The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)

Temperature Record yesterday 81 Moon today 10 High last 24 hours 88 Low last 24 hours 58 Evening fair tonight and Tuesday, with low humidity. Low tonight In mld-40s, high tomorrow in low 80s. Vol. LXIII, No. 123 SAYRE ATHENS, WAVERLY, N.

MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 1955 PRICE FIVE CENTS Combination Income And Sales Tax for Penna. Is Proposed China Reds Tortured Airmen To Get Statements to Use Against Them at Spy Trials "H-FT" TT .1 HE Hurricane Connie Plowing Toward U.S. East Coast Weather Phenomenon May Keep 135-Mile Winds from Land Home Gift for Freed Airman Miami, Fla. (AP) A weather drama now shaping up will determine in the next 24 hours whether the U. S.

eastern seaboards will feel the 135-mile winds of Hurricane Connie. The first big hurricane of the year plowed steadily along over the open sea at about 15 miles an hour. It was bypassing the Bahama island chain, its center about 200 miles from the nearest land. A trough in front of a high pressure system moved eastward, and eventually will attract Connie. The drama shapes up like this, as described by storm forecasts in the Miami Weather Bureau: Three Area Barns Burn After Being Hit by Lightning Freed Captives Tell of 'Persuasion Civilized People Don't Know of Tokyo (AP) The Chinese Reds used months of excruciating physical and mental torture to wring statements from 10 of 11 U.

S. airmen downed in Korea and then used them to convict them 'as spies, Col. John Knox Arnold Jr. told a press conference here yesterday. World Parley on Atoms for Peace Opens in Geneva Indian Scientist Sees Harnessing of H-Bomb Energy for Peaceful Use Geneva (AP) Indian scientist Homi J.

Bhabha opened the first international atomic energy con Two Blazes Each Cause Second Child in Berkshire Family Is Polio Victim If the trough moves fast enough, Connie will swing into its southern portion, where a strong air flow from the southwest would carry the hurricane away from land-. Demo House Leader to Offer Bill Does Not Disclose Rates Ifarrisburg (UP) Democratic House Majority Leader Albert S. Readinger (Berks) today proposed a combination income tax-sales tax as a possible solution of the state's fiscal problems. Readinger said his idea included taxing at different rates earned and unearned income. He said the rates would be "small" and that, in order to meet the state's needs, it would have to be coupled "with some form of sales tax." At the same time Democratic House Speaker Hiram G.

Andrews (Cambria) proposed that a Republican two per cent sales tax bill now in House committee be sent to the floor and killed "so that it is as dead as the so-called Leader piogram." "It is my personal opinion which I will recommend for consideration of the Democratic House caucus," Andrews said. Gov. George M. Leader's office said the governor was not believed to have heard of either Andrews' or Readinger's plan beforehand. The Andrews proposal, if taken, would parallel last week's execution of the Democratic administration's classified Income tax progam at the hands of the Senate Republican majority.

Readinger said that he was unable to discuss the proposed But if its movement is slow ference today with the prediction that the way may be found to harness the titanic energy of the hydrogen bomb for peaceful use. Bhabha, president of the 71-nation scientific parley, said such a solution might be found within the next 20 years. "When that happens," he said, "the energy problems of the world will truly have been Loss of Crops and Stock Lost Two barns near Rome and one near Owego were destroyed by fire Saturday afternoon after being hit by lightning during an electrical storm that swept the area. The blaze three miles south of Owego on the Montrose turnpike swept eight buildings with a loss of about $30,000. The barn on the farm of Claude Arnold in Litchfield township was hit during the height of the storm about 4:45 o'clock.

Shortly before that, an alarm was sounded for the barn on the Howard Towner farm on Towner Hilh The loss at the Arnold barn was estimated at $30,000, including four head of young cattle, 100 tons of hay, about 800 bushels of oats, a quantity of straw, a hay elevator and a saw. Destroyed in the Towner barn were a bull and some machin solved forever, for fuel will be as plentiful as heavy hydrogen Mai. William H. Baumer, of Lewisburg, one of the 11 Ameri can fliers freed by the Chinese Reds, grins happily as he receives and Connie gains another three degrees (180 miles) of latitude, it possibly will swing into the northern edge of the low pressure trough. The air flow on that side is from the east.

