The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)

1 I Office At Messer's Drug Store Athens office open dally J. C. DONAHUE, CORRESPONDENT a. m. to 3 p.

m. Ulster and Saco Presbyterian Francis M. Dowling minister Ulster--Morning worship and sermon 10:30 followed by Sunday school at 11:45 a. m. Evening service at 7:30.

Weekly prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:30. Saco--Sunday school at 2 p. m. Worship and sermon at 2:45 p. m.

Ulster and Milan Methodist ULSTER Henry C. Sears, minister 9:30 a. m. Milan worship. Sermon topic, "A Dream Made Sunday school following.

10:00 Ulster. Prayer meeting in the gallery of the church. 1 10:30 worship and sermon followed by Sunday school. These services will be helpful to all who attend. 7:30 p.

m. Ulster evening worship and sermon Cl the topic, "We Thank Thee." Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting at the home of Mrs. Edna Bronson.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Chaffee of Hornbrook are spending some time with their daughter, Mrs.

Addie Ileverly at Towanda. W. W. McMorran is confined to his home by illness. A physician was called to attend his Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Krieder of Philadelphia are spending a week with Mrs. Krieder's parents, Mr. and Mrs.

F. H. Shaw on Main street. Mrs. Howard.

Miller entertained the ladies of the Embroidery Club at her home Thursday, afternoon. Mrs. George Biles was visiting velatives at North Towanda day. Mrs. W.

H. Dixon and guest, Mrs. F. E. Dixon of Washington, i spent Tuesday with Towanda friends.

Mrs. Raymond Kier and Mrs. Charles Mowry were shopping and having dental work done in Sayre Friday. There will be a union service in the Presbyterian church on Thanksgiving. Mr.

and Mrs. Elmer Alliger are moving to Athens into the Dr. Croll house. Mrs. Robert McMahon was shopping in Sayre Tuesday.

The Presbyterian Circle which was to have been held last Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. R. Eiffert was postponed one and will be held this coming Tuesday afternoon. The October and November committees will be in charge.

A good attendance is desired. Mr. and Mrs. A. G.

Chaffec spent Wednesday with Mr. and J. A. Duggan at Sayre, Mrs. Chaffee r3- mained for a few days B.

D. Dixon has moved his family back from Endicott. He has rented the J. E. Soper building where he will again embark in the acksmithing yousiness land 1.43 family will live in the rooms on the second floor.

L. C. Robinson of Orange Hill' Was in town Wednesday afternoon. Dana Hayward and family have moved from Interlaken, N. to the B.

M. Tompkins farm at Sheshequin, once known as the John Carman place. J. J. Laymanand W.

H. Layman attended the sale held by, their brother-in-law at West Danby, N. Thursday. Mr. and Mrs.

J. Bidlack of North Rome were visiting their granddaughter, Mrs. Henry Vaughn Thursday. Frank Chaffee and Harry Price were enjoying the hunting at Mountain Lake Thursday. Mrs.

Elmer Alliger and Mrs. Howard Alliger have returned from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sinsabaugh at Syracuse, N. Y.

Mr. and Mrs. Reese Lewis entertained the Young, Married. People's Club at their home on South HIGHEST CASH PRICE. Paid for old papers, magazines, rags, iron and other materials.

Call us if you have anything. Phone 75-D. 5M-tf MAX COHEN. FULLER'S BRUSHES. Two-piece fibre broom.

household cleaning brushes; complete bathroom sets; personal use brushes. Christmas gifts for father, mother, brother and sister. E. C. CAMPBELL, Salesman.

106 W. Pine St. Athens, Pa. Main street Thursday evening. being the amusem*nt for the even-! ing.

Mr. and Mrs. Adelbert Watkins have moved from Litchfield and James street. Mrs. Earl T.

Horton is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Woodworth at Homer, N. Y. John Burleigh and family of Elmira were recent guests at, the Creque home in Hornbrook. Mrs.

