fraser’s Magazine 2 (December 1830): 507-519. ---. “On alchemy and the alchemists.” Fraser’s Magazine 3 (April 1831): 321-334. Carpenter, William. “Mesmerism, odylism, table-turning, and spiritualism: consideredhistorically and scientifically (Lecture I).” Fraser’s Magazine os 95 (February 1877):135-157.---. “Mesmerism, odylism, table-turning and spiritualism (Lecture II, concl.).” Fraser’s Magazine os 95 (March 1877):382-405.---. “Psychological curiosities of spiritualism.” Fraser’s Magazine os 96 (November 1877):541-564.Cassels, Walter R. "A reply to Professor Lightfoot's article on Supernatural Religion." Fortnightly Review 23 (January 1875): 1-26.Conway, M.D. “Demonology (Parts I-II).” Fraser’s Magazine os 86 (November 1872):596-613.---. “Demonology (Parts III-IV, concl.).” Fraser’s Magazine os 86 (December 1872):697-719.Cullinan, Max. “Virgilius the enchanter.” Fortnightly Review 17 (June 1872): 642-652. Dowden, Edward. "An eighteenth-century mystic [Marquis de Marsay]." Fortnightly Review os 53 (January 1890): 47-66.Giles, Herbert A. “Mesmerism, planchette, and spiritualism in China.” Fraser’s Magazine os 99 (February 1879):238-245. Hayward, Abraham. “Spiritualism, as related to religion and science.” Fraser’s Magazine 71 (January 1865):22-42.Haweis, H. R. "Ghosts and their photos." Fortnightly Review os 59 (Jan 1893): 116-129.Irving, Edward. “On recent manifestations of spiritual gifts (No. III, concl.).” Fraser’s Magazine 5 (April 1832): 316-320.Lewes, George Henry. "Spiritualism and materialism (Part I)." Fortnightly Review 25 (April 1876): 479-493. ---. "Spiritualism and materialism (Part II, concl.)." Fortnightly Review 25 (May 1876): 707-719.Luys, Jules. "The latest discoveries in hypnotism (Part I)." Fortnightly Review os 53 (June 1890): 896-921.---. "The latest discoveries in hypnotism (Part II, concl.)." Fortnightly Review os 54 (Aug 1890): 168-183.MacColl, Malcolm. “Supernatural religion.” Fraser’s Magazine os 90 (September 1874):367-377.Moir, D.M. “Occult science.” Fraser’s Magazine 22 (July 1840): 1-16.Morley, John. "A recent work on supernatural religion [Supernatural Religion by W.R. Cassels]." Fortnightly Review 22 (October 1874): 504-518.Rhys, Ernest. “The new mysticism [on Fiona Macleod {pseud. of William Sharp}].” Fortnightly Review os 73 (June 1900):1045-1056. Richards, Thomas. “The philosophy of apparitions.” Fraser’s Magazine 2 (August 1830): 33-41.Russell, John. "Experiences of spiritualism." Fortnightly Review 21 (January 1874): 82-91. Salmon, George. “Spirit rapping a hundred and fifty years ago.” Fortnightly Review os 3 (1 February 1866): 721-734. [Unknown.] “Alchemy.” Fraser’s Magazine 19 (April 1839): 446-455.---. “The arcana of Freemasonry.” Fraser’s Magazine 8 (November 1833): 568-575.---. “A chapter on sorcerers, loups-garoux, and other mauvais sujets.” Fraser’s Magazine 20 (July1839): 30-38.---. "The last of the supernaturalists [William Blake]." Fraser’s Magazine 1 (March 1830): 217-235.---. “Magiana; or, The mysteries of natural and artificial magic.” Fraser’s Magazine 7 (January 1833): 73-78. ---. “Magiana; or, The mysteries of natural and artificial magic (No. II, concl.).” Fraser’s Magazine 7 (March 1833): 331-340. ---. “Mr. George Combe and the philosophy of phrenology.” Fraser’s Magazine 22 (November 1840): 509-520. ---. “Oneiromancy [on dreams].” Fraser’s Magazine 19 (May 1839): 513-528.---. “Romantic fables and popular superstitions [dragons].” Fraser’s Magazine 45 (February 1852): 215-224.---. “Spiritualism.” Fraser’s Magazine 66 (October 1862):516-528.Wallace, Alfred R. "A defence of modern spiritualism (Part I)." Fortnightly Review 21 (May 1874): 630-657.Wallace, Alfred R. "A defence of modern spiritualism (Part II, misprinted III, concl.)." Fortnightly Review 21 (June 1874): 760-784. Wright, Thomas. “The national fairy mythology of England.” Fraser’s Magazine 10 (July 1834): 51-62. Yeats, W.B. “Irish witch doctors.” Fortnightly Review os 74 (September 1900):440-456.By Margaret OliphantOliphant, Margaret. “Earthbound; a story of the seen and the unseen.” Fraser’s Magazine os 101 (January 1880):118-144. ---. “The grievances of women.” Fraser’s Magazine os 101 (May 1880):698-710.And for Wholesome Amusement. . . .Boyd, A.K.H. “Concerning the advantages of being a cantankerous fool; with somethoughts on the treatment of incapacity.” Fraser’s Magazine 74 (September 1866):347-352.Corbet, W.J. "Is insanity on the increase?" Fortnightly Review os 41 (April 1884):482-494.Daly, E.D. “The legal advantages of being a drunkard.” Fortnightly Review os 72 (July 1899): Watteville, A. "Sleep and its counterfeits." Fortnightly Review os 47 (May 1887): 732-742.Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge. "Some popular fallacies about vivisection." Fortnightly Review 23 (June 1875): 847-854.Galton, Francis. “Statistical inquiries into the efficacy of prayer.” Fortnightly Review (August 1872): 125-135.Gordon, Alice M. “The development of decorative electricity.” Fortnightly Review os 55 (February 1891): 278-284. Hardy, J.F. “Things we have eaten: rambling thoughts of a rambling feeder.” Fraser’s Magazine os 89 (June 1874):787-794.Jeune, Susan Mary E. “The ethics of shopping.” Fortnightly Review os 63 (January 1895): 123-132.Johnston, Charles. “The world's baby-talk and the expressiveness of speech.” Fortnightly Review os 66 (October 1896):494-505. Johnston, H.H. "The ethics of cannibalism." Fortnightly Review os 51 (January 1889): 18-28.Macnish, Robert. “The philosophy of sneering.” Fraser’s Magazine 8 (September 1833): 302-310.[Unknown.] “The climax of cemeteries!” Fraser’s Magazine 5 (March 1832): 144-154.---. “Hair-love.” Fraser’s Magazine 34 (December 1846):641-646.Waring, Charles Henry. “The bubble-girl: a historiette [satire on Carlyle's style].” Fraser’s Magazine 40 (November 1849): 513-522. 


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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.