This would push Connie towards land. "We're sweating it out," said Walter R. Davis, storm warning forecaster. "Our best judgement now is that Connie will be affected by the southern portion of the trough and will turn northward, then northeastward. Time will tell.

"If warnings are required, a package from home at Tachikawa Air Force Base, outside Tokyo. Delivering the gift, mostly cigarettes, is Lloyd Sweetser, a Ked Cross Gray Lady. (International Radiophoto) The 11 mc-n, released last Thursday at the Hong Kong border, are scheduled to leave Tokyo Wednesday morning for home in two U. S. Air Force transports.

Air Force spokesmen said two routes were being considered for the homeward flight. One would take them to Travis Air, Force Base, via Alaska and Mc-Chord Air Force Base, Wash. The other would go via Honolulu, which would have better medical facilities enroute "although we don't expect to need them." From Travis the men will be flown to the bases nearest their homes for 30-day convalescent leaves. Arnold led the others yesterday in telling of their treatment during 2 1-2 years in China. "They used 'persuasion' that civilized people simply do not know about," he said.

He told of being slugged in the face with his hands tied behind him, or tourniquet-like manacles, of being "forced to stand until you started screaming." Then he broke down briefly. Arnold, of Silver Spring, commanded a B29 shot down Jan. 12, 1953, while on a leaflet-dropping mission over North Korea. Peiping's Communist propaganda radio announced last November that Arnold and his 10 crewmen had been convicted of intruding over Manchuria on a in the oceans." Bhabha spoke as the hundreds of delegates gathered at the opening plenary session of the conference just 10 years and one day after the first atom bomb The second child of a Berkshire couple was admitted to the Tioga County General hospital last night with illness diagnosed as polio. Thomas Eugene Lane, four, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Harry Lane and a brother to Lois Lane, 10, who was hospitalized with the disease last Thursday night, is the victim. He is the third polio patient admitted to the hospital since last Thursday. He was brought to-the hospital last night and it was reported he has paralysis of both feet. His condition is listed as "fair." Also hospitalized last Thursday was Terry Mack.

10, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mack, of 106 Wilbur street, Waverly. Terry has paralysis of the left leg and partial involvement of the right leg. Lois has paralysis of both legs and partial involvement of the arms and fingers.

Announcement of the polio ad-missions was made by Manley Solheim, hospital administrator. leveled Hiroshima. The conference in the Palace of Nations, designed to parade atomic energy in its role as an 220-309 to Open About Sept. 10th (Continued on page 8, column 7) ally of industry and a potential boon to agriculture and medicine, will continue until Aug. 20.

At their sessions the scientists will hear hundreds of papers Route 220-309 between Athens and Towanda will be completely open for traffic between Sept. 10 Woman Acquitted In Slaying of Soldier Husband and reports on technical phases of peaceful utilization of atomic and 15, officials of the Brown Construction company revealed (Continued on page 8, column 7) this morning. Accidents Take Lives of 43 in N.Y. in Weekend All excavation was completed rates of taxation Included in his proposal. "I'm not stating any rates now for publication," he said.

"I'm going to offer the plan up for discussion when we get together for the bipartisan tax discussions." However, Readinger indicated that the sales levy probably would be one per cent, but that it would be "more limited than now" by extending the -exemptions. He said that he presently had no plans to offer a' bill proposing the combined tax when the ery. The amount of damage was not available. The Rome Fire Department answered the alarm for the Towner barn, while the Wysox Department was dispatched to the Arnold farm. The Verda Dodge barn, nearly was leveled by a similar blaze, as were the milkhouse, chicken house, -tool shed, gran-ery, corncrib and wagon shed, as high winds fanned the flames.

Mr. Dodge, his son, Albert, and several farmhands were Demand Congress at the end of last week and only the grading of about 8,000 feet of road remains before the en Camp Sendai, Japan (AP) Mrs. Romola Abidin of Bayside, tire stretch of new highway can N.Y., was acquitted yesterday Ray Welsh Is New Cage Coach AtScrantonU. be opened. Stone shipments for the grad by a U.S.

