The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)

'he Evening Times Mostly with Intermit tent light hiiow tonluht and Tuesday. Iivv tonight around SO, high tomorow In mid -30s. Vol. LXXI, No. 211 SAYRE ATHENS, WAVERLY, N.

MONDAY, NOVEMBER, 20, 1961 PRICE SEVEN CENTS Menpt to fern Moe fer rp Record Noon yesterday 4J Noon today S.I High lat hour 4.1 Low vk 24 hour 2S ScMi Through Waverly Soard Fails When Session Ends III egality Is Shown; Rocky Where Jungle; Heads for S. Pacific His Son Is Missing in Some Hope Is Held Adenauer Opens Series of Talks With JFK Today Will Seek to Agree On Basis for Berlin Negotiation with Reds WASHINGTON (AP) President Epithets Are Hurled The Rockefellers Part Trujillos Seem To Have Dropped Indicates Slaughtered of Vessel New York's Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller, 53, is shown with Ills wife, the former Mary Tadhunter Clark, 54, in a photo taken shortly before they rocked political and social circles by announcing: a separation tbat would end in divorce after 31 years of married life. Hardly had the announcement been made when the Rockefellers were shaken by the news that their son Michael, youngest of their five children, was missing in Dutch New Guinea.

The gov ernor Is now rushing to New Guinea, where signs of hope were re ported today of finding the young man alive. Signals with Shade Snow that Hits Valley Covers N.Y. and Penna. The heavy, wet snow that hit the Valley today spread over all of Pennsylvania and New York stales, making highways hazardous and contributing to at least three deaths. The snow began to fall in the Valley in the early mornirtg hours and continued sporadically the day.

It melted rapidly in most places, but made streets slushy. Two persons died near Kane, when a truck driver, rounding a curve on a slushy highway, lost control of his vehicle. It crashed into the car, killing Louis Zimmerman and his wife Bernice, both about 70, of Erie. The truck driver, Chester Wares of Jamestown, N.Y., was seriously injured. A truck driver was crushed to death in his vehicle near Norristown when a station wagon, attempting to pass, skidded on the icy pavement and slammed into the truck, which hit a guard rail and stopped As it did so, a load of iron pipe shifted and killed the driver, Raymond Kowalski.

The snow ranged up to four inches in Pennsylvania. An accumulation up to 4 inches was reported in Plymouth Meeting, parts of Delaware County and other Philadelphia suburbs. Philadelphia received about an inch. In the Harrisburg area the accumulation also reached 4 inches The snow made roads tricky and driving hazardous for a time in some parts of the state but temperatures well up in the 30s kept it from freezing solidly. i.ansiom easmm i ennvivania reported a little more than an inch while Pottstown had about one inch.

In western Pennsylvania from 1 to 3 inches fell in Indiana, Butler, Clarion and Armstrong counties. Cinder crews were called out and kept all roads open. No school closings were reported. The first general snowfall of the season powdered New York State to- dav and made roads hazardous in (Continued on Page 13, Column 6) Monroeton Woman, 93, Is Rescued from Fire Young Man Plunged in TYater as Boat Sinks; Companion Is Rescued SAN FRANCISCO (AP) New York Gov. Nelson A.

Rockefeller flew toward the far Pacific today to give whatever aide he could to his son Michael, last reported lost off the wild south coast of New Guinea. The governor's party took off from San Francisco on a Pan American jetliner for Tokyo. As Rockefeller resumed his hurried, journey to the far-distant jungle island in the Western Pacific, he had some hope that his son might be safe. Michael's companion during the New Guinea mishap reportedly has been rescued, Dutch officials reported at the Hague, Netherlands. And the Dutch also said there was some indication that Michael too would be found safe.

Young Rockefeller was last seen floating on two all purpose military cans that could be used to keep him afloat, his rescued companion reported. Rescued R. S. Wassink, 34-year-old Dutch official, said he and Michael Were forced to abandon their prahu, a native craft made of two canoes joined together. The two had been on a hunt for primitive art' and sculpture along New Guinea's southern coast of swamp and jungle, one of the wildest areas in the world.

