The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)

a POUR SAYRE, MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1921. THE EVENING TIMES Founded in 1891 and consolidated with the Valley Record in 1907 The Evening Times is published every evening except Sunday by the Sayre Printing Company, a corporation at Sayre, Frank E. Wood, President; Mrs. Clara Johnston, Vice President, and Treasurer; Frank H. Cook, Secretary, FRANK E.

WOOD Editor FRANK H. COOK Business Manager R. C. HASCALL Advertising Manager The Evening Times is delivered by carriers in Sayre, Waverly, Athens and South Waverly for eighteen cents per week, payable to the carrier boys every week. By mail six dollars per year payable in advance.

Single copies three cents. TELEPHONES: Valley: Editor's Office 32.Y. Business Office 32-X Bell Phone 2606 Entered at the postoffice at Sayre, as second olass mail matter. The Evening Times is the only paper in northeastern Pennsylvania hav. a leased wire telegraph service- members of The United Press.

MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1921. BETTER POSTAL SERVICE. Postmaster General Hays and postmasters from seven of the largest cities of the United States compared notes in Washington and made suggestions for the improvement of the postal service. Mr. Hays assured the postmasters that his department would do all it could to bring about changes for betterment.

Mr. Hays suggested organization of a "red as a super-special delivery, guarantee.n special dispatch mail from the time it was placed in the postoff re until delivered to its destination. Such delivery would to all first class matter, and if it is made operative will be greatly welcomed. The handicap of a lack of help experienced during the war, appears to be disappearing, and the prompt handling of mail matter is more nearly realized than it has been for a number of years. The slackness in industry should have the effect of causing many trained mail workers to return to the postal service.

A new branch of he postoffice department may be organized for the purpose of taking over 1l. delivery system of large mercantile establishments, experiments made in a number of cities having apparently demonstrated the feasibility of the plan. The system would probably be less expensive than the delivery maintained by the large stores, and it would add to the revenues of the government. The public will welcome any practical changes which Mr. Hays may make for, the improvement of the postal service.

The prompt delivery of mail has much to do with the suecessful management of business of all kinds, and it also has a good effect in maintaining the morale of the people, to whom the government is represented intimately in the postal service. Ent Da to or FAMINE IN AMERICA. With surprise and some shock many comfortable citizens learn that fellow Americans in the west are perishing of hunger that in America children at offering from malnutrition; that education is failing and and clothing are lacking out' cold northwestern border. Yet in Western North Dakota and in Eastern Montana, to reports from. Red Cross workers, famine has been breaking down those defenses of civilization that Americans pinneers have raised against the desert.

For four rainless, cropless years the farmers of that region, mostly of Polish, Finnish, Russian and Scandinavian, descent, struggled with ill success to maintain their families. For many reasons the people of this country cannot afford to allow this condition to continue in the Dakota bad lands or elsewhere. The first is the obvious humane reason of preserving life. Another is the need of guarding the progress that has been made in developing the desert regions of the country, Territory once opened must be maintained, as business is maintained over its depressions, by credit, if the permanence of American progress is to be assured. Already the American Red Cross has spent $300,000 in the relief of suffering in the district.

Relief measures are appropriate enough so far as they go, but constructive measures that will prevent such need or relief should be taken. About the most unprofitable job is to try to convince a man that he is wrong when he does not want to he convinced. 'The optimist rejoices in fine weather, but the pessimist is sure something disagreeable is on the way. Nodhody has suggested the explanation that Japan is building a big navy to be used in the fishing business. THEIR SUMMER FINERY It falls to the happy lot of some designers, to' occupy themselves entirely with children's millinery and here they present four as pretty hats for little misses as.

have ever gladdened any eyes. Silk and soft braids, many ribbons and a few small familiar flowers make these pretty hats for the heads of life's springtime blossoms. FOUR BIG STEPS TOWARD REVISION George Wharton Pepper Makes Clear Exposition of Way to Achieve New Constitution. Philadelphia, The passage on first reading of the Sproul-Crow bill for the calling of a constitutional convention has aroused great interest here. The prospect of the early passage of the bill ti through the Legislature has brought about great activity among the sponsors of the movement, looking toward a general dissemination of information about the constitution throughout the state.

