The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)

of of of of of of THE EVENING TIMES, SAYRE, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1938 PAGE SEVEN CLASSIFIED WANT ADS THE PROOF OF THE EVENING TIMES EVENING TIMES CLASSIFIED RATES WANT ADS PHONE 1-5121 All advertisem*nts on this page appear at the cash rate below. CASH 3 day per word 4c days per word 6 days per word 8c Use this computing table to determine price of your ed: Words 1 time 3 times 6 12 .48 .84 .96 13 .52 .91 1.04 14 .56 .99 1.12 15 .60 1.05 1.20 .64 1.12 1.28 .68 1.19 1,36 .72 1.26 1.44 .76 1.33 1.52 80 1.40 1.60 .84 1.47 1.69 .88 1.54 1.76 23 .92 1.61 1.84 24 .96 1,68 1.92 1.00 1.75 2.00 1.04 1.82 2.08 27 1.08 1.80 2.16 29 1.12 1.99€ 2.24 29 1.16 2.03 2.32 80 1.20 2.10 2.40 CHARGE RATES 10 per cent will be added for charging any ad on this page. Cash rates are allowed Wilen ad is paid for within seven days countthe first day of insertion as the first of seven days. The minimum of TWELVE words required in any one ad, All Cads are restricted to their classification and to the esproper ablished style of type. All orders of irregular insertion will be billed at the one ingertion rate.

Contract rates will he supplied on request. We reserve the right to edit all advertisem*nts. Credit for typographical errors be allowed whe. is will reported the second insertion advertisem*nt. ANNOUNCEMENTS Lost and Found Black and tan female LOST hound Name "Lady." Thomas Sykora, Nichols, N.

Y. THREE skin brown fur. Reward. Dial 1-4961, 1N3t LOST Brown pocketbook containing sum of money. Return 200 Mill street.

Sayre, Reward. 3 Personals MEN old at 40! Get pep. New Ostrex tonic tablets contain raw oyster invigoratorg and other stimulants One dose starts new pep. Value $1.00. Special price 79c.

Call, write Glaser's Cut Rate or Widmann Teah. 1Atf EMPLOYMENT 14 Female Help Wanted WANTED Housekeeper who is cook, 443 Waverly street, Waverly. 3106t FOR SALE 22 Household Goods Stop! Look! Ten suites, $10.00 upholstered up; extra davenports oak dining suite, $15; 4 wardrobes $3 up; chairs. tables, beds, dressers, radios. others priced to sell quickly.

We sell or swap. Swap Store. West Sayre, 1N3t SIX sturdy dining room chairs. Two new chairs, reasonable. Dial 1-6762.

23 Plumbing and Heating IF you are planning on heating your house or garage with steam we could furnish you with used radiators in perfect condition at a big saving. Come to The Times office and look them over. 250tf 25 Radio and Electrical SILLERO services any radio any time. anywhere promptly and properly. Call Waverly 208.

270tf 28 Clothing LADY'S new black coat, astrakhan trim, tailor made, Large size. Call 1-6762. MISSES' brown sport coat. Size 18, Practically new. Reasonable, Dial 2-4089.

IN6t TWO Boy's leather coats, practically new. size 38. 505 Church Athens. 3106t 29 Farm and Garden DANISH cabbage by the head or ton Phone Gilbert Ellis, Waverly 526-J. APPLES Reasonably priced.

Bring containers, Barber's, one mile east of Waverly. 2706t 31 Live Stock FRESH cow for sale. George Pe- 1 ters, Shepard Road, Milltown. SIX weeks old pigs Dodge avenue, viaduct, Waverly. George FOR SALE or exchange for cow or young stock Quantity of lumber, doors, windows.

202 Broad, Waverly. 34 Pets-All Kinds BIRDS Young singers $3 609 and up. Desmond street. Sayre. 3104t FANCY goldfish, Pomeranian pup pies and birds, all kinds, Pets' Home.

137 Spruce street. Athens 21012t 35 Office, Store Equipment ONE Shaw- Walker steel fireproof safe. Also roll top desk with typewriter well. Phone 1-4131. 3103t 36-B Miscellaneous WAVY Butt Asbestos siding $5.15 per square Green blend asphalt shingles $3.30 per square.