The governor, shaken and pale, arrived here this morning from New York on the first leg of the long journey. In New York, the Journal-American indirectly quoted the Dutch companion, Rene S. Wassink, as saying he saw Michael swimming in the ocean toward the New Guinea shore Saturday morning, New York time. (Continued on Page 13, Column 8) Reds Strengthen Wall in Berlin With Tank Traps BERLIN (AP) The Communist today strengthened the wall dividing Berlin with tank traps and barriers as if they were digging to repel an invasion. Big propaganda signs were tacked up in front of the Brandenburg Gate reading: "Anyone who attacks us will be annihilated." About 2,000 workers, under the watchful eyes of 2,000 armed guards, labored feverishly during the night erecting massive fortifications that look more and more permanent.

There was little military activity on the Western side of the wall. Ten U. S. tanks remained about 600 yards from the Fricdrichstrasse crossing point. Two armored personnel carriers stood in the street itself, where they have been for a month.

Streetcar tracks were torn up to make tank traps and the wall was made thicker and higher in a dozen places along its 25-milc length. At the Brandenburg Gate a double concrete wall went up. each part 3 1-2 to 4 feet thick, about 6 1-2 feet high and only a few inches apart. At the Potsdamer Platz, once a major crossing point between East and West Berlin, the Communists reinforced the wall with a double row of steel tank barriers. They were shielded by a camouflage net a block long.

Dictator Plans Brothers of Slain Iron Man Again Get Out of Country CIUDAD TRUJILLO, Dominican Republic (AP) Bowing to a U. S. show of force and opposition from young Dominican air force generals, the Trujillo clan today appeared to have abandoned an attempt to set up a new dictatorship in this Caribbean republic. President Joaquin Balaguer, pledged to set the nation on the road to democracy, extended his control as 29 top Trujillo officials slipped out of the country at midnight aboard a chartered airliner and flew to Florida. Two brothers of slain dictator Rafael L.

Trujillo led the exodus of the crumbling family dynasty that ruled the country for 31 years virtually as a private plantation. The fleeing Trujillos were met by U. S. government officials headed by a Secret Service agent as their four-engine plane landed at Broward County Airport, about an hour's drive from Miami. The two Gen.

Hector Trujillo, a former president, and Gen. Jose Arizmcndi Trujillo, who had his own army went originally into exile three weeks ago but returned quietly last week in what the United States charged appeared to be a desperate attempt to seize power. Gen. Rafael L. Trujillo son of the former dictator who reportedly was at odds with his uncles, quit as commander-in-chief of the armed forces last week when they came back and sailed away in his yacht.

Balaguer, himself a former front man for the old dictator, still faced the prospect of difficulties with strong opposition party elements in carrying out his pledge to bring democracy to the country. Some opposition leaders were openly suspicious that the threat from the Trujillo faction was not really over. "The pro-Trujillos are too smug about the entire situation," one said. The president took over supreme command of the military and proclaimed an emergency, just short of martial law. Balaguer wpn pledges of support from the new leaders of the armed (Continued on Page 13, Column 8) Taber Will Give Up Congress Seat AUBURN, N.

Y. (AP) Rep. John Taber, 81, and a congressman for 38 years, formally announced today that he would not seek re-election because he is finding his work "a strain." The Auburn Republican said the fact that the Legislature, in a broad reapportionment, has changed the county composition of his district had no bearing on his decision. His district, the 3Gth. was renamed the 35th and.

realigned to extend ISO miles. Taber said he would retire from Cong ress Jan. 3, 19G3, but would continue to practice law. He has been a member of the House Appropriations Committcn continuously since his election in 1922 to the first of his 20 terms. Stormy, Hour-Long Meeting Is Punctuated By Boos and Hisses An attempt to ram a controversial police work schedule through the Waverly Village Board failed Saturday afternoon when the stormy session punctuated by hisses, boos and shouted epithets was abruptly halted when it was proved illegal.

The meeting had been called by Mayor George McNaney for 4 o'clock and had been under way more than an hour when the police department's attorney forced its adjournment on grounds that one member of the board had not been legally notified. It developed that Dr. Walter Gillette's notification had been given to the maid. He was not present. This was brought out through questioning by Atty.