"As the matter stands now," It was stated yesterday by George Wharton Pepper, "the question is: shall the people of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania be given an opportunity to determine at the polls whether or not a. conyention shall be called to frame a new constitution? That is the first question, a question for the Legislature. If the Legislature answers that question in the affirmative, the second question is for the people, A question which they will settle at the polls next September, namely, shall we or shall we not have the Constitutional Convention? "If the people, next September," continued Mr. Pepper, "vote affirmatively upon that question, the next question will be decided by the Constitutional Convention summoned in accordance with their will, namely, what shall be the provisions of the new constitution which we shall commend to the people for their acceptance? And when the Constitutional Convention, called in response to the will of the people, has formulated a document which it esteems worthy to be the fundamental law of the state. that document will be submitted.

to the people and the fourth and last question will be the one which the people themselves will then decide, whether or not to accept the work of their Constitutional Convention. Now, when the questions are. put in that order and when you think of the time which must elapse between the decisions of those successive questions, I think it will be seen that. there is not much danger cf our being stampeded into anything that is revolutionary. We are cot going to male up our minds in a hurry to do anything that is precipitate or Referring to certain objections that this is a time of unrest and therefore not a proper time to formulate a new constitution, Mr.

Pepper said for one, am of the belief that relative to the days that lie ahead of us, these are days of peace and quiet. I think it is a short-sighted man who fails to perceive that this is so, and as regard the revision of our constitution as an inevitable necessity, as something that is coming soone: or later, an operation which must be performed, I believe this is the time ordained of God for the people of this Commonwealth to make their good resolutions for the future and that the constitution is going to be revised now." Asked as. to the probable Anal action of the Legislature, Mr. Pepper replied: There is only one way in which we can neutralize the opposition and that is by presenting a united front in our advocacy of a Constitutional Convention. If we unite in calling upon the Legislature to give the people a chance to vote aye nay, we can put a legislator in such a position that he will think twice before he will look his constituents in the eye and say, "when you had an opportunity to record your will I voted 'no' on that proposition and witheld the chance from A VITALLY IMPORTANT MATTER The question of constitutional revision is on3 which comes home to every citizen of the State and should command universal interest.

The problem of municipal government, one of the greatest the State has to deal with, is comparatively new and demands special treatment which is impossible under our present constitution. Municipalities must have the various lines of public service. To secure these requires powers of finance, control and management which do not exist. Our present law is too rigid and does not give a sufficient degree of local control. While the State should not relinquish her power over municipalities, nevertheless provision should be made for more liberal selfgovernment which can be effected only through a change in our constitutional provisions on the subject.

Such problems as these were nonexistent in 1874. The present constitution therefore could not in the nature of things mako provision for their proper control. It is not surprising, then, that the constitutional commission appointed by the Governor has recommended, after a careful and painstaking study of our present constitution, more than one hundred and thirty changes. In submitting the sult of its labors for consideration by the citizens of the commonwealth attention should be focused on the fact that it was the unanimous opinion of the commission that there should be constitutional convention. REFUSES TO GIVE Continued from page 1.

lish at the same time the further fact that he representations of President Wilson and Mr. Lansing were accepted by the council and the lat. ter decided to exclude Yap from the mandatory territories assigned to Japan." Referring to the view of the American note that if Yap had been included in the Suprem Council's decision would have been in more specific language, the Japanese reply, which is the fourth note, states that "it is more in accordance with sound principles of interpretation to say that the fact should have been set down with especial clearness if clusion were meant, as an exception always requires to be stated deflate. ly." The Japanese note then makes this important point: "Nor is the imperial government alone and unsupported in their interpretation of the decision, for they are in receipt of authentic information that the governments of Great Britain and France being of the same opinion as the Japanese government on the matter made statements to that effect in their replics to the American note in November last. "To sum up," the note continues, "since a matter of such a grave nature as the establishment of man datory territories only what appears on the face of.

the derisions should be accepted as authoritative, the im. perial government cannot agree ir. giving an extraordinary and unusual interpretation to the decision on a vague ground that certain thoughts and intentions not expressed in the text thereof existed in the mind of the delegate of one power only." The Japanese note says that the American propsal that even should Yap be given under: a Japanese man datory the island shoul1 be open 10 all nations as a cable station, is a question which "seems to be one which should be freely settled by the nation which has charge of the place, namely, Japan." Five Notes Given Out. WASHINGTON, April, firm determniation not to surrender the Island of Yap is stated emphatically in a series of five notes between the United States and Japan made public today by the State Department. The correspondence covering a perfod of nearly six months, lays bare for the first time the whole secret negotiations over the Island of Yap, which has created one of the most serious international issues of the day.

