Johnson City Chronicle from Johnson City, Tennessee (2024)

in in in in in in in in in I Friday, JOHNSON CITY CHRONICLE Page Five. Activities In Social Circles of Johnson City and Vicinity Virginia Earle Adams Is Bride Of John C. Osborne Is Married To William Informal Reception Follows Wedding Of Young Couple From Jonesboro Mr. and Mrs. M.

M. Jonesboro announce the marriage of their daughter, Nola Starr, to Mr. William George Dillow on Saturday, April 25, 1936. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Hale S.

Hamilon, pastor of the First Methodist church. The bride was attractively gowned in an afternoon dress of blue triple sheer crepe with gray accessories. She wore a shoulder corsage of pink roses and lilies of the valley. Mrs. Dillow attended school at the State Teachers college.

She has been a teacher in the county schools and has been principal of the Washington college elementary school for the past four years. Mr. Dillow, who is prominently identified with civic affairs in Jonesboro, is the president and manager of the Dillow-Taylor Funeral Home. The young couple will live in Jonesboro. Immediately after the ceremony, members of the O.

E. of which the bride is a member, entertained with an informal reception honoring Mr. and Mrs. Dr. And Mrs.

Sherrod Attend King College Dogwood Festival Dr. and Mrs. Charles C. Sherrod of the State Teachers college were in Bristol yesterday afternoon to attend the dogwood festival at King college. After the festival on the college campus, Dr.

and Mrs. Sherrod were guests of Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnson for the tea, which was given for the college queen, her attendants and the outof-town guests. Tea was served in the reception hall which was attractively decorated with tulips, iris, evergreens dogwood.

at the table with President and Mrs. Johnson were Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hurd, Knoxville, ex-Governor and Mrs. Ben Hooper, Nashville, Mr.

and Mrs. Came, Bristol, President and Mrs. W. E. Martins, Sullins Noffsinger, college, Virginia President Intermont, and Dr.

and Mrs. Sherrod, State Teachers college. To Attend Dance Members of the Johnson City Shrine club will motor Kingsport this evening to attend the Kingsport, Shrine club banquet o'clock at the Utilities building, followed by a. dance at the Country club. Among those planning to attend are: Mr.

and Mrs. G. C. Dickson, Mr. and Mrs.

Eugene Herrin, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Bowers, Mr.

Roy Clark, Miss Ollie Miller, and Mrs. Frank Lyle, Major Cy H. Lyle, and Miss McClure. Indian Springs INDIAN SPRINGS Rev. Nelson was the dinner guest of friends in this community Sunday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Chester Morse of Kingsport were visiting home folks Thursday. Mr. and Mrs.

Lacy Smith and daughter, Joan, of Dante, was the week-end guest of Mr. Smith's grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F.

Turner. Mrs. J. A. 'Harr has been seriously ill at her home here but is much improved.

Misses Maxie, and Lela May Moody and nephews, Randel and J. C. Moody and Mrs. Orgie Hite and daughter, Irene, and Mrs. Aner Cole and son, J.

were visiting. Mrs. J. F. Turner Wednesday.

Miss Sally Hensley has returned to her home in Coeburn, after spending several weeks here with friends. SEND US. A RECIPE a $1090 GIVEN EVERY WEEK Send us your favorite Salad recipe and get your FREE COUPON. Make sure your recipe calls for Salad Dressing or Mayonnaise or Peanut Butter. You will receive Gift Coupon of worthwhile, value on Special the Coffee at your Grocer's and your recipe may win a Cash Prize.

First Prize Prize Prize $2.00. Advertising use of recipes reserved. Mail recipe to Recipe Club, Last Weeks Winners -P: 0. Box 985, Knox1st- Mrs. Nova M.

vile Eckert, 215 S. Howell Te m. Chattanooga, Tena 2nd-Mrs. Joe Pickle, R. F.

No. 2. Cleveland, Tenn. 3rd-Mrs. Maynard Sample, 1208.

E. Holaton Johnson City, Tenn. JFG SPECIAL COFFEE The following announcement, has been received by relatives in this. city. Mr.

and Mrs. J. Crockett Adams announce the marriage of their daughter, Virginia Earle to John C. Osborne on Saturday, the twenty-fifth of April, nineteen hundred and thirty-six, Memphis, Tenn. The wedding which was impressive its simplicity was solemnized in the St.

John's Episcopal church. The Rev. Alfred Loaring-Clark officiated. Only members of the two families and intimate friends of the young PTA to Hear Reports From State Congress Mrs. Clyde Hicks, incoming president of the South Side school and Mrs.

Sandberg, newly elected secretary, will give reports of the Tennessee Congress of Parents and Teachers at the meeting of the South Side school association this afternoon at 3:15 o'clock at the school. is The session will be presided over by. Mrs. Pryor Harris, president. is the last meeting of the year.

Birthday Dinner Honors Miss Scott The Ladies Aid society with a surprise birthday Third Church of Christ entertained recently for Miss Anna Scott at the home of Mrs. W. H. Shirley. A delicious buffet dinner was served.