Alan Friedlander, who had also represented the police at a meeting of the police committee Friday afternoon, where a petition was presented, signed by seven offi cers, asking for 30 days leave to find other jobs because of a work schedule ordered by the chairman of the committee, Trustee Elmer Merrill, which they had charged was "intolerable." The Saturday afternoon nicetin? drew a huge throng that overflowed into the hall outside the second floor meeting room and took a highly active part in events, their sympathies quite obviously with the police. They applauded the officers, they hissed and booed some of the statements from village board members and they shouted epithets, the most frequent one being "Liar." After the meeting Mr. Friedlander charged that the Village Board had been advised that the meeting was illegal before it began. "It's a sad commentary on the conduct of the mayor and Trustee Merrill when they insisted on having the meeting on Saturday afternoon when they had been advised by their attorney that such a meeting would in fact be illegal." William Donnelly is village attorney, who had advised the board, it was learned, that written notice must be given 24 hours prior to a special meeting. The next session of the Village Board will be tomorrow night.

The regular meeting on Wednesday, Nov, 8, was adjourned until that time, when the board was scheduled to take up a resolution to borrow $160,000 from the federal government for urban renewal, and to discuss converting the parking meters back to pennies and nickels (from nickles and dimes). This meeting is scheduled for 7:30 o'clock. The Saturday special meeting of the full board had been called after the one Friday, which was attended by Mr. Merrill, Trustees Richard (Continued on Page 13, Cotean 3) There are lots of signs, however, that he is not going to dictate his own nomination to the state committee when it meets in late January. Opponents are lining up arguments.

One comes from party scuttle-butt that friends of Dilworth approached the powerful Lackawanna County organization for early support. The rumble has it that the county busy mending fences after some serious (Continued on Page 13, Column 6) Machinery. The final statement closed the books on hat has been called one of the most scholarly and nonpartisan investigations in modern congression-j al history. At least a dozen of the committee's major recommendations has been i adopted by the Kennedy administta-j tion. The indup statement of Chair man Henry M.

Jackson. reported on items of unfinished business. (Continued on Page 13, Column 3) Girl's Story Passengers By Captain Child Saw 'Blocd All Was Abandoned On Sinking Craft MIAMI, Fla. (AP) A terror-filled story indicating that Capt. Julian Harvey slaughtered the passengers of the ketch Bluebelle has been told to the Coast Guard by the lone survivor, Terry Jo Duperrault, 11, of Green Bay, Wis.

Well before the Bluebelle went down in Bahamas waters Nov. 11 with the loss of five lives, Terry Jo said she saw the bodies of her mother and brother on the floor of the main cabin and saw blood all over the cabin and the main deck. Harvey, who killed himself last Friday after learning that Terry Jo had survived, took the ship's dinghy and main life raft and jumped overboard, leaving her stranded on the deck, she said. Terry's story was disclosed by the Coast Guard at a news conference today. The girl was interviewed Sunday by FBI agents and Coast Guard investigators in a hospital room where she is recovering from an ordeal of 3 1-2 days on a tiny raft bounding through troubled seas.

Capt. R. V. Barber, district officer in charge of marine investigations, said the standard procedure would be to refer the case to the Justice Department but since "the criminal negligence lies with a deceased person." it is not now known what will be done. Asked if the Coast Guard had drawn a definite conclusion that Harvey killed the passengers and sank the ship, Barber said such an announcement would have to wait until the investigation is completed.

Terry Jo's parents. Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Duperrault; her brother, Brian, 14; and the captain's wife, Mary ITarvry, apparently went down with the ship. The body of Terry Jo's sister.

Re-nee, 7, was found in the dinghy in which Harvey escaped. The tall, powerfully-built skipper, 45, a former air force officer, told the Coast Guard, after a passing freighter picked him up and brought him to Miami, that the ship's masl broke and tore a hole in the bottom. The child denied that the yacht's mast broke or that there was fire (Continued on Page 13, "nlumn 5) In Pennsylvania Free-For-AII HARRISBURG (AP) Clouds are gathering on the political horizon indicating a possible thundcr-and-light-ning Democratic primary campaign next spring. Whether the storm breaks depends on the Democratic State Committee and Philadelphia's Mayor Richard son Dilworth. Dilworth has all but announced litis a candidate for governor.