Complete line of eavestrough and fittings. Whipple Bros. Cash Lumber Yard Athens. Phone 2 3711. 10Stf 37 Wanted to Buy WANTED Single bed complete.

Good condition. Write Box 486, care Times. GARDEN TRACTOR Must be In good mechanical condition Write Box 236. care Evening Times, giving age. model, make.

horsepower, tools, Specify price. ROSENFIELD TO SPEAK THURSDAY IN EAST ATHENS PROFIT IN THESE OFFERS IS 40-A Custom Grinding CUSTOM grinding and mixing. Beacon feeds. Mill. Phone 2-4096.

BUSINESS SERVICE 44 Woman's Realm MRS. Becraft's delicious home made cookies at your grocer's, Seven different varieties. 260tt EXTRA buttermilk. Cole's, Sayre Epodstofreshve 'INtt RENTALS 45 Furnished Rooms TWO furnished rooms soufor light housekeeping. 513 Elmer Sayre.

DESIRABLE sleeping room, next to postoffice. 302 Desmond street, Sayre, SLEEPING room, heated, one block from business section. 305 South Elmer. Sayre, 2806t 48 Furnished Apartments FURNISHED apartment. 3 rooms, neated and improvements, 103 Woodworth street.

Sayre. 2906t NEW apartment, private entrance, hot water heat. Mrs. Fisher, 103, Pleasant. Sayre.

3N3t 18-A Furnished and Unfurnished FOUR rooms with bath, heated, garage available once. 484 verly street. Waverly. 3106t 49 Unfurnished Apartments MODERN heated apartment and garage, Wilmarth, 11 Lincoln street. Waverly.

Phone 335-T. 2806t NICE apartment, fully equipped, near postoffice and mill. Also four room apartment, $6.00.1 Small family C. West. I Dial 2-2571.

270tf 51 Wanted to Rent THREE room apartment unfurnished, heated. Waverly preferred. Dial 1-6762. 52 Houses for Rent EIGHT room house on Lincoln st. All improvements.

garage. Dial 1-6804. HOUSE, hot water heat. $20 if taken at once to avoid draining system, Dial 2-3734. 1N6t SEVEN pleasant rooms, all improvements, $16.

Inquire 114 Park Place, Waverly. 3103t SIX rooms and bath. All improvements Hot water heat." Dial 2-2281. HOUSE at 349 Hayden street. All modern improvements.

2-car garage. Steam heat Inquire B. Knapp 30tf 59 Houses For Sale FOR sale by owner. desirable modern home in Sayre, For appointment address Box 474, Evening Times. PRODUCE MARKET NEW YORK, Nov.

2-(AP)Butter 901,013, steady. Creamery: higher than extra extra (92 score) firsts (88-91) 24- 26; seconds (34-87) 21-23. Cheese 239,636, easy. Prices unchanged. NEW YORK, Nov.

2-(AP)Eggs firm. Mixed colors: special packs 32-36; standards firsts seconds mediums dirties No. 1, 24; average checks 20-21. Refrigerator, specials standards firsts 24; mediums Whites: resale of premium marks Nearby midwestern, premium marks exchange specials Midwestern, exchange standards 3 36. Nearby, fancy mediums Nearby western, exchange mediums pullets 26.

Nearby midwestern, refrigerator, specials standards firsts Nearowns; extra western, fancy exchange ials 37; other western standards Nearby, exchange mediums Duck eggs, fancy 32. WELFARE REQUESTS BEDS AND STOVE WAVERLY, Nov. 2-Requests for two beds, a cook stove and some bedding by a needy family was announced today by officials at the Town of Barton welfare office. Anyone who can assist in providing these articles should call Waverly 55. MRS.

GILMARTIN IS GIVEN REPRIMAND ATHENS, Nov. 2 Mrs. Daniel Gilmartin of 105 Public street was severely reprimanded by Justice Peace Alan J. Donlon yesterday afternoon on a surety of the peace charge. She was brought in by Chief of Police Harlan MacMorran who was approached by her while directing traffic at the South Main and Public street corners.