Those attending were Miss Anna Scott, Mrs. Tom Scott, Mrs. Bill Miller, Mrs. Lee Rhea, Mrs. Brown Stump, Mrs.

T. J. Kilgore, Miss Sallie Shields, Mr. and Mrs. W.

H. Shirley, Georgia Mae, C. and Norma Jean Shirley, Jack Hughes and A. J. Kilgore.

Girls World Club To Meet Saturday terdano Announcement was made yesthat the Girls World club will meet Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the home of Betty, King, 211 E. Holston avenue. Little Dorothy DeBeaumont is convalescing from a tonsil operation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Francis DeBeaumont, Wilson avenue.

operation was performed at the Campbell hospital. ple witnessed the ceremony. The bride's only attendant was Miss Elizabeth Love, who served as maid of honor. Mr. C.

Goulding, an uncle of the groom, was best man. Mrs. Osborne was educated Miss Hutchison's school and at Lousanne. Mr. Osborne was formerly of Jonesboro, but for the past five aunt, C.

E. Goulding, and Mr. years bias. made his home with his. Goulding in Memphis.

He is the grandson of Mrs. J. W. Tomlinson city. The young couple will make their home at 25 South Rembert, Memphis, Tenn.

Is Enjoyed By Baptist Union HEATON, N. April program was given by the Baptist Adult Union at Silver Lake near Mountain City. Talks were by Dayton Jones, Rena Parlier, and Erleen Church. A delicious supper was served after the program had been held. This event was given as the culmination of a contest held by the four groups of the union.

Members winning group are Jud Walsh, group captain, Roy McGuire, Tom Cook, Addie McGuire, Lucy Cook and Ruby Trivett. The members of the union returned home by the way of Elizabethton. Mr. John H. Cagle.

and Miss Mary Cagle are home from: a visit of ten days in Spencer and Carthage, N. where they were entertained by relatives. They were accompanied home by Miss Kate Caddell of Spencer, N. who is guest the Cagle home for several days, More than a SHAMPOOI Yes, Admiracion DeLuxel For this amazing treatment as we give it touches your hair with the magic wand of beauty. Makes the coiffure perfect! PEREZ and BONNY KATE BEAUTY SALONS Phone 1161 or 300 Johnson City's First Showing Of Smart Looking Comfort In STRAW The Model You Want, Styled Right Select Yours Today! Here's everything a Summer Straw should have! Upto-the-minute styling lightweight comfort quality construction! Snappy and conservative models! Other Sailors, Toyos, Bangkok Toyos PENNEY'S C.

PENNEY COMPANY, Incorporated Dinner Is Held By Mrs. Etta Range To Celebrate. Birthday Mrs. Range celebrated her sixty-second birthday anniversary on Sunday, at her home in Gap Creek. The affair was planned by relatives and friends.

A large birthday cake, bearing 62 burning candles, centered the table. A delicious menu was served. In the afternoon religious services were conducted by Rev. Frank Taylor and Rev. Taft Swanger.

Enjoying the day were: E. S. Pierce, Flora Pierce, Mrs. Ruth Whitehead and children, Ralph and Clara Bell; Taft Swanger, Mrs. Luvenia Nave, Mrs.

Cornelia Smith, Mr. and Mrs. John and family, Clifton Selbert, dred, Wilma, Ruth and. Mary Elizabeth Mr. and Mrs.

Dave Morton and family, Albert and Ethel; Mr. and Mrs. Hyder and family, Gordon, Vivian, Jack, Velma and Haroldean; Mr. and Mrs. Niles Hyder and son, Wonzel Ray; Mr.

and Mrs. Lawrence Meredith and son, Larry; Mr. and Mrs. Sams, Mr. and Mrs.

Grant Whittimore, Mrs. Etta Range, Hattie Range, Nell Range, Mr. and Mrs. P. G.

Range, Mrs. Lucy McKinney; Mr. and Mrs. John Henry, Dan Chambers, Mrs. Eliza Henager, Mrs.

F. B. Braswell, Mr. Frank Taylor, Johnnie Miller, Lethie Vineover, Mr. and Mrs.

Cecil Swartz and family, Joyce and Tootsie; Leslie Range, Ella and Orlia Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell and family, Alma Ruth, Gene, Max, and Louis; Mrs. Percy Range and children, Orville, Neal, Frances and Ralph; Tom Braswell, Doris Braswell, Mrs. Myrtle, Bras well and children, Leona, Alta, J.

and Gene; Marie Bradley, Mrs. Sam Humphrey, and Frank Morton. Dinner To Be Given By Dr. Frank Field Dr. Frank Field, faculty sponsor of the Chalk Line staff, of the State Teachers college, will entertain with dinner at 6 o'clock tonight at his home 804.