Army court martial of the Cherry Blossom Lane Albany (AP) Accidents claimed 43 lives in New York State over the weekend, an aver ing are, arriving now and almost slaying of her husband. After sitting through four age of almost one death an hour. an uie ruugii grauing is completed. The road must be fine hours of suspense while the court debated the verdict, Mrs (Continued on page 8, column 6) graded and a stone base laid before the final topping can be put Highway fatalities totaled 21. Twelve persons were drowned and 10 died ia miscellaneous mishaps in the 54 hours from 6 Abidin staggered slightly and on.

sobbed when Brig. Gen. Herbert spying mission. Arnold was sentenced to 10 years. The others got from four to eight.

"They told me sooner or later they would get from me what they wanted but they didn't get it," declared the thin, tired-looking colonel. He said he never had confessed to intruding over China or to being on a spy mission. "But I told those people things that would have been better if they did not know. I am very much ashamed I am not proud of it," he said. The only statement he signed, he said, was one that his air Excavation difficulties and R.

Vander Heide informed her waiting out the storm in the milkhouse when they heard the crash of lightning. They ran into the main barn and found the hay mow a mass of flames. Quickly they worked to release young stock and remove most of the farm machinery. They were unable to remove from the barn the hay loader, some 80 tons of hay, a large quantity of baled stone shipment troubles extend "It is my duty to advise you p.m. Friday until midnight Sun day.

At Lakeport Saturday night ed the opening dates from the the court has found you not Probe Industrial Plant 'Piracy' Chicago (UP) An AFL report today demanded a congressional investigation into what it called "piracy" of industrial plants from established locations to low-paying areas. Most of the alleged "piracy" is taking place In the unorganized South, the report charged. The report was submitted Sunday to the executive council by the AFL research department and certain to be approved. The council is meeting here this week to discuss its forthcoming merger with the CIO. The report charged that indus end of August to mid-September guilty." She embraced her father, Lou Paul De MasccJe, 45, and his the official explained.

nephew, Rudolph Tramazzo, 28 is Viviano of Bayside, and rushed off to join her three children both of Syracuse, were drowned Plans Hearings when they jumped into Oneida Lake from a burning motorboat On Vetoed Bills Ray Welsh, former Sayre High School athletic director and coach, has been named varsity basketball coach at the University "of Scranton, The Evening Times learned today. He succeeds Pete Carlesimo, who has been promoted to director of athletics at the university. He will take over the post Nov. 1. after the baseball season is over.

Welsh has been a scout for the Pittsburgh Pirates for the past several years, and before that was cage coach at East Stroudsburg State Teachers College and Waynesburg. He headed the Sayre High athletic department from 1933 to 1942 and produce'd eight champ James Speirs, 64, of Chittenan Bobby, 7, Ronny, 6, and Randy, 4. "I guess I'm about the happiest man in the world today," Viviano said. "I've got my (Continued on page 8, column 6) go, died of a heart attack try ing to go to their rescue. New York (AP) Gov.

Har- riman and his aides plan a series Two migrant farm workers and a Sodus man were killed of conferences to bring together the friends and foes of a num daughter back." He said they want to leave for Bayside in a week or so. (Continued on page 8, column 5) Vestal Girl Is Majorette Champ Allentown, Pa. (AP) Victoria Hooke of Vestal, N. will represent New York State at the national contest to select "Miss Majorette of 1955." She was chosen the New York yesterday when two automobiles Grand Jury Will Start New Probe Of OSS Slaying Milan, Italy (AP) Key Italian witnesses in the wartime slaying of U. S.

secret agent William Holohan gathered here today preparatory to flying tomorrow to the United States. A Washington grand jury is to reopen the 1944 behind- the-line murder of the New York major. A published report here said it would consider a treason charge against those responsible. An Italian court already has tried two former subordinates of Holonan in absentia and convicted them ol murdering him. They were former Lt.

Aldo Icardi of Pittsburgh, and Sgt. Carl LoDolce of Rochester, N. Y. Both were sentenced to ber of measures he has vetoed collided head-on near Alton. Diem Is Target Of Terrorists' Had Mrs.