She is alleged to have attempted to engage in an altercation with him and as the result was taken before Justice Donlon. i IN ANSWERING THEM! 59 Houses For Sale BIG value Modern room house, garage $1700. Valley Realty Agency, 461 Waverly Waverly, Y. 110tf 62 Lots and Acreage LOTS suitable for building or gardens, Inquire 226 Bridge Athens. FINANCIAL 67 Money to Loan What's DIFFERENT at Personal? Is it the thoroughly "human" help.

fulness of our whole office staff? Come in and see. Loans up to $300. Personal FINANCE COMPANY 237 DESMOND STREET SAYRE Phone 1-4651 AUTOMOTIVE 76 Automobiles For Sale Waverly, N. Cullen Hendrie. Lehigh Sayre, 026 N2 9 16 23 30 1936 Chevrolet town sedan Perfect condition.

Arthur Mason, 418 N. Elmer, Sayre. LEGAL NOTICE ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Letters of Administration on the estate of Anne E. McDonald, deceased, late of the Borough of Athens. having, been granted the undersigned, notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment.

and all persons having claims against it must present them duly authenticated for settlement. HUGH McDONALD, Administrator Oct. 19, 1938. 019 26 2 9 16 LOADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE on the estate of Harry Haynes. deceased, late of Athens borough, having been granted to the undersigned, notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and all persons having claims against it must present them duly authenticated for settlement.

MARIAN CARLIN, Administrator. Oct. 11 1938. W. D.

Morse. Atty (12 a 19 26; 9 16 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Letters Testamentary on the estate of P. H. O'Shea, deceased, late of the Borough of Sayre, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, having been granted the undersigned, notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. and all persons having claims against it must present them duly authenticated settlement to the Executor or his attorneys.

John J. Miller, Executor, 436 Clark St, COLLEGE CLUB HAS FIRST MEETING AT WANABROOK FARM Elmira College Club of the Valley held its first fall meeting at Wanabrook farm, Wilawana, Tuesday with a supper at 6 o'clock. The supper committee was Mrs. Harry Crandall, Mrs. Ralph Simpson, Mrs.

Manley Brink, Mrs. Paul Patterson. After supper the business meeting was held with several new members taken in. Mrs. Simpson was re-elected treasurer and Mrs.

Paul Curtis was elected 1 secretary. The club decided as in past years to grant from its trust fund a scholarship to a Waverly girl. Numerous plans for the coming year were discussed. It was decided to send a box this week to the Crossnore school, Crossnore, N. which is a co-educational trade school where children are taught fundamental subjects, handicraft, wood working and farming.

Mrs. H. Slade Palmer is the chairman of the committee arranging to send the box. Miss Jane Pratt of Philadelphia, a charter member and enthusiastic worker of the Elmira College club, is a housemother at the school. Plans for a tea to be given in the spring to prospective college students of the valley were made.

A committee to form definite plans is Miss Doris Bell, Mrs. Frisbie Howard, Miss Frances Coleman. Tentative plans for College Day in the spring were made, and hopes that the college Thespis society to present one of its plays at a future club meeting are held. The next regular meeting' will be held in January in the home of Mrs. H.

Slade Palmer, Waverly. C. OF C. IN FAVOR OF SITE FOR BUILDING TOWANDA, Nov. 2-Chamber of Commerce directors meeting yesterday afternoon went on 1 reclord as favoring the new highway department building in its present location and notify highway officials of their action.

The meeting was called after several York avenue residents objected to the building through an action in equity started in court last Saturday. Both Parties On Program As Vets Discuss Politics TOWANDA, Nov. 2-Over 100 World War and Spanish War veterans attended the political meeting last night in Shores Inn and heard both Republican and Democratic speakers laud the present Republican candidates for state office and decided to meet again in the near future and organize a Bradford county chapter of the organization. Walter White of Snedekerville presided at the meeting. He first introduced William Roan of Wilkes-Barre, former Luzerne county assemblyman and present department chairman of the American Legion legislative committee.