West Maple street, honoring the staff. The affair will be of similar nature as the dinner of last year given by Dr. Field for the staff members. West Side School To Give Operetta Tonight At 7:30 A gay operetta, "Molly Be will be given tonight at 7:30 o'clock by of West Side school at the school. The main feature of the operetta will under tine circus direction scene.

of Miss affair Hassiltyne Oakes and Mrs. Maude Meek. The main characters are Patsy Ruth Miller, W. T. Willis, Louise Hankle, Jess Baldwin, Jack Richardson, Homer Geraldine Green, Vernon Weaver, Jimmie Balden, Mable Murray, Peggy Murray, Jean Bayless, Mildred Clark, Thomas Light, Neddie Jilton, Virginia.

Shelton, Abe Snopp, PENNEY'S J. C. PENNEY COMPANY, Incorporated A PI PENNEY'S CARNIVAL Your Headquarters These Will Cause a Riot! Hundreds to Choose From! for Misses' and Good. Looking, Long Wearing A Special Purchase Women's for Our Sanforized Cotton Carnival Sport 200 Sport Type Novelty 1 SLACKS Wash Cotton $198 Slacks Others 98c For Hard to Please Men AC FROCKS Neat fitting, beautifully tailored slacks in the season's wanted We're also showing complete line of other sport togs. 00 Cotton Feature! Pair MUSLIN BLEACHED Men, here's quality and smartness at Full 36 inches wide, soft finish.

price that will amaze you! Big We're making a noise about these, and rightly At $1.98 A one-time offering! checks, little checks, stripes and so. they were outstanding buys; at $1.00 they're sensations! hounds-tooth patterns in a variety Printed cords, woven seersuckers, Pic-Pons, Linenes in Jacket Gay-Knee of beautiful shades and color combinations! Wear them for and one piece styles. Sizes 14 to 44. See them displayed in dress or any occasion! They're sanforized for many washthe windows! SILK Ings! HOSE Others $1.29, $1.49, $1.98 Friday- -Saturday The weather ideal hose Elastic for warm 1200 "Ringless" wear. tops.

New -Fast Color HOSE While They Last SHIRTS WASH A CLOTHS with The hose which is known so well to hun- good weight Fancy patterns cut to our own specificscolored dreds of Johnson City women! Full borders. tions, seven- button fronts. Sizes 14-17. fashioned in either chiffon or semi-service Step lively for these, men! weight! Close-out You Know These are Special! BRASSIERES Comfortable! Summer Time Chalk Finish Rayon Made sell much higher, but ANKLETS priced to sell quickly. Taffeta Slips for Men 29c CURTAINS, Heavy Rough Weave $1.29 19c Only near miracle could- Knit-in garter that runs through entire a this price! V-tops, flesh lace Fancy rayon and celanese! Mercerized tops, produce these.

trimmed, color, Beautiful new designs in Sun- toe. and heel. Whites, lights, darks. rip-proof seams. 34-44.

tan color. 24 yards long. A Companion Event! A Carnival Feature! White Celluloid Men's Pre-Shrunk Handbags CAPS WHITE Shirts or Shorts with Heavy inbands. quality duck, 8-4 shape 19c Regular 98c quality specially priced for this week-end. Pouch styles See the New Men, here's ideal value, full-cut shorts that with gold finish frames, nicely PLAY will not bind mercerized swiss rib shirts built.

that are cut overly- long. SUITS Initial Showing of Early Summer Selling of Grey or blue covert longles, Men's. Cool Summer fancy shirts to match, belts, Fast Color sizes 2-8. Penney Quality Very Special Wash 36 Inch HORSEHIDE Sheers Yes, gauntlet GLOVES sir! or short Genuine cuff horsehide style. in SUITS Another Huge Shipment! 198 Misses' or 9 yard Arrow-Buck Women's It's weather a small Others comfort! price $3.98 A to to pay variety for $12.75 of real fabrics hotYes, it's color-fast, and we'll sell Sandals there's bevy one of here patterns for YOU! and shades Single hundreds and hundreds of yards and double breasteds, and sport models.

at this Cotton Carnival price! Sanforized shrunk they'll whistle! come out of the laundry as alick as a Look fresh, feel cool on the several frocks for the kiddies Also Showing--The New warmest of summer days. Plan and one or two for yourself! The ideal and summer "KRIS-PUN" They cost so little at this price. white utility spring Women's SUITS $12.75 Other New Sheers with military heel, misses' in Snow whites with sport backs. Com 1 at 15c to low heel. All sizes to big 8.

pare with those selling for dollars more TODAY IT'S SMART TO SAVE AT PENNEY'S Mary Ann Smith, Lillian Mori, Eula Ledford, Helen Higgins, Doris Story, Mary Jane Maupin, Louise: Engleman, Ruth Ann- Sells, Elbert Anders and Linville. Buckles: BC Eases Headache In 3 Minutes also neuralgia, muscular aches and pains, toothache, earache, periodical and other pains due to inorganic No narcotics. 10c and 25c packages..

Johnson City Chronicle from Johnson City, Tennessee (2024)
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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.