Charles MeMorran of Hornbrook in company with Mrs. Fred Cowan of Towanda went to Sayre to shop and call on friends Tuesday. They met with tire troub le enroute and did not do much; shopping. BUCK JONES AT MORLEY THEATRE TONIGHT In "The Circus Cowboy," his est William Fox release, which comes to the Morley Theatre to night, Charles Jones performs one of the most dangerous stunts of his career. Pursued by a posse that suspects him wrongly of- shooting a man, Jones outrides the rest until he comes to a canyon.

Facing death at the hands of his pursuers, he is hard put what to do. The only means out of his difficulty is his lariat. Jones lassoes the stump of a tree across the canyon and then ties the end he holds to another tree. With the chasm gaping thousands of feet below him and with the full realization that one false action means, he will be dashed to death on the rocks below, he makes his way across the canyon by means of this rope, hand over hand. While half way on this perilous trip, a crack shot among the posse severs the rope with a rifle bullet.

Jones clings to the rope and swings to the opposite side chasm smashing against the precipice. He climbs to safety under a shower lead and evades his pursuers. This feat was actually performed during the making of "The Circu Cowboy" and is no photographic de lusion. After the scene was shot Jones looked questionably at Direct or Wellman. "Phew!" was all he said.

DOMESTIC SCIENCE CLASS ENTERTAINS AT DINNER The third year Domestic Science Class held a dinner at the Athen high school last evening. Covert were laid for 16 members and guests. The menu consisted o' Dexter canape, roast chicken, gravy and dressing. riced potatoes, fruit salad, pumpkin and mince pie, cof fee and brown bread. Following the repast a social session was held.

Those present were Mrs Orpha Z. Young, and the Misses Ruth McWayne, Florence Wiggins Dorothy Hildebrand, Dorothy Stuck Thelma Van Marten, Beatrice Brown, Esther Campbell, Helen Cat lin, Mildred Collins, Josephine Coveney, Mabel Davis, Vera Hard ing, Bessie Hartford, Paloma Hu lett, Beatrice Manahan, Glady: Rogers, Laura Vosburg and Haze Roberts. MARKET REPORT NEW YORK, Nov. Long Island 2.25@3.15; Jersey 1.00; State 1.50@2.00; Maine 1.15@2.85. Flour, Dull and Easier.

Springs, Patents 7.75@8.50; Clears 6.750 7.50; Straights 7.35@7.75; Kansa: Straights 7.50@8.00; Kansas Pat ents 8.00@8.50; Kansas Clears 6.5t Raw, Firm. Spot 96 tes. delivered duty paid 5.90; Refined Dull; Granulated 7.15@7.50. Dressed Poultry, Firm. Turkey: Chickens Fowls 11 Ducks Ducks, Long Island Live Poultry, Firm.

Geese 116 18; Ducks 13029; Fowls 19030 Turkeys 28030; Roosters 17 Chickens Broilers Cheese, Firm. State, whole mill common to specials State skims, medium to specials 126. 16 1-2; Lower grades Butter, Firm. Creamery, extr: 1-2; Special Market 45 1-2. Eggs, Firm.

Nearby white, fancy Nearby State whites 456 78; Western whites 37078; Fres! firsts Pacific Coast Nearby browns 690 75. Believe it or not, but anywa: Ed says that a good looking gir' who hasn't (yet) bobbed her hai was seen on the streets the othe day. GET READY FOR WINTER That's what you should be doing now. See that your Battery has the pep it should have. If it's weak, let us recharge it.

SCANNELL BROS. MIDNIGHT SERVICE Until 12 o'clock TIOGA POINT MOTOR Phone 679 Athens, Pa. SAYRE, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1924. PAGE THREE from 8 THE EVENING TIMES CLAIMS LOSS DUE TO DELAY WHILE PUTTING IN ALARM Frank T. Ketter Alleges It Took Five Minutes To Telephone Fire Department Charging that there was unnecessary delay in getting a telephone connection with the fire department when fire broke out in his store Thursday morning, Frank T.