The correspondence today reveals for the first time that not only has Japan defied the American protest against the mandate over Yap, but that it also rejected summarily a proposal by the United States that "ev. en if Yap should 1 be assigned under mandate to Japan all other powers should have free and unhampered ac(cess for the landing and operation of cables. The last Japanese note to the United States in the correspondence is dated last February 26, and it has what is regarded as an almost sarcastic tone. The last note of the series, the Hughes mandate note handed to the Japanese foreign office on April 5 is similar to that to Great Britain which was made public, except for the opening paragraph. This para.

graph follows: Last U. S. Note "The government of the United States finds itself unable to agree with the contention of the Japanese government that in order to maintain the position of the governmet of the United States with respect to the Island of Yap, it is necessary for this government 'to prove not merely the fact that the particular line of views was stated at the meetings' of Supreme Council (referring to the reservations made President Wilson at the peace conference against the award of Yap to but alSO that the Supreme Council decided in favor of those views. If it meant that United States could be bound without its consent by the action of the Supreme Council, the con. tention is deemed by this government to be inadmissible, and on the other hand the United States has nev er assented to the mandate ing to embrace the Island of purportThe American notes in the batch of correspondence made public today are understood to have been sent not only to Japan, but all the other principal Allied powers.

First Note From Colby. The first, note was one from Secre. tary of State Colby dated November 9, in which it was pointed out that the question of the disposition of Yap by the Supreme Council had come up in the communications conference here. Colby said was the under standing of this government that Yap was not included in the award of May 7, 1910, by the Supreme Council of the former German islands north of the equator to Japan, and that the question of Yap was reserved until a future date SO that an agreement could be reached for its internationization as a cable station. The Japanese reply, dated Novem-ber 19, stated that "the Japanese gov.


CASE NO BODY'S GOT ANY MONEY So WE MIGHT AS WELL CLOSE OUR BUSINESS MANUFACTURER HAS NOBODY SPEND ONE 0000 SKULL CRUSHER S. CARSON ANY TO MORE GALLERY MALLET HEAD MIKE WAR 3.00 TA1 RINGSIDE SEATS $1200 PLUS WAR TAX Yap from the territory committed to their charge." The next note is a long account of the American position sent by acting Secretary of State Norman H. Davis on December 6. This said: "There would appear to be no differ. ence of opinion with regard to the reservations made by President Wilson and Mr.

Lansing with respect to the Island of Yap during various discussions of the Supreme Council and the Council of Foreign Ministers at the Peace Conference." The note cites four separate dates, April 21, 1919; April 30, 1919; May 1 and May 6-on which President Wilson and Secretary Lansing served botice of the reservation that Yap should not be included in the Pacific islands to be awarded Japan as a. mandatory. ADDITIONAL DAINC NEITO Notice The regular meeting of St. Martha's Guild will be held on Tuesday, April 19, at 2:30. A good attendance desired as business of importance is to be acted upon.

Tracks Were Found Complaint was made to the police Saturday night by a woman who said she lived at 116 1-2 East street, that a man had been prowling about her home. Policeman VanDuzer investigated and found the tracks made by the man but he did not find the fellow. Funeral of A. K. Adams The funeral of A.

K. Adams, Lehigh milk agent, who dropped dead from apoplexy in Sayre Friday night will be held at 2:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at his late home at 718 Pine street, Scranton. REV. FATHER RUDDY Joseph Ruddy, a foreman in the Lehigh Valley shops in Sayre, has been summoned to Carbondale, because of the death of his brother, Rev. Father Ruddy.

The Rev. Father Ruddy resided at Fordham, N. and he died while visiting relatives in Carbondale. Mrs. Eleanor Chaffee.

Mrs. Eleanor Chaffee of VanEtten, died yesterday at the Packer Hospital at the age of fifty-six years. The body was taken to her home today, where the funeral will be held at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. L. V.

Veterans to Meet. A erans' meeting Association of the Lehigh Valley will be held at the town hall in Sayre at 10 A. M. on Sunday April 24. The call for the meeting was issued by Harry Vanatta of Easton, secretary of the association.