But he is barred by the Philadelphia charter from sec-king any other elected office unless he resigns as mayor. For its part the Democratic state committee has three options. It can endorse Dilworth; endorse somebody else; declare an open primary. There is another alternative. Dilworth could take him out of the picture.

That appears unlikely. He is generally considered the man to beat for the Democratic nomination in case anybody wants to try. If the state committee endorses Dilworth for the Democratic nomina tion, it is unlikely there would be any I serious primary contention. Party leaders are well aware that a rouu'h primary battle could do them iinus damage in next fall's general election. By declaring an open primary the state committee wou'd.

in effect, be inviting an all-out scrap for the nomi nation that would hand Republicans a barrel of general campaign ammu- Kennedy and West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer open a series of policy conferences today in an effort to agree on a basis for Western negotiation with the Soviet Union to settle the Berlin dispute. Kennedy was reported hopeful that Adenauer would accept a flexible approach, allowing for some concessions by the West, if the Soviet Union is willing to respect "vital interests" of the Western powers in West Berlin. The West German chancellor arrived here Sunday calling for cooperation among the Allies and predicting victory for "the peace-loving nations" in the cold war. He told Secretary of State Dean Rusk who met his piano at Andrews Air Force Base that he is "convinced the peace-loving nations will win." This is the 85-ycar-okl Gorman leader's second visit since Kennedy took office in January. He was herein April for a get-acquainted meet, ing.

He told Rusk, "My country is firmly on your side." In advance of the late afternoon White House session, U. S. officials said they were not sure about Adenauer's mood in coming here or just how much flexibility he would display on key issues, but they said he has appeared to be seriously interested in prospects for East-West negotiations on Berlin. U. S.

officials said there were no disagreements between Adenauer and Kennedy on fundamental issues. Both men are agreed that the interests of the West require the continued presence of U. S. and British troops in West Berlin. They also agree that West Ber-lin'u access routes to West Germany across Communist East Germany must be kept open, and they consider workable ties between West Berlin and West Germany essential to the city's survival.

The points of difference lie just beyond these agreed fundamentals: 1. Adenauer insisted last week that the Soviet government must agree to destroy the wall built by East Germany to seal off East Berlin from West Berlin. The Kennedy administration is known to favor demanding that the Soviet Union destroy the barrier, but officials do not think there is any chance Soviet (Continued on Page 13. Column 7) Mrs. Schultz Is Confident Her Husband Is Alive WAVERLY, N.Y.

(AP) The wife of a New York City psychiatrist missing since Nov. 4 on his first hunting trip to the rugged Speculator region of the Adirondacks expressed confidence today he was alive. "He had no fear of the woods," Mrs. Donald E. Schultz said.

"I know he would be resourceful in any emergency he is that type of person." tMrs. Schultz is the former Edith Taylor of Waverly.) She said her 34-year old. 6 foot husband was an expert woodsman and had an "unusual sense of direction." She said he had worked one summer as a ranger at Yellowstone National Park." Snow and rain have fallen in the area since he disappeared. The search was abandoned last week. Mrs.

Schultz. who spent six (lavs at the scene of the search, is at the home of her parents in this Tioga County community. Mrs. Maxine Camp. 18.

driver of the other car, Wyalusing RD 2. who received lacerations of the lower leg and was treated at Towanda Memorial Hospital. Miss Betty Camp. 18. of Wyalus-ing RD 2.

who struck the windshield, was admitted to the Robert Packer Hospital with head lacerations. Her condition was reported as good today. Judy Shook. 10. sustained a fractured left shoulder and contusions i (Continued on Page 13, Column 2) Russian Church Gains Admission To World Council NEW DELHI, India (AP) The Russian.

Orthodox Church was admitted today, to the World Council of Churches amid misgivings and considerable acclaim. The step came as believers of near ly every kind and culture began the most widely inclusive Christian convocation of the modern era. Outside the meeting place at the Vigyan Bhawan Temple of Learning a picket carried a sign reading "Russian clergy are Communist agents, not servants of God." But among church envoys here for (Continued on Page 13, Column 6) He was caught in the cornpicker for about an hour and a half. Edward Strickland of Wysox, a farm machinery dealer, had to he called to the scene with his crew to dismantle the machine in order to free Worthington's arm, after two physicians and another member of the hospital staff were unable to do so. Drs.