Ketter claims the damage would have been less if it had not been for this delay. Mr. Ketter stated to a Times representative today that he was engaged in a telephone conversation with a Swift Company representative when he learned his place was on fire and that he told the other party to ring off and that it then took him a minute to get Central and then informed her that he wanted the Athens Fire and that she queried, "What do you want?" Mr. Ketter alleges that he then said, "Ketters' store is on fire and want the Athens Fire Department," and that the operator then informed him that she would give him the chief operator. After the chief operator responded, Mr.

Ketter says he repeated the statement that his place was 011 fire and to call the Athens Fire Department, and that he estimates it took five minutes telephone conversation to send in the alarm. Mr. Ketter also stated that he had 110 criticism to make of the Athens Fire Department, and that the efficient work done by the firemen after their arrival prevented a much larger loss to the building and contents than might have been expected. FUNERAL MRS. N.

F. LEONARD There will be a prayer rervice for the late Mrs. Nancy Leonard at the home of her sister, Mrs. Annie M. Stephens, Sunday alter11001 at 2 o'clock.

The Rev. N. E. Koehler will officiate. Burial will be in Providence, R.

I. CARD OF THANKS. We desire to thank and friends who so us during our recent also those who gave their cars and for Mr. and Mrs. ATHENS PERSONALS The condition of Louise Messner, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Bert E. Messner of South Main street, who has been seriously ill of the grippe, is reported as somewhat improved this afternoon. Mrs. Susan Owen of South Main street, has returned from a visit to Towanda.

condition of Mrs. Morris Vargason of Elm street, who is ill of pneumonia at her home. was reported as critical at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Among those who attended the football game at Canton this noon were John Logan, Mr. and Mrs.

Thomas Harris, F. K. Harris, Harry Giess and two sons, Malcolm and Kermit, John Lowe, J. Harry Kelley, Frederick Flick, Dorothy Page, Vera Hardinger. Mrs.

George Jamerich of Welles avenue, who submitted to a tonsilectomy operation at Robert Packer Hospital last Thursday, has been discharged from, that institution and returned to her home. The condition of Dr. F. P. Layman, who is ill at his home o1.

South Main street, is reported as improved. Mrs. I. Donovan of Bridge street. is visiting her daughter.

Mrs. H. D. Griffith, of East Orange, N. J.

The Athens Robert Packer Hos- pital Auxiliary will hold its annual Thanksgiving bake sale at the J. N. Stuck store on South Main street, Wednesday, November 26th. Emory Northrup of North street, painfully injured his right foot at the Lehigh shops yesterwhen a heavy piece of metal on it. His injuries were dressed at Robert Packer Hospital.

Mrs. J. I. Grippin of Elm street, who has been seriously ill of the grippe at her home, is reported as somewhat improved this afternoon. Miss Eleanor Parke is ill of the grippe at her home on South street.

The Daughters of Ruth Class of the Presbyterian Sunday School held an important business and social meeting last evening at the home of their teacher, Mrs. MeClarty. The condition of W. G. Newman of Maple street, who is ill of pneumonia, was reported as somewhat improved at 2 o'clock this after noon, THE FUNERAL OF ELMA SIMMONS The funeral Mrs.

Elma Simmons will be held from the Presbyterian church. Athens, Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. N. Kochler officiating.

Interment in Tioga Point cemetery. THE LOCKY hunter who downed this cougar or moun- IN QUEBEC, rich with histain lion had the thrill 2 toxical memories, there is no real big game hunt. In addi- sight more picturesque than tion, the cougar's hide will this 113-year-old windmill. bring him cash returns, and Standing on the edge of a lake, he will collect a bounty the ancient mill is still in acfrom the state or county for tive use. It has undergono predatory many repairs, but still rests exterminating 1 on the same foundation.

animal, THE MOUNTAIN DIDN'T COME TO Mohammed, but Oregon forests move down to California sawmills. Picture shows one in Oregon, to be towed down the Pacifle Ocean to Califorala of the gigantic log ratta, assembled on the Columbia River ports, 2 Each raft contains several million feet of lumber. Classified Advertising Received at Athens Office ATHENS TELEPHONE 271-X EVENTS TONIGHT Morley Circus Cowboy," 7:30 p. m. Athens Library open 7 to 9 p.

m. EVENTS MONDAY Lady Griffin Rebekah Lodge meets 8 p. m. Morley Theatre, "The Masked Dancer," 7:30 p. m.