Want ads. pay dividenda. Taken to Hospital. John Boyle of (Reading, entered police headquarters last evening and asked for lodging for the night. He was taken to the tramp: room.

At 1 o'clock this morning he was heard calling for help. It was then found that he was very ill. The Pack. er Hospital was summoned and he was taken to the hospital where he is now in a serious condition. THEN HE VACATED.

NEW YORK, April 18. Antonio Mango, unable pay high rents, built a home for his wife and nine children out of four old boilers and some packing cases. He lived happily until the S. P. C.

C. interferred. THIEF GETS 40 YEARS. NEW YORK, April Forty years in Sing Sing was the sentence passed on Ernest Parvesi today. He was charged with taking $1,000 from a towel supply company in Brooklyn.

Something Wrong With Him. A man, so to speak, who is not able to bow to his own conscience every morning is hardly in a condition to respectfully salute the world at any other time of the Jer rold. WOMAN AVOIDS AN OPERATION: Hope Nearly Gone, but Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Saved Her Star, N. monthly spells gave me so much trouble, sometimes they would last two weeks.

I was treated by two doctors without relief and they both said I would have to have an operation. I had my trouble four years and was unfit to do anything, and had given up all hope of ever better. I getting read about any your medicine in the 'Primitive Baptist' paper and decided to try it. have used Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Lydia E.

Pinkham's Liver Pills for about seven months and now I am able to do my work. I shall never forget your medicine and you may publish this if you want to as it is -Mrs. J. F. HURSEY, Star, N.

C. Here is another woman who adds her testimony to the many whose letters we have already published, proving that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound often restores health 1 to suffering women even after they have gone so far that an operation is deemed advisable. Therefore it will surely pay any woman whe suffers from ailments peculiar to her sex to give this good old fashioned remedy a fair trial. SPRING SEASON IS THE BLOOD TONIC SEASON Be Sure About Your Blood Condition--If You are Pale and Run-Down You Need Gude's Pepto-Mangan, the Best Blood Tonic.

MAKES BLOOD RICH AND RED Foremost as a Blood-Builder for 30 Years--Begin Taking It Today and Notice the Improvemetn. Until comparatively recent times the Channel islanders, and, Indeed, most inhabitants of the remoter British islands, were notoriously superstitious. Improved communication with the mainland and the spread of education have largely driven out superstitions which were loug in dying. -Henry Gauvain in letter in the London Times. A Pennsylvania Woman Tells Her Experience Westfield, have used Dr.

Pierce's Favorite Prescription Tablets during three expectant periods and find nothing equal to them. I couldn't have done a day's work if it were not for the Prescription. I had: the fu and as I never was strong I lieve I would have had a serlous time only for this medicine. I now do the work for six in family including the churning and the wash-MRS. H.

HURD, R. F. D. No. 1.

You can procure Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription in any drug store Latest News First in Times. Superstition Dying Out. Fine out just where you stand this Spring. is your health good or Ibad? There is no half way.

You may think you are well enough if you able to around every day. But are you enget joying robust health? Are you are full of vigor as you should be? Spring is the time to ask yourself these questions. You are not able to overhaul the human system the way you can an engine. But you can tell whether you are not in good trim. example if you are like so many people now drowsy and listless and tired--if you find no pleasure in living, little interest in your work, and if you are pale and wan, you'll find your blood is not good.

You need a blood tonic. Gude's Pepto-Mangan is the best you can take. It gives new life to the red corpuscles in your blood by increasing the supply of oxygen to all the cells in your body. The poison or waste matter is thrown off and your blood is purified and strengthened. The result- is that you put your health on a sound basis and you have no doubts about how you feel.

You know you are well. It is unmistakable, because you eat heartily, sleep well, and feel full of vigor. Get Gude's Pepto-Mangan from your druggist. He sells it in tablet form or liquid form, so that you can take whichever is most convenient. They have the same medicinal value.

Be sure you get the genuine Gude's Pepto to-Mangan" on with the the name Gude's Peppackage. Advt. Old Roman Kitchen. the Roman empire was at When its height, the kitchens of the rich boasted saucepans lined with silver, pails inlaid with arabesques, pastry molds shaped like shells and an infinite assortment of gridirons, pans, graters and tart dishes. The man who failed to get his pay raised when everybody was grabbing for money will probably find himself in hard luck if he tries to now..

The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.