Abidin been convict this year. trial plants have been lured to low-paying areas by offers of fi The dead were James Wil The purpose of the meet liams, 55, and his wife, Clara, ed of murder of Warrant Officer Robert J. Abidin, on June 17, she could have received a nancial subsidies, free buildings and advertising of low-wage ings, to be held in September 49, both of Bradenton. rid ing in one car, and George rates. death sentence.

Camp, 68, passenger in the Anti-union restrictions set up Bomb in Saigon During the five days of the State vdrum majorette champion by "pirating" communities have ionship basketball teams in the nine years, while his track teams won five SVIAA titles and one district championship, being Near Petersburg Sunday, John provided an additional it and October, is to seek agree ments on the issues before they reach the legislature again next year. Harriman's counsel, Daniel Gutman, said Saturday that the state administration has high hopes for the experiment. Saigon, Indochina (UP) Un at the East Coast Drum Majorette contest here yesterday. The national contest will take place at Buckeye Lake, Ohio, Aug. 28.

charged. Noyes. 15, and Harry R. Russell, 24, were killed when an The union document listed 39 identified terrorists tonight bombed and severely damaged trial Mrs. Abidin never admitted in court that she heard any shots fired or remembered pulling the trigger of a .38 caliber pistol which was found with two empty cartridges in the Abidin house.

She testified that her husband (Continued on page 8, column 7) cities in Mississippi, Alabama and Tennessee it said floated (Continued on page 8, column 4) the South Viet Nam Palace of Justice in an apparent attempt bond issues to finance construc tion of factories for firms ac to assassinate pro-American Premier Ngo Dinh Diem. The powerful bomb exploded cepting invitations to switch to their areas. (Continued on page 8, column 8) 11 Persons Hurt In Area Mishaps 9 Americans Hurt In Korean Riots while the premier and other high officials were driving by the, palace, only a few yards from the 6cene of the blast. The palace was badly damag ed, but police said there were no casualties. Coldest Day in Valley Noontime Temperature of 70 Today Is Lowest for Area Since June 26 Authorities said the bomb ap prison.

But neither could be extradited, so the sentences do not apply unless they return to "laly. FBI Agent Alex H. Smith picked up 13 witnesses today in Bor-gomanero and Arono, 40 miles north of Milan, to be flown to Washington by the U. S. government.

A total of 17 is expected to make the trip. The group includes National Police Lt. Clio Albieri, who dragged Holohan's body from the waters of Lake Orto and Marina Duelli, a tall brunette who was a partisan messenger for the U. S. Office of Strategic Services unit.

parently was aimed at the offi Seoul (AP) Nine American soldiers and four Koreans were reported injured in renewed riots last night at Pusan against the Neutr-1 Nations Supervisory Commission. The U. S. 8th Army officially denied Korean condition is reported as fair at the Robert Packer Hospital today. He was cleaning an oil pit at a service station on Keystone avenue when a match ignited a can of gasoline he was using for cleaning purposes.

Two persons were admitted to local hospitals after a car crash Eleven persons were injured in weekend area accidents and treated at the local hospitals, including a Sayre service station attendant who was severely bi.rned in a gasoline blaze. Stanley 31errill, 28, of 301 South Keystone avenue, Sayre, suffered first and second degree burns of the arms, face and chest, or about 15 per cent of his body, on Saturday night. His cial motorcade which was passing the palace after a ceremony at the nearby town hall. Diem, police said, was- en route from the town hall to his Pusan streets throughout last night. Other demonstrations were reported at Inchon and1 Kunsan, ports on the west coast.

South Korea's government awaited answer, meanwhile, to its demand that all NNSC teams get out of the country by Saturday. The commission is composed of members from Switzerland Valleyites today enjoyed their coldest day since June 26. The mercury at The Evening Times weather station stood at police reports that U. S. guards bayoneted three Koreans in a Pusan outbreak Saturday.

Police said none of the 13 was residential independence palace. Police said security precautions will be intensified around official buildings, which have been a frequent target recently of elusive terrorist gangs. reported seriously hurt in a stone-throwing clash between demonstrators and U. S. soldiers (Continued on page 8, column 3) guarding quarters of tire NNSC solid this morning.