Tournament bowling game, alleys, 8 p. m. Baptist church orchestra meets 7:30 p. m. Methodist Sunday School Board meets 7:30 p.

m. Athens Library open 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. m. Athens township supervisors meet at Athens town hall, all day. Presbyterian Church Improvement Society meets 3 p.

m. ATHENS PERSONALS Born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hicks, North Main street, November 18th, a son, Clarence Wardell. Miss' Ina Moore is ill of pneumonia at her home on First street.

George Heavner is ill of pneumonia at his home on North Main street. Clyde Zimmer is ill of pneumonia at his home on East Pine street. L. I. Stalker of South Main street, has recovered from an attack of the grippe.

The American Legion Glee Club will meet for rehearsal at 7:30 o'clock next Tuesday night, instead of Thursday night. Mrs. T. Donovan of Bringe street is visiting her daughter, Mrs. H.

Griffith of East Orange, N. J. John Elsbree of Milan, was here on business yesterday. J. F.

Keiss of Herrick street, who has been ill at his home the past three weeks, is making progress towards recovery. Elmer Keiss of Scranton, spent vesterday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K.

Keiss of Terrick street. Rev. M. F. O'Rourke of Seranon.

was here yesterday. Editor George S. Curtiss of the Binghamton Press, is spending the veek-end at his home on North treet. Mrs. J.

I. Grillin is ill of the grippe at her home on Elm street. Miss Lila Stalker and Dana Van Ness were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lorraine Tillman of Spencer, yesterdoy.

M. F. Long of Williamsport, was ere yesterday. A. R.

Brown is ill of the grippe 1t. his home on South Main street. Edward Segar of Elmira, WaS ere yesterday. Morley Maryott of Towanda, was ere yesterday. Rev.

P. J. Durkin, Francis Cahill and Thomas McMahon motored to Canton this afternoon to witness he Athens Canton football The Ingersoll-Rand bowling team will bowl the Elmira team of the Southern Tier Bowling League ch he Century Club alleys in Elmira this evening. The Improvement Society of the Presbyterian church will meet Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock at he home of Mrs. James Moore.

Tea will be served. Miss Charline Fuller, who is a nember of the student body of Wyoming Seminary, is visiting her nother, Mrs. Fannie Fuller of South Main street. B. J.

Overfield and B. D. Overield have returned from Mehoopny, where they attended the futeral of a relative. S. R.

Payne of South Main street and a party of friends moored to Canton today, where they vitnessed the Canton-Athens football game. Mrs. Mary Mingos of South Main street, has returned from a visit Wilkes Mrs. E. Scudder, Allen Scudler, Mrs.

P. C. Mingos and Mrs. F. Haight were in Towanda yeserday.

Lloyd Wickham of Ferry street, who is a patient at Robert Packer Hospital, is making progress owards recovery. G. W. Ketchum of Corning, N. who is well known here, has discharged from Robert Packer Hospital, where he recently submitted to an operation.

Miss Helen Hastings has reurned to Wellsboro, after visiting Miss Marjorie Shannon of Tenter street. P. C. Mingos was in Binghamton vesterday. Joseph Speigel of Elmira, was were yesterday.

Harry Patton of Elmira, was tere on business yesterday. R. G. Witmer and I. W.

Hazard attended the football game in Canon this afternoon. Timothy Scannell and a party of friends mctored to Canton tolay where they witnessed the Canon-Athens football game. Walter DePue is ill of the grippe at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs.