He told intimately of the youthful life of Arthur James and his parents, his work in the mines, and how he first ran without organization support for district attorney, winning by 1,500 then four years later being elected by 23,000 majority. "James as district attorney sent many not on the level to jail, when governor he will do the same," he said, and predicted he would carry Luzerne county this year by 35,000 majority. Republicans now lead in registration in Luzerne county since the voting lists were purged, he added. John Schroyer of Shamokin, past department commander of the Spanish War veterans, was the next speaker. He reviewed the wars of the United States, told of the hardships of soldier life and in the last war soldiers received less than the WPA rate, he said.

"The laws for the veterans were made by the Republicans and taken away by the Democrats," he BISHOP HAFEY TO SPEAK TO CDA AT BANQUET, JAIl. 15 Rr. Rev. William J. Hafey, Bishop of the Scranton Catholic Diocese, will speak at the 25th anniversary banquet of Court St.

Mary, Catholic Daughters of America, Sunday, Jan. 15. He will celebrate mass in the Church of the Epiphany Sunday morning and will meet the daughters in their rooms Sunday afternoon. The plans for the observance were made at the regular meeting of the organization last night which was in the form of a masquerade party. Following the business meeting refreshments were served.

The entertainment committee was Mrs. Joseph Cardillo, Miss Margaret Carroll, Mrs. Frank Murphy, Mrs. Arthur Austin. Discussion of sponsorship of junior Catholic Daughters organization was held, leaders of the new group to the chosen from the senior members.

Girls between the ages of 12 and 18 may enter the junior group. The committee for the entertainment at the next meeting, Dec. 6, is Mrs. Thomas B. Lynch, Mrs.

George Baxter, Mrs. Charles Ross, Mrs. Charles Ayers. SAREPTA SOCIETY MEMBERS GATHER Sarepta society of the First Baptist church met last evening in the basem*nt of the church for their regular meeting. Walter Evans, presided through the business session.

The meaning of the word "Sarepta" was explained, which is "Welded together" and "Moving Forward as One." Gordon Farr was elected vice president in place of Phil Hellsbee who has moved to Scranton. A report was given concerning Clifford and Emma Ellsbree, students for Christian service, in the Gordon College of Theology and Missions in Boston. Mr. Evans, the president, gave an inspiring talk on "The Life of St. Paul," tracing his life through the early years until martyrdom from a Roman prison.

Mrs. Ileta Inman sang two solos. Games were played and refreshments were served. Mrs. Charles Pendleton, formerly of Sayre, now of Bethlehem, was an out of town guest.

POST WILL FETE LADIES AT SUPPER Men of Skiff Bower post, V.F. will be hosts at a chicken supper in the post rooms Thursday evening at 6:30 with the members of the auxiliary as guests. Following the supper the regular post meeting will be held. BABY MINDERS HELP MOTHERS TO ATTEND POLITICAL RALLIES ELIZABETH, N. Nov.

2- (UP) Theodore Richard's -minding service, organized to permit mothers in the seventh district of the sixth ward here to attend political rallies, was going full blast today. In the organization are a number of young women who call for babies and deliver them back home again after the rallies. Richards said that attendance at political meetings has "largely increased." HELD IN ACCIDENT THAT GIVES YOUTH FRACTURED THIGH Judson F. Horton of Nichols R. D.

2 was arrested on a charge of failure to yield half the as the outgrowth of an accident at Windham Summit last night at about 7:30 o'clock, and which placed Donald Cotton, 8, of Sayre R. D. 1 in the Robert Packer hospital with a fractured right upper leg. The investigation was made by Private Bernard F. Fives of the Athens sub-station, Pennsylvania motor police.

Horton was driving toward Athens accompanied by E. P. Gleason and Edward Gleason, also of Nichols R. D. 2.

His car collided with one going in the opposite direction, driven by John W. Cotton, father of the injured boy. Also riding with Mr. Cotton were his wife and Miss Dorothea French. Edward Gleason received a slight head injury which required no treatment.

The cars were badly damaged. OBITUARIES MRS. MINNIE BELLES WAVERLY, Nov. 2 Funeral services were held today for Mrs. Minnie Belles in the Laurel Hill Evangelical church in WilkesBarre, Pa.

She was buried in Wilkes-Barre. Mrs. Belles died Monday at the age of 68, after a short illness. She was formerly a resident of Barton, having moved to Wilkes-Barre from here abcut 30 years ago. She made frequent visits in Waverly, her last being last summer.