The scattered rains that broke the heat in New York brought eome relief to drought-plagued farmers, but not enough. The Weather Bureau said the weekend rain helped farmers "a lot," except in east central sections of the state where precipitation was sparse. But some crops were "beyond redemption," the Weather Bureau said, from what many have called the worst drought to hit the state in a generation. Forecasters said the prolonged hot spell that began in July was broken, at least temporarily, but no further rain was in sight truce inspecting team. Wife of Freed Flier Who Took New Mate Ponders Problem by Herself The 8th Army said six Ameri on the Montrose Turnpike south of Owego Saturday night.

William Burgess, 18, of Nichols, suffered a possible fracture and displacement of the left shoulder. He was admitted to the Tioga County General Hospital. Miner Henry, 17, of Montrose, who was riding with Burgess, was admitted to the Packer Hospital for teatment of a concussion, laceration over the left eye, and left hand injuy. Sheriff Howard O. Searles' department in Owego reported that Burgess was going east on the Cadis Stage road and as he Finding of Slain Woman's Body Touches Off Search for Sex Maniac cans were given dispensary treatment for slight injuries, -i: said they were Military Police Capt.

Robert Paonessa, Chicago; Sgt. William D. Perry, Sandus 70 degrees at noon today, the lowest noontime reading in 42 days. On June 26, the thermometer registered 67 degrees at noon, but climbed to a high of 79 later in the day. Scattered storms over a wide area, including a heavy shower in the Valley later Saturday, helped to shatter the record heat 'wave, which had sent the mercury to 90 or above for eight straight days.

Prospects were good for a continuation of milder weather according to the Weather Bureau, which forecast a low tonight in the mid-40s, and a high tomorrow in the low 80s. The weekend slump in temperatures brought its first freezing weather to New York at the summit of Whiteface Mountain, where Buddies left from Sun- ky, Ohio; Sgt. l.C Clifford E. Griggs, Dubois, Sgt. Joseph Dubberly, Bristol, Sgt.

l.C William Kellon, Drene, Kansas City (AP) The discovery of attractive Mrs. Wilma Allen's nude body touched off an intensive two-state search today for her killer, possibly a sex maniac. Her body was found in a pas telephone Sunday with Schmidt, who is in Tokyo on his way back to America after 32 months in a Red China prison. After the call, her attorney, Harold Berliner, said Una had separated at least temporarily from the logger. Just what Una and Schmidt talked about was not made public by Schmidt, Una or Berliner.

The attorney did. say: "Una and Al believe it is best for all concerned that they live separ- Nevada City, Calif. (AP) Una Schmidt-Fine took her little boy and moved off by herself trying to decide whether she wants to remain the wife jf a returning prisoner of war sr a logging tractor driver. Una, a slightly built brown-laired woman of 20, says she married logger Alford B. Fine in the belief that Airman 2-C Daniel C.

Schmidt was dead. He and 10 others in a B-29 were shot down Jan. 12, 1933, during the Korean War. Una talked by transpacific her back with a pink scarf. Mrs.

Allen. 3 4-year-old mother of two young sons, was the wife of William R. Allen, wealthy automobile dealer. Law enforcement officers in Missouri and Kansas believed Mrs. Allen's death could be attributed to a sex motive.

Robbery, however, was not ruled out as a possibility since Mrs. Al- turned into the turnpike, the car left the highway and went into a ditch. The vehicle was extensively damaged. for the next few days. The Conservation Department reported that the rain had relieved temporarily the threat of further outbreaks of forest fires.

A department spokesman said light patrols still were stationed at 14 fires, 10 in the Adirondacks and four in the Catskills and lower Hudson Valley. He said all were under control. ture 20 miles southwest of here yesterday, three days after she and Pfc. Eugene Dalney, Webster, S. D.

Korean National Police said a U. S. soldier slightly cut a Korean with a bayonet at Taegu in prodding him to get moving. The 8th Army said it had no information. Police estimated some 30,000 Korean laborers milled through Treated at the Robert Packer mysteriously disappeared while Hospital for minor injuries and discharged were the following: shopping in Kansas City.

She had been shot twice in the head and her hands were tied behind (Continued on page 8, column 2) Continued on page 8, column 4). I day's rainfall were found frozen (Continued on page 8, olumn 3).

The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)
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