George DePue of East Athens. Mrs. William Wilkinson is ill of the grippe at her home in East Athens. Mrs. William Harding of Desmond street is convalescing after hard attack of the grippe.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kizer and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bullard of Towanda, attended the meeting and social session of Northern Comnandery Drill Corps last evening.

Edward Armstrong of North Main street, has returned from a bunting trip. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Esworthy of Philadelphia, are visiting Mr. and Mrs.

Paul Henry of Chestnut street. LABOR PLANS NEW DRIVE TO ENROLL STEEL EMPLOYES EL PASO, Texas, Nov. (United Press) -Starting with a I nucleus of 20,000 union steel work ers, organized labor is going to launch another campaign to bring the 400,000 steel mill employes into the ranks of the American Federation of Labor. All unions connected with the I steel industry will be asked to tribute funds and furnish organizers to undertake the task, according to Michael F. Tighe, veteran leader of the steel workers.

Campaign headquarters already have been established in Cleveland, Bethlehem and Chicago, Tighe said. "We will be somewhat handi-1 capped in our work by the action' of Elbert H. Gary last spring in granting workers in the steel cor-: poration the eight hour a day and a wage increase," Tighe said. "These concessions were given the workers not because of the appeal by the late President Harding, but because Gary knew organized labor was planning another drive on his mills." The annual convention of the federation today was to pass 011 policies and actions of President Samuel Gompers, as head of the labor movement the past year. Cemplete approval of these was predicted.

Endorsem*nt by the delegates off the executive council's report demning the Sherman antitrust law on the ground this statute had been "applied to outlaw the rightful and just collective actions of wage earners through the'unions," was also expected. REV. PRINCE TO PREACH Rev. Grover Prince of Chicago, will preach in the Athens Presbyterian Church at the morning service tomorrow. Mr.

Prince is connected with the Moody Bible Institute, where he holds a position. BUSINESS LOCALS The annual Thanksgiving bake sale of the Athens Packer Hospital occurs Wednesday, NoAuxiliary, 26th, at the J. N. Stuck store, South Main street, beginning 11 a. m.

22N3t MODERN METHODS BEST Nine-year-old pupils today spell better than pupils of the same age 43. years ago. according to reports from studies made by Boston University. A survey conducted in 1879 in Norfolk county, included three words common to those of the recent survey. The average spelling scores of 9-yearold pupils on "which," "whose," and "too," in 1879 were 69, 54 and 23, respectively.

A spelling contest recently conducted in 78 Massachusetts towns and cities showed that pupils of like age scored 76, 60 and 79, respectively, on the same words. A course in the unification of the kindergarten and the first grade is by Johns Hopkins ins University as a part of its service to elementary teachers. NEW INSTRUMENT FOR CHIROPRACTOR Neurocalometer Records Subluxations of the Backbone The "Neurocalometer," El sensitive instrument for allocating spinal trouble by heat variations, the product of four years' research by Dr. B. J.

Palmer and Dr. D. D. Evins of the Palmer School of Chiropractic, has taken the practice world by storm. The demonstration of the invention at Chiropractic clinics and at the U.

S. Bureau of Standards at Washing ton. D. has created a sensation as did the exhibition of Alexander Graham Bell's telephone at the Philatelpha Centennial Exposi tion in 1876. Based on Hypothesis "The Neruocalometer," stated Dr.

Palmer in discussing the invention, "is based on several fundamental facts in the theory of Chiro-1 practic. Chiropractic rests broadly on four premises. We believe that disease can be traced to subluxations of the vertebrae, to nerve transmissicn. A subluxated vertabra is one partially dislocated'sub' because the dislocation is a minor one or is incomplete. A pressure on a nerve center causes a positive barrier and a negative nerve transmission, which wel seek to remove by an adjustment, of the subluxated part; in.

to bring about a negative pressure and a positive transmission of nerve messages. Detector is Secret. The secret part of the Neurocal-. ometer is the detector which picks up heat fluctuations as it is applied at points along the spinal column. The detector is a small, twobranched instrument, having a left and right, and attached to the main recording box with a wire cord.