She is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Louanna Stebbins of Lompac, formerly of Waverly Mrs. Carrie Ferris of Corning; and a brother, Joseph E. Doty of Scipio Utah. Harold and Ira VanNest of Waverly, nephews of Mrs.

Belles, went to Wilkes-Barre yesterday. CHARLES E. LYONS Clarence E. Lyons, 52, died last evening at his home, 135 Hoover street. He is survived by his wife, two children, Lauretta and lace, at home, and one sister, Mrs.

Norman Burke of Sayre. Mr. Lyons was a member of the B. of L. F.

and and of the Sayre Methodist church. He had lived in Sayre for the past 26 years. The body was removed to Kolb and Slingerland funeral home where funeral service will be held Friday afternoon at 2:30 with Rev. E. L.

Martin, pastor of the Sayre M. E. church officiating. Burial will be in Tioga Point cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home at any time.

MRS. FRANCES BLAKE Mrs. Frances Blake, 70, of 111 South street, Canton, died last night at 5 o'clock in the Robert Packer hospital. THOMAS WRIGHT WAVERLY, Nov. 2-Funeral of Thomas Wright of 447 Fulton street was held this morning at 9 o'clock at the home and at St.

James church, Waverly, at 9:30 with solemn high requiem mass celebrated by Rev. J. B. Keenan, assistant pastor. Rev.

J. J. Golden, pastor of St. John's church, South Waverly, was deacon, and Rev. Edward J.

Lyons was sub-deacon. Interment was in St. James cemetery with Father Golden and Father Keenan officiating. Honorary pall bearers were members of the Brotherhood or Railway Trainmen, Jesse B. Inman, William Hubbard, J.

F. Cain, William Ballentedt, George Brougham, Robert Coveney, John Holland, and P. F. Jennings. A delegation from the Holy Name society also acted as honorary bearers.

Active bearers were Bert Billings, Mr. Moran, E. J. Donegan, Joseph Kennedy, D. E.

Harding, and Harry Emory. MRS. MARY SMITH ATHENS, Nov. 2-Funeral services for Mrs. Mary L.

Smith were held in Powers funeral home Tuesday afternoon at 1:30, with Rev. Thomas G. Swales, officiating. Burial was in the East Canton cemetery. MRS.

ELLA PASSAGE TOWANDA, Nov. 2 Mrs. Ella Passage of South Towanda died this morning at 7 o'clock in Danville, Pa. The body is being brought here today. Funeral announcements have not been completed.

CULLEN CONTINUES RADIO ADDRESSES: READS FOR LETTER "Issues of the Present Campaign," will be the subject of an address by former I District Attorney William Rosenfield at a Republican rally i in the East Athens community hall Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. All voters are invited to attend the rally, regardless of party affiliations. Also on the program will be Harlan Murrelle, secretary of the Bradford County Republican committee and Albert Theetge, chairman of the Valley Republicans. Music and an entertainment will also make up a portion of the program. REMAINING BOND ISSUE IS SOLD TOWANDA, Nov.

2-Bond issue of $180,000 to refund the former Bradford County Poor District indebtedness was sold yesterday afternoon by the county commissioners after opening bids to Halsey, Steward Co. Their bid was one and threefourths per cent, premium $718.20 actual price $100.399. There were six other bids. The bonds sold yesterday will be called in 1942 and 1947, being five and 10 year issues. Considerable money is being saved as a result of the refunding process, sanctioned several months ago.

ELMIRA DISTRICT SOCIETY MEETING The annual fall meeting of the Elmira District Woman's Home Missionary society will be held Friday in the Pennsylvania avenue Methodist Episcopal church, Elmira. Registration will begin at 9:30 a.m. Spears during the day include Mrs. Fannie Monroe, Elmira Heights; Mrs. R.

L. Tucker, Elmira; Mrs. George Fisher, conference corresponding secretary, DeWitt, N. and Mrs. S.

G. Houghton, conference secretary of young people, Syracuse, N. Y. Catherine auxiliary will give a demonstration. NOTICES SAYRE Lodge 1090 I.0.0.F.

meets tonight at 8 o'clock in the lodge rooms. Initiation of candidates. SAYRE chapter No. 43, Order of the Eastern Star members are invited to be guests of Towanda chapter Nov. 22, instead of Nov.