Thomas B. Johnson and Lawrence Tama were called by Mrs. Popher. who discovered Worthing-ton's plight after hearing his cries for help while she was doing housework inside. She had been running a vacuum cleaner and did not hear him at first.

She disengaged the machine and then summoned help. The doctors administered first aid while Strickland and his crew dismantled the cornpicker. Jack Spade, anesthetist at the hospital, accompanied the doctors to the scene. This is the third serious area accident in recent weeks in which farm workers have born caught in rom-pickers or silo filler, one Inking an arm and the other being fatally injured. In each case the operator had reached into the machine while it was running to clear away A 93-year-old Monroeton woman was rescued from her smoke-filled second floor apartment on the main street Saturday morning by a service station operator across the street whose attention was called when she ran a window shade up and down.

Mrs. Eva Dixon was carried out of the building by Thebert Davidson, after a clothes rack tipped over on a hot plate resulting in heavy smoke that filled the building. Davidson was attracted by the shade running up and down on the window in the front door. He raced across the street but found the front door locked. He did not dare to break the window because Mrs.

Dixon was sitting on the floor in front of the door. He rushed to the back of the building, broke in a door, ran through the smoke-filled apartment, and carried Mrs. Dixon to safety. Fire Chief Frank Emory said her life was probably saved when she (Continued on Page 7) Democratic Primary Seen Ulster RD 1 Man Loses Left Arm in Corn Picker nit ion. Should the state committee endorse someone other than Dilworth and assuming he wanted the nomination, there would be a rough-and-tumble battle.

The organization, it appears, is leary about bucking Dilworth. The Ex-Marine wages an election campaign as if he were fighting off a banzai charge. All of which seems to indicate the organization would be inviting trouble if it didn't slate a willing Dilworth. Penna. Woman, 56, Seeks to Break World Balloon Endurance Record Area Weekend Auto Accidents Injure Seven, Six Hurt in Other Mishaps Senate Group Urges Weeding Out Overstaffed Defense Agencies An Ulster RD 1 man lost his left arm and suffered lacerations of his left leg when they were caught in a cornpicker Saturday on the May-nard Pipher farm in Hornbrook.

Arthur Worthington 26, is reported in satisfactory condition at Memorial Hospital in Towanda, where his arm was amputated late Saturday. assistance. By that time, police cars had been tracking her through clouds over Oklahoma and Texas for six hours and had an Air Force helicopter standing by to rescue her from the balloon. A red blinker light dangles from the balloon, rmbling officers to" follow its course. Mrs.

Wolfe, of Blue Ball. is attempting to break the endurance record of 35 hours and 58 seconds held bv a Russian woman. (Continued on i'age 13, Column 8) Seven area persons were injured in two traffic accidents this weekend, six of them three women and three children hurt in a head-on collision of two cars early Saturday afternoon. They were among 13 persons hurt in mishaps th' past three days. Burt in the two-car accident on the legislative route between Orwell and Herrickville were: Mrs.

Paul Shk. 29. of Rummer-field RD 1. driver of one car. who sustained face cuts, and tn-at-ed at the Packer dispensary.

WASHINGTON (AP) A Senate group has urged the administration to weed out over-staffed" defense agencies. It also called on the State Department to assume more leadership in the making of national security poli cy. saying the department should be less wedded to "the philosophy of reacting to problems as they arise These were among a series of recommendations contained in the final statement Saturday of the Jackson committee known officially as the subcommittee on Government Policy ERICK, Okla. (AP) A 56-year-old Pennsylvania woman soared aloft Sunday in an attempt to break the women's endurance record for balloon flights. Officers in Texas and Oklahoma set off in pursuit of Mrs.

Alfred Wolfe's gold-colored balloon Sunday night after a farmer reported she had shouted to him that she couldn't land the balloon. But Sheriff Bill Fitzgerald finally made voice contact with Mrs. Wolfe near Higgins. Sunday night and said she told him she did not need.

The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Jamar Nader

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