The left and right on the detector correspond to the left and right sides of the galvanometer scale. By noting the readings the! Neuracalometer on a chart while; examining a patient, the chiropractor has a definite record of the subluxations of different segments of the backbone. Is Not Electrical. Although the instrument has a Westinghouse appearance, it is not an electrical device nor is it operated by electricity. It is a rating heat recording device, indicating heat diferences on a galvancmeter.

What the mechanism and motive power is has been closely guarded as the secret construction of the French "75." Tested in Washington. When the Neurocalometer was first presented to Chiropractic, tests were made by the United States Bureau of Standards at Washington and the report was returned by experts that it accurlately registered thermal differences of 1-100th cf a degree Centigrade. Dr. B. J.

Palmer has now applied for six patents on the invention in seventeen countries. All are now pending. Orders for the new device are being receivet at the rate of scores a day from chiropractors bore. Each day brine alumni every: The P. S.

C. to inspect the new Daily Times, Davenpert, Iowa, July 1, 1924.) CURLEY IS BARRED FROM RING AFTER FIGHT IN GARDEN NEW YORK, Nov. Curley, Chicago boxing manager. might be said to have suffered the severest blow delivered during the first of the Madison Square Garden elimination contests held here last night to decide upon a suc cessor to the championshiy title vacated by Johnny Dundes, deatherweight. Curley's license was revoked by the New York Boxing Commission and he was barred from New York rings for life as a resu't of a disturbance he created.

Ile was In the corner with Mike Dundee, Rock island featherweight, one of six boxers who appeared in the first elimination rounds. When the decision of the judges was announced against Dundee and in favor of Danny Kramer, a Philadelphia southpaw, Curley kicked the water bucket into the pressbox, stormed across the ring and kicked at the face of Charles Mathison, one of the judges. and then ran back to his corner and kicked Patsy Haley, the referne in the eye. Haley had left the ring and was sitting in the press box awaiting the next bout. Angered spectators swarmed to the ringside and a riot was threat.

ened but deputies of the boxing commission led a charge of spe: cial cops who hurried Curley out of the building. Tex Rickard, promoter of the garden. was charging through the crowd with Lie walking stick swinging over his head when friends pulled him pack from an attack on the manager. Members of the boxing commission were at the ringside and they called an impromptu session and announced that Curley was barred from New York for life. In the other bouts on the PrOgram, Kid Kaplan.

Meriden, won a ten round decision from Bobby Garcia, army champion front Camp Holabird and Jose Lombardo, Panama, won a ten round deLeision from Lou Paluso, Salt Lake City. ORPHAN SCHOOL NEEDS BOOKS the neighbors kindly assisted bereavement; the use of doral offerings. Dana Fice. The Pennsylvania Orphan Indus. trial School at Scotland, which cares for children between the ages of six and 18 years of age, who are orphans of World War soldiers, is in need of books for the inmates Persons who wish to contribute books which are in good condition may do so by notifying Mrs.

Harry Fox, and she will call for same. Her telephone number is 450 D. Read Times Classified Ads. Orange Peaco*ck Gift Shop 034 1-4 South Main St. thens, Pa.

Attractive Gifts from 20c to $20.00 Just Arrived A FULL CAR LOAD U. S. Royal Cords and U. S. Usco Cords Will Offer These At a CORD Margin Very for Low the CORD Trade.

Christmas USCO All Sizes. Passenger car tires from 30x3 to 37x5. Truck tires from to 40x8. Balloon type from 31x440 to 36x660. No wheel or rim change necessary.

Full balloon from 29x440 to 34x730. We carry straight side rims in See SCHRECK Buy Something for the Car This Christmas Keystone Supply Station North Keystone Avenue Sayre, Pa..

The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Author: Edwin Metz

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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.