8, as formerly announced. FIRST Philathea class of the First Baptist church of Athens will meet this evening at 7:30 with Mrs. A. H. Ganoung in the church parsonage.

ATHENS Lodge, 165, I. 0. O. will meet in the lodge rooms at 8 o'clock tonight. STELLA Triangle, Daughters of the Eastern Star, will hold a regular meeting in Masonic Temple, Waverly at 7:30 Thursday night.

Installation of officers will be held Nov. 17. UNION lodge, 210, L. A. to B.

of R. T. will meet Thursday evening in Weiss hall. Election of officers. SENIOR Valley Boys band members will meet for practice at 7 o'clock tonight.

TUREEN club will meet with Mrs. William Atwood Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock at 212 W. Pine street. BRADFORD County Christian Endeavor union will meet tonight at the home of Miss Angie Kelley, Lincoln street at 8 o'clock. YOUNG People's Fellowship of the Sayre Methodist church will hold a Hallowe'en party in the social rooms of the church at 7:30 this evening.

EPWORTH class of the Sayre M. E. church will meet at the home of Mrs. Clifton Woodward, 526 South Keystone avenue for a business and social meeting at 7:30 tonight. SENIOR HIGH VIEWS SCENES FROM OPERETTA Senior high school of Sayre saw previews of the junior high school operetta this morning at a special assembly.

The dress rehearsal for the operetta will be held this afternoon from 3 to 6 o'clock, and will eliminate an evening rehearsal. The public presentation will be Friday night in the high school I auditorium at 8 o'clock. said referring to the economy act, which was styled to preserve the credit of the United States at the time. "Revolutionary war was fougiN because of taxation without representation, now it is taxation with misrepresentation. When a veteran deserts his cause and is willing to trample on the United States constitution for his own political life then he is not worthy of your vote." He closed his talk with a plea for veteran preference for jobs, not just as good as the WPA but better.

Giving a talk on Americanism, Mike Eagan of Plains, sectional athletic director of the American Legion, said he was a Democrat but could not stand the present regime. "We are being sold short" he said, "if you know what I mean. "There is no such thing as veterans preference, any bum on the street can get the same thing under the present administration," he said after referring to specific instances in Luzerne county where it was stated Dr. Leo Mundy had 278 men on a WPA job, one a veteran. He referred to the Jones-MundyEarle group as opportunists, an insult to the intelligence of the veteran, Rev.

Thomas Baxter of Wyalusing, former department commander of the Spanish War veterans, and Wilson D. Gillette, candidate for representative, spoke briefly. Plans for forming a permanent organization for the county were made. A social hour followed the meeting. WOMEN INJURED AS CAR.

FREIGHT TRAIN CRASH AT ROMULUS Two women attendants at Willard State hospital were injured when their car crashed against the engine of a Lehigh Valley pickup freight near Romulus, N. yesterday. Charles W. Wildrick of Sayre was conductor on the train, and Harry Smith, was engineer. The accident occurred during a heavy for as the women, Mrs.

D. D. Lowe of Seneca Falls, N. and Miss Mary Ryan were enroute to St. Patrick's church at Seneca Falls.

Mrs. Lowe was badly injured, her right leg being shattered. She sustained other' injuries and was unconscious for several hours. Miss Ryan was less seriously hurt. Both were removed to the Willard hospital.

PAIR ARRESTED FOR FOOD THEFT ATHENS, Nov. 2-Two men, Ray Harding, 40, of 232 South street, and George Willie, 38, of the same address, are lodged in jail in the Athens borough hall, following the theft of a quantity of bread from a crate in front of a grocery store on S. Main street about 2 o'clock this morning. Officer Charles Connor appeared at the store in time to apprehend Willie, but it was not until 11 o'clock this morning that Harding was taken into csutody by Chief of Police Harlan A. MacMorran.

Willie resisted arrest by Officer Connor and a struggle followed with the officer besting Willie and lodging him in jail. Several loaves of the bread were found this morning by Chief MacMorran, near the parking lot used by the Athens Motor company on South street. Harding and Willie were taken to Towanda this afternoon by Chief Mac Morran and Officer Connor, to await court action, after Harding was held in default of $00 bail, and Willie admitted guilt on both charges. 'SURPRISING THINGS ABOUT BAPTISTS' TO BE THEME OF SERMON "Some Surprising Things About Baptists," will be the subject upon which Rev. Harold F.

Damon will speak at the First Baptist church prayer meeting tomorrow night. Mr. Damon will give some the facts discovered at the New York Baptist convention which met in Jamestown, New York, last week. "Many things of a surprising nature were revealed at this convention," Mr. Damon said.

"An amazing development is taking place in the life of the denomination, comparable to the developments in the days of Adoni am Judson, William Carey, and Luther Rice." There will be prayer and personal witnessing at this prayer service. Attorney James Cullen, speaking as Democratic county committee chairman over radio station WESG in the second of a series of radio addresses, said yesterday: "As the rapid approach of the coming election in the great State of Pennsylvania drives home to me even more forcefully the vital importance of the decisions which will then be made, I sincerely consider it a rare privilege to have this opportunity of continuing our discussion of the issues of the campaign. "And most certainly you and even though our view points politically may be different in the past and may differ now, as we let our glance fall practically any place throughout the world and shudder at the sight of oppressive and tyrannical governments should thank God that there has been preserved to us in this great nation that freedom of speech, that erance and respect for individual honest opinion, and that absolute right of a free and secret ballot, that, taken together, are the very foundations and bulwark of our democracy." Mr. Cullen continued reviewing the record and qualifications of Charles Alvin Jones, of Governor George H. Earle, of Thomas A.

Logue, and of Dr. Leo C. Mundy. He mentioned the controversial discussions which have arisen, and read the letter from President Roosevelt to Attorney Michael Doyle, scoring misuse of the Acministration's name in the James campaign. Concluding Mr.

Cullen said: "My one hope is that we in Bradford county may be able, through the cooperation of all our workers in distributing literature concerning the campaign and through the additional cooperation of all our workers and speakers in attempting to preserve to all voters the real truths of the campaign, by giving a Democratic majority to Earle-Jones-MundyLogue ticket, take a part in that victory which is sure to be the people's victory on November 8." Remaining addresses in the series will 1 be given Thursday afternoon at 1:15 and Saturday afternoon at 1:15 over the same station. BRIDGE CINDERED AS ICE GATHERS FOR SECOND TIME Mohawk street bridge, icy for the second time this season as the result of accumulated moisture, was cindered this morning, making motor travel over the bridge less hazardous than it was yesterday. The condition of the bridge when the surface is icy was brought to public attention in a news story in the Evening Times yesterday. Borough Manager W. B.

Vaughn stated that the cindering was not done by borough workmen, but that it was probably done by Lehigh Valley employes. It was impossible to obtain definite information from the Lehigh Valley railroad offices or from the state highway department today as to who had cindered the surface. Vigorous expressions have been heard on the streets of Sayre the past two days concerning the dangerous condition of the structure on Mohawk street, and a movement is anticipated to have the condition permanently eliminated, either by widening of the bridge roadway, or by some other means, BIRTHS Born to Mr. and Mrs. Rex Marsh of Owego R.

D. a daughter yesterday at the Tioga County General hospital. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Nailen cf Clinton avenue, Waverly, a daughter in the Robert Packer hospital last night.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Barthol Young of 210 South street, Athens, a daughter, in the Robert Packer hospital yesterday. Born to Mr. and Mrs.

Keith McCarthy of Forksville, R. a son Robert Packer hospital yesterday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Emory of Towanda R.

D. 4 a son this morning in the Robert Packer hospital. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kelly of Warren Center a daughter this morning in the Robert Packer hospital.

'A NEW CREATION' TO BE SERMON TOPIC ATHENS. Nov. 2 Rev. Raymond C. Handy will speak tonight on "A New Creation," in the Church of God, at 7:30.

Last evening Rev. Handy spoke on "The Open Doors." He took as his text, Rev. 3:8..

The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.